Thread: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

  1. #3361


    The first clash between Fatemiyoun brigade and ISIS happened three days ago , ISIS took a village and cut supply line from Hama to Aleppo and then Fatemiyoun special forces were sent to re open the supply line ending in ISIS defeat and killing 20 ISIS terrorists without any casualties .

    I feel sorry for these brave and oppressed Afghans . Despite their sacrifices , These great people have always been ignored and disrespected in Iran and recently Syria . One of the members of Fatemiyoun brigade said Syrians don't even sell them Sim Card to communicate in Syria and they have to ask Iranians and Lebanese forces to buy them in a land where hundreds of them have lost their lives and they've always been used in important operations . This is embarrassing .

    Over 12000 shias are almost besieged by Takfiri terrorists in Bosra Al Sham , who have no choice than fighting to death .

    According to a report , They're not going to recieve any support from neighboring druze province .
    Last edited by pacifism; March 22, 2015 at 02:43 PM. Reason: double posts merged, please use the edit button instead of making a consecutive post

  2. #3362
    Heinz Guderian's Avatar *takes off trousers
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    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by djehoety View Post
    It isn't going that well for the Rafidah it seems. Apparently they led heavy losses and the offensive is once again stalled. Doesn't look good for their plans to capture Mosul in the future. In this offensive already 2000+ militias died according to some media, that sounds like extreme high figures though.

    Also: the American General David Petraeus called Iran a bigger threat to Iraq then ISIS. Firstly I would say such compensations aren't really smart, but I would agree to them that Iran has brought ruins to Iraq and the region for years already. Or like that columnist of the NYT puts it ''America has fought 2 wars for Iran already, one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq, why now fight a third one''. Seems like a reasonable explanation for me too.

    interesting article. As for TIkrit, i think it is a good thing that the Rafidah have been given a bloody nose because i hope it will give the Home of Heresy/Iran pause for thought before getting more involved abroad. Reading about all the executions and rape the Rafidah are committing around Tikrit it is not suprising to learn that 80% of the forces making the assault are Rafidah militia.

    I dont envy them:
    1) having the misfortune of being a Rafidah and not liking heroes like Abu Bakr and Khalid bin Waleed
    2) killing and raping civillians then getting your head blown off trying to take Tikrit
    3) having hell to look forward to

  3. #3363

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Meanwhile Tikrit still hasn't fallen, progress would be faster, but I guess the Shia militia's are busy looting and burning houses first. Also: rebels took down a helicopter or it had technical failures (which I think is more likely) in Idlib province. The crew was captured alive, albeit the pilot soon was executed. According to activists because he tried to fire at them, but it doesn't matter much anyway. Personally I find it hard to feel any pity with those filthy criminals who have been bombing innocent Syrian civilians on daily base for 4 years now. I loved how Assad was denying they were using barrelbombs in a interview once, lol, that guy is really living in a different world amids the wealth he stole from the Syrians.

    Albeit it isn't sure this was a helicopter used for barrelbombing, seeing the number of high ranking officials that were captured. Overall I can't be sad if those criminals were killed, I even felt some kind of happy seeing the Rhafidah that were captured crying, knowing their end will come fast. Faster then the hundreds of civilians they've been murdering with indiscrate barrelbombing at least...
    Last edited by Aikanár; March 22, 2015 at 02:58 PM. Reason: insulting others

