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Thread: character_traits for a whole faction

  1. #1

    Default character_traits for a whole faction

    I'm trying to make a faction have a particular trait for all family members right off of the start, Playing as Rome I plan on making all romans start off with being "ROMAN " trait witch will give them a -5 command, but I will buff the Tribune and other military career stats so that a general and above will be able to do well as a commander.

    This is what i have so far, (none of it works well )

    IN export_descr_character_traits.txt
    ;Trait RomanusA
    ; Characters family
    ; NoGoingBackLevel 1

    ; Level Romanus
    ; Description Romanus_desc
    ; EffectsDescription Romanus_effects_desc
    ; Threshold 1
    ; Effect Command -5

    IN export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt

    IN export_VnVs.txt
    ;{Romanus} Romanus (Roman)
    ;This character is Roman. He needs to climb the ranks to command with any skill.
    ;-5 Command

    Im under the impression these three text files are all I need. . . I think this part of it is correct where the issue lies i believe is in the trigger section No mater how much i fiddle with it I cant seem to make the triggers work (coppied the Winter Warier triggers just changed the info so it would work for romans)

  2. #2

    Default Re: character_traits for a whole faction


    Usually I am mostly romacentric in my play, as such I find although the leadership chain is cool there is not much motivation to rise in rank as your generals can easily achieve 6+ command stars on their own.

    I've added a "being roman" trait that forces your generals to climb the ranks, or else they will have massive command penalties.
    Romans start with a -6 command, Tribune adds + 3 command, next rank up adds +5, next +6, next +7. So you will end up with -6 command with a student or governor, -3 for a Tribune, -1, 0, +1 for Legate, Praetor, Consul. Any other command bonuses work as usual. Basically you will need to have your generals at a command of Legate at least if you want to fight anyone with skill.

    If you guys are interested in notching up the difficulty while playing as Rome let me know and I can post instructions (super easy maybe take 2-5 min to do).

    I will add this is really really bad for rome if you are playing someone else. . . AI is stupid the romans will end up having 0 command leaders 90% of the time.

  3. #3

    Default Re: character_traits for a whole faction

    Ended up actually giving the command gains to be linked to the years of service and left the Tribune, Legate, etc. alone. I feel rather dumb this was not the first thing to pop into my mind.

    Doing this though is a pain in the butt, maybe takes 10-20 min to do.

  4. #4

    Default Re: character_traits for a whole faction

    As its hit and miss to when I play I'll give the code now you need to search your EXRM folder for 3 files export_VnVs.txt, export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt and export_descr_character_traits.txt make a back up of these in case you mess anything up.

    IN export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt add the following:


    IN export_descr_character_traits.txt

    ;;; Make sure you place the trait code for "RomanusA" at the top of the file and the trigger code "Romanus_1a to Romanus" at the bottom ;;; (wont work unless you do this. . .no idea why)

    add the following:

    Trait RomanusA
    Characters family
    NoGoingBackLevel 1

    Level Romanus
    Description Romanus_desc
    EffectsDescription Romanus_effects_desc
    Threshold 1

    Effect Command -6
    ;------------------------------------------place at top of page^^^^^^
    ;------------------------------------------Place everything below this at bottom of page

    ;Trigger Romanus_1a
    ; WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
    ; Condition FactionType romans_julii
    ; and FactionType romans_julii
    ; and Trait RomanusA < 1
    ; Affects RomanusA 1 Chance 100

    Trigger Romanus_2a
    WhenToTest OfferedForAdoption

    Condition FactionType romans_julii
    and Trait RomanusA < 1

    Affects RomanusA 1 Chance 100

    Trigger Romanus_3a
    WhenToTest LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption

    Condition FactionType romans_julii
    and Trait RomanusA < 1

    Affects RomanusA 1 Chance 100

    Trigger Romanus_4a
    WhenToTest BrotherAdopted

    Condition FactionType romans_julii
    and Trait RomanusA < 1

    Affects RomanusA 1 Chance 100

    Trigger Romanus_5a
    WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge

    Condition FactionType romans_julii
    and Trait RomanusA < 1

    Affects RomanusA 1 Chance 100

    Trigger Romanus_6a
    WhenToTest OfferedForMarriage

    Condition FactionType romans_julii
    and Trait RomanusA < 1

    Affects RomanusA 1 Chance 100

    IN export_VnVs.txt add the following:

    {Romanus} Roman (Romanus)

    This character is Roman. He will need to learn the ways of war, with experience and rank he can command with skill.

