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Thread: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 26/01/2015]

  1. #1
    McScottish's Avatar The Scribbling Scotsman
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    Default An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 26/01/2015]

    343 Anno Domini - The Winter Campaign of Constans I - Just North of Hadrian's Wall

    Flames hungrily enveloped the crumbling building, a beacon in the darkening evenings light, the dry thatch of the primitive hut ablaze by the flames of over a dozen torches, and the mud-made walls beginning to crack from the heat. If one were to move their gaze around them, then they would see a number of the same exact sights- eyes falling on burning homesteads, and the spattering of bodies all around them, with some prone as if sleeping and others contorted. There were even a number of blackened corpses, a grim reminder to anyone that opposed the will of Rome.

    Three years before, on the grassy plains and in the wilder parts of Gaul-across-the-sea, Constans the First, Emperor of Rome, had set about driving away the Frankish barbarians from his lands. In this he had done well, earning a name for himself as a capable soldier and upon successful completion of his campaign seeking out further challenges, further outsiders to punish for their misdemeanors against the Imperial Purple and the Empire.

    Only a year later he had found what he sought, over the channel in the ever-troublesome province of Britannia, the Painted Men of the northern lands and the Scotti from across the western waters coming forth from their hovels and caves in some strength. Flavius Sanctus, the governor of Britannia Secunda himself, had sent a messenger across the winter-cold and stormy channel in search of the victorious Augustus with a plea for aid and reinforcement. It was most fortunate for him that this plea was both heard and acted upon, Constans marshalling his forces before taking to his ships and landing on the north-eastern shores of Britannia.

    Over the next few months Constans and his force of several thousand soldiers, horse and archers included, combined with the garrison already present in the most outlying of provinces to harry and drive back the Pictish and Hibernian aggressors. It was a policy that worked well, one where prisoners were tortured and shown little mercy, a policy that put the fear of the Lord into the savage beasts who dared call themselves men.

    After driving the patterned hordes back from Northern Britain, sent swarming back over the Wall and into the shadows of their glens and mountain, Constans rested himself and his wearied troops in Eboracum, while sending Sanctus further north.

    Taking the Legio VI Victrix Pia Fidelis- simply known by natives as the Sixth -and supported by a number of limitanei from the Wall, out into the northern lands, he began a campaign of terror and surprise against the verminous wretches.

    Thus is it here where our story begins...

    Chapter One - Part Two

    343 Anno Domini - The Winter Campaign of Constans I, Pursuit By Flavius Sanctus - North of Hadrian's Wall

    All was quiet, and nothing stirred, as a loose line of milites approached the settlement. Seven or eight roundhouses, each as silent and as void of life as the next, seemed as if eerily waiting for the arrival of the men whom were destined to sow whatever death and destruction that they could upon the raiders of the north and their families. Nearly twenty of the 'Romans' there were, more than enough to complete their macabre work, at least half of them as bearded and long of hair as their despised adversaries and the others gathered from all corners of the Empire. Only one of them, a Briton of some standing, and master of his own villa to the south, had ever even looked upon the glories of Roma herself and wept tears to be among the most civilised city in the world.

    "Are you certain this is the place?" Came the hushed questioning of a broad Goth, his nose clearly broken recently and a gleam of mischief in his eye, "we were supposed to be putting people to the sword, and I can see no people here."

    It was true, from atop their vantage point of the ridge overlooking the glen they had neither sight nor sound of movement. Something was not as it should have been...

    "This is where we were ordered to come." Affirmed the Briton gruffly , his own hair curling out from beneath the rim of his crested helmet, one hand moving up to wipe some from his eyes, the winds running through this place seeming extraordinarily cold all of a sudden. "Do not worry, Fridenot, you will have your chance for blood soon enough."

    With a gesture of his hand , his other always upon the pommel of his blade, the band of men stepped forward to find quickly the swiftest trail down toward and into the unwalled Pictish settlement. Isolated from any neighbouring villages, and its people suspected of harbouring red-handed marauders, be they Scot or Pict, it was the perfect target for Sanctus and his excursion north of the Wall; a perfect place for they and theirs to see and feel first-hand just how lawless attackers on Roman property and citizens would be treated.

