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Thread: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 9/12/14

  1. #1

    Icon10 Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 9/12/14

    Included in TITANIUM

    This submod allows all Catholic Faction to recruit Knights from any of the Orders available in Stainless Steel (Templars, Hospitallers, Teutonic,MontesaCalatrava and Santiago).

    Just like vanilla SS6.4 Chapter Houses can be built in some specific regions, see map above, but now it doesn't matter which faction you are playing with, as long it is a catholic faction you will be able to access that particular knight order there.

    Playing as France and conquered Zaragoza? now you can recruit Knights of Calatrava...or if you decide to go eastward, then you'll be able to command some Teutonic Knights as well.

    Before playing as Spain, Aragon or Portugal forbid you from training Templars or Hospitallers in the Holy Land, Not Anymore!!!

    Playing as Poland and you got hold of some Baltic Coast provinces? now you can get some Teutonic Knights to help you smitten those heathens neighbours.

    Additional Changes:
    - Orders come available near their historical founding date, so Templars wont be available until ~1120, Teutonics until ~1190, Calatrava and Santiago until ~1155, only the Hospitaller are available from 1100
    - Can have Chapter Houses from different Orders in a single settlement.
    - Dismounted Knights are availble with minor Chapter Houses although the replenishment rate is much slower than on a major Chapter House
    - Teutonic Knights are still available after the Teutonic Order emerges as a faction, however the replenishment rates will be extremely slow.
    - Order HQs are back but only on few specific settlements, it increases the free upkeep units and the max pool of Knights.
    - Teutonic Order can use other orders charpter keeps to recruit knights but cannot build any other than Teutonic Order Keeps
    - Confrère Knights are available with Templar major Chapter House and HQs built in Holy Land Settlements
    - Order of Calatrava fully replaces Montesa
    - Mounted Knights of Calatrava are armed with maces like their dismounted counterpart

    Optional Real Recruitment Tweaks:
    - Knights of st Lazarus are available with Stone Castles with reduced replenishment rate
    - Dismounted Knights of st Lazarus are available earlier with Fortresses with reduced replenishment rate
    - Confrère Knights are available with Knight's Stables with reduced replenishment rate

    New icons for Chapter Houses

    Orders Availability Table
    Acre (HQ)AcreAcreZaragozaLeon (HQ)
    Venice (HQ)Jerusalem (HQ)Jerusalem (HQ)ValenciaOporto
    BrasovAntiochAntiochToledo (HQ)Toledo (HQ)
    Thorn (HQ)Nicosia (HQ)Rhodes (HQ)--

    *Named Twangste with the SS6.4 Bugfix Compilation
    Settlement Level requirements:
    - Minor Chapter Houses: Minor City/Stone Castle
    - Major Chapter Houses: Large City/Fortress
    - Chapter House HQ: Large City/Fortress

    Any feedback will be more than welcome

    Open "RegionalKnightOrders.7z" and drag the "SS6.3" folder to Medieval II's "mod" folder and accept to overwrite.
    Special Instructions for proper submod setup
    Just after the SS_Setup.exe finishes to configures your game, you MUST run SS_campaign_map_reset.bat located at SS6.3 folder
    This is required to generate a new map updated with the new Chapter House locations.

    Feel free to do whatever you want with this, just remember to put me in the credits
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails sample.jpg   ref_knight_order_regions.jpg  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Download Link now available :)

    Download Link Available now

  3. #3

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Download Link now available

    -Fixed glitch in calatrava chapter houses UI pics
    -Added some AoR to chapter houses
    Templar and Hospitaller Houses built in Europe (except Iberian Peninsula) cannot train knights right after the building is complete, have to wait some 5turns as they start with half pool point.
    Crusader States faction has slightly faster recruitment pool replenishment, same for Iberian Kingdoms with the Iberian Knight Orders.
    (I had previously reduced replenishment rate so this will make Crusader States and Iberian Kingdoms have the same rate than vanilla SS)

  4. #4
    fatihkrmn's Avatar Laetus
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 3/29/14

    Great work! I think you should merge all of your submods to viva la rebellion.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 3/29/14

    Quote Originally Posted by fatihkrmn View Post
    Great work! I think you should merge all of your submods to viva la rebellion.
    Did you do that, Melooo?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 3/29/14

    Well currently they are all compatible between them, later I could make another Viva La Rebelion Expansion pack that includes them all in a single download.

  7. #7
    +Marius+'s Avatar Domesticus
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 3/29/14


    Is this mod compatible with the 1450 startdate mod?(I presume it it?)
    What are the chances of installing this whilst not messing up my save game?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 3/29/14

    Well for the Chapter Houses being available as wide as shown in the need to reset the campaign map(delete map.rwm and let the game generate a new one)...I have suspicion this break savegames.
    Everything else should be savegame compatible.

    About the 1450 campaign, if it doesnt fiddle with the Order Knights Entries in the EDU, Chapter Houses in the EDB and regions hidden resources it should be all OK.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 3/29/14

    I have a "little problem" with this mod.It is working only partially.For example in Venice i can't build any Chapter Houses,and from your list it says that i can build Teutonic and Hospitalier.Or another example is Toledo where the same thing is happening as in Venice.Another one is that i can't build Teutonic House in Riga but i can in Palanga.

    And another thing is that(i don't know if this is a bug or not,just asking) there is no difference if i build a Templar Chapter House in Acre or in Jerusalem.I say this beacuse in Jerusalem there should be a HQ for Templars and so the building should be a bit different.

    Either way the mod is working and amazing,but these little things aren't "fixed" for me.

    Btw all these little tests of mine were done on SS 6.4 Late Campaign clean install + this submod + SS 6.4 Bugfix Compilation.And i have followed all install instructions for both submods so i don't think that's it's a problem from me.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 3/29/14

    Quote Originally Posted by Seshomaru
    I have a "little problem" with this mod.It is working only partially.For example in Venice i can't build any Chapter Houses,and from your list it says that i can build Teutonic and Hospitalier.Or another example is Toledo where the same thing is happening as in Venice.Another one is that i can't build Teutonic House in Riga but i can in Palanga.
    That sounds like you did not reset the campaign map
    Make sure you do this:
    Just after the SS_Setup.exe finishes to configures your game, you MUST run SS_campaign_map_reset.bat
    As the changes of this submod requires a newly made campaign map to work properly, do not worry the game will generate the new map.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seshomaru
    And another thing is that(i don't know if this is a bug or not,just asking) there is no difference if i build a Templar Chapter House in Acre or in Jerusalem.I say this beacuse in Jerusalem there should be a HQ for Templars and so the building should be a bit different.
    you always start with the lowest level and can progressively upgrade it 1st to Major Chapter House and then to HQ. Now the HQ option wont appear because of the same problem above. It needs a newly generated map with updated hidden resources.
    Last edited by Melooo182; April 12, 2014 at 11:18 AM.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 3/29/14

    Silly me...that worked.When i firstly read that i must reset the campaign map i thought that i have to manually delete bad.I didn't notice that i have a .bat that do it for me.

    Now all the issues are gone.I can recruit hospitaliers/templars in Venice,i can build the HQ in Toledo,Jerusalem etc.

    Thanks a lot .

  12. #12

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 3/29/14

    Ah, good on you Melooo. Now I don't have to put them in manually and get them working for heavily submodded SS builds. lol

  13. #13

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 4/25/14

    Updated to include all missing unit icons and info images for all catholic factions

  14. #14

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 4/25/14

    yo! foxmen! i suggest another SS team forgotten mistake.

    1.Foot St.Lazaro Knight also can only "citadal" this is same problem with orginal ss6.4 Regional order. i already hate about and same think like you 3 years ago. but i didn't. sad, shameful + i drafted to army [in korea still draft system fuuxxxxxxxk]

    2.templar confree[?] knight also samn problem like St lazaro. because they have just mailed knight state but it need citadal+king's stable. what the?!!?!?!?

    3.teotonic order faction FOOT ritteributer[?] same problem with 1 and 2 teutonic order can't draft in teotuic order chapter house. other faction can just chapter house but when teutonic faction much harder to recruit ritteributer and muck more more more FOOT ritteributier

    4.halfbrother[?] have really serious wrong

    let see script
    stat_pri 8, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, axe, 90, 1 ;-1 attack hampered by large shield
    ;stat_pri_ex 0, 0, 0
    stat_pri_attr ap, light_spear
    stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, melee_simple, blunt, none, 25, 1
    ;stat_sec_ex 0, 0, 0
    stat_sec_attr no
    stat_pri_armour 11, 4, 5, metal ;-3 defense

    ok ok, attack -1 is logical, yes

    but why halfbrother have -3 defense?!!? so halfbrothers 17 total defense state




  15. #15

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 4/25/14

    Quote Originally Posted by ZealAndFury View Post
    yo! foxmen! i suggest another SS team forgotten mistake.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 4/25/14

    Ok, i can make these foot knights available at fortresses with really slow replenishment rates

    dismounted halbbruders vs chivalric knights which are somewhat the equivalent

    stat_pri 8, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, axe, 90, 1 ;-1 attack hampered by large shield
    stat_pri_attr ap, light_spear
    stat_pri 9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 15, 1
    stat_pri_attr no
    stat_pri_armour 11, 4, 5, metal ;-3 defense
    armour_ug_levels 16, 21, 23, 26
    stat_pri_armour 11, 8, 3, metal
    armour_ug_levels 16, 21, 23, 26

    without the -3 defense they would have a total defense value of 23 while chivalric knights have 22...i whish they had put an explanation in the EDU of why the -3 defense like they did for -1 attack :/
    I guess it was to make them "not as good" as ritterbruders, specially since the later cannot access the metalurgy armour upgrades, i say screw dat! xD

    Confrère knights just require the king's stables, yeah still it seems like a very high requirement for a "slightly better mailed knight" as you need 36000 florins and 28 turns to get the king's stable...they should be available with regular stable or just the castle building tree like all other knights.

    St Lazarus, they are available at fortresses...and their stats are similar to feudal knights, yeah i'l make them available at castles but with reduced replenishment rate...and their dismounted versions too, like dismounted feudal knights

    I thought i already did allow Teutonic Order faction build TO chapter houses, if not well consider it done.
    Last edited by Melooo182; April 27, 2014 at 02:03 PM.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 4/25/14

    Awesome!! Having huge amounts of fun with Venice right now. No problems so far, the AI uses the chapter houses effectively too. Thanks again Melooo, your mods are ruining my social life XD

  18. #18

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 4/25/14

    Another update regarding the teutonic order faction
    while I previously had allowed the teutonic order to build chapter houses, I hadn't finished to include everything so they could actually train knights.

    So I fixed that but at the same time changed it a bit. Now Teutonic Order faction no longer can build other orders chapter houses, however it still can train other order knights (with greatly reduced availability and replenishment rate) in conquered settlements where previous owner had built a chapter house of another order.

    Also included ZealAndFury's suggestion of changing halbbruders defence rate, they now have the same rate as chivalric knights.

    I did not change rittebruder, confrère knights and st lazarus' requirements on castles because that would break compatibility with Disable RR, however i will include an optional fix for that with the bugfix compilation.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 4/30/14

    Im Curious, do you have any intention of making this compatible with the Stainless steel Historical Improvement project?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Regional Knight Orders for All - SS6.4 -- Updated 4/30/14

    Well I think they already are doing something like this for SSHIP v9, I partially got the idea from some discussion in SSHIP thread.

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