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Thread: TES VI

  1. #61
    saxdude's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Looks like Hammerfell

  2. #62

    Default Re: TES VI

    It's just in pre-production according to Todd in an interview today. Definitely a long way off.

    at 3:26. Can't figure out how to link at that time.
    Last edited by SturmChurro; June 11, 2018 at 03:08 PM.

  3. #63
    Anna_Gein's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Quote Originally Posted by Niles Crane View Post
    Given all we've seen of Starfield is a teaser, I wouldn't be expecting TES VI for at least another three years, if not more. Still, as fond as the memories are of previous Elder Scrolls games, I was blown away by Witcher 3 and now regard the latter as the best RPG I've ever played.
    Quote Originally Posted by SturmChurro View Post
    I doubt ES is that close off. Probably Starfield at the end of next year, if we are lucky, if not probably 2020. I don't see ES6 happening until like 2021-2023
    So much hope. Then despair.

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    Edit : I agree about The Witcher 3. By coincidence I played a little bit Skyrim SE this weekend. The game feels definitively dated after W3 redefined the sandbox rpg genre. Fortunately the atmosphere is still incredible. I missed it. I am so happy Bethesda decided to go back to the Elder Scrolls at last. I tried Fallout IV but I did not appreciated the licence at all. Imo the Elder Scrolls and Fallout have little in common.
    Last edited by Anna_Gein; June 11, 2018 at 06:11 PM.

  4. #64
    Big War Bird's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: TES VI

    I hate ti compare Witcher to Fallout4/ES5 because they are really different kids of the open world games, Witcher is story driven, the others sand box driven.

    But there is one thing ES6 has to do to be minimally acceptable - get rib of the damn loading screen every time I open a door. That was way Fallout 4 felt dated to me. In Witcher you would have a loading screen maybe 10 times your entire play through. Fallout 10 times an hour.
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  5. #65
    Anna_Gein's Avatar Primicerius
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    I think both game can be compared as The Witcher 3 has many sandbox aspect even as it remains story driven. The Witcher 3 is precisely such a great game has it offered a formidable story experience within a sandbox universe.

    Obviously you can compare the graphics and the map size. One aspect where The Witcher 3 shines is scale : Novigrad is a big city as it is claimed in the fluff, Oxenfurt and Velen are credible as a regional centres, then you have a large number of credible village. Skellig is credible too. By comparison Skyrim's biggest have less than 15 houses and the village have often less than 5 houses. Skyrim has far too many hold guards.

    While I do not expect Bethesda to put as much effort into the main story quest as CD Project did for The Witcher 3 I definitively expect a better main quest and better secondary quests. The Witcher 3 has many memorable characters and great quests outside the main line. Skyrim has interesting character too but the game barely scratch the surface with them. So here too I want more in TES VI.

    Finally I want more graphical models so NPC do not all wear the same 5/6 armors sets. And a useful horse-riding mechanic.

  6. #66
    Niles Crane's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Also, NPCs and building interiors are fleshed out in TES games, whereas IIRC you can't interact with most NPCS or go into most buildings in Witcher 3. That said, I still found Witcher 3 to be a more believable world despite that lack of interactivity and obviously it freed up more time for the developers to focus on questlines.

  7. #67

    Default Re: TES VI

    Witcher 3 felt way more realistic scale wise. When I first saw Novigrad I was awe struck, it felt like a real living breathing medieval city. I talked about it on my review on it here or on Steam. The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, in particular, had these tiny little villages that were supposed to be hold capitals, and the actual capital, but they were so tiny I think they barely could qualify as a village. Not to mention only having like 5 dudes living in it. Like Falkreath's "largest graveyard in Skyrim" was one of the smallest graveyards I have ever seen in a game. However, with the new technology I think Bethesda could make a true living and breathing city, that felt like an accurate scale. I think Fallout 76 is their last game with the old engine. As far as I know I think Starfield is using a new engine, so Elder Scolls VI probably will use it as well. Could be something to really look forward to.

  8. #68

    Default Re: TES VI

    IMO it looks like southern coast of High Rock. Looked too green to be Hammerfell, and the desolate castle didn't look elvish. I'm just hoping it won't be Daggerfall II, since remastered old games are latest fashion.

    And here's hoping that they'll at least try to match Witcher with scale and some inventive quests...

  9. #69
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    I really want a tes with 1-2 assassin's creed scale cities (even small one like forli) and surrounding countryside than a whole province afair. I still can't stop laughing at how lake Rumare supposedly had naval battles going on and multiple fleets patrolling it while ingame you could jump across it like a glorified puddle.
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  10. #70
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Quote Originally Posted by Inhuman One View Post
    Personly I really dont like them, combining BlackMarsh and Elswyr for the expansion would be a bad move, two beast race countries and no human or elf ones.
    Why would that be a bad move?

    Quote Originally Posted by Inhuman One View Post
    Black Marsh works best with Morrowind due to their conflicts, and Elswyr seems to work best with Valenwood.
    I disagree, because both Black Marsh and Elsweyr had their conflict with Morrowind due for being enslaved by the Dunmer. Which the Empire couldn't stop due the Armistice treaty between the Dunmer and the Empire.
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  11. #71

    Default Re: TES VI

    I have a feeling about Valendwood and Elsweys, but hammerfall looks good too. I am good with either of them.

