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Thread: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

  1. #101
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter Ninety Four

    First they send an envoy with an honor guard.
    If you refuse him, they send a princess.
    If you refuse her, they send the legions.
    -Charon Charon

    It was the girl that found him that morning, laying on the beach among the seagulls and the crabs.
    When she first spoke, Divinus could not believe his ears. The Maiden of Syrianna was as sly as she was dusky.
    She had struck a deal with the Uruk Gans. They would have him back as their First Captain as long as he did not seek revenge for what has been done to him.
    'The ones who tried to kill you are already dead so what's the point in holding on to old grudges?' the girl transmitted the words of the new Captain of the Uruk Gans.
    Divinus wanted nothing more than to strangle them all but for that, he needed to get close. The Gan was right, there was no point.
    The Sons of Toke controlled the city. The old guard must band together, to secure the safety of the Great Council and of the future Alpha. Vengeance will have to wait, for now.
    She dragged him through the ruined streets, through packs of looters and corpse carts. Demos was a smouldering wreck. 'Somebody needs to pick up the pieces.' Divinus thought.
    They met the new Captain near the Victory Shrine of Cerberus. The looters had not desecrated it.
    The bones of fallen enemies are of no interest to thieves and beggars.

    'Hail Divinus of the Old Guard!' said the Uruk Gan.
    His right fist hit his chest. To this, Divinus gave only a growl.
    'The Captain wishes you not to salute while we're in a warzone.'
    The girl from Syrianna looked out of place between the two monsters but she held her own. Her diminutive frame contrasted wonderfully with Divinus' massive bulk.
    'I apologize.'
    The Uruk gave the taller Gan a slap.
    'Uruks never apologise.' said the maiden. 'The Captain wishes to know the status of the situation.'
    'The Great Council is secured.' the Gan reported. 'The Sons have taken over the city.'
    Divinus growled.
    'The Captain can see that for himself. He demands you clean up the streets. Order must be restored.'
    'I don't have enough Uruk Gans.' the new Captain admitted.
    'Talk to the Sons. Tell them to help.'
    This forced a snarl out of the Gan's throat.
    'We almost wiped them out. Why would they listen to me?'
    'We shall speak to their leader. He will listen to us.'
    Divinus took a long look at the maiden.
    It was her speaking now, not him.


    When the Tower of Justice exploded, Caidan and the other O'Neills were guarding the Docks.
    They all heard their Queen's dying wish.

    Leave this city...

    'This is trickery! Don't believe a word of it!' redhaired Rory O'Brien cried. 'It's those Connors, trying to get us out this land!'
    The O'Briens were bloodbrothers to the O'Neills and have been so since the dawn of time.
    It was Caidan who spoke first.
    'We must find her. She belongs with us. I'll go. Take care of the Docks, Rory!'
    O'Brien revealed his fangs with a smile.
    'You're mad if you think I'll let you go alone!'
    'You heard her!' Braka O'Neill shouted. 'We must respect her wishes!' Caidan approached her. She already had others around her. He placed his hand on the back of her neck.
    'Follow your heart, sister.'
    It was the last thing he said to her before going back into the city.
    Fires were everywhere but the biggest one shinned like a white beacon. The Tower. That was where they had to be.
    'Maybe they'll hit us in the back.' young Morcant said as they were running. He was only a boy of eighteen summers when he was turned.
    'No, they're already on the Adrasta.' replied Caidan. 'They're no threat to us.'
    'How do you know?' Morcant asked.
    Caidan smiled and said nothing. The Dark Gift affected everyone differently. They had no time for stories.
    Suddenly, in their path, they saw a shadow. A man, balancing a staff on his shoulders. His eyes were glowing like candles in the dark.
    'Where to?' he asked them.
    'Step aside, mortal!' Morcant shouted, making the stranger laugh. That was when Caidan saw the man's face. The blue paint around his eyes marked him as a Gael.
    'All I see is a bunch of O'Neills where they shouldn't be any. I've asked you a question.'
    'And what if we don't answer?' Rory O'Brien raised his battle-axe. 'Who are you anyway?!'
    Caidan intervened, reading his foe's mind.
    'You're Eamon Gallagher, champion of the Gallaghers. Let us pass.'
    The dark haired youth grimaced. 'Aye, I could... but you know I can't do that. Not without a good fight.'
    'So be it.' Caidan said.
    He rushed him before all others. He heard Rory curse behind him and smiled. Eamon Gallagher was fast but he was no match for Caidan. The O'Neil dodged the staff and closed the distance, as lightning fell from the sky. He was close enough to see the surprise in Eamon's eyes, as he pressed the dagger to his throat.
    'Two choices: join us or die.' Eamon chose wisely and so did other Gallaghers.
    The Fishing District was their domain. All around them, ancient feuds were settled. Lightning fast, under the eyes of unsuspecting Hadeans.
    The Burkes fought the McAllisters, the McAllisters fought the Campbells, the Campbells fought the McDonalds, the McDonalds fought the McWraths and so on and so forth. Each time some other clan barred their way, the O'Neills kept going, thanks to Rory O'Brien's axe and Eamon Gallagher's staff and Caidan O'Neil's dagger.
    Only when they reached the Slaughter Shrine, did they stop.
    A large force, equal to their own, barred the way. A woman was leading them, wielding two axes.
    'Go back.' she said, black hair covering her pale eyes. 'Demos is ours.'
    Caidan stepped forth.
    'We've come for our Queen. Let us pass and we'll be on our way.'
    'I'm afraid I can't do that.' the woman said.
    'Why the hell not, you stupid cow?!' Rory O'Brien yelled. 'Because I'm Branna McLeod and you know what McLeods do best.'
    Rory O'Brien groaned. 'Aye, you die like pigs. Go on, lads! Let's kill the whole lot of them!'
    This time, they did not listen to reason. Caidan watched as the two hosts slaughtered each other, with the axe and the spear and the sword. Blood ran in rivers and warriors were killed twice or even thrice. There was no mercy asked or given.
    They died like Gaels.


    Caidan's cry echoed above the battlefield. It is said that sailors and fishermen heard him, from miles away.
    Bleeding from a thousand wounds, he clasped Bloody Branna's neck.
    'Is this what you wanted? Are you happy now?'
    Branna McLeod gave him a red smile.
    'Now we are free.'
    They left her there, for the morning sun. And so the march continued. As they approached the burning tower, they found no trace of the Morrigan's Sworn, Branwen's Bodyguards.
    'Maybe the ground ate them up.' Rory O'Brien jested. 'They were useless anyway.'
    When they arrived, the plaza was empty. To heal their wounds they fed on what was witin reach: a few skinny harlots and some beggars.
    Caidan O'Neil looked up at the white flames.
    'She's still alive up there.' he told the others. 'We must be quick!' In truth, the Demos vampire war was the shortest in existence. It happened in a day, lasting merely a half an hour. Vampires experienced time differently than mortals. By the time the first onlookers gathered in the plaza, the O'Neills had already climbed the stairs all the way up to the final level.
    They found Branwen O'Neil sealed into the marble wall.
    Her eyes were gone but she could still see, with her mind's eye. In the middle of the room, the Rift glowered. Coils of pure energy snapped like serpents.
    The orb floated above the ground, where a scarlet stain was all that was left of the sacrificed Hadessa. 'Leave...' Branwen O'Neil sent into their minds 'Leave now while you still can.' Caidan kneeled down in front of her.
    'We're here to take you home, my Queen.'
    It was at this moment, that Rory O'Brien approached him.
    'I... I don't feel so good.'
    When he turned, Caidan saw the truth with his own eyes. Somehow, Rory was getting old.
    They all were. By the minute.
    'What's happening to us?' Caidan asked his Queen.
    The sphere darkened as it fed on them. It was alive.