    Slowly they went, as so many phantoms through the highland mists, not even their sand-scoured mail making a noise as they closed with the foremost buildings. Advancing step-by-step until they reached the first building, it was there that they stopped and the Briton turned back to peer through narrowed eyes at his Gothic optio.

    "Take half the men and move around from the right, but stop once you reach the rear of the village. I shall advance through the centre."

    Fridenot did as he was bidden, he and his Germanic brethren stepping off lightly over the frosted ground, round shields held tight and warily to their bodies and hands gripping the hafts of axes and the hilts of their long swords.

    Manius Vitulus, centurion of the Sixth Legion and servant of the Emperor, known by his subhuman prey as 'Gwallthir' or 'Long-Hair', raised his gloved hand once more and moved with the ease of a man raised in the sublime arts of war and taking life.

    Even as his slate-grey eyes watched every doorway and around every corner, those of his soldiers doing likewise, he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise and his skin crawl from a feeling that was not simply the cold.


    As would very soon become apparent, the Romans weren't the only ones that could watch. This was not their land, and they were not welcome here, but those that populated the glens and hills had known with savage cunning that the foolish Emperor would send his hounds after them; they had reluctantly abandoned their village, withdrawing into the hillocks and crags around the valley floor with practised ease, many pairs of eyes now silently tracking the movements of the clumsy Goths and their more civilised tent-mates.

    One among the Picts crouched nearest, the highest of them in rank and stature, a man whom was both a chieftain in war and a religious leader in peace. His name was Crautreic the Wide, on account of his broad shoulders and not his ample girth around the midsection, and his eyes of glacial blue watched even as his mind calculated.

    "The women and children are safe?" He grunted to the man nearest him, a whippet of a man with the blue ritualised marking of a dog on his face, the right hand of the chief tapping a tempo on the haft of his spear with its finely worked head.

    "They are safe, my chief. Hidden, as you commanded, in the thickest of the heath.

    "My daughter?"

    "She is there, all protected by our finest warriors."

    This was what Crautreic had wanted to hear, for if any harm were to come to his only daughter, Eithne, then he would himself soon join her- either by his own blade or by that of a Roman enemy.

    Taking in a deep breath, his muscles shifting beneath his pallid skin like coiling serpents, the Pictish war-leader rose from his crouched position and raised his spear into the air. Giving a swift shout, he pointed the honoured weapon at the Romans, their shocked expressions visible even beneath the shadows of their helmets, the village within running distance of a healthy man and about to be re-claimed by at least sixty such men...

    Chapter One - Part Three

    343 Anno Domini - The Winter Campaign of Constans I, Pursuit By Flavius Sanctus - A Village Some Miles North of Hadrian's Wall

    One moment all was quiet, Vitulus searching through the inside of a roundhouse and his men spread across the centre of the village, when he heard the roar of his optio. There was a bellowed refrain from the charging heath-demons that many called 'Picts', but it was the rolling and constant tirade of the heightening barritus that grabbed his attention; it was a uniquely 'Germanic' addition to the armies of Roma, a war-cry that most legions had adopted as their own, but that the Goths of his century had always retained as their own. After all, there was only so far that Roman discipline could temper an already red-hot blade.

    Between the rumbling of deepened voices, the chink of mail and the hammering of weapons on shield rims, he could hear Fridenot giving commands in a language that was not his own, fighting for an Empire that was not his own, Vitulus knowing that he did it for pay, plunder and the likely blood-related soldier next to him.

    "Ad aciem! Celeriter!" At his words around forty of the most barbaric 'Romans' in the Sixth hurriedly formed into a line, two ranks deep and twenty across, "crescent!" The two flanks now shifted backward, two roundhouses being used as anchors on either side of the line, the entire gritting their teeth and planting themselves into the ground.

    "Signifer," yelled the Briton, rarely raising his voice but certainly now feeling the need, "Curtius, where are you?!"

    Within moments a North African appeared at the doorway, the centuries draco standard held in one hand and his shield in the other, "centurio?" His voice was hoarse, the man clearly out of breath, his loyalty (and the situation) bringing him to his superiors side with all haste.

    "Gather the rest of the men as quickly as possible," he demanded, his mere century not enough to warrant a musician of any kind to relay orders any faster, "then we move to help the Goths."

