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Thread: [Official Manual] Divide et Impera Guides and Descriptions of Gameplay Content

  1. #1

    Default [Official Manual] Divide et Impera Guides and Descriptions of Gameplay Content

    These are my various guides to our core gameplay elements, originally formatted for ease of use by m_1512.

    1. Seasons
    2. Resources
    3. Characters, Armies and Public Order
    4. Reforms
    5. Area of Recruitment
    6. Politics, Civil Wars and Imperium
    7. Supply System Manual
    8. Population System

    Last edited by Dresden; March 18, 2016 at 04:05 PM.

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  2. #2

    Default Re: [Official Manual] Divide et Impera Guides and Descriptions of Gameplay Content

    Seasons Manual
    Seasons Guide, by Dresden
    The Seasons map
    - All seasons have a harsh movement penalty. However, land movement in general was increased. This was done to help solve the extremely slow transport movement problem from CA patch 11.
    - Every province has the random chance of getting a bad, normal or good version of each season. Northern and Southern provinces have extreme winter and summer versions also, respectively.
    - Chances for these various seasons are 10% Good, 10% Bad, 80% Normal except for the following exceptions:

    • North (Blue) - 10% Bad, 10% Good, 10% Extreme, 70% Normal Winter
    • South (Red) - 10% Bad, 10% Good, 10% Extreme, 70% Normal Summer

    - Southern Provinces (Yellow and Red in above image) have a special Bad Summer that is slightly worse than the normal Bad Summer.

    Resources Manual
    Resources Manual, by Dresden
    Main Campaign map

    Casear in Gaul map

    Hannibal at the Gates map

    Buildings - Resources Required
    -You must acquire these resources by either trade or conquest in order to build the listed buildings. Some of these buildings will simply be greyed out rather than listing a required resource.


    Barbarian City Centre - Mead Hall (4)
    Eastern City Centre - Eastern Polo Pitch (3), Eastern Majore Field (4)
    Hellenic City Centre- Odeon (3), Hippodrome (4), Wine Shop (3), Wine Market (4)
    Roman City Centre - Circus (4), Wine Trader (2), Wine Shop (3), Forum Vinarium (4)
    Roman Port - Emporium (4)

    Barbarian Artisans - Woodworker (2), Carpenter (3), Builder's Hall (4)
    Barbarian Port - Raider's Port (4)
    Barbarian Religious - Grove of Wodanaz (2), Shrine of Wodanaz (3)
    Eastern Military Buff - Range (2), Marksmen's Range (3), Craftsman's Quarters (2), Siege Workshop (3)
    Eastern Port - Drydock (4)
    Hellenic Military Buff - Target Stands (3), Marksmen's Range (4), Assault Course (3), Ephebic College (4), Practice Forifications (3), Stratopedon (4)
    Hellenic Military Main - Field Engineer's Workshop (2), Siege Engineer's Workshop (3), Skirmisher Camp (3)
    Hellenic Port - Military Port (4), Neosoikoi (4)
    Roman Military Buff - Target Stands (3), Doctor Saggitariorum (4), Assault Course (3), Basilica Exercitoria (4), Praetoria (3), Armidoctor (4)
    Roman Military - Field Engineer's Workshop (2), Siege Engineer's Workshop (3)
    Roman Port - Portus Classis (4), Coastal Patrol (4)

    Eastern City Centre - Eastern Spice Market (3), Eastern Spice Bazaar (4)
    Eastern Port - Trading Port (3), Seaside Market (4)
    Hellenic City Centre - Mouseion (3), Akademia (4)

    Barbarian City Centre - Slave Trader (2), Slave Market (3)
    Barbarian Religious - Nemeton (5), Oak of Teiwaz (5), Kurgan Field (5)
    Eastern City Centre - Eastern Slave Trader (2), Eastern Slave Auctioneer (3)
    Hellenic City Centre - Great Library (5), Slave Trader (2), Slave Market (3)
    Hellenic Military Buff - Monument of Leonidas (5)
    Hellenic Religious - Acropolis (5), Oracle of Dodona (5), Paradise of Daphne (5), Ptolemaic Temple Complex (5), Tophet (5), Hieron ton Megalon Theon (5)
    Roman City Centre - Circus Maximus (5), Colosseum (5), Slave Trader (2), Graecostadium (3)
    Roman Religious - Pantheon (5)
    Roman Sanitation - Cloaca Maxima (5)

