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Thread: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

  1. #341
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    If you get their permission, I'll gladly correct these textures based on your advice
    Awesome! That would be a huge improvement, I think, even if you just fixed the military standards for Spain. In fact, since I'm not skilled at this at all, there are only specific banners for certain factions while others had to have generic ones like Swiss or Mercenary ones. For instance, since Portugal played no part in the Italian Wars, I had to give their faction the banners of Florence or something, simply because the colors were a better match than anything else. It would be fantastic to create all new military standards for each faction specifically, although I think the ones for France, Venice, Pisa, and the HRE look fine and do not need to be changed. I think the Swiss one with the cross is fine, but the one with the bear on it (the coat of arms for Bern) is perhaps anachronistic and belongs to the 17th or 18th century, right? I'm not sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by paleologos View Post
    @ Roma_Victrix
    What kind of resolution do you use when you take those screenshots?
    Since I'm playing on a somewhat crap HP Pavilion Notebook with an "HD Graphics Family" card, I usually play my game with the resolution set at 1366 x 768. The resolution 1920 x 1080 produces problems and sometimes crashes the game because it can't handle it very well. I have some of the graphics kicked up like unit texture quality and detail plus high details for vegetation and "bloom" turned on, but with low detail for shadows and buildings, no reflection effects for water, and low graphics settings for general effects. I also use bilinear filtering and no anti-aliasing. I sometimes use high grass detail, but for huge battles I usually turn grass detail off entirely to avoid the risk of too much system resources being used up and the game crashing because my stupid card can't handle all the graphics and thousands of soldiers all at once.

    Stainless Steel admittedly rarely crashes, even with high graphics turned on and with a special...patch shall we say ...that enhances overall performance for any M2TW mod. However, I keep my graphics and resolution in the mid range overall because I also play games like Europa Barbarorum II and Third Age Total War, which would make it crash to the desktop otherwise.

  2. #342
    paleologos's Avatar You need burrito love!!
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    In the video section of my cfg file I have set:
    tga_width = 1680
    tga_aspect = 1.6
    And I take screenshots like them here.
    Of course I did crop off the top part as it had nothing worth seeing but still I get to see more detail in the screenshots than in the game as I play it.
    You could try to make that setting as below:
    tga_width = 1366
    tga_aspect = 1.8

    If you havn't tried it already, give it a go and maybe you'll be able to give us some really savory eye treat.

  3. #343
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    I wish I had an update for you guys on releasing a submod, but unfortunately the mod creators of Italian Wars are still unresponsive and won't even respond to emails.

    Without their explicit permission, I cannot share this wonderful submod I've made. I guess I'll just have to be greedy and keep it all to myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by paleologos View Post
    In the video section of my cfg file I have set:
    tga_width = 1680
    tga_aspect = 1.6
    And I take screenshots like them here.
    Of course I did crop off the top part as it had nothing worth seeing but still I get to see more detail in the screenshots than in the game as I play it.
    You could try to make that setting as below:
    tga_width = 1366
    tga_aspect = 1.8

    If you havn't tried it already, give it a go and maybe you'll be able to give us some really savory eye treat.
    I might have to do this in the future. Thanks for the advice.

  4. #344

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Roma_Victrix View Post
    Yeah, I don't have any skills in editing unit texture files, unfortunately. If I did I would happily change this or that for greater accuracy (including the military standard for Castile, as you suggest here), considering how this is a historical improvement project mod. SSHIP team members are more than welcome to fix and fiddle with the new unit textures once I release the submod, which could be soon or a long time from now depending on if the so far unresponsive Italian Wars team responds to my request or not.
    neither did i but recently tried this

    it's the only one i've been able to get to work well, converting texture files to dds back and forth is incredibly easy, it's really a piece of cake

    admitedly i've only messed with contrast and minor stuff but changing a flag still shouldnt be that hard methinks

    EDIT: and since this is screenshot thread, some pics of bright kahvi's ghulams

    Last edited by Dekhatres; January 28, 2018 at 10:42 AM.

