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Thread: Your empire

  1. #1

    Default Your empire

    Post screenies, trailers and stories of your empire here!
    I'll TRY to post my this weekend.

  2. #2
    thoscme's Avatar Semisalis
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    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Your empire

    i could, but have no idae how to make screens..
    proud norwegian

  3. #3
    IMPERATOR_5's Avatar Centenarius
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Re: Your empire

    Quote Originally Posted by thoscme
    i could, but have no idae how to make screens..
    there is a button on the keyboard that says PrtSc (printscreen).. after that go to paint and paste then just save the image
    TERMINAL BOREDOM "An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia regitur orbis?"

  4. #4

    Default Re: Your empire


    Summer 3200 YA:
    -I, the Dorian king Aretos, have decided to start an invasion on Greece. We are the sons of Heraclo and by that, we have the right to rule the Greece.
    However, before we can start the invasion, we must get resources to finance the war and an army to attack Greece.
    Unfortunately, only three tribes have decided to hear my call. I shall take care that others feel my wraith!

    Summer 3199 YA:
    -An army of rebells has attacked me but I came out victorius. I have also met a young galloper who will serve me good in future.
    -After defeating those rebels the Antigoneia tribe was defenseles. Unfortunately for all of us, I needed to masacre theme. I will not stand resistance to my rule. Not now.

    Winter 3199 YA:
    -Sargon, a nomad from the north approached me and asked me if he can join my army. I have not seen much loyalities in lost days so I named him my son and welcomed him to Dorian people.
    -Totally unfortunate, many greek factions have declared a ceasefire. I hope that this peace won't last for long as it will be going against my plans.
    -The Pellion tribe joined my empire... by conquer

    Summer 3198 YA:
    -I saw a talented warior called Tukulti and asked him some questions about the war. Enough to say that I was so satisfied with his answers that I named him my son.
    -Asphalion, my son, has married with his cousin Uadjet. Terrible, I know, but I had no choice
    -Pellion rioted. My son was gone a week for a honey moon, and town starts to riot. They really gotta love him.

    Winter 3198 YA:
    -My adopted son Tukulti has also married. Ninsun must be very happy.
    -My informators sent me some great news. It seems that they city of Athen is in war with Pht...something! Weaker Greece means easier prey!

    Summer 3197 YA:
    -In age of 53, I did not except to get another son, but that happened. I am now a proud father of Ibate We gotta party tonight!!!
    -While I was partying for 7 days, Sargon captured Dodone. What happy days. If at least I weren't losing my money.

  5. #5
    MarcusAureliusAntoninus's Avatar Domesticus

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    Default Re: Your empire

    Here is my Athenian Empire:
    As it started, I made and alliance with most of my neighbors, the Myceans didn't want peace, so I took Megara. Eventually I had peace with them too. Not having money and being surrounded by "friends" I decided to take Minoa, especially seeing as they had a continual land attack on my island, later islands.

    As I invaded Minoa, the traitorous Thebes attacked and betrayed our alliance, forcing me to move my deturing forces at Megara to Boetian territory. The Thebes quickly fell and I moved on to take all of their lands and destroy their nation, meanwhile slowly taking Minoa:

    Seeing my forces streched out, the Myceans struck at my weakness, nearly taking Megara. But my now experienced troops in Kalydon crossed the sea and attacked the Mycean rear, all while a new army attacked Mykenai itself. The Myceans, exahausted with constant war with Ithika fell, but not before getting their Spartan allies involved. After destroying the Argos surviors (who were under the protection of Mykenai) in Troizon, I marched on Spartan Argos then Prasiai.

    Meanwhile, I defeated Minoa and disbanded the invasion forces there. But all the while, my one "trustworthy" ally until this time, Ithika, betrayed me, taking Kalydon. My counter attack was slow, but determined.

