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Thread: Yōkai (Abandoned)

  1. #141
    Hitai de Bodemloze's Avatar 避世絕俗
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 29 - 7.2.15

    Upon Broken Wings
    Takatsuki-han, November 1864

    We had been on the train for a few hours, rolling through the pleasant fields of western Kansai. Although I had suffered the bonds upon my wrists for many weeks now, I only felt their tight grip when I gazed upon such beautiful scenery. The fields and paddies outside sped past in a blur, all joining together to form one fluid, ever-changing landscape. I had never travelled like this before. I needed to compose a poem.

    Nishina, strange woman that she was, had left me alone in my seat, searching for a bathroom or food cart or something – I hadn’t been paying attention. Aside from myself, there were only three other people in the whole carriage; a group of soldiers dressed in purple livery – similar to that captain’s from Tarusaka Forest. They were talking amongst themselves, oblivious to anything else. How could they not look upon the majestic scenery flying past our windows?

    Sulking, I leant back in my seat. It was at that point that a woman entered the carriage. At first I thought it was Nishina, but as I glanced at her, I realized she was a different creature altogether. Around the same age as my companion, but quite dissimilar. I had grown accustomed to the strange nun who travelled with me and her dull, drab clothes suited my own simple aesthetics. Yet this newcomer was an eyesore. I had to turn away immediately; find some peace in the natural beauty outside my window.

    However, apparently I seemed interesting to this woman and she bounced over to take the seat opposite me. I refused to look at her, staring instead continuously out of the window.

    “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” sighed the woman, following my gaze. I cast her a split-second glance, more out of instinct than anything else. Such an artificial woman, could she really appreciate the natural landscapes outside? I resolved to ignore her. She was obviously just bored and trying to make conversation.

    “What’s your name?” she asked me. I was right. All she wanted was some small-talk on a long train journey. I didn’t answer, keeping my gaze fixed on the fields outside.

    The woman tittered. “Not much of a talker ey?” she sighed and turned to join me in facing the window. “Maybe you’ve got the right idea. How often do we get to see Japan in all of its beauty like this? We should savour such moments.”

    Again I didn’t respond, nor cast her a glance. She could talk all she wished. Speaking didn’t ruin a pleasant view. I find it fortunate my love is not of music or this woman would have been truly insufferable.

    “Sometimes I wish I could write poems or stories to capture such scenes,” the woman spoke, in a faraway voice. “I feel like I carry so many burdens, it would be nice to find some solace in nature that way.”

    My ears perked up. Could I really converse with such a woman? Yet I so wished to compose a poem. How many weeks had it been now? Against my better judgement, I turned to face her, gazing at her intently. All she had to do was ask me. She seemed quite keen to ask questions. She just had to ask me and I could finally write again.

    “Are you a poet by any chance?”

    A feeling washed over me. Something I hadn’t felt in…I could not remember how long. Was it relief? Joy? Happiness? It felt so alien, but so good. I couldn’t help it, but a smile stretched across my lips. I nodded in answer to her question.

    She smiled sweetly at me in return, probably just happy to receive some acknowledgement from a stranger on a train. “Why don’t you write something then? You obviously appreciate this scenery very much.”

    I bit my lip and glanced towards the end of the carriage. Nishina had yet to return. She would definitely be angry with me, yet I could not help myself. Slowly I lifted my bound wrists from beneath my coat and showed the woman beside me.

    Her eyes widened, but oddly enough she didn’t question my predicament. Instead, she slid out a small dagger from under her robe and began to cut the bonds. The three soldiers glanced over, looking slightly wary, but a flash of a smile from my new friend and they returned to their conversation.

    As the bonds fell away from my wrists, I felt happier and happier. Finally I was free to write again! “I’m guessing you don’t have paper or a brush?” she laughed knowingly with a wink. My eyes, filled with a new found appreciation for this woman, followed her as she bounced up from her seat and sidled over to the soldiers. Unable to refuse her – perhaps she was beautiful? – they gifted her with the tools I needed. She returned and thrust some paper into my hands, along with a small brush and pot of ink.

    Immediately I set to work writing, as the woman watched from the seat beside me. I could not help myself, I wrote of the fields and how the shades of snow could all blend together – sometimes seeming like just one colour, at other times seeming like a million. I wrote of the clouds as they flew faster than birds and how the trees, forever rooted to the earth, somehow gained a rapid movement of their own as they sped past my window.