    'Get out! Get out, all of you!' Caidan shouted. He saw Eamon Gallagher jump through a window. He saw vampires crawling towards the door. Soon enough, Caidan was crawling too. He thought of Branna McLeod and how they've left her, without arms and legs, to be burned by the morning sun.
    She was the lucky one.

    *Stop the madness!
    (in Scottish Gaelic)

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; May 25, 2020 at 06:11 AM.

  2. #102
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter Ninety Five

    You can't kill Death!
    -Sundak Hades

    They came for him at night. Most had daggers.
    Some brought axeswords.
    'A little bit much, isn't it?' Tacitus Ugron had mocked them. 'He's only a boy, not a dragon.'
    But they were Uruks and Uruks knew how to get the job done. Even if it was a princeling.
    The guards needed no bribes. It became clear that they would not interfere when they led them to the prince's tent.
    'The greatest service to our cause...' whispered Scipio Zub '...was what that spoiled brat did to Varg.'
    'All Uruks think the same.' Noctis Sundak said. 'If he's willing to torture his most trusted advisor that way...'
    'Think of what he could do to us!' Tacitus Ugron continued.
    'We're here!' Sigismund Kubeke announced.
    Unsurprisingly, the tent was unguarded. Some Uruks were roasting a Ly Kan a few paces away.
    A couple of them were drunk. Kubeke growled at the sight.
    'Such lack of discipline!'
    He used his massive size to hide the others as they were going in. The conspirators slipped unnoticed. Their blades shined in the light of the fireplace.
    Inside, they saw the prince sleeping on a campaign bed, his back turned to the entrance.
    As if he knows he'll never leave, Ugron thought. Tacitus was the only unarmed Uruk in the tent.
    Daggers rose in unison. Ugron held his breath.
    'This is for Varg!' Zub declared.
    All the daggers fell. Their victim did not move. Retiarus Tiberius, the Greystoke Slayer, was the first one to speak.
    'Wait, something's not right.'
    No one heard. They were too busy stabbing. A chuckle came from the other end of the tent. The Uruks stopped when Zub lifted the blankets.
    They had been stabbing pillows, all this time. Noctis Sundak cursed.
    'You fools!' the Pale Prince laughed. 'Don't you know you can't kill Death?'
    The Last Hadessa confronted his would-be assassins, bare-chested and with mad joy in his eyes. Tacitus Ugron noticed strange devices, strapped on both his arms.
    There was a click, metal on metal and the tent turned into hell on earth. Flames came out of the prince's hands, incinerating everything in their path.
    Noctis Sundak was the first to die, still holding his sword high. The tent filled with screams and the smell of burning flesh.
    Tacitus Ugron was lucky, for the fire engulfed the Uruk in front of him, which gave him enough time to run.
    Outside, he found Sigismund Kubeke and Scipio Zub.
    They were the only ones left alive.
    'Lucky bastard!' Zub shouted at him. Retiarus Tiberius came out also, with one side of his body still in flames. He rolled on the ground, in dignified futility.
    Then he became still.
    They could hear the Prince laughing inside. The entire tent was burning.
    'Did you see those things on his arms?!' Zub Scipio yelled in the night. 'Did you see them?!!'
    'Ghashdoram.' Ugron remarked. 'The Flaming Hand of Calypso.'
    Sigismund Kubeke grunted.
    'Looks like this princeling has friends in high places.'
    The rumors were true, Ugron realized. After the High Shaman's death, the black priests of Calypso travelled the land, selling their artifices to the highest bidder. The Prince was a natural choice.
    'We never had a chance.' Tacitus Ugron whispered.
    Like an avenging daemon, Sundak Hades appeared from the flames. His eyes were pools of fire.
    'Did you think it would be easy?!' he roared. 'You can't kill Death!'
    'Go to hell!' Sigismund Kubeke growled and charged.
    His massive body shielded the others from the scorching fire. The miasma of burned fuel invaded the air. When he turned to run, Tacitus Ugron saw that the soldiers were still there, by the campfire.
    They're not drinking anymore.
    The Uruks had weapons in their hands. Ugron recognized the familiar shapes of Rocket Crossbows.
    'Hosh.' he said.
    The Rocketeers opened fire.


    The scout found the camp deserted.
    Ashes was all that remained of the entire army. No soldiers in sight.
    Only charred skeletons and smouldering wrecks which once were tents. The Lao Che rider guided his pony through the hellish wasteland.
    The ground was still warm under his feet. He found a sole survivor on a mountain of corpses.
    The Uruk looked young and dead, as he sat there, lost in thoughts. His skin was covered in ash.
    'Who goes there?' The scout took out the letter.
    'Bring message to Sundak of Hadessa.' he said in broken Black Speech. 'You know where he is?'
    The Uruk grinned, showing his clean fangs.
    'You're looking at him, worm.'
    He extended his arm. Not in greeting but in waiting.
    The rider let the letter fall in the grimy palm. Long, clawed fingers broke the official sigil of the High Council. The once pale prince laughed as he read.
    When he was finished, he snapped his fingers. The scout did not have time to scream as he burst out into flames.
    His pony ran free.
    The last Hadessa got up and stretched his thin arms. He inspected the scout with a keen interest.
    'Get up, dog!' he addressed the skies. 'Time to eat.'
    From the wreckage of a nearby tent, Tacitus Ugron appeared. But he was not himself.
    Not anymore.

    Vespa of Avalon pursed her lips as she read.
    Her bathwater was ice old but she did not feel the cold. It was the underground streams underneath Demos which held the key to eternal youth. And the people wondered how was she still beautiful.
    The letter was written by the shaky paw of a Ly-Kan. His writing was almost unintelligible but the message was clear.
    Vespa gave out a long sigh.
    'The boy has lost his army.'
    The Matriarch rose from her bath, letting the water run down her body. She was not alone.
    A shadow waited in the corner, too large to be anything other than an Uruk warrior.
    'Gather the others.' she demanded, allowing him to see what only the Alpha once saw.
    'Give me what's mine.' Kargun growled in the darkness. 'How long must I wait?'
    All that Vespa gave him was a cold smile as she stepped onto the black marble floor.
    'There is a time and a place for everything, my dear, loyal boy. And you haven't earned hosh. Now, be a good wardog and tell the others that I want to meet. Here, not in the conference room.'
    It was safer that way. Oddus had eyes everywhere in the city. Not all of them carried the Mark of Toke.
    Kargun the Black bowed.
    'As you wish...' he said, almost reluctantly. ' Queen.'
    The last word seemed to hurt his mouth. Vespa grimaced.
    'Never trust these Uruk Gans.' her husband had said to her once. 'All they want is power.'
    Argus was a brute but he taught her everything she knew about politics. Some nights, Vespa was grateful for her bruises.
    'It's in our interest to have them at each other's throats'.
    She remembered Fay standing there, in the same place as the Uruk Gan.
    'I know it's hard but we have to be strong. For Sten's sake.'
    It was this argument she used to convince the Uruk shewolf to go after the children of Oddus.
    A mother will do anything to protect her cub.
    Vespa forgot for a moment where she was. The sounds of footsteps did not stop her reverie.
    A girl's voice woke her.
    'You called?'
    Vespa blinked, surprised to see a dusky maiden in front of her.
    Aysha, the Mouth of Divinus, was standing there, waiting for an answer. The lass was clearly not affected by her charm.
    Vespa of Avalon felt suddenly, very exposed.
    'Where's your master, girl?'
    The maiden kept staring in her eyes, as if they were equals.
    'He's taking the stairs. And he is not my master.'
    'Oh, is that so? Let me get a closer look at you.'
    Vespa approached her. There were old cuts all over her face and arms, marks of a sinister ritual.
    'I see Old Noctis did a number on you. Where are you from, girl?'
    The maiden kept her cool.
    'Nowhere. And I am not a girl.'
    Vespa grabbed her hair and pulled her down on her knees.
    'I see no one taught you discipline. You are whatever I say you are. Do you know who I am?'
    'You are the Alpha Widow, wife of Argus the Mad.' the girl said.
    Her black eyes never left Vespa's icy gaze.
    'And you are a pleasure slave from the land of Syrianna, are you not?'
    The girl nodded.
    'Good. Then you know what to do.'
    When Tiberius Divinus finally entered, he found them both on the floor, still embracing. Grievously scarred, it was a wonder he still lived.
    'Ah, general!' Vespa extended her naked arm. 'Just in time!'
    Vespa of Avalon gave them the Alpha's gift.