  12. #72
    Papay's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: TES VI

    I would like to see deserts with oasis and pyramids

  13. #73

    Default Re: TES VI

    I don't think Redguards build pyramids, I could be wrong. I know Argonians do build Pyramids like Aztec or Mayan ones. A modern desert setting could be pretty cool, but I think Daggerfall, with good writing, could be really good as well. Though, if it was set there it would be more classic fantasy, since Bretons are like Medieval French or whatever. Maybe adding a heavier orc presence would be cool. Orcs were just there in passing in Skyrim, I'm sure a lot of cool lore and stuff could be written up.

    The Thalmor have already hit the Redguards pretty good, but I think the Bretons are still untouched by them in the story so far, so maybe a continuation of the Thalmor storyline in VI.
    Last edited by SturmChurro; June 28, 2018 at 01:09 PM.

  14. #74
    Anna_Gein's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: TES VI

    It is a long time since we have not heard about the next TES VI ...

    Apparently Fallout 76 was pretty bad. I am worried Bethesda is loosing track and will just release a Skyrim like game with slightly improved graphics. Skyrim felt revolutionary on release but what was great in 2011 would be disappointing today.

    A lot of story driven game with a huge sandbox map have been released since then. I have now 228 hours on Dragon Age Inquisition, 99 hours on The Witcher III, 49 hours on Assassin's Creed Origins and 76 hours on Assassin's Creed Odyssey. All these game have great open world but are also far better story wise. For comparison I have 313 hours on Skyrim and 17 hours on Skyrim SE.

    I thik there is still a place for the TES franchise on the market. The universe is fantastic and none of the mentioned title have the kind of gritty first person gameplay TES can offer. So I hope the next TES will be a revolution for the licence and Bethesda. With a more alive and interactive map, good question and dialogues at last.

  15. #75
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Quote Originally Posted by Big War Bird View Post
    I hate ti compare Witcher to Fallout4/ES5 because they are really different kids of the open world games, Witcher is story driven, the others sand box driven.

    But there is one thing ES6 has to do to be minimally acceptable - get rib of the damn loading screen every time I open a door. That was way Fallout 4 felt dated to me. In Witcher you would have a loading screen maybe 10 times your entire play through. Fallout 10 times an hour.
    That can be done in a mod and Arthmoor have done that in these mods, except for the doors for a building. (Oblivion) (Legendary Edition) (Special Edition)

    I can only confirm that the cities in Skyrim has its own worldspace hence for having a loading screen when activating the city gate. How I know is that I've modded Skyrim (SLE, SSE) myself.

    Now, I know how it works in Morrowind, but I think it is the same for both Oblivion and Skyrim. This is how...

    In the Construction Set (CS) for Morrowind there is a checkbox for a door and checking the checkbox makes the player teleported into another cell (interior or exterior) hence for not having a loading screen.
    Last edited by Leonardo; November 23, 2018 at 06:31 AM.
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  16. #76
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Quote Originally Posted by Anna_Gein View Post
    It is a long time since we have not heard about the next TES VI ...
    Yes, it has been a while, but I'm not worried as it takes a long time before a game like TES 6 to be finished and released.

    Anyway, you might find this video interesting.

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  17. #77
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Thanks for posting the video Leonardo, I'm interested in the discussion of the location, the theory that there is a historical event behind the 'Redfall' title and a possible story-line for the new game. It would be great if two provinces were included in a modern TES game. ESO's commentary on the in-world history was thought-provoking and I agree that it seems like that the new game will be set during a time of conflict (internal, external or both) for the area in which it's set.
    Last edited by Alwyn; November 25, 2018 at 08:26 AM.

  18. #78

    Default Re: TES VI

    Don't expect anything grand in tes 6. They are going to use/using the same old buggy creation engine, Todd have allready confirmed it. Expect the samme old bugs from the previuos games, and horrible unoptimized textures.
    Don't pre-order, wait to black friday when buying. Otherwise you gonna end up paying full price for a buggy mess, that is barely playeable untill the unoffical patch is done. And NO bethesda ain't gonna fix the game exept for the most heneious CTD's, and mods can only do so much to fix and improve the game untill the engine limits hits.

    Sorry for being the grumpy fart, but at this point it's sadly to much to expect anything good from them, since they still haven't fixed bugs from two decades ago, and the worldbuilding and story have become lackluster lately, to the point of most elements existing in sperate bubbles.

  19. #79
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: TES VI

    Why are you so pessimistic about TES 6?

    Expecting the same bugs from the previous games. Really?

    So, you think the TES fans will get the navmesh bug along with all these bugs that Bethesda already fixed in TES 6 when using the Creation engine.

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    This one knows that a modern game will always have bugs, because without the bugs there wouldn't be a modding community to fix the bugs and without a modding community any gaming company such as Bethesda won't get extra PR from their fans.
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  20. #80
    Mhaedros's Avatar Brave Heart Tegan
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