    Barbarian Artisans - Brine Distiller (2), Salt Kiln (3), Salt Workshop (4)
    Barbarian City Centre - Souterrain (3), Smokehouse (4), Great Fair (4)
    Barbarian Enclosure - Potter's Workshop (4)
    Eastern City Centre - Eastern Caravanserai (4), Supply Warehouse (3), Supply Complex (4)
    Hellenic City Centre - Deigma (4), Pandocheion (4), Supply Warehouse (3), Supply Complex (4)
    Hellenic Outskirts - Amphorae Factory (4)
    Roman City Centre - Slaughterhouse (3), Forum Boarium (4), Forum Cuppedinis (4), Supply Warehouse (3), Supply Complex (4)

    Olive Oil
    Roman City Centre - Taberna (3)
    Roman Port - Trading Port (3)

    All Quarry - Monumental Architect (4)
    Barbarian City Centre - Warlord's Hold (3), Great Hall (4)
    Hellenic Region - All Major and Minor Cities Level 4 (other than horse/salt resource nodes)
    Hellenic Religious - Royal Mausoleion (4)
    Roman Region - All Major and Minor Cities Level 4 (other than horse/salt resource nodes)

    Barbarian Enclosure - Royal Camp (4)
    Barbarian Religious - All Temples Level 4
    Eastern Religious - Royal Mausoleum (4), Astudan (4), Temple of Great Fires (4)
    Hellenic Religious - All Temples Level 4 other than Royal Mausoleion
    Roman City Centre - Cattle Trader (2)
    Roman Religious - All Temples Level 4

    Barbarian Enclosure - Bard's Grove (3), Bardic Circle (4)

    Barbarian Region - All Major and Minor Cities Level 4 (other than horse/salt resource nodes)
    Eastern Outskirts - All Outskirts Level 3 and 4 (excluding Farms)
    Hellenic Outskirts - Brick Baker (3), Brickworks (4)
    Hellenic Sanitation - Gymnasion (4), Arboretum (4), Alytarches (4), Great Cistern (4)
    Roman Outskirts - Brick Kiln (3), Tile Factory (4)
    Roman Sanitation - Thermae (4), Vigiles Urbani (4), Cloaca (4)

    All Mines - Sluiced Mine (4)
    Barbarian Artisans - Ironsmith (3), Iron Workshop (4)
    Barbarian Enclosure - Large Herd (3), Stables (3)
    Hellenic Military - Blacksmith (2), Foundry (3)
    Roman City Centre - Gladiator School (3)
    Roman Military - Blacksmith (2), Fabrica (3), Auxiliary Barracks (3), Auxiliary Garrisson (4)

    All Warhorse Breeders - Level 2, 3 and 4
    All City Centres - Warhorse Pens (2), Warhorse Breeder (3), Warhorse Ranch (4)
    Barbarian Enclosure - Horse Ranch (4), Royal Herd (4)
    Eastern Military - Nisean Stables (4)
    Hellenic Military Buff - Hippeis Stables (4)
    Roman Military Buff - Basilica Exercitoria (4)

    All Horse Regions - Level 3 and 4
    Barbarian City Centre - Storage Pit (2), Public Market (3)
    Barbarian Enclosure - Cattle Ranch (4), Yurt Maker (4)
    Eastern City Centre - Eastern Bazaar (3), Storage Pit (2)
    Easter Military - Animal Trader (3)
    Hellenic City Centre - Makra Stoa (3), Storage Pit (2)
    Hellenic Military Buff - Horse Corral (3)
    Hellenic Outskirts - Cattle Ranch (4), Ranch (4)
    Hellenic Port - Trading Port (3), Emporion (4)
    Roman Military Buff - Veterinary (3)
    Roman City Centre - Storage Pit (2)
    Roman Outskirts - Cattle Ranch (4)

    Barbarian Artisans - Goldsmith (2), Mint (3), Jewelsmith (4)
    Eastern Region - All Major and Minor Cities Level 4 (other than horse/salt resource nodes)
    Eastern City Centre - Eastern Satrap's Palace (3), Eastern Royal Palace (4)
    Seleucid City Centre - Satrap's Palace (3), Satrap's Great Palace (4)
    Hellenic Military - Mercenary Camp (4)