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; May 24, 2020 at 07:39 AM.

  3. #103
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter Ninety Six

    No cheering crowds awaited Spartacus the Immortal when he landed in Hadea.
    -Lives of the Alphas
    Ulon the Unworthy

    'Here we are, gentlemen!' Erik Blake shouted above the waves. 'Cape of Good Death! I wish you all a good death and may it be quick!'
    He slapped his hands together. The Uruks stared at him with dark eyes. No one laughed.
    Waves crashed against the rocks with remorseless ferocity.
    'It's not a good death if it's quick.' growled Spartacus Hades.
    The leader of the Ice Uruks was more menacing on land than he was on water. Pirates were unloading the cargo, all around them.
    'Don't think he likes your humor, Boss!' Old Sid the Squid whispered up Erik's ear.
    The Commodore ignored him and kept his most sincere looking smile. As usual, Spartacus the Immortal was in no mood for jokes.
    'Pardon?' Erik the Black asked, pretending not to hear. 'I'm afraid I did not quite catch that, sir.'
    Calling this monstrosity 'sir' was the greatest joke of all time. The brute scowled. The dark mane rose on his back.
    'It won't be a quick death if I see you again.'
    Silence followed. The sea roared like a wild beast. Then a sound was heard, like a low rumble
    No, Erik thought back to his childhood in Ibellica, it was like a herd of wild buffalo stomping the wet ground, after a summer rain. Like the distant thunder of a storm. Like crushed gravel.
    The Uruks were laughing.
    And, to his astonishment, he saw that Spartacus was cackling too. It was the first time he saw the Immortal laughing.
    So, this is what passes for humor in their ranks.
    'Have you considered theater, my lord?' the Commodore asked the giant. 'You would truly be successful.'
    The smile died on the brute's face, as fast as it appeared.
    'No, I have no time for silly human games.'
    One of the Greystoke Marines approached. His bright red coat got the attention of Spartacus.
    'We've finished unloading, Lord Blake!'
    'Very well, lad. Carry on!'
    The soldier saluted and left. It was then that the mountain gorilla curled his stinking arm around the Commodore, who was too shocked to react.
    'Tell me, how much do you want for some of those boomsticks?'
    Eric the Black grinned. It wasn't the soldier's coat that sparked the monster's interest, but his rifle. A business opportunity was worth any humiliation.
    He thanked the Seven Seas that his men were too far away to see him manhandled in such an undignified manner.
    'Let us talk after you conquer the throne of Demos.'
    The brute's eyes glinted.
    'Silly man. I could break you right now and take your guns.'
    Erik Blake, last of the Greystokes gave an honest smile, for once.
    'You could. But you won't reach my guns. None of you will.'
    Again, the sound of an avalanche boomed in his ears. The Immortal offered his roaring laughter.
    'You drive a hard bargain, shara! Har-har-har-har!'
    The Uruk slammed his huge hand onto the Privateer's back like a sledgehammer, almost felling him. It took all his self-control to remain calm but Erik kept himself upright and smiling.
    'I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.'
    This time, the brute wasn't laughing anymore.
    'So long, human. Pray we never meet again.'
    And just like that, he was gone. The Commodore watched as the Uruks departed.
    Some were throwing suspicious glances behind them, others looked straight ahead. Most of them seemed pleased. They were home.
    No Greystoke soldier fired on the Uruk host. The pirates watched as they went by. Discipline was perfectly maintained.
    'Bloody arcane monkeys! After all this time, this is the thanks we get! Are we letting them get away, Boss?!' Sid the Squid cried.
    'Yes, we are.' Erik said.
    He turned towards his most prized possession: the Lady of Vengeance, as she waited there, at anchor.
    'You said we were going to sail down the coast and plunder our way up to Gangawa. Are we still doing that?'
    'No, we are not.'
    The old pirate took off his tricorn and scratched his balding head.
    'I don't understand a bloody thing, Boss!'
    Erik, last of the Greystokes smiled.


    Oddus sat on the throne of Demos. It was a strange feeling.
    He'd come so far: from lowly Dominion general, to marrying into nobility, to reaching out and grabbing what all nobles and generals craved. Yet Claudius was not happy. The High Palace was empty, now that the Gans have fled.
    He had numerical superiority. The Sons of Toke ruled the city. And yet there were rumors. Rumors of pretenders, seeking the throne. His throne.
    Tradition demanded that he'd kill them all. But first, he had to catch them.
    First on his list was Kargun of the Uruk Gans. It was only a matter of time until the former captain of the High Guard would make a run for the throne.
    Oddus smiled to himself in the great hall.
    He had to move fast, before Kargun could rally support. He took comfort in knowing that Uruks would not follow a Gan commander out of principle.
    That left Kargun isolated.
    Second on his list was the young pup Sundak, the son of Gennadius. Reports on his whereabouts were vague. Judging from what he'd heard, the boy could be miles away or just outside the city walls.
    But Sundak Hades had an army. Claudius had a rabble, at best, a mob. His rebels could not last long in front of a professional force.
    Third on his list was the Alpha Widow, the ravishing Vespa of Avalon.
    Once a warbride, taken by force from her motherland and dragged into the bed of her father's killer, as was tradition. Now she was a shrewd tactician, operating from the shadows. Her and the Great Shaman were never friends.
    It was a miracle she survived as long as she did.
    Fourth on the list of Oddus was Sten, the Alpha Yar, the rightful heir to the throne. In many eyes, Oddus was an imposter, an upturned thug, taking advantage of the status quo. Maybe he was. Wilelda never complained about his capabilities.
    He came to Demos for her and then he took Demos for himself.
    Sten Volchok was the real danger. He found himself at the head of a massive army. They were excellent besiegers, due to a decade long campaign through the Meravingian estates. Sten had the resources to recruit mercenaries. Oddus needed no spies to know this truth.
    Not only were Uruks coming for him, veterans of Ibellica, but humans, so-called Monster-Hunters, specialized in taking down large beasts like ogres, giants and dragons. Sten brought with him halberdiers, Mordred knights, arquebusiers, pikemen, trebuchets and cannons.
    And all that Oddus had were veterans, deserters and harlots.
    The odds looked stacked against him. And he just conquered Demos.
    In his hands there was a note. The parchment was expensive so it had to come from a rich source. Oddus wondered who had to gain from this.
    Certainly not the Alpha Widow. It looked pretty incriminating but Oddus never trusted appearances.
    And she was beautiful, they said.
    The Uruk general looked at the note with his one good eye. Oddus smiled again.
    The note said:

    Vespa knows where Sten is.