    Over a decade of fighting, I slowly destroyed the ever weakening Ithika, all the while holding off the Spartans. Phithia, having been at war with me since the destruction of Thebes, was also a constant thorn in my side. Then Pylos, having not done anything since Mycea fell, attacked one of my heavily garrisoned Spartan-bordering towns. Being Spartan allies, I made an example of them and took their city.

    Over the next decade, I finished off those whole inhabed Thessaly. All the while building a large army to guard my border with my new barbarian neighbors. Though even huge armies on the borders were not enough to stop the Thracians from attacking Pella, which I had purchased some time earlier from them. But still Sparta stood, neutral, but watched by me.

    Peace and war constantly alternated with Thrace, but all in all, they were losing this fight. Then, left stuck between strong Thrace, and my lightly garrisoned towns, my ally, the Dorians attacked me (bad move). After taking two settlements from them, an uneasy peace followed. Then Sparta attacked... then Sparta fell:

    Now as ruler of a unified Greece, I move on to make "colonies" across the Agean...
    Last edited by MarcusAureliusAntoninus; October 20, 2006 at 05:58 PM.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Your empire


    1) The Mycenean War
    2) The Marines and the Minoans
    3) The Northern and Eastern campaigns
    4) The Final Front


    Ithaca's starting position was dire. With large numbers of poor troops and cavalry plus a terrible economic situation these normally peaceful people were forced to expand.

    Expansion, although needed, was not easy. Ithaca was surrounded on all sides by ambitious and growing empires. To the north the dorians, the north-east the thebens, and to the west the great empire of mycenae who had already fought wars with ithaca in the past. Although there were several small idependant coastal states which were prime targets for ithaca it was likely that the other empires would also be seeking to expand in those directions possibly leading to a conflict of interests. Despite this two generals were dispatched, dananos north and odysseus east.

    Dananos with his large force quickly conquered Stratos with minimum casualties and swiftly send an expeditionary force north to conquer the island nation of Kerkyra. Odysseus with a small force of only 150 men managed to defeat the well equiped army of Elis without difficulty and the people readily opened their arms to their new leader. with these new territories the ithacan econemy stabalised and then boomed bringing a period of investment and prosperity.... but storm clouds were gathering. The thebens had been slowing expanding their borders in the direction of stratos and a mycenean spy was detected in Elis which could mean only one thing, war.

    The myceneans declared war on ithaca by blockading their main port at Same. It was obvious that their main effort would be focused on taking the town of Elis. In preparation the ithacans deispatched whatever troops they could from the islands to reinforce their garrison on the greek mainland and they arrived just in time. An epic mycenaen army beseiged the settlement and constructed 8 battering rams. But at exactly the same time worse news was to arrive. The thebens had allied with mycenae and were peparing a force to the north and pylos declared war on ithaca with the ambition of taking Same itself. With their econemy on the brink of failing and their military forces streached on three fronts, the coming war would not be easy.

    The initial battle at Elis was a victory for Odysseus with the defeat of the cream of the Mycenean army, but at a large cost of well trained ithacan troops. With no hope of reinforcement from home militia had to be recruited to fill the ranks. With only a hand-full of men odysseus prpared for yet another mycenaen army. Seiges and assaults continued for a decade with the myceneans unable to cush the valiant defenders. Odysseus became a greek hero and raised in rank constantly but his forces were growing smaller and smaller with the ongoing seiges.

    On the northern front Dananos had been bbacked up by his 3 sons and their combined bodyguard unit made a deadly fighting force which although too small to take the fight to the thebens was never in danger of being crushed.

    As the war progressed and alliance was made between ithaca and athens who was also under constant attack from the thebens and mycenaeans. The athenians fought bravely and won two epic victories over the thebens.

    The spartans (strong allies of mycenae) declared war on the ithacans and at the same time an army of pylos invaded Same, but was beaten back by the ithacan defenders. Desperatly needing allies the Ithacans dispatched an emissary to the great minoan empire to try to persuade them to attack the mycenaeans or spartans.