    However, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the woman next to me frown somewhat, as she glanced at my poem. Why was she concerned? Did she not like my poetry? That was impossible surely.

    Then, out of nowhere, Nishina burst into the carriage. I looked up to see her expression change from vapid to vengeful in a split second as she spied me writing. I knew that she would be angry to discover my bonds undone, yet I could not care at that moment. To compose poetry on such scenery, I would risk her wrath any day.

    “Shinji!” she screamed. “Get out of there!”

    That I did not expect. Was I in danger? I looked at the woman beside me. She had not even glanced up when Nishina had entered the carriage, still staring intently at my poetry. However, her joyful face had frozen and her now wide eyes were glued to the paper in front of me.

    “That calligraphy…” she whispered. “I’ve seen it before…”

  2. #142
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 30 - 8.2.15

    Brilliant chapter, I'd really like to know what happens next!

  3. #143
    Hitai de Bodemloze's Avatar 避世絕俗
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 30 - 8.2.15

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Brilliant chapter, I'd really like to know what happens next!
    Thanks! Chapter 31 will be up on Friday.

    I'm already working on Act III (I'm on chapter 43 already! One perk of being ill I guess) - I'd hopefully like to get that all finished and posted by late March, then get started on Act IV, which is heaps more interesting (at least to me). Act V might be a bit dull, but I'm already super excited for Act VI. I'm going to definitely have to pick up the pace this year and get this AAR at least half way done!
    Last edited by Hitai de Bodemloze; February 11, 2015 at 03:12 PM. Reason: make that 43

  4. #144
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 31 - 13.2.15

    Takatsuki-han, November 1864

    Idiot boy! Nishina could not believe it. How could he have been so foolish? She had thought the boy at least somewhat intelligent, or at least willing enough to obey her commands – had he not done so up until this point? Why now was he writing with bonds undone? Yet this was not the issue. Oh, if only he knew who he sat with.

    There was however, no time left to think. Instinctively Nishina bolted forward, kicking the other woman in the chest and sending her from her seat sprawling across the carriage. The nun grabbed Shinji’s arm and threw him in front of her, pushing him down the carriage whilst the three soldiers with them began shouting and readying their weapons.

    The idiot boy was at least smart enough to use his unbound hands to open the door at the end of the carriage. They both bundled through it, Nishina spinning on her feet and unsheathing one of her katanas to affix it through the door’s handle. There, no one would be breaking down that door in a hurry. She turned to escape into the next carriage.

    “Ah,” she sighed dejectedly, “I forgot we were already at the end of the train.”

    The pair of them looked out over the rails stretching back to Osaka, wind tousling their hair in the winter sun as they stood on the exposed gangway. “Come on,” she ordered Shinji, making for a ladder next to them which would take them up to the relative safety of the carriage’s roof. The three soldiers were already battering at the door. As she scurried up the ladder, Nishina tried to think of a plan. If they could just evade that woman for long enough, maybe they could make their escape at the next stop.

    Dragging Shinji with her, she sprinted over the roof of the carriage and up the train, fighting the strong winds that pushed against them. If they could make it to a carriage further up the train, maybe there would be some way to barricade themselves in and escape at the next station…

    However, as she was trying to think of an escape plan, a sharp sound of shattering glass pierced the air. Then, out of nowhere, the woman from the carriage vaulted up onto the roof to block their escape. Had she really just flipped out of a broken window and on to the top of a moving train? Nishina’s head swam at the thought of it, yet there she was before them.

    Her hair was bright blonde and cut fiercely across her face. However, the strong winds blew the fancy pink ribbons that held it in place, unleashing her billowing golden bangs. A white painted face and ruby red lips shone from underneath her windswept fringe, as fierce eyes were rimmed in rouge. Her kimono was a garish mess of colours, as yellows, greens, blues, reds and oranges all fought amongst its many layers. In her hand she gripped a tanto dagger, directed directly at Nishina and Shinji, whom had both stopped dead in their tracks.

    “Hitsu-chan,” their assailant spoke in a sickly sweet voice, “did you really think you could escape me?”

    “The daylight doesn’t suit you Suzushi,” Nishina bit back icily. “Why don’t you go back to skulking in the shadows?”

    Suzushi Yosome giggled and twisted the knife about her fingers playfully. “Oh no,” she tutted, “I’m afraid those days are coming to an end.”

    “How did you find us?” Nishina asked. She had gone to such lengths to avoid detection. She had known the Red Rider was after them; she should have expected this little whore to have not been too far behind as well.

    “You made quite a commotion in Matsusaka,” Suzushi replied, but she looked somewhat annoyed. “However, I actually wasn’t expecting to bump into the two of you here. I was simply on my way to Kyoto. The Emperor will be pleased to hear that I’ve finally captured you though; he does like to hear good news.”

    Nishina snorted in contempt. “I’d like to see you try,” she spoke venomously as she drew her remaining katana. “There’s no way you’re taking me alive.”

    The other woman laughed again. “Oh no Hitsu-chan,” she simpered, “you’re most certainly going to die here. I was talking about Shinji-kun. That being said, I’ll kill him as well, once the Emperor has no more need for him.”

    Suddenly Nishina remembered. “Oh, that’s right!” she laughed vindictively, hoping to hurt the infuriating girl. “Shinji killed that captain didn’t he? That one you had a thing for? I’d almost forgotten.”

    It worked. “Don’t you dare speak of Akashi Kyoumu,” Suzushi spat back at her. Gone were the sweet girl demeanour and the childish pleasantries. A fire burned in her narrowed eyes now and her erstwhile smile was curved into a grimace.

    “Why not?” Nishina laughed again, as she relished in the emotional pain she was causing the other woman. “What difference does it make if I talk about your precious Kyo-chan or not? After all, he’s dead now.”

    “I’m going to enjoy killing you,” growled Suzushi Yosome, Ishin Shishi of the Emperor. “I would have done it back in Asahi, had I not thought you could lead me to the boy. Tell me, what would you prefer? Would you like to be flayed alive or have your limbs crushed one by one under the wheels of this train?”

    “My, my,” Nishina fanned herself with her free hand, feigning flattery. “You certainly are a rabid little baita aren’t you Suzushi? Then again, you’re quite in keeping with the other fifth-rate prostitutes in the capital. How’s business now that Kyo-chan is dead? Had any gaijin lately?”

    Suzushi looked ready to snap and Nishina could not help but laugh again at the girl’s impotent fury. “I think it’s about time I ripped that tongue from your mouth. You’ll defy the Imperial cause no longer,” the girl replied, crouching into a combat stance.

    Nishina snorted again and she let the images of Christ upon her gilded blade glisten in the afternoon sun. “You cannot defeat me. I stand with the full might of God in my heart and in my sword.”

    “The Emperor is God,” Suzushi snarled.

    With that, the ishin shishi sprang forward. Nishina barely had time to raise her blade to parry as Suzushi’s dagger came flying towards her face. With a clash of steel, they were joined battle.

    Mustering her strength, Nishina broke the deadlock, overpowering the girl and sending her katana out in a wide arc. Suzushi somersaulted back, landing on her feet with feline reflexes. However, there was no time to think. Nishina leapt forward, aiming blow after blow at the girl. Spinning and twirling the hilt of the dagger about her palm, Suzushi parried whatever she didn’t dodge; agile footfalls somehow always twisting her just out of reach, despite the narrow roof of the train and the blisteringly fast winds.

    As Suzushi span out of another of Nishina’s overarm attacks, the nun changed her strategy, throwing herself forward and sending her blade careering up from its erstwhile downward arc into a backhand slash. Her infuriating opponent dodged yet again, throwing herself away, somehow balancing impossibly just inches from edge of the train.

    A gap had opened between them. Nishina’s eyes widened as the imperial agent darted past her. She turned to see Suzushi sprinting towards Shinji. The boy was defenceless, helpless. Scurrying to catch up with her rival, Nishina arrived just seconds too late. A powerful kick to the side of the head sent Shinji sprawling. Nishina’s heart skipped a beat as she saw Shinji slide to the edge of the carriage roof. His head and right arm hung off the train, but somehow he remained on top. The kick had however knocked him unconscious. At least, she hoped he was only unconscious…

    Gawping at Shinji, Nishina didn’t was unprepared as Suzushi pirouetted back to face her. A fierce slash from the dagger sent blood spraying from Nishina’s chest and she stumbled back. Regaining her composure, she put her wound out of mind and tried to parry the flurry of sword strokes that were now raining down on her.

    Barely managing to parry the girl’s assaults, Nishina was forced away from the prone Shinji, inch by inch. Her feet slid back little by little and she was unable to withstand the onslaught. Suddenly, as her left foot gave way, it no longer found a surface to rest upon. She glanced down to see her leg dangling precariously over the edge of the train.

    Suzushi kicked her square in the wound across her chest and sent her flying from the edge of the train. Her vision narrowing rapidly as she fell, Nishina saw the girl smile at her sweetly, before rounding upon her true prey.

    “Shinji!” Nishina cried, before her body hit the snow below and she remembered nothing more.

  5. #145
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 31 - 13.2.15

    Stay tuned for Chapter 32 on Sunday.

    Behind the scenes note, Act III is actually nearly complete! So we're way ahead of schedule. I'm not super happy with it, but it's okay enough and I don't really want to rewrite it. I've prepared a little teaser for the future acts as well and I'll unveil that on Sunday too.

    Some feedback would be awesome, if anyone's around. I had a ton of fun writing Chapter 30 especially and 31 and 32 were pretty cool to do as well. Although this story doesn't have too many characters, there are a lot of separate story arcs, so when they dovetail like this it's really exciting to me, but obviously has to be executed correctly. That being said, I know there are some unanswered questions (aren't there always?), so please have some patience in regards to those

    Oh, I also won my first ever MAARC last month! A huge thanks to everyone who voted for this, you're all too kind
    Last edited by Hitai de Bodemloze; February 13, 2015 at 09:44 AM.

  6. #146
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 31 - 13.2.15

    This is fun.

    (I probably shouldn't be saying that just after someone's been kicked off the roof of a train, should I? Oh, well...)

    I like all the twists and turns, and I'm intrigued by all the hints of things that might be resolved later on. I think the end of Chapter 31 is a great cliffhanger.

    And congratulations on the MAARC victory!

  7. #147
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 31 - 13.2.15

    Quote Originally Posted by Caillagh View Post
    This is fun.

    (I probably shouldn't be saying that just after someone's been kicked off the roof of a train, should I? Oh, well...)

    I like all the twists and turns, and I'm intrigued by all the hints of things that might be resolved later on. I think the end of Chapter 31 is a great cliffhanger.

    And congratulations on the MAARC victory!
    Thanks! I have a lot of fun writing it and it's always great to hear that others enjoy it as well. And I wouldn't worry! People thought it was really fun when a poor old lady got shot in the face in Chapter 7. I'm sure being kicked off a train pales in comparison

  8. #148

    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 31 - 13.2.15

    Amazing stuff, did not expect to see Suzushi coming back and the dialogue between the two ladies was funny and enjoyable to read.

    That is a travesty that that was your first MAARC win. But I can definitely see this story winning many more.

    I'd like to see some more Shinji chapters (if he's still alive) as I liked the ones you've already done from his POV.

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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 31 - 13.2.15

    Quote Originally Posted by Merchant of Venice View Post
    Amazing stuff, did not expect to see Suzushi coming back and the dialogue between the two ladies was funny and enjoyable to read.

    That is a travesty that that was your first MAARC win. But I can definitely see this story winning many more.

    I'd like to see some more Shinji chapters (if he's still alive) as I liked the ones you've already done from his POV.
    Glad you enjoyed the twist I was planning Suzushi's return for a long time, since I really liked her character. Obviously it gets difficult to keep everyone involved, but you'll have to trust me in that it will all work out and make sense eventually

    I would've won one a long time ago, had not someone kept tying/beating me To be honest, I only entered Kyoto once (you beat me...), then I actually took a fairly long break from AARs. About a year actually, if my memory serves. Man that makes me feel old.

    Shinji? You should know by now that my protagonists don't last long...

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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 32 - 15.2.15

    Let There Be Light
    Takatsuki-han, November 1864

    All was darkness. He tried to open his eyes, but he found he could not. Everything was dark; it was as if dreaming a dreamless sleep.

    Was this death? Was he actually…dead? Had he failed?

    Morishige…Takenori…They had done so much for him, yet he had failed them. He felt as if he needed to cry, but he could not.

    What could he do? All was darkness. His senses were lost to him. Abandoned in a void, he was as if unborn.

    Then he heard something. Was it…his name? What was his name? He had almost forgotten. But that was it. He heard it then. Someone was calling for him.

    He realized he was warm. It was a strange warmness. It did not come from within him, but rather it enclosed him. It was all about him, yet detached from him. Could it be the darkness? How could the darkness be warm?

    Where was he? He was in no realm of man, but he was in no realm of God either. At least, it did not seem as if he were.

    Where was this warmness coming from? Who had said his name? Could he reply? Could he talk? He could not open his eyes, nor move his limbs, nor act in any way. Yet he had not tried to talk? Was it something he could do?

    He felt the warmness around him. Someone had said his name, he was sure of it. Who were they? What did they want? He had so many questions. He resolved to try to reply. He feared what would happen if he could not, but he knew he had to try nonetheless. He had so much to ask.

    What should he ask?

    Why not start with the simplest question?

    “What’s going on?” Akashi Kyoumu finally asked.

    Suzushi Yosome screamed and fell from atop the train.

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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 31 - 13.2.15

    And that's the end of Act II. Feel free to send all your hate mail to me via PM.

    Act III begins next week (maybe Tuesday or Wednesday?). I wanted to do a video-trailer kind of thing, but in the end it was too much hassle. I did however make a little teaser thing.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  12. #152
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 32 - 15.2.15

    Congratulations on your well-earned MAARC win.

    Wow! There is fantastic action and dialogue in "Duel" and wonderful strangeness and mystery in "Let There Be Light". Your teaser pictures are excellent!

  13. #153

    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 32 - 15.2.15

    Don't know whether I should send hate or love mail

    A surprising cliffhanger. The last two sentences were some of the most powerful I feel in this AAR so far. Great teaser pictures. Can't wait for the many more Acts to come.

  14. #154
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 32 - 15.2.15

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Congratulations on your well-earned MAARC win.

    Wow! There is fantastic action and dialogue in "Duel" and wonderful strangeness and mystery in "Let There Be Light". Your teaser pictures are excellent!
    Quote Originally Posted by Merchant of Venice View Post
    Don't know whether I should send hate or love mail

    A surprising cliffhanger. The last two sentences were some of the most powerful I feel in this AAR so far. Great teaser pictures. Can't wait for the many more Acts to come.
    Thank you both!

    I want to speed through Act III quite quickly, so expect two to three updates a week. Although I had fun writing it and it's very important for the future of the story, it's not the best quality and I guess it might be a bit boring. Act II wasn't exactly edge of your seat stuff and Act III is probably less exciting. Just three more acts to go before we get to the fun half of the story though! Sounds like a long way off, but I hope to be there by June-ish.

  15. #155
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 32 - 15.2.15

    Well. The end of Chapter 32 was... unexpected...

    What a brilliant way to end an Act!

  16. #156
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 32 - 15.2.15

    Quote Originally Posted by Caillagh View Post
    Well. The end of Chapter 32 was... unexpected...

    What a brilliant way to end an Act!
    Thank you It's certainly a risk, but I liked Akashi too much to let him go that easily.

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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 33 - 17.2.15

    Takatsuki-han, November 1864


    Her bloodlust dissolved in an instant and she melted at the sound of his voice. Her heart thundered in her chest and she felt lighter than air. Her stomach tickled her violently and her vision swam as she lay spread-eagled in the snow. Akashi Kyoumu…her love…was alive?

    “Kyo-chan, where are you?” she called into the sky, her voice barely more than her whisper. She feared herself in a dream. Should she talk too loudly, perhaps this illusion would be shattered. It was as if treading upon thin ice, one wrong movement and she would plunge into despair once again.

    There was silence and Suzushi felt her heart slowly break, piece by piece like the snowflakes falling upon her bare face.

    Then…something. It sounded like a growl; a barely audible sigh. Where was it coming from? Suzushi’s eyes darted frantically around, but she was too afraid to move.


    His voice. Her name. Her heart felt like it might both cease beating and burst at the same time. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Akashi was alive! She jumped up and twirled around in the snow, partly out of jubilation, partly to finally find and embrace her long lost love.

    However as she pirouetted in the hiemal snowscape, she could not find him. Her eyes widened as she came to a halt. No…she had heard him…where was he?

    “Kyo-chan!” she called into the fields and trees about her. She spoke louder this time, confident he must surely be alive. “Where are you?”

    “What do you want Suzushi?” Akashi’s voice caressed her ears. Despite the man’s wearied and negative tone, she felt another shock jolt of joy through her feeble frame.

    “Kyo-chan!” she cried his name once again, ever more elatedly. “You’re alive!”

    More barely audible muttering. Then he spoke again with a sigh: “It would seem so. What’s going on? Where are we?”

    Suzushi collapsed once more in the snow, frolicking about in excitement. Finally she came to a halt, still giggling to herself, but resolved to continue the conversation. “I’m not actually too sure Kyo-chan. I was heading to Kyoto, but there were a few complications. However, although I can hear you, I can’t see you Kyo-chan! Where are you hiding?”