    There was clamor outside the Garden of Delight.
    A few Uruk Gans were posted at the gates with large two-handed axeswords. Facing them was a crowd of Oddus followers, of all shapes and sizes. Most of them were missing one eye.
    'We want Vespa!' one large Uruk roared, gathering the support of the crowd.
    'Stay back, worms!' one of the Gans warned but the mob was already chanting.
    Inside the villa, Kargun the Black was running up the stairs, taking two steps every time. He kept his cool, despite the roar of the crowd below.

    We want Vespa! We want Vespa! We want Vespa!

    His heart was beating fast when he opened the doors to the Alpha Widow's suites. He expected to find her standing there, waiting, in her dark silk robe.
    'Oddus is making his move! We have to go!' Kargun addressed an empty room.
    'UNDUR KURV!' the black Gan cursed in the tongue of his ancestors.
    He heard the gates break down below. No sound of blades upon blades meant that the front Gans were already overrun. Then he heard screaming in the hallway. Now they're inside!
    Kargun inspected the walls of the room, touching every nook and cranny.
    Where is it? Where is it?!
    He knew that the Alpha Widow kept a secret passage, for escape. He only had to find the switch. The first Son to reach Vespa's chambers charged the Uruk Gan head-on.
    Kargun turned and grabbed the blade before it reached his skull.
    'It's over, traitor!' the youngblood spat.
    Kargun twisted his arm and sent him to the floor, delivering the finishing blow with the rebel's own blade. He kept the swordaxe for himself.
    New Uruks burst in, trying to swarm him. Kargun kept his back to the wall and sliced each one at a time. It was like practice but with real targets.
    The blade got stuck in the thick neck of an exceptionally large rebel so Kargun pushed him into the mass of attackers then ran and jumped through a side window. Glass shattered and soon enough, his world was illuminated as he landed on some Hytakan bushes. He heard rebels approaching so he stood there for what felt like centuries.

    As soon as they were gone, Kargun made a run for it, plunging himself deep into the Garden of Delight. He heard Sons of Toke everywhere: from the back, from the sides, from his front. Kargun kept going.
    The idea was to become invisible. To make use of the scenery in such a way that they would lose his tracks. He reached a small lake, filled with luminiscent Lotus Water lilies. Kargun slipped in the cold water. He waited for the cries to become distant.
    He watched as three Gans sought out the same lake as refuge only to be cut down by rebels at the last moment. It took five Uruks for each Gan but in the end, they got the job done.
    Kargun stood there, submerged, witnessing it all.
    One of the Gans spotted him as they were hacking him to pieces. He said nothing but his golden eyes remained fixed on Kargun until the very last moment.
    After the rebels were gone, Kargun approached the bodies. It was sloppy work. The Uruks were young and inexperienced. They mauled them without targeting their vital areas.
    The Gans were unarmed. One of them was still breathing.
    'Hail Kargun...' the words came out wet from a wounded throat.
    'How many?' Kargun asked, watching his surroundings.
    'A thousand, give or take.'
    Through the bushes he could see the glittering light of flames.
    The dying Gan coughed.
    'This is a bad death...'
    Kargun looked down at the warrior's ravaged face.
    'No, it is not.'
    He used all his strength to strangle him then slipped back into the undergrowth like a jungle cat.

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; May 24, 2020 at 05:56 AM.

  4. #104
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter Ninety Seven

    Demos was a fortress first then a city.
    -Xenonius the last Romuli

    The deep night was alive with the howling of wolves.
    Inside Dracule castle, upon the ancient Blood Throne, Kubadai Temujin waited. His Uruks were on the battlements and they were the ones who saw the sea of torches below.
    From every corner of Translavia, they came. Varians, Vrakii and Valachs, united against a common enemy. Upon pikes were the heads of traitors and vuruks. The wind blew cold and merciless. Kubadai Temujin felt it in his gut. The final hour has come.

    'Open the gates!'

    Heavy rusty metal doors rose slowly, screeching as if in torment. A single figure waited on the drawbridge. A woman, all dressed in white.
    They knew her name and it was enough to bring terror in the hearts of the strongest warriors. She came alone. No iron clad escort, no mount or armor. Alone she walked the path of her father before her, inside the citadel and up the winding stairs.
    No Uruks opposed her. None dared. Kubadai Temujin remained on her father's throne as she walked in. The candles shivered as she passed by. The Uruk lord grinned with all his fangs.
    'Welcome, Doina of the Dracule.'
    Her hair was raven black, her skin milky white and her eyes blue as the morning sky.
    'We are honored by your presence!' Kubadai Temujin kept up a good front. In truth, he was terrified. His garrison was starving. And they were the last surviving Uruks in Translavia.
    'You need not fear me, general.' her voice was soft as silk. 'I came to make peace.'
    Kubadai could not believe his ears. He was about to tell her that they were ready to die to the last Uruk.
    'We know Uruks fight hard.' the princess said. 'There has been too much violence, too much pain. We can end it here, today.'
    This is a trap! It's too good to be true!
    'What do you want in return?' Kubadai renounced the false smile.
    'We want you to leave this land.' the girl replied without blinking.'Take your heathen ways as far from us as you can and never return.'
    The Uruk general scoffed. There was nowhere left for his Uruks to go. If they returned to Ibellica, Sten will have their heads.
    'More of us will come, witch. You will never be free.'
    Doina Dracule smiled. It was almost a shy smile.
    'Then you will die.'
    Kubadai Temujin swallowed his pride. Defeat had a bitter taste. Always.
    'I have another proposition.'
    Her pale-blue eyes stared directly into his soul.
    'Tell me.'
    'You will marry our Alpha Yar. This way, our nations will unite without bloodshed.'
    Why hasn't he thought of this sooner? He saw no change on her face.
    'No more invading fleets, princess. No more raids from Uruk marauders.
    You will have the protection of the most powerful empire in the world.'
    He baited her and waited, struggling hard to hide his fear. If he brought Sten Volchok a gorgeous woman for a wife, maybe the Deceiver would allow him to keep his head. Perhaps even, a place in his army.
    'You want me to give myself to your prince, a pagan prince, when my father has slain pagans by the thousands?'
    It was at this point that Kubadai Temujin knew he had her.
    'Your children will rule the world.'
    He could hear the wolves howling outside. It was a risky gamble but it was the only way he could save his skin.
    'I accept.' Doina Dracule said.
    This brought a smirk on the Uruk's broad mongoloid face. It had been easier than he had expected.
    ''Very well! I will send for ink and parchment.'
    'No.' Kubadai felt the cold rising in the great hall.
    'We will seal this pact the way of my people.' Doina Dracule licked her lips.
    'In blood.'

    -Doina Duchess of Dracule

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; May 24, 2020 at 07:31 AM.

  5. #105
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Arctic Circle / your fridge

    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter Ninety Eight

    Even though the commoners elected Oddus as their Lord and Protector, the nobles of the Great Council still waited for the true Alpha to arrive.
    This fact was well-known by the new ruler of Demos.