    With the constant strain of training and retraining armies the ithacan treasurey was depleted and nation faced defeat. Odysseus was in dispair as the myceneans had finally decided to send their main armies to take Elis. These armies numbered over 2000 troops with 3 generals including the mycenean king. Desperate the ithacans prepared a poorly trained expeditionary force to sail north and attack the last remaining idependant state of Antigonea in the hopes of raising enough cash to train more men. It was a gamble as the Antigoneans had stone walls and a medium siezed force, but the ithacans had no option as elis was considered lost in any case.

    The ithacan poor luck continued as when their force was no more than a mile from Antigonea they encountered a large and well trained thesselian army which had obviously the same objective. The thessilians attacked the ithacans, who facing defeat withdrew to their ships without a fight.

    Finally the huge assault at Elis started, but from the outset one thing was in the favour of the Ithacans - although they only had two units of archers, 3 of militia and the general their troops had lots of experience fom the other battles. Also, a mycenean spy had opened the gates to the settlement meaning that 7 out of the 8 mycenean rams were abandoned. The hordes of Myceneans impetuously rushed the nearest gate where they were immediatly surrounded by 3 units of militia on the other side. While the bulk of the army was pinned outside the gate the ithcan archers let loose and caused many casualties. The one remianing mycenaen ram opened a breech on the far right side of the settlement and three units (including a general) tried to pour in but were met by odyssues himself. The battle raged until the archers had no more arrows and were committed to the melee at the gate, one unit of militia had fought to the death and the other two had sustained heavy casualties. Fighting alone on the right flank odysseus finally managed to route the 3 enemy units and kill the general, these events caused several of the mycenaen unit fightint at the gate who had sustained heavy losses to run in terror. Odysseus and his bodyguard now ran outside the walls and threw their javelins into the ranks of myceneans piled up at the gate and then charged. Before long the whole mycenean force was in full retreat with the exception of king agamemnon who had been holding back. Odysseus closed with agamemnon despite his unit being reduced to 20 men. The rest of the ithacan army persued the myceneans and cut hundreds down. The two bodyguard units dueled until finally Agamemnon was cut down. Odysseus had achieved the greatest victory in history, a total victory.

    After the battle of Elis the force which had been assigned to attack Antigonea but retreated now met up with odysseus and a break out onto the pelopenesse was launched. Pylos whos army had been defeated at Same were conquered swiftly - one less enemy. With the sack of Pylos the ithacan treasurey bulged once more of gold and the army on the mainland grew substantially. The myceneans were regrouping their forces and preparing to march south to take pylos. Anticipating this move Odysseus took the bulk of his forces north and cought the myceneans off balance allowing him to quickly conquer Patrai. At this moment of victory good news came from minoa, not only had they allied with ithaca but dispatched a force to attack sparta.

    For a time Dardanos was also able to break out and lauched a series of deadly attacks on the nearby theben settlements. As the ithacan army grew they prepared for one last pitched battle against mycenae. They fought near the town itself, an army of 800 ithacans against 1200 mycenaeans and an army of 400 argives (who had since become a client kingdom of mycenae). The new Mycenaen king had enjoyed several victories over the Argives from the times when they were at war and also over the Athenians, he was a 9 star general. The battle raged and a quarter of the Ithcan force was lost to the great mycenean general, but the ithacans prevailed and mycenae was conquered.

    Over the next 10 years a standard campaign was lauched to finish off the myceneans and argives which had little difficulty. In the north dardanos died of old age but one of his sons (who was brutal and tyrannical) had gained much experience in the battles at stratos and was a more than worthy replacement. The minoans had successfully defeated the bulk of the spartan army but indecisively failed to take sparta itself. Ithaca took the opportunity during a break in minoan seiges and sacked the city.