    Eastern City Centre - Eastern Clay Tablet Archives (3), Eastern Danesgah (4)
    Roman City Centre - Archives (3), Scriptorium (4)
    Roman Outskirts - Amphora Factory (4)

    All Salt Regions - Level 4
    Barbarian City Centre - Tavern (3)
    Hellenic City Centre - Inn (3)

    Barbarian Artisans - Bronze Forge (3), Bronze Furnace (4)
    Eastern Military - Blacksmith (2), Weaponsmith (3), Royal Stables (3)
    Hellenic Military - Shieldmaker (2), Armourer (3), Hoplite Barracks (3), Royal Barracks (4)
    Roman Military - Shieldmaker (2), Armourer (3), Cohort Barracks (3), Legion Barracks (4)

    Resource Chain System Explanation:

    - Warhorses, Salt and Slaves are rare (2 locations). However, once you have acquired them through trade or occupation, you can then build certain buildings that produce the resources in enough quantity to trade. In this manner, a trade network can form across the map over the course of a campaign.
    - These buildings include city centre (yellow forum) buildings and some agriculture buildings. Also, salt allows you to build storage pits that then produce grain and salt (and also help with siege time).

    - Livestock are produced by specific buildings, mostly in the high tiers. These include Barbarian Tier 4 Cattle Ranch, Eastern Tier 3 and 4 stables (exotic, light, heavy), Hellenic Cattle Farm Level 4, and Roman Cattle Farm Level 4.

    Common Resource Questions:

    Q. I don't see any resources on my campaign map, why is X resource missing?
    A. You have a conflicting mod that also edits the startpos.esf file. Either you are actively using that conflicting mod or there is an older mod in your data folder causing the problem.

    Q. Why are resources so limited? Historically, Region X had resource Y, but why isn't it present in the game?
    A. Our resource system considers gameplay and strategy along with historical authenticity. The general concept behind our resource system is to have them be limited on the map so that the player must seek them out through trade or conquest. This idea creates strategic locations and the need to expand or trade. Three resources are especially limited because of our resource chain system for those resources (horses, salt, slaves).

    Q. Why do certain buildings require resources?
    A. We wanted to make resources more meaningful in DeI, so that they have a reason beyond income to be obtained. One of these ways is to add requirements to buildings that make practical sense.

    Characters, Armies and Public Order
    Skills and Army Traditions spreadsheets, by Dresden

    Custom Skills, Stances and Traditions for Characters and Armies: Character Skills and Army Traditions Sreadsheets

    Public Order, Armies and Dignitaries
    - Armies use 1 food from the region they are in, unless they are garrisoned. When mustering they use 2 food.
    - Armies that are garrisoned have a negative affect on public order. However, they get other bonuses including replenishment, ammunition, and various bonuses based on culture.
    - Dignitaries are now Governors. Deploy them in a province and increase their skills to help improve public order, cultural conversion and many other aspects.
    Last edited by Dresden; November 04, 2015 at 03:35 PM.

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  3. #3

    Default Re: [Official Manual] Divide et Impera Guides and Descriptions of Gameplay Content

    Reforms Guide, by Dresden
    Reforms Basic Information:
    - Make sure you don't have any other mods that affect the scripting.lua file (camera mods, etc).
    - Current factions without reforms: British, Eastern.
    - Armenian and Illyrian troops will trigger based on the global Greek reforms.
    - Reforms are based on two factors: Imperium level and turn number. We may add more complicated triggers in the future.
    - When a Reform for a faction occurs, new units will be available to recruit and the older versions will no longer be recruitable.
    - The AI has different requirements for Reforms, they only require a certain turn number.
    - Technologies that unlock barracks types are still present, as each barracks level has a value in each reform tier.
    - Some units will be restricted until the global reform happens for that culture type, for example Thorax units for Armenia or certain Auxiliaries for Rome.

    Unit Upgrades
    - Units from previous reform tiers can be upgraded to the new reform tier in some cases.
    - Make sure to research the custom technology for your faction in order to get the unit upgrades. Germanic and Gallic cultures do not have a custom technology.
    - Here is a list of the Unit Upgrades.