    -Lives of the Alphas
    Ulon the Unworthy

    Rain spattered on the roof of the makeshift campaign hospital. Palm trees danced under the out pour as if they were alive.
    'Blast this weather!' Xenos Caligula cursed in the rain. 'We'll never reach the capital if this keeps up!'
    'You always complain.' Brutus Noctis replied, his breath steaming in the cool air. 'About anything.'
    'Look at this!' the onyx Uruk raised his mud covered boot off the soil. 'How can this be any good?!'
    The walkway was muddy and slippery under their boots. Their rain cloaks glistened under the flash of lightning.
    'No more mosquitoes.' the massive beast said.
    'Curse this land!' Xenos looked up at the sky. 'We should never have come here...'
    Scores of masked infantrymen guarded the hospital. They stood there, motionless under its roof, keeping out of the storm, their horned helmets shinning from time to time.
    'What's with all these sharas here?' asked Brutus Noctis, as they advanced in the pouring rain.
    'Matzo Ronin.' Xenos looked at the humans. 'They saved our asses back in Teju Jagua. You could show some gratitude.'
    Brutus Noctis growled and spat in their general direction.
    'Puny humans!'
    They entered as the physicians were changing the general's bandages. Athawolf Kono bore wounds from head to toe.
    'There he is, the hero of Teju Jagua!' Xenos Caligula extended his arms in greeting.
    Kono rose his massive head.
    'Forgive me if I don't stand up.'
    'We heard rumors of your death!' Brutus Noctis roared with delight.
    'We wanted to see with our own eyes.' Xenos grinned.
    Kono scratched the scars on his face.
    'Officially, I am dead. ' he said with a smile. 'Then they dug me out from under a mountain of dead enemies.'
    Xenos Caligula laughed and patted him on the back.
    'How many did you slay?'
    Kono bared his fangs in pain.
    'Lost count after we landed. Do you keep count?'
    Xenos Caligula's smile grew larger.
    'Same as you, my friend. Same as you!'
    Athawolf Kono lowered his voice so as not to be heard by the slaves guarding the beds.
    'Where are all the Ushatars*? I'm sick of these Snagas staring at me!'
    Xenos Caligula grinned.
    'They're cremating Ovidius today. All the Uruks are at the ceremony. We should stop by and pay our respects.'
    'Can you walk?' Brutus Noctis whispered.
    Kono nodded.
    'I believe so. I'm in better shape than him.' he pointed at the bed on the opposite side of the room. It was there that the Treasurer rested.
    He sat upright on bloodied sheets, staring straight ahead, with eyes devoid of life.
    'What's the matter with him?' Brutus Noctis asked.
    'Haven't you heard?' Xenos Caligula whispered. 'His son deserted on Avalon. And the Paynali took his legs. Hasn't said a word ever since.'
    Kono growled. 'Bloody stabrakhas**!'
    Xenos looked at the absent Uruk.
    'Aye, bloody stabrakhas, indeed.'
    They helped Kono to his feet and the three of them walked out into the pouring rain.


    When the knight reached Goi Lugat, he found that the castle had already changed sides. White banners, bearing the black dragon sigil were on every tower.
    Restrictions were imposed on the common people and a curfew was in effect. He had no trouble bypassing the guards at the gates since he looked human. The knight bought a room for the night at a local inn and paid in good, clean, gold coins.
    He noticed that the Uruks were almost driven out of town.
    'This is Dracule's land now.' the innkeeper told him. The castle was a wedding gift, the old man said to the knight. 'Some Draculian Princess just married our Alpha Yar. She'll be here any day now.'
    The knight gave orders not to be disturbed and walked up to his room. He took off his cloak and arms and placed the Uruk's head on the table.
    'Kill me.' the head said.
    The knight ignored it and walked to the window. Heavy clouds hung above the citadel. Perhaps the weather was one of the reasons why the Dracule chose this place.
    The knight closed the window, placed the helmet back on his head and walked towards the door.
    'Kill me, you bastard.' the head on the table said.
    'Kill everyone.' the sword on his hip said.
    The knight walked down the stairs, through the main hall and out into the street. There were still signs of the former rulers. Defaced statues of angels and high marshals were everywhere. Churches turned into temples that still had their painted windows showing white robed knights slaying monsters and pagans.
    The knight felt tears running down his unshaven face. He knew every corner of each street. He was born here, he was baptized here and he took his Oath here.

    'Defend the weak . Protect the innocent.'

    How far away it all seemed. Will he ever get a chance confess his sins? Will a priest even look at him now? His heart ached for absolution. The knight walked down the winding alley, following the noise of the slum. Here, with the rats and the harlots, deep into uncleanness, was the key to all his sorrows.
    The hovel had nothing out of the ordinary, separating her from other hovels. Yet inside, there were people, huddled together, on their knees, praying in silence.
    There was no cross except for the one in their souls.
    The altar was an empty wall, facing east, to Eden. The knight uncovered his head and knelled. Tears of blood fell on the ground before him.
    'Have you come to confess, my son?'
    The priest was a mere boy yet he held a small, bronze crucifix. It was the first cross the warrior had seen in decades.
    'Bless me, father, for I have sinned.'
    The boy knelled down behind the knight and so, back to back, they began the ritual.
    'How long has it been since your last confession?'
    'Too long, father.' the knight said. 'Too many days spent in darkness. I've killed, father. Men, women and children. But they were tainted. So I gave them absolution. I... I cleansed the land of sin.'
    He heard the boy's soft voice:
    'You did God's work, my son.'
    The knight gave a long sigh.
    'Some of them were innocent, father. They... They did not deserve to die. Good hard working people Their only fear was not having enough grain for the winter. And the monsters came. They were devils, walking the earth. I killed them, father. I killed every last one of them.'
    He could feel that the other believers were listening.
    'I am weak, father. I long to kill again. Not out of mercy but just for the pleasure of it. I took my revenge, father. I killed the one who took our land from us. I killed many of the beasts. Now I am empty, father. There's nothing left in me, not even hate.'
    'Hate is not the way of the Lord, my son.' the priest's youthful voice rang in his ears.
    'I know, father.' the knight whispered. 'I know that now. But our enemies are many and I am but one man. Tainted by the very thing I sought to destroy. What use am I to God now?' The boy smiled in the darkness.
    'The Lord has kept you alive for a reason. Trust in Him.'
    The knight hid his face in his cloak and wept. The boy rose and turned to him.
    'I hereby absolve you of your sins in the name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.'
    He felt the boy's cold finger touching his forehead.
    'Kill him.' his sword whispered.'Kill him now!'
    Hands, many hands were touching his robes. All the believers bowed down before him. The knight listened to the whispers.
    'Look, his eyes!'
    'He's crying tears of blood!'
    'It's a miracle!'
    He heard the blade's evil spirit as it cackled.
    'Fools! Slay them! Slay them all!'
    It hungered for blood. So did he.
    The knight placed his helmet back on his head. Seeing the horns made all the onlookers murmur in hushed admiration.
    'Walk in the light, my son.'
    The knight bowed before the priest.
    That was when he heard the horn bellowing as if announcing the end of days.


    He walked out the church and listened to the air. It was coming from the Docks.
    The horn roared again, closer this time. He saw armed guards running before him.
    'Raid! It's a raid!'
    He smiled underneath his helm.
    How long has it been since his last battle?
    'Too long.' the sword on his hip said.