  5. #345

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Hello again. I thought I'd provide an update on my campaign as the Romans, posted several pages back. I actually had a few months break from the game before starting again a few days ago. Rome is still all powerful and unchallenged and the reign of Philoretos (or as I've called him loannes III Komnenos) seems to go on and on and on. The Emperor is now 70 and still as merciless and authoritative in his younger years of conquest. Though his best years of war a behind him he did lead one last major campaign and that was the long awaited invasion of Sicily. It did fail initially when a stack was sent but was driven off by the arrival of the Sicilian army but the Emperor came back with a full army and this time stormed the city before the Sicilians could respond. They would grudgingly accept peace, though perhaps awaiting the day the Romans turn their attention back to the south of Italy. Interestingly for the Imperial family, the Emperor now has a son. His wife, the French Princess Gisela, would prove remarkably fertile in her late 40's (they married when she was about 42 or so) and finally put in place a successor to the Emperor though a regency appears likely under the Symbasileus Sophronios who could've been a good Emperor in his own right (he is in his sixties)

    The borders of the Empire are secure at this stage. There are no threats (not immediately anyway) though in the far east though we carefully watch the development of the Seljuks. After a period of quiet and a sudden disinterest in Georgia (thanks to our Tagmatic forces looming large), they invaded north of Khwarezm and captured Aktobe from the Cumans. The Cumans would desperately defend the Don basin against repeated Seljuk attacks and drive them off every time. The Turks have looked west again, taking Mosul from the Crusaders. The Abbasids have sensed an opportunity and converge on it with some forces but the Crusaders aren't about to let this go uncontested so this should be interesting to see who wins out. I did notice that Mecca has come under Seljuk control. No idea when this development occurred.

    The Georgians have lost a little ground as the Crusaders took Heskif, confining them to the current Georgian borders. They no longer have designs on Ani or Theodosiopoulos, seeing that friendship with Rome is preferable in the face of possible Seljuk aggression.

    The Crusaders are still in the region and doing rather well. They have Heskif as mentioned and now have taken Damascus. Interestingly the Muslim hold on the city maybe approaching its end, as Catholicism is now the most represented faith. The Pisans and others had tried to hold the city but would be expelled with monotonous regularity. In an interesting twist, a Seljuk general and his bodyguard sit outside Heskif and it appears one of those rare Catholic to Muslim conversions for the man is a former French noble, perhaps a Crusader at one point. Yet the traitor does not have the capacity to storm the mighty citadel.

    The Abbasids cling grimly to what remains of their realm, threatened on both sides by Crusaders and Turks. The Fatimids do not pose any threat, despite the fact they have two full stacks that could storm their way through the Holy Land but appear hesitant to push forth. Perhaps the centuries long Muslim presence in the region is coming to an end and Catholicism is to rule in its stead?

    In the far north, the Novgorod's are losing out to the Rus, who have taken two regions from their neighbours. This appears to have excited the interests of the Lithuanians who though having not progressed since the last update, appear to think that the rotting Novgorod carcass is ripe for plunder. Maybe the time has come for the Lithuanians to break the confines of their tiny Kingdom?

    Nothing to report from Scandanavia as the Danes and Norwegians are content with existing side by side though the Norwegians appear to be battle small rebel forces. The Danes though have a huge rebellion on their hands under one Folke who has gathered a huge force outside Liubice (Holstien). The Crown Prince Asbjorn appears helpless to stop it. Moving over the isles, the Scots have held onto their tiny Kingdom and could possibly threaten the English kingdom as the King Fergus has a good size force at his disposal. What of the English? They have stormed the European mainland and given the poor French (our allies) a solid kicking as they have taken Gand, Paris and Orleans. The French appear powerless to resist the English foe but in a rare moment of joy, the French expelled the hated Almoravid's from Arles. The Muslims had held the area for a number of years but still hold the fortress of Toulouse and have the benefit of numbers

    The Holy Roman Empire have had a mixed lot, losing Friesland to rebellion but reclaiming Bavaria but were unable to reclaim Austria. The crafty Hungarians took the independent realm. This was the only gain for Hungary, who had long since realized it was unwise to antagonize loannes III. The Serbians are pliant and faithful neighbors now, having put away their annoying habit of breaking peace treaties at will. Venice control the north of Italy but appear to contest the loss of Nice to the HRE. They also have one stack that has moved into Toulouse. There is no Alavaria style Pisan apocalypse happening but they are doing rather well, holding Tuscany, the Sardinian islands plus the eastern portion of Africa down to Tripolitania. One of their stacks bears down on old Roman Mauritania. Realistically there is nothing to stop the Pisans as the Almoravids appear to covet Europe and holding Toulouse (they have four half stacks there) more than maintaining their homelands. They did however capture the Castillian heartland to split Castille in two (western France and north west Spain). The Castillians would also lose Galicia to rebellion. The Aragonese battle to maintain their kingdom, dealing with heretics and a sudden insurrection and perhaps worse still, intrusive (perhaps lost?) stacks (two) of the HRE. Portugal are ignored by everyone else in their tiny little realm. The Papacy have one sattelite settlement at Halab in Greater Syria but are engaged in a war of attrition with the Sicilians who appear to resent the papacy and have their eyes on Bari, ravaging the region before retreating back into Calabria. They may soon regain Palermo however as the usual problems of a foreign power (Romans) holding a former capital is about to reach a critical moment and may quickly end Roman designs on Sicily.