    Finally the thebens were conquered and the pelopenesse was totally under ithacan control, but peace would not last. The minoans felt betrayed that ithaca had taken sparta and declared war on ithaca. They would prove a challenge with their 2000 strong army of battle hardened veterens already on the mainland, large territories, huge armies on their islands and huge fleet. At the same time Athens, feeling threatened by ithaca's growing power also betrayed their old allies. A whole new war was just starting....
    Last edited by Zhuge_Liang; October 20, 2006 at 07:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Spartan1015's Avatar Semisalis
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    Earth, or you want to say Mars

    Default Re: Your empire

    i dont really want to post my empire just yet, i want the full version to come out then ill post
    "The Spartan Don't Ask How Many, Only Where They Are - Agis of Sparta 415BC"
    Fenix Maximus - Lost Son Of Ares And Aphrodite, Trained By The Gods And Spartans, Everything Else Is Unknown About The Great Hero.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Your empire

    Summer 3196 YA:
    -Finally, my money problems have been solved
    -The Dodone tribe rioted and killed a trader. Great, really great!
    -Thesalian army has been spoted layiing siege on Argithea tribe. DAMNED!! I wanted to take it!

    Winter 3196 YA:
    -The city of Athens and Ithaca have declared an alliance. I'll need to take care of that.
    -Tukulti got a son Makishanus. I'll need to throw another party tonight!

    Summer 3195 YA:
    -I am drunk!
    -Argithea has fallen to Thessaly
    -A spy of mine inform me that Ithacians are laying siege on Eurytanes tribe

    Winter 3195 YA:
    -Sargon has married Kybele. Poor woman.
    -I have made an alliance with Sparta. They are a warrior people and could be persuaded to make chaos in Greek lands. I like thiese games!

    Summer 3194 YA:
    -Sargon has taken over the Kerkyra tribe. He tought that we should make a fleet and become a naval power. Can't say I disagree with him.
    -One of my captains, Harharu, has won a great victory. Because of that, I name him my... grandson!!
    -An alliance with Pthia has been made. You never know when this alliance will help you

    Winter 3194 YA:
    -Our faction has grown large. So large that there is no larger faction the the Dorian faction! Long live I!!

    Summer 3193 YA:
    -I realized something. I have problems with money... again!
    -I menaged to persuade Sparta to attack Argos
    -One of my informants menaged to persuade Pylos to attack Ithaca.
    -Therande tribe rejoined the Dorian people!
    -Ithacian siege on Eurytaned failed. I'll use the best of it!
    -Spy has opened me and my army the gates and the tribe fell.

    Winter 3193 YA:
    -I no longer have money problems. The opposite. There is no richer people then us
    -Ithaca and Sparta declared alliance. Something stinks but I don't know what.

    Summer 3192 YA:
    -Troy and Thrace declared war to one another. I should use that war in my own advantage.
    -My plan succeded. I have allied myself with Troy. Hopefully, Thracia will be weaken by Troy and Lydia will crush my allies.

    Winter 3192 YA:
    -While I was sleeping, Ithaca layed a siege on Eurytanes. I prepare my men for a fight!
    -Ithaca lost the fight. I shall now teach theme a lesson!
    -Sparta decided to side with Ithaca. I kne something stinked!
    -My oldest son got a girl! I would start a party, but I don't want to become drunk... again.

    Summer 3191 YA:
    -I attacked Stratos. When my spy opened the gates, stupid krakens didn't even notice what happened to theme.

    Winter 3191 YA:
    -My son adoptded Attiya, a stranger from the east.
    -Tukulti is certankly children-rich. He got a girl with a stupid name Gula.
    -Thebes attacked Athens. Those two cities really "love" themeselves
    -Harharu showed his worth by capturing Bylazora

    Summer 3190 YA:
    -Captain Ninus joined our family.
    -Harharu found a wife in Bylazora. Her name is Hebat. I coudn't resist to make a party...

    Winter 3190 YA:
    -Sargon adopted Kyaxares, one of his 15 half-brother.
    -Mycanae declared war to Ithaca and Sparta supported Mycanae. Why do I have strange feeling about Spartae?
    -I declared an alliance with Thebes.