    The pyre lit up the night, despite the thunderstorm raging above. Uruks kept their heads low, in silent repose.
    All bore wounds of the last battle. Not one escaped unscathed.
    'Look at him...' Xenos Caligula whispered. 'A bastard in life and a bastard in death.'
    They could still see the familiar profile of Ovidius emerging from the fire. Flames licked his blackened scalp.
    'Least now he has hair.' Brutus Noctis said softly.
    Kono said nothing and simply stared at the flames. Thunder boomed above the funeral pyre, hiding the sound of falling arrows.
    One Uruk roared, struck in the eye. Then came a cry:
    The jungle became alive with colorful warriors. From all sides, they came, yelling their warcries. Above the chaos, a single shout was heard:
    'Let's kill 'em all, boys!'
    It was Brutus Noctis, with an axesword in each hand. Xenos Caligula could not believe his eyes.
    'Of all the damned places in the world...' He struck down a Paynali coming his way, then another one. '... I had to come here! I'll never retire!'
    'None of us will!' Athawolf Kono replied, crushing a warrior's head against a tree.
    More Paynali poured out of the jungle. Brutus Noctis was laughing as macuahuitl clubs struck him from all sides. He could hear the obsidian shatter against his steel armor.
    'Come on, weaklings! Is this all?!'
    Xenos Caligula was dodging and parrying every blow. He kept slipping in the mud.
    'By Callisto's teats! We won't survive this!'
    'Shut up!' Kono growled as he strangled two Jaguar warriors. He was the only one fighting empty handed.
    'Whose idea was this?!' Xenos was shouting in the rain. 'We could've burned him safely inside the fort! But no, let us do it outside, in the middle of the gods damned jungle!'
    No one answered. The Uruks who fell in the mud were killed instantly, by expert strikes to the back of the head. Paynali were throwing themselves onto the Uruk blades, to force them lose their balance. Xenos was slim for an Uruk so this tactic did not work with him, as he was quick enough to dodge.
    'Roast 'em, boys!' Kono roared as he was pushing Paynalis onto the funeral pyre.
    More Uruks did the same. They were fighting with their backs to the fire now. A few Paynali jumped on an Uruk, shoving him into the flames.
    'Looks like they're roasting us!' Xenos shouted. A macuahuitl struck him in the face. He went down like so many before him.
    Brutus Noctis was a force of nature. He broke through the ranks of the Paynals like an avalanche. He reached down and grabbed his friend. He dragged him where the Uruks were.
    'How do I look?' Xenos Caligula asked with a deep gash across his face.
    'Prettier than before.' Brutus Noctis replied and slapped a Paynali into oblivion.
    Then they saw the Aztlans. Broad shouldered, jade painted giants. One was strong enough to grab two Uruks in both hands and snap their necks in mid air.
    'That's not a good death!' Xenos Caligula observed. Kono dragged himself closer.
    'This is it, lads. It has been an honor.'
    Uruks huddled together and waited for the final blow. They were wet, wounded and tired. Those who were still breathing began to strike their swords against their cuirasses.
    Uruks were growling towards the incoming giants. It was a war chant.

    'Nar Udautas! Nar Udautas! Nar Udautas!***'

    Xenos Caligula smiled a crooked smile.
    'Such a nice time to die.'
    The first Aztlan to reach them exploded in flames and was followed by another one. And another one. They could hear the ceramic bowls cracking and see the flaming liquid pouring out across their bodies, like liquid light.
    'There's the rat!' Xenos spotted the Paynali commander. 'Get him, boys!'
    Both Xenos and Kono were too tired to move. It fell on Brutus Noctis to charge into the ranks of the Bodyguards. Noctis was a giant among Uruks and a dwarf among Aztlans. He threw himself on the ground, sliding on the wet mud, slipping through one giant's legs, tripping two others and striking the Paynali general right into his soft, feathered head
    All Uruks roared in unison.
    But the Paynali rose to his feet. An Aztlan grabbed Noctis from behind. Xenos saw the Boadways throwing their firebombs. And Noctis was seen no more.
    The rains stopped.
    Xenos Caligula limped all the way to the place where Noctis had fallen. Uruks came from the jungle. Scores of them. An entire Legion.
    Xenos understood then.
    This was no ambush. This was a battle's end.
    A young Uruk approached him. He was a general, by the looks of his armor.
    'Hail, Xenos Caligula!' he saluted.
    Xenos gave him a sad smile.
    'Hail, Caligula Shuba...'
    The youngster looked at the steaming Aztlan carcasses. He seemed very pleased with himself.
    'Many thanks! Without you, I wouldn't have been able to catch these bastards!'
    Down, on the wet mud, lay the half burned body of the Paynali general. A royal family member, judging by all the gold he wore.
    'Not so quick now, are you, Prince Panitzin?' Caligula Shuba asked then spat on the corpse.
    A bloody prince. All this for a bloody prince.
    Xenos took a seat on a dead Aztlan's head. The world seemed empty now without Noctis.
    'What's the matter?' the youngster asked. 'We won!'
    Did we? Xenos felt like saying. The world was truly empty.
    'We will share this triumph! Take pride!' Xenos wanted nothing more than to slap the youngster. The good ones die and we're left with the idiots.
    It was then he felt the head of the Aztlan move. He jumped off, immediately.
    It was not just the head, the entire corpse was shaking.
    'There's something inside!' Caligula Shuba yelled.
    The Aztlan's tattooed belly exploded and an Uruk slipped out, red from head to toe.
    'Afar Vadokanuk!****' Shuba shouted.
    'Took you long enough.' replied Brutus Noctis.

    * weaklings (in Black Speech)
    ** soldiers (ibid.)
    Not today! (ibid.)
    ****By all the dead!

    Caligula Shuba night-attacks Prince Panitzin, a great Shaman to his people.
    The Prince burns together with his Aztlan Bodyguards, by Boadway warriors projectiles.
    Teju Zalpec falls and becomes Burzghashgoth (Night of the Fire Lord)

    -Lives of the Alphas
    Ulon the Unworthy
    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; May 26, 2020 at 07:56 AM.

