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Thread: Dark Combat Attila

  1. #1
    Chernish's Avatar Decanus
    Join Date
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    dream city Ukek, Golden Horde

    Default Dark Combat Attila

    This is not a reworking but tuning of AI. The only change is that not like vanilla. Actually table CAI were not affected because they do not see the need - the influence of on AI via the input parameters rather than through the scheme of behavior Artificial Intelligence Idiot.
    * Enter the effect of terrain and weather conditions on the conduct of the troops (accuracy, speed of movement, the effects of the battle, light troops fighting in the woods and hills better, worse heavy)
    * The duration of the battle slightly increased
    * Knockdown slingers halved
    * Armor · Fixed occasional in varying degrees, mostly slightly increased, cataphracts - greatly increased, reducing the effect on their by shooters and strengthened their action against infantry
    * Cost cataphracts significantly increased, they are now the most expensive in their classrooms troops.
    * The effect of fatigue potyunen to heavy forces differed from light
    * Formation has an advantage over loose one in melee and not vice versa
    * Ships Speed ​​reduced by about half - close to the actual speed of movement. Martial dromon no longer worn as motorboats
    * All the artillery everything except the Romans moved in the recruitment of one step up - not set starts on the second level of buildings but during the third
    * Gunship removed all but the Romans and the eastern states, Greek fire was only the Romans
    * Hired onager and artillery ships eliminated from the pool in the provinces
    * Barricades significantly stronger than in vanilla

    On russian:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    * Введено влияние местности и погодных условий на действия войск (точность стрельбы, скорость передвижения, эффекты в бою, легкие войска сражаются в лесу и на холмах лучше, тяжелые хуже)
    * Продолжительность битвы немного увеличена
    * Убойность пращников снижена вдвое
    * Броня пофиксена в разной степени, в основном немного увеличена, катафрактам - сильно увеличена, что сократило эффект воздействия на них стрелков и усилило их действие против пехоты
    * Стоимость катафрактов значительно повышена, они теперь самые дорогие в своих классах войска.
    * Эффект усталости потюнен чтобы тяжелые войска отличались от легких
    * Строй имеет преимущество над рассыпным построением в рукопашной а не наоборот
    * Скорость кораблей снижена примерно вдвое - приближена к реальной скорости перемещения. Боевые дромоны больше не носятся как моторные лодки
    * Вся артиллерия всем кроме римлян сдвинута в наборе на одну ступень вверх - начинается набор не на втором уровне зданий а на третьем
    * Артиллерийские корабли убраны у всех кроме римлян и восточных государств, греческий огонь остался только у римлян
    * Наемные онагры и артиллерийские корабли упразднены из пула в провинциях
    * Баррикады существенно прочнее чем в ваниле

    Last edited by Chernish; April 29, 2015 at 10:37 AM. Reason: STEAM
    Do what must be and let be what will

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    Nice, different approach; I like the changes to light troops in difficult terrain. Is it possible to add a penalty for formed units in difficult terrain but not loose?

  3. #3
    Chernish's Avatar Decanus
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    Feb 2010
    dream city Ukek, Golden Horde

    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    Quote Originally Posted by Aethyr View Post
    Is it possible to add a penalty for formed units in difficult terrain but not loose?
    Yes it is possible. And it's already been done. Maybe I need to increase the difference
    Do what must be and let be what will

  4. #4
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    This sounds very good, Spasibo!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    Off-topic posts removed. I'm afraid that this is not the right place to discuss politics, so please stay on-topic.

  6. #6
    Chernish's Avatar Decanus
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    dream city Ukek, Golden Horde

    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    Dark Combat version 1.2

    * Add fix Rawhide for spear wall and for testudo. Spear wall can now move in the attack
    * Add "Farewell sarissa!" by Rawhide - now barbarian pikemen fighting long spears, not Sarissas. On fighting ability units is not affected but archaic macedonian peaks are removed from the game.
    * Dalmatian cavalry transferred in the recruitment of one step lower to reflect the composition of the Roman army of the time.
    * The moral of skirmishers slightly lowered so that they are not so long resisted the cavalry

    Link updated can be downloaded again
    Do what must be and let be what will

  7. #7
    Chernish's Avatar Decanus
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    dream city Ukek, Golden Horde

    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    Add mod to STEAMworkshop
    Do what must be and let be what will

  8. #8

    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    It fixes right there where it needed ! Thank you!

  9. #9
    Junaidi83 de Bodemloze's Avatar Dont Mess With Me
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    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    Sauromate ? Anyways nice mod and thank you already take care of my thread
    Modding is like accursed wine, you try a sip and you ended empty the whole glass
    Under Proud Patronage of Shankbot de Bodemloze

  10. #10
    Chernish's Avatar Decanus
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    dream city Ukek, Golden Horde

    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    Do what must be and let be what will

  11. #11

    Default Re: Dark Combat Attila

    Dear god is there ONE battle mod that dont increase battle duration? and instead of this useless make battles reallistic and enjoyable?

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