    'The Last Pagan Emperor'- An Invasio Barbarorum Somnium Apostatae Juliani AAR
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  6. #346
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Great news! To anyone who was interested in the pics I posted on the previous page, I can now release my Italian Wars submod for SSHIP, because one of the owners of that mod Aneirin has finally gotten back to me and granted permission to use his material! Yippee! Now SSHIP is going to have some beautiful pike-and-shot era units.

    EDIT: it's done! I've released the new submod! Here it is!

  7. #347
    Amph's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Hello all. Another Roman here. My first game of SSHIP in years. Here's roughly the first 100 turns:

    With Anatolia recovered and the Balkans securish. I am about to go on the offensive against the Crusader states in the south and eventually Egypt. I am at war with pretty much everyone, though. Even had to beat up my allies Georgia after they backstabbed me.

    Really enjoying this mod, there's no easy conquest. Everything gained has to be worked for then maintained.

  8. #348
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Nice one. Who's in Portugal in 1178 AD? CS?
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  9. #349
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Interesting, thanks for sharing.
    Looks like Aragon, Scotland, Novgorod, Kiev, the Seljucs, and earlier Georiga, are using their potential.
    Have you seen civil wars splitting AI factions?
    Besides, have you used my submods? I've made changes eg to the education of the Orthodox faction, and having big capital is essential to get nice traits.
    Mod leader of the SSHIP: traits, ancillaries, scripts, buildings, geography, economy.
    If you want to play a historical mod in the medieval setting the best are:
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project and Broken Crescent.
    Recently, Tsardoms and TGC look also very good. Read my opinions on the other mods here.
    Reviews of the mods (all made in 2018): SSHIP, Wrath of the Norsemen, Broken Crescent.
    Follow home rules for playing a game without exploiting the M2TW engine deficiencies.
    Hints for Medieval 2 moders: forts, merchants, AT-NGB bug, trade fleets.
    Thrones of Britannia: review, opinion on the battles, ideas for modding. Shieldwall is promising!
    Dominant strategy in Rome2, Attila, ToB and Troy: “Sniping groups of armies”. Still there, alas!

  10. #350
    Amph's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    Nice one. Who's in Portugal in 1178 AD? CS?
    Yeah, a cheeky cross Mediterranean crusade against the Moors.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Interesting, thanks for sharing.
    Looks like Aragon, Scotland, Novgorod, Kiev, the Seljucs, and earlier Georiga, are using their potential.
    Have you seen civil wars splitting AI factions?
    Besides, have you used my submods? I've made changes eg to the education of the Orthodox faction, and having big capital is essential to get nice traits.
    I'm not using any sub mods at the moment, although I wish I had invested a little more time in looking at some before I started my campaign.

    I have had the civil war message pop up quite frequently, but unsure as to what's going on in the rest of the map. Perhaps my latest screenshot can shed some light?

    Looks like Novgorod is suffering some instability, as well as parts of the HRE.

  11. #351
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Amph View Post
    I'm not using any sub mods at the moment, although I wish I had invested a little more time in looking at some before I started my campaign.
    My submods are save-compatible so you can start even now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amph View Post
    I have had the civil war message pop up quite frequently, but unsure as to what's going on in the rest of the map. Perhaps my latest screenshot can shed some light?

    Looks like Novgorod is suffering some instability, as well as parts of the HRE.
    That's right. Perhaps also the Almoravids.
    Lithuania reemerges.
    Interesting rebound of Portugal.

  12. #352

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Nice campaign. I have come to despise the Georgians. They are persistent and annoying. I beat them back and they keep coming. I bought peace off them after a long war only for them to turn around and go 'haha jokes, thanks for the gold' and keep attacking. They took Trebizond and Sebasteia, which I took back after regaining my feet and finances. Plague and war against Sicily, Hungary and Serbia did not help at all haha. Good to see you beat them down. The campaign to retake the Holy Land and all that seems to be progressing nicely. That was my aim until the proverbial manure hit the fan.