    Player Cultural Reform Triggers:

    Polybian - Imperium level 3, minimum turns 40
    Marian - Imperium level 5, minimum turns 100
    Imperial - Imperium level 7, minimum turns 210

    Late Reforms - Imperium level 5, minimum turns 80

    Greek\Successor Kingdoms
    Thureos - Imperium level 3, minimum turns 50
    Thorax - Imperium level 5, minimum turns 120

    Neitos - Imperium level 4, minimum turns 90

    Late Reforms - Imperium level 5, turns 120

    Global Cultural Reform Triggers:

    Polybian - Turn 50
    Marian - Turn 130
    Imperial - Turn 240

    Late Reforms - Turn 100

    Greek\Successor Kingdoms
    *Armenian and Illyrian reforms will trigger on these turns as well even for the player.
    Thureos - Turn 60
    Thorax - Turn 140

    Barbarian (German, Celtic, Gallic, Celtiberian)
    German - Turn 115
    Iberian - Turn 117
    Celtic/Thracian - Turn 110

    Late Reforms - Turn 130

    Saka Rauka Special Reforms
    - Unlike other factions, Saka Rauka has special reform requirements.
    - Once the faction owns the regions bordering India (Transoxiana, Baktria, Arachosia and one region in Gedrosia), the reforms will trigger.

    Royal Scythia Reforms
    - Scythia also has special reform requirements.
    - The reforms can be triggered 2 ways. E
    ither 100 turns of owning a region of another Scythian/Sarmation faction. Or, 70 turns and 10 battles against other Scythian/Sarmation factions.

    How to Edit Reform Requirements
    1. Download and unpack PFM.
    2. Use PFM to open the DeI mod pack.
    3. Find the lua_scripts section. Under that section will be a file called reforms.lua.
    4. It should look like this:
    Global Reforms section
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Player Reforms section
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    5. Find the reforms you want to edit. For example, for Rome the part should read:
    _lib.requirements.main_rome.player = {
    roman = {3, 40, 5, 100, 7, 210},
    6. The first numbers are Imperium level, the second are turn numbers. So, if you want the first reforms to be Imperium 2 and turn 20 you would change the above line to read: roman = {2, 20, 5, 100, 7, 210},

    Reforms FAQ:

    Q. My Reforms are not working or are not activating, what is wrong?
    A. You may be using another mod that affects the scripting.lua file, which will conflict with DeI. These include camera mods. Also, Reforms will not work with a save game that didn't start with DeI version 0.8 or later.

    Q. Why do you use Imperium level rather than a specific set of circumstances?
    A. We wanted to allow the players more freedom in how to progress their campaigns. Rather than having a specific set of historical circumstances that have to be met on every playthrough, we felt the Imperium mechanic allows for a more open-ended campaign experience that can still include historical reforms. The Imperium requirement is our baseline to introduce and test Reforms. We may eventually change the triggers to be more specific.

    Q. Why did you choose to have a minimum turn number rather than a set historical year for the reforms?
    A. Because our mod is 4 turns per year, it just wasn't feasible to set the reforms at their historical date. For example, if we wanted to make Marian Reforms occur around 100 B.C, the player would have to play almost 700 turns to reach that. While we want the player to have a historical experience, we also take into account gameplay to create a more reasonable setting.

    Q. Why did you choose Imperium level X or turn number Y?
    A. We tried to balance empire size and game length so that the Reforms are obtainable at junctions that make sense for gameplay.

    Q. Why can't I upgrade units from my previous reforms to newly reformed units?
    A. While we want this to be possible, we currently can't use the technology upgrade mechanic to achieve this idea. Perhaps there will be some other way to do this in the future that does not use the technology upgrade table.

    Q. Why are some garrison units from reform periods other than my current one?
    A. Unfortunately, the scripting limitations of the game prevent us from changing garrison units properly. We have tried to work around this where possible, but there may be a few odd units here and there.

    Q. Why are the Reform event messages generic rather than Reform-specific?
    A. For now, we have to use existing but unused events from vanilla to create the event messages. CA will supposedly be fixing the inability to create new events. When that happens, we will have detailed Reform messages for the various Reform types.
    Last edited by Dresden; November 04, 2015 at 02:46 PM.