    -6 Command

  5. #5

    Default Re: character_traits for a whole faction

    Now you need to mod some areas in export_VnVs.txt and export_descr_character_traits.txt and descr_strat.txt when you search for descr_strat.txt two files will come up open them both don't use the one that has "; THIS FILE IS NO LONGER IN USE." a couple of lines in (its also in the rome folder of exrm we need the one in the bi folder)

    IN export_descr_character_traits.txt search for and then add the following (only what's in between the "" do not add the ""):

    Search for "Trait Tribune" for level Tribune_1, 2 and 3

    add "; Effect Command 1" (place this under the "Effect SiegeEngineering 20" line) if there is Effect Command already then just add ";" in front of it

    Search for "Trait Consul_General" for level Consul_General_1, 2 and 3

    change the Effect command 1 to Effect command 2. . . so just change the one to a two.

    Search for "Trait Military_Service_Years_1to9"

    add "Effect Command 1" to level Military_Service_Year_1 place it under the Threshold 3 line
    add "Effect Command 2" to level Military_Service_Year_2 place it under the Threshold 8 line
    add "Effect Command 3" to level Military_Service_Year_3 to 9a place it under the Threshold 12 to 36 line

    Search for "Trait Military_Service_Years_9to17"

    add "Effect Command 3" to level Military_Service_Year_9b place it under the Threshold 3 line
    add "Effect Command 1" to level Military_Service_Year_10 place it under the Threshold 8 line
    add "Effect Command 2" to level Military_Service_Year_11 to 17a place it under the Threshold 12 to 36 line

    Search for "Trait Military_Service_Years_17to25"

    add "Effect Command 2" to level Military_Service_Year_17b to 20 place it under the Threshold 3 to 16 line
    add "Effect Command 1" to level Military_Service_Year_21 to 25 place it under the Threshold 20 to 36 line

    IN export_VnVs.txt search for and then add the following (only what's in between the "" do not add the ""):

    Search for "Tribune_1_effects_desc", "Tribune_2_effects_desc" and "Tribune_3_effects_desc"

    replace As a tribune ..... with "As a Tribune, he will not receive a command bonus due to the inexperienced centurions assisting him with the accomplishment of his military duties. As long as a Roman character does not end more than one full season away from any Roman infantry troops in the field, he will retain the rank of Tribune. If a second full season has ended with him away from any Roman infantry troops in the field, he will be considered to have completed his service as a Tribune, and will receive the title of Former Tribune, which will grant him a +1 political influence bonus." Do this for all three effects_desc.

    Search for "Consul_General_1_effects_desc", 2, 3

    Just change the part of the text where it says he will receive a +1 command with "2" so change the 1 to a two.

    Search for "Military_Service_Year_1_effects_desc"
    add "+1 Command, depending on how many years served this will increase. " below the explanation text

    Search for "Military_Service_Year_2_effects_desc"
    add "+2 Command, depending on how many years served this will increase. " below the explanation text

    Search for "Military_Service_Year_3_effects_desc" (year 3 to 9b)
    add "+3 Command, depending on how many years served this will increase. " below the explanation text

    Search for "Military_Service_Year_10_effects_desc"
    add "+4 Command, depending on how many years served this will increase. " below the explanation text

    Search for "Military_Service_Year_11_effects_desc" (year 11 to 20)
    add "+5 Command, depending on how many years served this will increase. " below the explanation text

    Search for "Military_Service_Year_21_effects_desc" (year 21 to 25)
    add "+6 Command, depending on how many years served this will increase. " below the explanation text

    IN descr_strat.txt search for "romans_julii, bureaucrat caesar"

    I have a modded file, so it will be different from yours but I'll show you how to find people.

    scroll down tell you come across ";Quintus; Etruria" , likewise you could do a search for ";Quintus; Etruria"

    this Quintus is a family member for example the code for him will look like this:

    ;Quintus; Etruria
    character Quintus, named character, leader, age 47, , x 140, y 166
    traits RomanusA 1, GoodDefender 1, PoliticsSkill 3, GoodAdministrator 2, Leader_Bonus 1, CharacterAges 1, Military_Service_Years_17to25 9, Former_Military_Service 4, TurnsAlive 4
    ancillaries Roman_I_Consular_Army, aged_retainer, chirurgeon

    the traits "RomanusA 1," needs to be added to all of your family members

    unless the character has a traits line under his name you can assume that person is a garrison commander and not a family member. Only add "RomanusA 1," to characters who already have traits.
    Last edited by ajb; September 16, 2015 at 09:44 PM. Reason: Fixed Command (stacking will work now)

  6. #6

    Default Re: character_traits for a whole faction

    Right now as it stands the code for "Military_Service_Year...." stacks so every time the counter stops and then restarts you general will get both command bonuses, so when a tribune moves to legate he will keep the +3 command bonus from his tribune days making this new legate have +5 command as well as +3 command giving a combined +8. . . not what I wanted, assuming I think I know what I have to do I'll have code here soon. I think I've tested it enough so once I have this there should be no problems.