  4. #3364

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Liebe Freunde, seit 2011 fordere ich Obama auf, in Verhandlungen mit seinem Feind Assad eine friedliche Lösung der syrischen Tragödie zu suchen. Die USA lehnten stets schroff ab. Sie wollten durch einen Sturz Assads ihren Haupt-Rivalen im Mittleren Osten, Iran, schwächen. Jetzt arrangieren sich die USA mit Iran. Also spricht man auch wieder mit Assad. Gegen den IS kann man ihn auch gut gebrauchen. "Now we can!"
    Im April 2013 war ich in Absprache mit dem Weißen Haus und mit Kenntnis der deutschen Bundesregierung 5 Stunden bei Assad. Das Weiße Haus wurde anschließend über alle Details dieser Sondierungsgespräche informiert. Sie enthielten Vorschläge Assads, deren Tragweite gewaltig war.
    Nicht nur bezüglich einer Zusammenarbeit der Geheimdienste beider Länder im Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus. Sondern auch bezüglich der politischen Zukunft Assads nach Abschluss eines "fairen nationalen und internationalen Friedensvertrages". Seine einzige Bedingung: "Dass alle ausländischen Waffenlieferungen nach Syrien für eine bestimmte Zeit gestoppt würden." Obama hatte über seine Kumpels in Saudi-Arabien und Qatar die Macht dazu.
    Die Vorschläge Assads gingen meilenweit über alles hinaus, was damals in der Öffentlichkeit diskutiert wurde. Und was vielleicht nie mehr erreichbar sein wird. Es hat Obama nicht interessiert. Syrisches Blut ist billig.
    Die Antwort des Weißen Hauses lautete daher wie immer: "Mit diesem Kerl reden wir nicht". Hunderttausende Syrer - Assadgegner und Assadanhänger - haben diese verantwortungslose und kindische Haltung des Friedensnobel-Preisträgers Obama mit dem Leben bezahlt. Von der Entstehung des "Islamischen Staates", der mächtigsten und gefährlichsten Terrororganisation aller Zeiten, ganz zu schweigen. Ein ganzes Land ist daran zerbrochen. Mit ihm das harmonische Miteinander der Religionen, Syriens Markenzeichen. Wie einst im Irak.
    Niemand muss arabische Diktatoren lieben. Auch nicht den syrischen Präsidenten Bashar Al Assad, der nach Ausbruch der syrischen Demonstrationen dramatische Fehler gemacht hat. Liebe zu Diktatoren verlangt auch niemand. Aber unsere Politiker müssen offen sein für Verhandlungen, um politische Fehlentwicklungen zu beenden. Dafür werden sie bezahlt. Sie müssen mit dem Teufel verhandeln, wenn dadurch Frieden geschaffen werden kann. Das ist ihre verdammte Pflicht.
    30 Jahre Gesprächsverweigerung haben die "Helden" im Weißen Haus im Falle Irans gebraucht, um das zu kapieren. 4 blutige Jahre im Falle Syriens. Auch wenn sie ihren Kurswechsel gegenüber Assad jetzt wie üblich hinter fadenscheinigen Dementis verbergen. Die sie übermorgen wieder bestreiten werden. In Wirklichkeit wird bereits verhandelt. Niemand lügt im Mittleren Osten überzeugender als die westlichen Politiker.
    Wenn ich an die vielen verkrüppelten Kinder Syriens denke, deren größter Traum darin besteht, von unserer Stiftung eine Prothese zu erhalten, möchte ich weinen. Wenn ich an den Friedensnobel-Preisträger Barack Obama denke, kann ich mir nur mit Mühe Joschka Fischers berüchtigten Wutausbruch aus dem Deutschen Bundestag verkneifen: "Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident, Sie sind ein Arschloch." Doch ich werde diesen Satz nie sagen. Versprochen! Es reicht, wenn ich ihn denke.
    Ein politischer Dilettant ist Obama allemal. Er hat die politische Entwicklung in Syrien völlig falsch eingeschätzt. Genauso wie Hillary Clinton. Alle paar Wochen sagten sie den Sturz Assads für übermorgen voraus. Die gesamte politische Klasse des Westens lag bei der Beurteilung der Lage in Syrien daneben. Teilweise berichten diese Politiker jetzt bewusst nicht über die neue Lage. Sie haben Angst, dass ihre Wähler merken, dass sie vom Mittleren Osten keine Ahnung haben. Was für eine Gurkentruppe!
    Die USA versprachen der Welt nach 9/11 eine "Neuordnung des Mittleren Ostens". Geschaffen haben sie blutiges Chaos. Es brennt in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Irak, Syrien, Libyen, Yemen, Somalia usw. Die USA haben völlig die Kontrolle verloren. Wie Goethes tollpatschiger Zauberlehrling, der schließlich verzweifelt ausrief:
    "Herr, die Not ist groß!
    Die ich rief, die Geister
    werd ich nun nicht los."

