Here are the rules for this campaign:


1. Each turn must be recorded with commentary from start to end turn without edits (including load screens) and must be no longer than 1 hour. You cannot artificially speed up the video to give yourself more time (as in editing. It's ok to click double or 6x speed in battle). If you upload a video that is longer than 1 hour you will be penalized severely. You are advised to do your turn again from scratch if your video is longer than one hour (excluding intro/outro). PENALTY: 10% of your treasury or 1000 florins per 1 minute over 60 minutes (whichever is the larger amount). 60:01 is counted as 1 minute over.

2. Quicksave/quickload within the video is banned. You are allowed to start your video again from scratch and scout out your position as much as you like. So it's ok if you already knew that your enemy was hiding in the trees whilst doing your video. It's their job to prevent you from finding out. PENALTY: 1000 florins per offence.

3. Your turn must be played and the save passed on within 48 hours (Special circumstance will allow extensions). You must provide communicate with the group if you are unable to do it in time. PENALTY: 20% of your treasury or 2000 florins, whichever is the larger amount, for the first 48 hours extra you take without communication. After 96 hours without any word from you your turn will be skipped. If your turn is skipped 3 times in a 10 turn period your faction will be turned AI and you will be removed from the campaign.

4. You MUST fight all battles MANUALLY. No auto-resolving for anything except naval battles. PENALTY: 1000 florins per offence

5. No campaign map exploits.

List of banned exploits:
Stacking multiple merchants in an army or fort on a resource so they all work on it. Penalty: Your treasury will be reduced to 0 and all merchants will be executed.
Killing agents by surrounding them with military units and squashing them on the campaign map. Penalty: Payment of 1000 florins per Agent attribute level to the victim. (so if you squash a priest with 8 piety you owe the player 8000 florins)
Movement bug of any kind. However, sending your general to attack a settlement then bringing the rest of the army is allowed. PENALTY: Your army is executed and you are fined 100% of your treasury.
Artificially increasing your recruitment pool. PENALTY: 1000 florins per extra unit available in the recruitment pool. So if you boost it to 100 feudal knights, you're gonna be broke for a long time.
Attacking ships that are inside a port. PENALTY: You lose your offending navy and pay the victim 2000 florins per boat you attacked
Pushing enemy agents with your own agents. You can push them with your armies, just don't squash them. PENALTY: 300 florins per offence

6. Spy Agent action allowed on all %. No restrictions on how many spies needed to open the gate.

7. Assassinations allowed at 30% for enemy agents, 50% on generals and family members, 70% for sabotage. Max 3 assassins per faction. You can assassinate faction leaders. Assassins can assassinate other assassins regardless of % chance of success.

8. Crusades and Jihads are allowed.
- You cannot call a holy war if you are currently at war with someone with the same religion to you unless they are excommunicated. That applies only if you declared war. If the other person declared war, then feel free to call a holy war. PENALTY: If any of your generals join the holy war they will be killed (and you will obviously suffer desertion of your army)
- Only 1 general can join a holy war per faction at a time. If that army is destroyed before the initial 10 turns has passed then you are allowed to send another to the holy war. PENALTY: All of your generals on holy war are executed and you are no longer allowed to join it until a new one starts.
- Desertion sometimes happens regardless of how successful your holy war is going. You are allowed to take your general off the holy war and then put them straight back on again. This resets the time they have been on holy war. No units will ever desert if they've only been on holy war for 1 turn. This only works until turn 10 of the holy war. No penalty.

9. A 2 turn gap is advised for releasing videos online. However, you can release them earlier if you want, but it puts you at a disadvantage because other players will see what you've been up to. You cannot start your turn if you are 3 videos behind. Penalty: Bankrupted next turn until appropriate amount of videos are online.

10. All victory/defeat types are allowed. You are allowed to fight a battle you intend to lose on purpose.

11. Alliances and Non Aggression Pacts can be made publicly or secretly. To make one publicly you need to seal it with a diplomat. Breaking of a publicly known treaty without good reason will incur dishonorable title. For example if I break an alliance for no good reason, you can from then on call me Legend the Oathbreaker. This is just for a bit of fun. Obviously you will also incur the distrust of everyone in the game if you break a treaty. Breaking a secret treaty incurs no penalty except distrust with the person you made it with. Nobody else should use it as an excuse to distrust them. No admin penalties for being a backstabber.

12. To break a publicly known alliance with no dishonour, you must publicly break it and send a diplomat in game to cancel it. You do not have to give a reason. Upon breaking the alliance you will be considered a trucebreaker if you attack the other party within 5 turns of cancelling the alliance. The other party can attack you immediately with no penalty.

13. You can leave an army inside a navy at port. The is often banned. The reason this is to provide extra strategic options. They are certainly not of any use in a port, and are not invulnerable. Losing the region puts them at huge risk.

14. If the port is under blockade, the navy inside cannot sneak out. The blockade must be lifted first. You can lift it by any means at your disposal. Defeating the navy blockading it or destroying the port will both work. PENALTY: For sneaking out you lose your entire navy and are fined 300 florins per sneaky boat.

15. Do not initiate any diplomacy with AI. If they offer you a deal you can either accept or reject. No haggling. PENALTY: Whatever you organise will be undone and you will be bankrupted the following turn.

- AMENDMENT: Catholic factions are allowed to give a gift of money to the pope in order to increase their papal standing. They may ask for a trade agreement but no money is to exchange hands on that transaction. No alliances with the pope unless the pope asks for it first. They are not allowed to do anything else.

16. Do not say anything negative about other players publicly. You are allowed to criticize their moves. For example you are allowed to say, "Player A made a stupid move here." You are not allowed to say "Player A is stupid. Look how bad he is at this game." Personal attacks on other players of any kind will be met with immediate, public and severe punishments. Do not accuse others of cheating without proof, and do not publicly whine about being backstabbed. You will be removed from the game and kicked from the group.

A few hints and tips for those not used to hotseats.
1. Try to avoid being attacked. If possible be the one that initiates the battle. You will have a much greater chance of winning.
2. Spam spies. They are your best friend in a hotseat campaign.
3. Pick you allies carefully, and pick your enemies even more so. If you don't they will be chosen for you.


ROHAN: Played by Legend of Total War:

DALE: Played by: Incoherencel:

HARAD: Played by SaxonKing:

MORDOR: Played by Rampaned:

ISENGARD: Played by Drahcir:

OOTMM: Played by The Wise Coffin:

RHUN: Played by Egyptian VIking:

ERIADOR: Played by: ManBeast:

DWARVES: Played by: Paravox:

HIGH ELVES: Played by: Koda:

SILVAN ELVES: Played by: [HEAVEN]paladinbob:


GONDOR: Played by Saggy Flapjacks: