孟子對曰:“軻聞之:君子稱身而就位,不為苟得而受賞,不貪榮祿。諸侯不聽,則不達其上。聽而不用,則不踐其朝。”今道不用於齊,願行而母老,是以 憂也. 孟母曰:“夫婦人之禮,精五飯,冪酒漿,養舅姑,縫衣裳而已矣。故有閨內之脩,而無境外之志。《易》曰:‘在中饋,無攸遂。’《詩》曰:‘無非無儀,惟酒食是議。’以言婦人無擅制之義,而有三從之道也。故年少則從乎父母,出嫁則從乎夫,夫死則從乎子,禮也。今子成人也,而我老矣。子行乎子義,吾行乎吾禮.

I hereby resign as your Curator. One cannot serve a body in which one no longer believes. The corruption that goes own behind the scenes is more rampant than many people could even fathom, but trust me, it exists. I suppose one cannot expect more from a body that is generally elitist and cliquish, and I may have been idealistic to think it was more than that. But I want no more part in serving this place.

My resignation will become official once a new Curator is selected. In the meantime, Shankbot will carry out the day-to-day activities until a replacement has been elected. I personally endorse Shankbot for the position. He has been a dutiful worker and a conscientious citizen.