    At the edge of the village it was, what once would have been called anyway, a good situation for Rome; two enemies of the Empire, no matter whether one half were serving in their army, were about to annihilate one another. It was preferable that the bearded barbarians from beyond the Danube came out victorious, of course, but should both sides assure the destruction of the doubt the praefectus would be happy enough.

    Fridenot swaggered before his own lines, limbering his axe arm as casually as if he were about to hew some wood, glances of disdain directed at his painted foes from time-to-time. How could they have known that the centuries prime brawler was also a man of chiefly blood to his own people? That his lineage was a glorious and respected one? How could these wild-haired and pale-bodied understand that, once upon a time, those they were about to fight had once been very much like them...many, many, years ago.

    "Bloth! Sair! Dauthus!" Roared the wild-eyed warrior, looking ever the more the image of his noble ancestors, "bloth! Sair! Dauthus!" Came the refrain of men- blood, pain, death. It was a war-cry heard from the steppes of the east to the most western province of the Empire, unfortunate therefore that it may well be the last time it was heard. Here, here in the frigid north, on an errand that was not even required to bring about victory for Constans.

    Although Crautreic and his kin did not have the language of the Goths, knowing not a word of it, they understood a challenge well enough! The chieftain himself made certain that he was first among the attackers, overtaking in his fervour healthier men that were half his venerable age, his bare feet skipping over the rocky ground with the sure-footing of a mountain goat, and the swiftness of a stag.

    It would be thought, and with good reason, that trained and armoured soldiers of Roma would simply grind through these mostly bare savages with ease. Indeed, this was the thinking of most backward-looking senators and leaders of men. Yet these were not the soldiers of yesteryear, they did not wield the short, stabbing, gladius and they were not bound by the spirit of Old Roma. Nevertheless they stood their ground, maybe not Romans but fighting for them all the same, weighted darts replacing the old pila as they were launched with practised ease into the soft Brythonic flesh of yet another unruly horde...or were they?

    Crautreic, coming to an impressive and oddly disciplined halt in front of his warriors, thrust out his spear and bought them all to an equally stationary stance; halted within mere feet of one another there was an unmistakable tension, a build-up of violent energy that yearned, nay, demanded to be released. All the same, the one they followed into battle would not allow them to advance before him, nor to yet take the heads of their enemies, but fanned out his line so that there was nowhere for the Goths to go but back into the village- their strategic plan was both a clever one and a death-trap.

    Looking the tattooed chieftain up and down, a sneer on his face, Fridenot removed his helmet and let his long hair free. His eyes momentarily half-closed as he felt the cool breeze on his face and neck, opening them wide once more to glare at the man he knew he was about to kill.

    "Loquerisne Latine?" Came the grunted question, thickly accented but Latin still, a man behind him translating for the entire half-century.

    "A little..." Came the stilted reply, the butt of his spear now placed in the hardened earth, "you are willing to die for people not of your blood?" It was a question that Fridenot had even heard from his own father.

    "No...killing you I shall do for no-one but myself. Surrender now, Pict, and my Emperor may be lenient."

    The reply was for Crautreic to take a few steps forward, bring his spear into a guard position, and stick his tongue out to a quite impressive length.
    Last edited by McScottish; January 26, 2015 at 02:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 11/01/2015]

    I will!

  3. #3
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 11/01/2015]

    Bloody tease

  4. #4
    McScottish's Avatar The Scribbling Scotsman
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 11/01/2015]

    Okie dokie, just a wee intro, next post will have a little more meat to it.

  5. #5
    Tigellinus's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 13/01/2015]

    Oh my god.

    McScottish, by decree of my favourite Emperor (Caligula ) I demand that you write more of this!


    Tigellinus (Caligula)

    Proudly under the patronage of McScottish

  6. #6

    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 13/01/2015]

    I see you've finally decided on a title!

    This is intriguing, I hope you continue with it.

  7. #7
    McScottish's Avatar The Scribbling Scotsman
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 13/01/2015]

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigellinus View Post
    Oh my god.

    McScottish, by decree of my favourite Emperor (Caligula ) I demand that you write more of this!