    Dabei war alles so schön geplant. Ex-NATO-Chef Wesley Clark berichtet, man habe ihm kurz nach 9/11 im Pentagon eine geheime Liste mit 7 Staaten gezeigt, die man in den nächsten 5 Jahren angreifen wolle. Irak, Libyen, Iran usw. Ziel sei gewesen, „den Mittleren Osten zu destabilisieren, auf den Kopf stellen und dann zu kontrollieren.“
    Auf den Kopf gestellt haben die USA den Mittleren Osten in der Tat. Doch kontrollieren tun ihn schon lange nicht mehr. Zauberlehrlinge!
    In großer Verbitterung
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    Jürgen Todenhöfer. Everyine who knows something of the ME knows this man. (he visited Mosul under ISIS rule etc.)
    I assume everyone here can read German, otherwise use a translate program (they made steps in recent years).

    I am not going to comment much on this because everyone can think for themselfs
    Last edited by Tiberios; March 22, 2015 at 04:38 PM. Reason: off topic removed
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    You will be ruled by either a crown, a clown, or a crook, and democracy assures that you won't get the first one.

  5. #3365

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by djehoety View Post
    Albeit it isn't sure this was a helicopter used for barrelbombing, seeing the number of high ranking officials that were captured. Overall I can't be sad if those criminals were killed, I even felt some kind of happy seeing the Rhafidah that were captured crying, knowing their end will come fast. Faster then the hundreds of civilians they've been murdering with indiscrate barrelbombing at least...
    Well sure if some isis nutjob dies i wouldn't care either. Do you think Syria ruled by JAN makes things better? There would be no "barrel bombing" if this war never happened in the first place. I don't know what is true and what is not regarding to brutalities committed by Assad's government since there are lots of debate over it. But i am sure Assad's government is the least evil.
    Last edited by Aikanár; March 22, 2015 at 02:59 PM. Reason: off-topic (personal reference)

  6. #3366

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Its interesting Some people speak of more than 2000 Shia forces dead while pro shia forces tell another story and report the attack hasn't started yet !!!

  7. #3367
    Anna_Gein's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by miggo View Post
    Well sure if some isis nutjob dies i wouldn't care either. Do you think Syria ruled by JAN makes things better? There would be no "barrel bombing" if this war never happened in the first place. I don't know what is true and what is not regarding to brutalities committed by Assad's government since there are lots of debate over it. But i am sure Assad's government is the least evil.
    It is always easier for us to proclaim a "lesser evil" as we won't live under its rule. Far away as we are in our confortable home.

  8. #3368
    Vanoi's Avatar Dux Limitis

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    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by miggo View Post
    Well sure if some isis nutjob dies i wouldn't care either. Do you think Syria ruled by JAN makes things better? There would be no "barrel bombing" if this war never happened in the first place.
    And who started the civil war in Syria again? Oh right......
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriakos View Post
    While you are at it, allow Germany to rearm, it's not like they committed the worst atrocity in modern history, so having a strong army can't lead to anything pitiful.

  9. #3369

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by Vanoi View Post
    And who started the civil war in Syria again? Oh right......
    Hah what civil war? Most of the fighthers fighting against Assad are foreigners. How about we all go to Syria hand in hand and ask syrian people themselves what they think of Assad and what would be best for them.

    Hmm i wonder when will they start a war in Saudi Arabia to kick the king from his throne.

  10. #3370
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    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by miggo View Post
    Hah what civil war? Most of the fighthers fighting against Assad are foreigners.

    Again who started the civil war miggo? Because this war didn't just start out of no where. Thousands of Syrian soldiers didn't defect for no reason at all.

    Assad started the civil war he is fighting right now. His fault and no one elses.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriakos View Post
    While you are at it, allow Germany to rearm, it's not like they committed the worst atrocity in modern history, so having a strong army can't lead to anything pitiful.

  11. #3371
    Derpy Hooves's Avatar Bombs for Muffins
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    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by miggo View Post
    Hah what civil war? Most of the fighthers fighting against Assad are foreigners.