    IN export_descr_character_traits.txt I forgot to mention you need to change the Trait Consul_General_Benefits_Cancelled previously you only had one command star, now with two not changing this will cause your consul to stack command stars if he stays in a city losing the consul status then regaining it. all you need to do is change the 1 to a 2. . . I have the code below the only thing you need to change is whats in bold:

    Trait Consul_General_Benefits_Cancelled
    Characters family
    ExcludeCultures barbarian, nomad, greek, eastern, egyptian, carthaginian

    Level Consul_General_Benefits_Cancelled
    Description Consul_General_Benefits_Cancelled_desc
    EffectsDescription Consul_General_Benefits_Cancelled_effects_desc
    Threshold 1

    Effect Command -2
    Effect PersonalSecurity -2
    Effect SiegeEngineering -60
    Last edited by ajb; September 15, 2015 at 11:50 AM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: character_traits for a whole faction

    Finally completely done. Tested, problem free.

    To finish it up you need to add a couple of traits, and add / modify some code . . . in addition to what is in the previous posts. Also please check the previous posts as I edited it to include the proper code now. (changed the command bonus for the years served to accommodate the stacking)

    As usual you will need to search for three .txt files in your EXRM folder. export_descr_character_traits.txt, export_VnVs.txt and export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt. You will also need to mod the descr_strat.txt file as well(make sure you mod the correct descr_strat.txt file (the one form the BI folder . . . the wrong one will say "This file is no longer in use")

    IN expot_descr_character_traits.txt right under your Romanus entry enter the following:

    Trait RomanusA_Start
    Characters family

    Level Romanus_Start
    Description Romanus_Start_desc
    EffectsDescription Romanus_Start_effects_desc
    Threshold 1

    Effect Command 5

    Trait RomanusB_Start
    Characters family

    Level Romanus_StartB
    Description Romanus_StartB_desc
    EffectsDescription Romanus_StartB_effects_desc
    Threshold 1

    Effect Command 3

    IN export_VnVs.txt enter the following (also under your Romanus entries):

    {Romanus_Start} xxxxxxxxxxxxRoman (Romanus)



    {Romanus_StartB} xxxxxxxxxxxxRoman (Romanus)



    IN export_descr_VnVs_enums.txt enter the following under the romanus entries.


    IN descr_strat.txt search for the following :

    search for ;Quintus; Etruria, in the "trait" line add "RomanusA_Start 1," code for that line will look like this:

    traits RomanusA_Start 1, RomanusA 1, GoodDefender 1, PoliticsSkill 3, GoodAdministrator 2, Leader_Bonus 1, CharacterAges 1, Military_Service_Years_17to25 9, Former_Military_Service 4, TurnsAlive 4

    Search for Publius Cornelius Scipio, in the "trait" line add "RomanusB_Start 1," code for that line will look like this:

    traits RomanusB_Start 1, RomanusA 1, PoliticsSkill 2, Prim 1, GoodAdministrator 3, Energetic 2, Leader_Bonus 1, CharacterAges 1, Military_Service_Years_9to17 2, Former_Military_Service 1, TurnsAlive 4

    Search for Publius Valerius Laevinus, in the "trait" line add "RomanusA_Start 1," code for that line will look like this:

    traits RomanusA_Start 1, RomanusA 1, Leader_Bonus 1, CharacterAges 1, Military_Service_Years_17to25 9, Former_Military_Service 3, PoliticsSkill 2, GoodCommander 1, TurnsAlive 4

    Search for Publius Decius Mus, in the "trait" line add "RomanusB_Start 1," code for that line will look like this:

    traits RomanusB_Start 1, RomanusA 1, GoodCommander 2, Leader_Bonus 1, CharacterAges 1, Military_Service_Years_17to25 4, Former_Military_Service 2, TurnsAlive 4

    FInally, done.!!!!!

  8. #8
    Quinn Inuit's Avatar Artifex
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Virginia, USA

    Default Re: character_traits for a whole faction

    That's quite clever. One thing that troubles me, though: won't it screw over the AI Roman generals? This would only work if a human is playing as Rome.
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