    I'd post a pic but it wont upload for some reason (to the file host that is). Its my first campaign on VH/VH and boy oh boy, its been a challenge (as it should). I think I have weathered the Hungarian storm (which involved some underhanded tactics to get them to ease off, not very historical I think but eh, I did it for survival ...some things I'll play out as historical as i can but other things I am not fussed by) as they have never entertained peace once in the fourty years we have been at war. Sometimes I wish we could have a decisive battle that makes the enemy go 'Ok ok, lets talk'. Same with Serbia though I had a brief respite when their King died and there was a cease fire for a few turns but its back at it again. Sigh. The Sicilian war has been relentless for the same period. In response I burned Reggio to the ground and then went and captured Bari. Lost that after a few years and had to concentrate on the Balkans again but when the time was right we took back Bari. Try as they might the Sicilians could never take it. Thankfully their most recent attempt saw them content in trying to starve the citadel into surrender which allowed me to deal with Serbia, then Hungary and then return with my most feared general (this guy is a beast) and crush one of the Guiskard's, which has left the rest of South Italy open for a possible conquest...but leaves the Balkans devoid of a strong force to defend it. Ras has a good garrison which could probably be used to attack any invaders. Decisions decisions.

    One thing that bemuses me is the desertion of generals. Usually its just one for the entirety of the save. This game I've had TWO of the Komnenoi change colours in the space in twenty years (maybe they grew tired of waiting for Manouil to die? haha). I've seen a German general in Fatimid colours (eh?) This Armatos Komnenos was actually a pretty good general but seemed happy to join the French. Now he just hangs around Malatya (which is where the Basileus is currently). I don't know where the other guy disappeared to. A tad annoying but rather funny.
    'The Last Pagan Emperor'- An Invasio Barbarorum Somnium Apostatae Juliani AAR
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  13. #353

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Justinian Australis View Post
    In the far north, the Novgorod's are losing out to the Rus
    ...but Novgorod are the Rus

  14. #354
    Amph's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    More progression:

    The Portuguese have gone from a single province to a small empire by 1221, but it appears to have been kept in check by the Moors and Leon by 1241.

    England have beaten the Scots for control of Great Britain and Ireland.

    The Mongols have predictably overrun Persia, and are about to come into contact with my empire. However I have been fortifying my eastern frontier been preparing powerful field armies in anticipation.

    The only one odd thing that happened in my campaign so far (which has been outstanding for reliability, well done guys!) is that I had a message pop up saying there was a rebellion in Anatolia and the Seljuks were back. However, no Seljuks appeared. Ikonion is my capital now so don't know if that effected them from spawning.

  15. #355

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Amph View Post
    More progression:
    The Portuguese have gone from a single province to a small empire by 1221, but it appears to have been kept in check by the Moors and Leon by 1241.

    England have beaten the Scots for control of Great Britain and Ireland.

    The Mongols have predictably overrun Persia, and are about to come into contact with my empire. However I have been fortifying my eastern frontier been preparing powerful field armies in anticipation.

    The only one odd thing that happened in my campaign so far (which has been outstanding for reliability, well done guys!) is that I had a message pop up saying there was a rebellion in Anatolia and the Seljuks were back. However, no Seljuks appeared. Ikonion is my capital now so don't know if that effected them from spawning.
    nice pepe, keep at it, make roman empire great again

  16. #356
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dekhatres View Post
    nice pepe, keep at it, make roman empire great again
    Thanks. Pepe Victor!

  17. #357
    Amph's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    My empire has just entered a civil war. Five provinces have gone rebel. Coincedentally the HRE are also in the midst of a civil war.

  18. #358

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Sorry, I'm a relatively new here so a noob question: does this project include late knight remodeling? The current gothic knights look completely ahistorical to me, I wonder if it haven't been bothering anyone all these years.
    I saw some cool historical-looking knights in the one of Magyar mod videos years ago, but the last version of the mod itself does not include them.

  19. #359
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Late Knight Texture submod is included in SSHIP.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  20. #360
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Amph View Post

    My empire has just entered a civil war. Five provinces have gone rebel. Coincedentally the HRE are also in the midst of a civil war.
    Any update on the campaing? I'm curious.

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