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  4. #4

    Default Re: [Official Manual] Divide et Impera Guides and Descriptions of Gameplay Content

    Area of Recruitment
    AOR Guide, by Dresden
    Basic Information
    - In DeI, certain units are only able to be recruited in certain regions. Also, some units require a certain amount of your faction's culture.
    - Culture Requirements - In order to recruit a faction's core unit types (example: Legionaries for Rome), that faction's culture must be the dominant culture in that province.
    - The Culture Requirement does not apply in regions that are historically that culture (Greece for Greek troops, for example).
    - Basic AoR units for all factions are recruited through the main city building line and are available to any faction that owns the specific region for that troop type.
    - Rome's special Auxiliaries require Marian or Imperial Reforms. In pre-Marian reforms, Rome's auxiliary barracks will recruit Italian allied troops.

    Area of Recruitment (AoR) for All Factions

    *Some units are not available until that faction type has reached their Worldwide reforms.

    Roman Auxiliary Area of Recruitment
    - Requires Roman Auxiliary Barracks and Marian or Imperial Reforms for most units. Units that exist in all reforms are marked by the letter regions.
    - Unit Details can be found in this thread.

    Mercenary Area of Recruitment
    - All factions have access to the following mercenary units. Carthage and Egypt have special factional mercenaries that they can recruit anywhere.

    Army Units cap
    - Various units have a limitation on how many can be recruited per stack by the player.
    - Once that limit is reached, that army stack can no longer recruit that type of unit.
    - Here is a spreadsheet with the unit caps (listed by unit database name, not in game name)

    How to Change Unit Caps
    - Download and unpack PFM.
    - Open the DeI mod pack using PFM.
    - Find the script/_lib folder. Open the file named lib_armycaps_main.lua. It should look like this:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    - Change the number next to the unit you want to increase or decrease the cap of. If you want no cap, change the number to 20 or above.

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  5. #5

    Default Re: [Official Manual] Divide et Impera Guides and Descriptions of Gameplay Content

    Politics, Civil War and Imperium Guide
    Politics Guide, by Dresden
    Political Party Power Effects
    - Depending on the faction government type, various effects will be applied at different ruling party power levels. You can see your faction's government type by mousing over the faction effect bundle icon in the faction screen:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    - The effects include:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Civil Wars
    - Civil War chance and character defection % have been slightly lowered from vanilla variables.
    - The chances for civil wars increase with the difficulty level.
    - Starting at Imperium level 4, chances for civil wars increase with each Imperium level. This increase caps out at Imperium level 6.
    - For specific influence levels that affect civil wars, see the information below about Single and Multi-party factions.

    Single Party Factions

    These include most factions in the game other than the Grand Campaign factions of Rome, Maurya and Carthage.
    Civil War Variables
    Low Chance: 70% Influence
    Medium Chance:
    80% Influence
    High Chance:
    90% Influence

    Multi-Party Factions
    These include Rome, Maurya and Carthage in the Grand Campaign.
    Civil War Variables
    Low Chance: 60% Influence
    Medium Chance:
    70% Influence
    High Chance:
    80% Influence

    Imperium Level Effects
    Last edited by Dresden; December 25, 2016 at 04:33 PM.

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  6. #6

    Default Re: [Official Manual] Divide et Impera Guides and Descriptions of Gameplay Content

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  7. #7

    Default Re: [Official Manual] Divide et Impera Guides and Descriptions of Gameplay Content

    Population System Guide
    Population Guide
    This guide is based on Magnar's guide for the vanilla People of Rome mod. Thanks!

    Population Classes
    Click to view content: 
    There will be 4 classes of people for each faction. These will have different names depending on the faction:
    1) Upper Class (Nobles/Partricians)
    2) Middle Class (Plebians/Warrior Class)
    3) Lower Class (Proletarii/Commoners)
    4) Foreigners

    Total population and starting population reflect a ratio of the general levels of population at the time for specific regions in terms of males at fighting age.
    Population Growth
    Click to view content: 
    Population growth is influenced by a variety of in-game factors. These factors can be seen my mousing over the growth/population section of each region panel (next to the growth bar). These factors vary based on population class and include:
    - Base Growth: Each region's base growth is dependent on the ratio of the total population to the population of a specific class. As that class' population increases, it will get increasing negatives based on the "Penalty per 10k Population" value seen below.
    - Building Modifiers: Various buildings give bonuses to specific class growth, depending on the building type. These values are halved when your faction does not have the majority culture.
    - Food: Food shortages for your faction give a huge negative to population growth, while having a surplus will give a positive.
    - Majority Culture: Having the majority culture in your area will increase growth, while having the minority will decrease it (opposite for foreigners)
    - Public Order: Low public order results in reduced growth, higher results in higher growth.
    - Taxation: High taxes for your faction will decrease growth and vice versa. The amount each class is affected is based on the "Tax Rate Modifier" seen in the table below.
    - Faction and Province Capitals: Receive specific bonuses to growth values.
    - Foreign Armies and Under Siege: The presence of a foreign army in the region will decrease growth and a settlement under siege is decreased even further.
    - Looted or Razed Settlement: A very large penalty to growth results from a settlement that has been looted or razed.
    - Minimum Bonus: If a certain class falls below a specific amount, it will get a bonus amount added each turn until it gets back above the minimum amount.