  6. #106
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter Ninety Nine

    This is not the world I was promised.
    -Callista the Moon Goddess

    Uruks marched down the Xenway for the first time in centuries.
    Their wargear rattled on their backs and their boots trotted on the cobblestone. These were the only sounds made by the army. Spartacus the Immortal permitted no marching songs.
    'Where are all the locals?' Ullon asked, walking alongside Gaeru. 'You'd think they'd welcome us with open arms.'
    Since the landing, the only living presence they've encountered were wild goats and their young. Hadea was full of them. Hellybex, they were called.
    'I don't trust that human.' Ullon continued. 'Even if he's royal blood. Since when do pirates care for the plight of landlubbers?'
    Gaeru said nothing, as usual. He marched on, holding his swordaxe over his left shoulder.
    'Are you not the least bit worried?' Ullon inquired. 'We might die here, in the middle of nowhere.'
    'We might die anywhere.' growled the giant.
    A few ibexes approached the column. They had no fear of the unknown. Quite the contrary. Gaeru spotted some Sycorax scouts getting ready to use their bows. He whistled and the goats vanished from sight. The leader of the Sycorax approached him. He rode a brown and white spotted horse, that looked almost painted. 'Why did you do that?' the human asked.
    'Those goats belong to someone. You kill them and they will know we're here.'
    The scout leader nodded and went on his way. Ullon approached Gaeru.
    'You lied to him. Those goats are everywhere and everyone eats them.'
    Gaeru gazed into the sunset.
    'We come here as victors not as invaders. The locals must see that.'
    Ullon listened and was silent for a while. Up ahead, someone called for him. Ullon ran over and offered water to a large Uruk wearing a white bear's fur. In moments, he was back by Gaeru's side.
    'Stupid uggo!' Ullon cursed. 'Stop wearing all those furs and then you won't be thirsty!'
    They heard the Captain roar up ahead. The entire column came to a halt.
    'Why have we stopped?' Ullon could not keep still. He ran up the column again, the water canteens dangling on his back. Gaeru took the time to polish his sword. Soon enough, Ullon returned.
    'There's a village up ahead. Nobody knows its name.'
    Gaeru grinned.
    'Told you to bring a map.'
    'Why?!' Ullon jumped. 'This is our homeland. We don't need a bloody map!'
    More commands came from the front. The column turned into a line, two rows deep. Uruks marched shoulder to shoulder now.
    'Are we taking the village?' Ullon asked. 'Should I move to the back?'
    No one answered. They heard the roar of the Maugan. The attack signal was given. All Uruks were running. All except Ullon who lagged behind.
    'No, this isn't right. This isn't right.'
    He dropped his canteens to the ground. Some flasks broke apart, some did not. Ullon curled himself into a ball. He saw the Uruks encircling the village. He heard screaming as they entered, from all sides. He spotted tiny dots into the distance.
    Villagers... trying to escape the onslaught. Running away.
    'This cannot be... This cannot be!'
    Spartacus was merciful. He promised to liberate the people of Hadea. He promised! And then Ullon saw the smoke rising above the roofs. He dropped his canteens and ran towards the village.
    'What are you doing, you animals?!' was what Ullon yelled as he entered the village.
    The Uruks and the villagers stared at him, all perplexed. There was a giant fire in the middle of the square. Everyone was already drunk. No corpses, no screaming women. Everything was unbelievably fine.
    Gaeru approached and handed him a flask of wine.
    'Here, poet. Have some Hadean red. You look a bit stressed.'


    Oddus was all alone as he went up the stairs to the top of the Justice Tower. Fire burned day and night up there and yet he felt no heat.
    Sure, he could've brought his guards with him but they were needed elsewhere. Truth be told, he didn't truly trust them.
    The Sons of Toke were an unruly bunch when he joined and they haven't changed much. Victory made them more power hungry. Oddus wasn't going to give them the chance to assassinate him like they tried with the High Shaman. If that meant going by himself, so be it!
    Wilelda would take care of his children. Eothese would inherit the estate, Demuth would probably marry some foreign rich prince and Fulk? Fulk would grow up to be a soldier, like his father before him.
    The dynasty will go on without him.
    He was never going to be anything more than a tool to the Hadessar. It was a sobering thought. He found a charred skeleton on the floor. Female, by the looks of it. He didn't linger and approached the doors. There was a large, black sphere in the middle of the hall. Black robed wizards stood in a circle around the object. They were chanting softly.
    'What's happening here? What are you doing?!' Oddus asked.
    The priests ignored him.
    'These are troubled times. Only the Hidden One can save us.' a dark wizard said.
    'Who?!' Claudius Oddus roared.
    'Silence for the Silent God. Now leave.'
    An invisible force pushed Oddus out of the hall. The gates closed behind him.
    'Let me in!' Oddus struck the doors with his fists. 'This is my city, let me in!'
    The gates remained shut. He could hear the priests murmuring on the inside.
    'So, a fight you want, is it?' Oddus shouted. 'So be it!'
    The Usurper ran down the stairs, with a massive grin on his face.


    The catacombs echoed with the sound of footsteps. Two women and one Uruk advanced through the dark ooze.
    'Here I am...' Vespa of Avalon whispered. '...waist deep in hosh again!'
    Her companions were Tiberius Divinus,former Captain of the Guard and his translator, Aysha of Syrianna. The Uruk needed support from both women, due to the heavy damage he had suffered at the hands of Gans.
    'You know, I can get you a wooden leg. Or a steel one, if you prefer.' the Alpha Widow proposed to him.
    Divinus answered with a growl.
    'The High Captain is grateful but does not wish a prosthesis.' Aysha told her.
    'Somehow, I don't think that's all he said.' Vespa winked at the girl.
    'Do you doubt my skills, lady Vespa?'
    'No. I just don't believe you.'
    The dusky girl seemed hurt.
    'Do you think I'm a liar?'
    The Alpha Widow laughed.
    'Of course not, you silly child!'
    They could hear the fighting going on above their heads. The old Guards were being hunted down like animals.
    'I simply do not believe that a High Captain of the Guards can speak so delicately.'
    The Alpha Widow caressed the girl's cheek.
    'You are blushing.' Vespa noticed.
    Aysha bit her lower lip and lowered her gaze. Tiberius growled again.
    'The High Captain...'
    'I know, girl. I know.' Vespa interrupted her. 'He wants us to not lose anymore time.'
    'No.' said Aysha 'He says there is someone behind us.'
    Vespa blinked, unsure of how to react. She turned to peer back into the darkness. The stranger that was waiting there, clapped in the shadows.
    'Oh, how the mighty are fallen!'
    His voice was gutural, like any Uruk's. Vespa of Avalon stood defiant.
    'Who are you? Show yourself!'
    Kargun the Black stepped out of the shadows. He was holding a bloody swordaxe. Vespa's eyes fell on the blade.
    'Are you here to kill us?'
    The Uruk Gan smiled.
    'I wish.'
    A large explosion thundered in the streets above them. Dust fell on their heads.
    'Yet I cannot for I am in the same position as you.'
    The Alpha Widow's gaze was cold as ice.
    'Yes, I've heard. Old Oddus moves fast.'
    'Give me the torch.' Kargun said. 'I'll lead the way.'
    Vespa smiled. 'I never told you where we're going.'
    The Uruk Gan took the torch.
    'You are leaving the city. And so am I.'

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; May 30, 2020 at 02:48 AM.

  7. #107

    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    anyone who still play this mod?

  8. #108
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter One Hundred

    Better a devil in the Free North than a princess in your Dominion!
    -Meg the Valkyrie

    High, in the Black Mountains, the rebels halted their advance. The Holy City spread across the valley, its spires and cramped alleyways sprawling for miles and miles. The Xenway itself crossed the mountainside and speared through the wilderness, ending in the Great Gate of Xen.
    'We're here.' Ullon whispered to his companion. 'Holy Mother Callisto, we are here!'
    There were no speeches, no ovations before the great battle. One by one, the Uruks of the Immortal descended into the Valley of Death. They had shed their winter furs in favor of light armor. They had painted their skins dark, in order to blend into the night.
    They were raiders, each and every one of them accustomed with fighting in the dark. As such, they preferred it.
    Spartacus himself waited on a hill, surrounded by his most trusted advisors and bodyguards. Among them was Gaeru the Chosen and by his side, stood Ullon the Unworthy.
    'This is it, isn't it?' the weakling asked. 'Our last battle. We will die here, won't we?'
    Gaeru the Chosen remained silent, as was his way.
    'If we die, we die serving the true Alpha!' Gorun the Grim growled in their vicinity.
    The other Gans snarled their approval. Ullon watched them closely. They were ready to die, every last one of them.
    But I'm not ready, he admitted. I still have much to do. Wine to drink, women to see.

