+ About this AAR
I thought about doing a GC AAR for a while when I was playing R:TW, but I could never really seem to get into it. With M2:TW my interest has been sparked anew, and so I thought I would give it a go. This AAR is not based slavishly on historical accuracy nor on "realism", so no complaining about that please. I will be dividing the AAR into parts spanning 10 - 20 years, and everyone is welcome to offer suggestions and advice as to what should be done next.

+ Settings
  • Campaign Difficulty: Hard
  • Battle Difficulty: Hard
  • Manage all Settlements: Off
  • No time limit on Battles: Off
  • Years per turn: One

+ A note
This AAR will be heavy on graphical material, so if any of you are 56k'ers still, you might want to watch out

Part I to follow shortly...