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Thread: Re-D/L'ing Realism, few quick questions

  1. #1

    Default Re-D/L'ing Realism, few quick questions


    So had to do some acrobatics, but got everything running again for ETW w/out crashes, but during the process I had to remove everything ETW related. Before that my last ER was 4.0. So before I get all the other items I had wanted to ask a few questions so that I wont be D/L unnecessary items.

    This is all from a personal standpoint, but will I need to get;

    Shohk's "No Fortifications"?

    Larger texts?

    I believe ER had a smoke texture increase correct? So I shouldn't need that, which is good.

    I read some of the "additional mods that work well" w/ER thread, but some of that was quite dated.

    Is there a good 'unit cards' mod someone wouldn't mind recommending (w/links if possible), and in addition, maybe a 'flag' one. Wouldn't mind maybe trying out 1 of those this time around.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2

    Default Re: Re-D/L'ing Realism, few quick questions

    D'L'd ER4.5. Got it going. Answered several of my original questions above. Such as the "fortifications" and "text" question. However, 1st battle in ended up w/a crash about 5 minutes into it. Vanilla had been running smoothly for several battles.

    So wondering if I should post a crash log or something, because I've had an on again/off again issues w/ER, and ETW in general, and am hoping to get this worked out.

    Basically looking for some help in getting this figured out. Starting here looked like a good option.

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