    Tigellinus (Caligula)

    Aye-aye Caligula...eeerrr...Tig!

    Glad you like it, I'll go forth and multiply (my posts).

    Quote Originally Posted by Merchant of Venice View Post
    I see you've finally decided on a title!

    This is intriguing, I hope you continue with it.

    Oh, you have no idea...

    Only going to get more intriuging, my favoured Aussie.

    Stay tuned, the both of ye!

  8. #8
    McScottish's Avatar The Scribbling Scotsman
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 13/01/2015]

    Next part...see OP.
    Last edited by McScottish; January 14, 2015 at 01:00 AM.

  9. #9
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 14/01/2015]

    Great choice of period and a very engaging beginning. I like the way that your story uses real historical events, the campaign of Emperor Constans in Britain. I look forward to finding out what happens to Manius Vitulus and Crautreic the Wide.

    I notice that your story has the sub-title 'A Tale of Dark Age Britain'. I was a bit surprised to see the story start in the mid-4th century, since I think the Dark Ages began with the fall of the western Roman Empire. I can think of a few possible explanations: (i) I'm wrong, the Dark Ages started earlier than I think, (ii) the chapters in 343 are a prologue and the story will soon jump ahead to the period after the fall of Rome or (iii) you originally intended to write a story set later, but decided to write in the mid-4th century instead.

  10. #10
    Caillagh de Bodemloze's Avatar to rede I me delyte
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 14/01/2015]

    I like this very much. Your descriptions are vivid, and drew me into your world immediately, and I think you convey the personalities (and feelings) of your characters with beautiful economy. Like Alwyn, I look forward to reading the next chapter!

  11. #11
    Hitai de Bodemloze's Avatar 避世絕俗
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 14/01/2015]

    Good stuff! Sounds like there's a lot of directions this can go in. Interested to see what's going to happen to Gwallthir. I have my suspicions he won't be soaring with the eagles for much longer...

  12. #12
    McScottish's Avatar The Scribbling Scotsman
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 14/01/2015]

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Great choice of period and a very engaging beginning. I like the way that your story uses real historical events, the campaign of Emperor Constans in Britain. I look forward to finding out what happens to Manius Vitulus and Crautreic the Wide.

    I notice that your story has the sub-title 'A Tale of Dark Age Britain'. I was a bit surprised to see the story start in the mid-4th century, since I think the Dark Ages began with the fall of the western Roman Empire. I can think of a few possible explanations: (i) I'm wrong, the Dark Ages started earlier than I think, (ii) the chapters in 343 are a prologue and the story will soon jump ahead to the period after the fall of Rome or (iii) you originally intended to write a story set later, but decided to write in the mid-4th century instead.

    Option two would be correct, and well done for being usual. Glad you like it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Caillagh View Post
    I like this very much. Your descriptions are vivid, and drew me into your world immediately, and I think you convey the personalities (and feelings) of your characters with beautiful economy. Like Alwyn, I look forward to reading the next chapter!

    Well...thank you, Caillagh! That's quite a compliment, and I hope to be worthy of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitai de Bodemloze View Post
    Good stuff! Sounds like there's a lot of directions this can go in. Interested to see what's going to happen to Gwallthir. I have my suspicions he won't be soaring with the eagles for much longer...

    Oh, do you? Well, we shall see...

  13. #13
    McScottish's Avatar The Scribbling Scotsman
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 26/01/2015]

    Part three up, OP updated.

  14. #14
    Caillagh de Bodemloze's Avatar to rede I me delyte
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    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 14/01/2015]

    Quote Originally Posted by McScottish View Post
    Well...thank you, Caillagh! That's quite a compliment, and I hope to be worthy of it.
    So far, so good, I'd say...

    (By which I mean I liked part 3, just in case that isn't clear.)

  15. #15

    Default Re: An Island in Flames - A Tale of Dark Age Britain [Updated: 26/01/2015]

    Your usual brilliance, McScottish, very atmospheric, feels like I'm actually there (or maybe that is just the miserable rain outside). Great stuff, will rep indeed.

    Also, hurry up and submit this to the MCWC, it needs four more submissions!
    Last edited by Merchant of Venice; January 27, 2015 at 04:22 PM.

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