    “That makes two of us,” Akashi snorted, still not sounding too thrilled to be speaking with her. “I can’t see anything. It’s just darkness…”

    Suzushi bit the tip of her thumb as she thought about this. Akashi was blind? How had he gotten here? She had heard his voice on top of the train, so he must have been there with her. Did that mean…he was in her head?

    Her heart sank once more. Was this all just another figment of her imagination? A hallucination brought on by the cold weather and clash of steel?

    “It’s…warm though,” Akashi spoke again.

    “Yeah, yeah,” Suzushi said dejectedly, knowing the voice that spoke to her was nothing more than a cheap trick of her own mind.

    “I feel kind of…squashed…”

    Suzushi sighed as she lay in the snow, staring up at the heavens. “Of course you do my love, of course you do.”

    “Don’t call me that,” the voice said irritably.

    A smile flashed across her face, but it no glint of it touched her eyes. So realistic. That was exactly something he would have said. Then again, she knew him so well; it wouldn’t be hard for her mind to construct a perfect hallucination of him.

    Her heartrate was slowing down. The poor organ had suffered so much those past few minutes. Finally it, like her, had given up hope. It was time to return to normal. Sighing, she put a hand over her chest and tried to ease love’s tender wound.


    Suzushi blinked. “What did you say?” she asked her hallucination.

    “I said ow!” Akashi replied. “Would you quit that already?”

    Suzushi was confused. Delicately, she removed her hand from atop her chest. Her brow furrowed, she wondered what on earth was going on.

    “Thank you,” the voice said begrudgingly.

    The girl looked at her chest, then her hand, then at her chest again. Then, she remembered something. Sliding her hand into her kimono, she dug out the necklace from around her neck and examined it before her.

    “Agh, that’s bright!” Akashi cried as Suzushi lifted the tiny silver cross above her prone form.

    “Kyo-chan! You’re in there!”

    “What? In where? What’s going on?”

    “You’re in your necklace!”

    “What are you talking about you stupid girl?”

    Suzushi squealed in delight and pressed the necklace again her cheek, amidst more cries of pain and annoyance from Akashi. “Kyo-chan! You’re a tsukumogami!”

    Although Akashi sounded just as irritated before, confusion was seeping into his voice now. “A tsukumogami? One of those objects that’s meant to come alive after a hundred years? You’re as mad as ever I see.”

    “It’s true!” Suzushi asserted. “It has to be! Your strange god must have finally answered my prayers. Now we can be together forever, just like we promised!”

    “I don’t remember promising that,” Akashi replied, sounding concerned. Suzushi ignored him.

    “Granted you’re not an object that’s come to life, but your spirit is inhabiting an object. That’s pretty much the same thing right? Oh I’m so happy! I never thought we’d be together again, this is incredible!”

    From the cross still clutched in her hands, Akashi spoke once again. “Okay, so I’m in a necklace. That’s…something I’ll deal with later. How come I’m here with you? More to the point, how can I get away from you?”

    “Sorry Kyo-chan,” Suzushi smirked, “you’re stuck with me now forever more.”

    Another sigh. “Can you at least tell me what’s going on?”

    “Well, Kyo-chan,” Suzushi began slyly, still smiling to herself. “We’re on a hunt.”

    “A hunt? What are we hunting?”

    “Tsukaru Shinji.”

    “Ah…” Akashi spoke after a long pause. “Well then, let’s get started.”

  18. #158
    Scottish King's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 33 - 17.2.15

    Great opening to Act 3! Your writing has come along nicely Hitai. This story is awesome as well as the way you frame your screenies which seems to be a trait Shogun 2 writers have . I want more!!!!
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  19. #159
    Hitai de Bodemloze's Avatar 避世絕俗
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    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 33 - 17.2.15

    Quote Originally Posted by Scottish King View Post
    Great opening to Act 3! Your writing has come along nicely Hitai. This story is awesome as well as the way you frame your screenies which seems to be a trait Shogun 2 writers have . I want more!!!!
    We're a classy bunch Cheers mate, thanks for dropping by

  20. #160

    Default Re: Yōkai | Updated Chapter 33 - 17.2.15

    An interesting and unexpected twist even for you Hitai, I like the last line "Well then, let's get started". I can already imagine all the humorous dialogue between these two in future chapters.

    Also, how did you get that deer there in the first pic?

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