    Summer 3189 YA:
    -Metalloi Mik tribe joined our people.

    Summer 3188 YA:
    -Sargon got a son Iytenu. Was alredy the time!
    -I (finally) menaged to take over Kalydon!
    -Thasaly and Dorians are now allies.
    -Sargon, that little son of a *****!! He killed Odyessus and captured Ithaca!! And that about a year ago! Seems that pidgeon have been killed. This is really a day for celebration!
    -Another message from Sargon came. He decided toi attack the last Ithacian settlement Elis. I am proud of him.
    -Terrible!! Sargos has been ambushed and killed! I must take care that his deede never become lost in history! This is a dark day for Dorian people.

    Winter 3188 YA:
    -I adopted Susuda, a garrison commander. Don't know why. Seems I am geting old.

    -I am Asphalon, son of king Aretos. Father died yesterday and now I am the king. First Sargon and now Aretus, this are really dark days for our people.
    King aretos was a fearless victor, stern and a harsh ruler. He has done more then his father and his fathers father. I can only hope to continue what he has started.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Your empire

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan1015
    i dont really want to post my empire just yet, i want the full version to come out then ill post

    Unless you can find a team of people willing to do the work who have no interest in M2TW then it isn't going to happen.

  10. #10
    Spartan1015's Avatar Semisalis
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    Earth, or you want to say Mars

    Default Re: Your empire

    no i thought there was going to be a hero patch?
    "The Spartan Don't Ask How Many, Only Where They Are - Agis of Sparta 415BC"
    Fenix Maximus - Lost Son Of Ares And Aphrodite, Trained By The Gods And Spartans, Everything Else Is Unknown About The Great Hero.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Your empire

    hero patch - wheres the hero patch
    Dominius Latronius Dominarus: An Elder HighBorn: Latronii Dominaruses: Gens Latronia, Alea iacta est"

    Gaius Marius Julius Caesar

  12. #12

    Default Re: Your empire

    I don't know what you are talking about spartan1015, the heros are in the game the only way they can be.

  13. #13
    Spartan1015's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Your empire

    i thought we were voting that we change the captain models and skins to the general, doesnt really make a difference. We should make a patch for the person to choose. Why dont we make a download for the hero patch in custom battles, and provide a vanilla of original TTW?
    "The Spartan Don't Ask How Many, Only Where They Are - Agis of Sparta 415BC"
    Fenix Maximus - Lost Son Of Ares And Aphrodite, Trained By The Gods And Spartans, Everything Else Is Unknown About The Great Hero.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Your empire

    I play with Ithaca.

    From the beginning the Myceneans and us waged a long and bitter war.
    I have captured Elis, but when I left it lightly defended they attacked immediately. Then, the rest of the army, led by Odysseus himself, have sacked Pylos with ease, and they have been attacking Pylos ever since...
    They are relentless, although their losses have been grievous.

    It is not a huge army that garrisons Pylos, but an experienced and loyal one.
    With Odysseus, Telemakhos and two other family members, 3 battalions of levy Dorytai's, and a battalion of archers, the city still stands unconquered, despite the frequent and massive Mycenean attacks.

    About 20 battles have been fought for that city so far, and they couldn't even get to the city plaza. Every time they would be stopped by the heroic spearmen who would form up in a shield wall, and then massacred with arrows from their flanks, and heroes which I use as shock troops.

    Then, in 3181 YA, the great leader of Ithaca, Odysseus, died of natural causes. But things are starting to change to our advantage: I have forged alliances with Athens and Argos, and it seems that the Myceneans have finally realized that in the present situation they cannot conquer the city.

    A time of prosperity and peace have started. I only hope that it will last long enough until I can rebuild my economy and military.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Your empire

    I am playing as Troy! I have won many battles, lost hundreds of men while killing millions!

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