  12. #3372

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria


    It says between 11,000 - 12,000 foreign fighters have entered Syria. Syria itself reported up to 54,000 fighters have entered Syria. Though does it matter if they are foreigners or not? Most of the moderate groups have disbanded and joined islamists according to this source:

  13. #3373
    Vanoi's Avatar Dux Limitis

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    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by miggo View Post

    It says between 11,000 - 12,000 foreign fighters have entered Syria. Syria itself reported up to 54,000 fighters have entered Syria. Though does it matter if they are foreigners or not? Most of the moderate groups have disbanded and joined islamists according to this source:
    Neither of those prove your claim. We know there are foreign fighters but you claimed most of the people fighting Assad are foreign fighters and thats a lot harder to prove.

    your second source is only talking about the Hazzm Movement and the SRF. Seems to leave out the Southern Front who are the last rebel group receiving US supplies.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriakos View Post
    While you are at it, allow Germany to rearm, it's not like they committed the worst atrocity in modern history, so having a strong army can't lead to anything pitiful.

  14. #3374

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by Flavius Julius Nepos Augustus View Post
    Jürgen Todenhöfer. Everyine who knows something of the ME knows this man.
    Yeah. He's a nutjob.

  15. #3375
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by athanaric View Post
    Yeah. He's a nutjob.
    Well, in his defense he doesn't really support ISIS and isn't a fanboy, he did some honest journalism while in their territory. He does, however, have cooky ideas about the importance of ISIS, when in reality ISIS isn't that important or consequential in the bigger scheme of things. They're certainly a thorn in the side of neighboring countries, and have tenuous links to the recent Tunisian terrorist attack spawned from Libya, but that hardly amounts to ISIS being a serious threat to, say, NATO, or China, or India, etc. They're not even really a threat to Israel, Iran or Saudi Arabia.

  16. #3376

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by Roma_Victrix View Post
    Well, in his defense he doesn't really support ISIS and isn't a fanboy, he did some honest journalism while in their territory. He does, however, have cooky ideas about the importance of ISIS, when in reality ISIS isn't that important or consequential in the bigger scheme of things. They're certainly a thorn in the side of neighboring countries, and have tenuous links to the recent Tunisian terrorist attack spawned from Libya, but that hardly amounts to ISIS being a serious threat to, say, NATO, or China, or India, etc. They're not even really a threat to Israel, Iran or Saudi Arabia.
    He has kooky ideas about the entire ME and the world in general. He's one of those old-school conservative do-gooders who believe that everything that's wrong in the Middle East (and elsewhere) is the fault of the white man (and Israel of course) and that everyone else is just a hapless victim incapable of independent decisions.

  17. #3377

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by miggo View Post
    Well sure if some isis nutjob dies i wouldn't care either. Do you think Syria ruled by JAN makes things better? There would be no "barrel bombing" if this war never happened in the first place. I don't know what is true and what is not regarding to brutalities committed by Assad's government since there are lots of debate over it. But i am sure Assad's government is the least evil.
    Assad is Europe's bulwark against radical Islam. Islamists suffered huge casualties in a war against him, and every dead Islamist in Syria means one less potential terrorist in Western countries.

  18. #3378
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by athanaric View Post
    He has kooky ideas about the entire ME and the world in general. He's one of those old-school conservative do-gooders who believe that everything that's wrong in the Middle East (and elsewhere) is the fault of the white man (and Israel of course) and that everyone else is just a hapless victim incapable of independent decisions.
    That's a conservative viewpoint and position?

    Sorry, I'm American, so when someone says "conservative," that conjures up different ideas to my brain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathen Hammer View Post
    Assad is Europe's bulwark against radical Islam. Islamists suffered huge casualties in a war against him, and every dead Islamist in Syria means one less potential terrorist in Western countries.
    That's not going to stop ISIS from breeding more, of course, but you're right, it at least limits the amount of available recruits they have now.

  19. #3379

    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by Roma_Victrix View Post
    That's a conservative viewpoint and position?

    Sorry, I'm American, so when someone says "conservative," that conjures up different ideas to my brain.
    Well, he used to be active in the main conservative party, back in the days when it was conservative.
    These days of course, his way of paternalistic, "well-meaning" racism has been adopted by the Left.

  20. #3380
    Mary The Quene's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: ISIL War in Iraq and Syria

    So our ''Rebels'' have been shelling Civilians with Mortars, rockets; car bombs and gas cannisters. Now they can shut up with their Human concerns about ''Barrel bombs'' since they're indiscriminate shelling in goverment held areas aswell. Hypocrites

    Last edited by Mary The Quene; March 23, 2015 at 12:54 PM.
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