    Foreign Population Mechanic
    Click to view content: 
    The foreigner population will impact your regions in the following manner:
    1.) If the total foreigner population of your faction gets above 50% then it will cause public order penalty in all your regions. The greater the total % of foreigners in the faction the worse the public order will be.
    2.) Control, the % of foreigners in any given region will determine the level of administrative control over the region represented by a modifier to subsistence income. There are 4 stages of this to represent different types of regions: Heartland, Provincial, Colonial, Subject. At the start of a game most regions will have very small foreign populations.
    3.) When you conquer a region, all it's population will be converted to Foreigners and you will have to build your citizen populations up from scratch in the region.
    4.) If you lose your capital, you can retake it and get back some of your citizen population. The amount you will get back will be a base of 95% and -5% for every extra turn it takes to regain the region. If you take 9 turns to retake your capital, then you will have only 50% of your citizens population returned.
    Economic Effects
    Click to view content: 
    Population and class ratios will also impact the economy and public order:
    - There is an ideal class % with the current default % set to: Noble = 5%, Middle = 15%, Low = 80%.
    - The noble's % determines the management of the rural areas and gives a buff or debuff to agriculture income depending on if it is higher or lower than the ideal %.
    - The middle class % determines the cultural, industrial and commercial buff or debuff.
    - There is no current effect associated with the lower class ratio as it will indirectly contribute to the other 2 classes.
    Click to view content: 
    Regions are split into one of 4 region types:
    1) Faction capital
    2) Province capital
    3) Minor region
    4) Frontier region (bordering any other faction's region)

    Different influencers then make different region types more desirable:
    1) Food shortage - Sends populations of all classes to minor regions.
    2) Treasury - A large faction treasury draws all population classes to the faciton and province capitals. Losing money sends them to minor regions.
    3) War - When at war, population classes will move away from frontier regions.
    4) Sea trade route raided - Raiding sea trade routes sends population to minor regions.
    5) Faction - Different factions can have more likelihood to be ruralised or urban.
    6) Tax level - Population classes move to frontier regions when the tax rate is higher.
    7) Not researching - Will result in people leaving capitols and going to minor regions.
    8) Number of allies - Reduces penalty in frontier regions.
    9) Class ratios - The faction will have an ideal population class ration if the regions pop ratio is different to the ideal then it will get a bonus or malus to bring it into line with the ideal base ratio. This is a multiplier applied to all other immigration influences and as such should have the largest impact on immigration movements in most cases.
    10) Foreign army present, Under Siege and/or Battles fought: All populations will want to leave.

    How Migration Movements Work
    Each region gets a migration attractiveness/desirability rating. These are then compared against all the neighbouring regions owned by the faction. If the neighbour region is more desirable, then it will get a boost to its population and the less desirable region will lose population. People can only migrate to an adjacent region. This means that island regions will only have inter-island migration.

    Mercenaries and AOR Troops
    Click to view content: 
    - Mercenaries and AOR troops work a bit differently to how other units are recruited. These units are broken up into multiple cultural groups depending on the culture of the unit.
    - If a faction recruits a Mercenary or AOR unit from their culture group, the faction will use the population class of that unit (1-3). However, if that unit is not from the faction's culture group, it will use population from the foreign class (4).
    Click to view content: 
    - On capturing a settlement, replenishment in that region will be disabled for that turn as there are no citizens in the region to recruit.
    - In all other circumstances, the replenishment of units will draw from the appropriate population class.
    - If there are not enough people of a certain class in the region to fill even one of your units, then the army will not be able to replenish and you will be forced to return to a better populated region.

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