    He wondered if anyone would notice his absence if he happened to disappear before the final assault. Who needs me anymore?
    There came a cry in the night. A loyalist sentinel spotted the rebels:
    'Night raid!'
    The Arctic Uruks all started to run, through the poppy fields, through the bush and into the defensive ditch surrounding the capital of the Uruk Dominion. No one rained fire on them as they began to climb the stone wall.
    'No archers and no priests, thank Callisto!' Gorun grinned.
    'Immortals!' Spartacus roared. 'With me!'
    As was tradition, the Uruk general had to be the first uruk into the city. Even if it meant his life.
    He can't die, he's immortal, Ullon remembered as he watched the great best dashing into the fray. All his Gans went with him, Gaeru included.
    Ullon went the other way.


    Oddus had brought Ly Kan crossbows to the iron gates, hellbent on burning the priests inside when a messenger brought the ill news.
    'Under attack?!' the Usurper bared his fangs in disbelief. 'By whom?'
    For a moment, the Uruk soldier was stricken by fear.
    'Speak up, you worthless glob!' Oddus grabbed him by the throat. 'Who's attacking us?! Who? The Faustians?! We took their last city! The Teutons?! We burned their last castle! The Hispanics?!
    They're nothing but slaves! The Paynáli?!! We ate them all! Speak, you fool!'
    Finally, the Uruk scout uttered a few words, each more terrible than the other.
    'Uruks... We're attacked by Uruks. The Great Company is here!'
    Oddus threw the scout from the Tower of Justice. He turned to his Ly Kans.
    'What are you waiting for?! Go! Go out and bring me the head of Spartacus!'


    The Arctic Uruks were inside the city, marching in the streets. There wasn't any resistance. All fresh recruits, the sentinels opened the gates by themselves. The young Uruks were all too eager to catch a glimpse of the mighty Spartacus. When he arrived, the city itself exploded.
    Old veterans and freshlings alike, all welcomed him, as the returning hero. Even the Sons of Toke.
    'Do you see that? How proud he walks!' the wenches whispered among themselves.
    'He is back! He is back to save us all!' the veterans whispered
    among themselves.
    'Look at those arms! He's slained a thousand enemies!' the recruits among themselves.
    The High Priest of Demos, second only to the decesased High Shaman, came up to Spartacus and presented him with a gift.
    'Here is the key to the city.' the old warlock bowed before the beast. 'Welcome back, my lord!'
    To all of this, the Immortal had one thing to say:
    'Where's the Usurper?'


    Oddus was alone in the Tower of Justice. All his Bodyguards were gone. All his Ly Kan Rocketeers as well. They all deserted him.
    He could see them all down there, with him.
    'Blast you, old fiend! Blast you all to hell and back again...' the Usurper grounded his teeth, watching the majestic figure of his rival.
    There is no point in fighting anymore,
    a voice whispered inside his head. Surrender, Oddus! Give yourself up! Spare the lives of your Uruks!
    'Never!' the general roared in the shadows. 'Never! I am Claudius Oddus and I will die standing!'
    Very well, the voice said.
    The Tower of Justice exploded once more.


    This time, a giant rose from the ashes. Huge horns dorned his brow. Enormous wings spread out, eclipsing the moon. Lighting fell, feeding into him and blinding the onlookers. There was silence and thunder boomed in the distance.
    No one spoke except the creature. His voice was ground-shaking.


    So spoke Hundur the Destroyer, the Overfiend, the Eater of Worlds. Known as the God of Silence to the Priests of Silence.
    These were the last words that Gaeru the Chosen, Gorun the Grim, Spartacus the Immortal, his Arctics Uruks, the Dominion Guard, the Ly Kans, the wenches, the fishermen, the boatsmen, the beggars of the capital heard.
    Demos itself perished in a sea of light.


    With Demos gone, the Uruk Dominion crumbled slowly but surely. All throughout the empire, riots exploded. The people of the Enclave spilled out of Arandorf and took back the surrounding countryside, leaving all Uruk garrisons stranded in a sea of rebellion. All this happened under the leadership of Karl Gustav, the Faustian spy and Primeiro Menendus, last King of the Hispanics.
    In Mesocala, the Great Conflagration brought together all surviving Uruks from all corners of the world and the Great Paynal was killed. But the entire campaign died, in a sea of blood, when news of the Fall of Demos reached the continent.
    In Lenapa, the few Uruks who stayed behind were hunted down and skinned alive by Sycorax raiders. New Demos was burned to the ground.
    Only Hope's End, a forgotten island in the West Sea, remains under Dominion control. Rumors talk of a new legendary Uruk leader who will rise to guide his people to new glory.
    In Hadea, Sundak Hades was killed by his generals. So dies the Great Line of Hades!
    And above all the destruction and the ruin, a tattered flag still flaps in the wind. On it, a symbol whose meaning new Uruks will never know and humans will bury deep into the annals of history.
    The glorious Crimson Talon of the First Alpha
    Slavos Hades.
    Founder of the once mighty Uruk Dominion.

    -The End-

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; September 12, 2020 at 04:25 AM.

  9. #109

    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    when we will read about the conflict between Oddus and Spartacus the Immortal?

  10. #110
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter One Hundred One

    None of us are guaranteed tomorrow!
    -Kieran the Kelt

    Demos burned.
    The Eternal City blazed against the midnight sky. The smell of ash and the wailing of flames reached all the way to the beach.
    There lay Divinus, panting under a starry heaven. In truth, he never felt more useless in his life. Lame and forgotten, he lay there like a shameful relic of the past.
    He could hear the voices in his head, mocking him in their cruel laughter:
    Watcher of Who? Guardian of What?
    He failed to defend the city. He failed his duty as Captain of the Guard. Demos was burning in the distance and he could do nothing about it but sit there and weep in the sand.
    Unworthy! You are unworthy of life!
    He had nothing to say in his defense. His tongue was gone and so was his pride. All he could do was lay on the cold wet sand, listening to the the sea and letting the wind cool down his tears.
    Where were you when the Alpha died? Where were you when Demos burned?
    This is what they'll ask. He could feel their accusations burning hot on his skin. This is what they would do to him... if he ever made it back. But in the state he was in, that was not a certainty.
    There was one solution.
    Divinus could still crawl his way into the sea.
    Death, to wash the shame away. Death, to silence the voices.
    Like a giant sea turtle, the Uruk pushed his body forward by the strength of his undamaged arm. He had no sword to fall on so he had to make do with what he had.
    It was an honorable thing.
    The waves were close. The sea was calm.
    As if in mockery of his anger, the seagulls were singing above him. He won't give them the pleasure of feasting upon his eyes. Divinus grunted with each shove, like a wounded bull.
    He could see the horizon. He could smell the sea. All his life has led him to this point: crawling on a beach, mutilated and alone.
    Gone were his thoughts of revenge. Gone were his plans. Now that the fire took his enemies, he had no purpose. Even this victory did not please him.
    Would've been far better had they died by my blade...
    Divinus froze.
    He head a voice brought by the wind. Not in his head this time. A man, by the sound of it. |
    Bloody shara! the Uruk cursed. It's all I need now!
    Divinus began to crawl faster, his claws digging deep gashed into the sand.
    I'll be damned if I'll let myself be killed by a filthy human!
    Not an honorable way to go, for an Uruk. All the elders agreed on one thing: that it was far better to burn in hell for all eternity than to suffer the injustice of being slain by human hands!
    Holy Mother, don't let me die like this!
    His prayers went unanswered. The sea was close but the human was closer. He could hear his voice clearly now. His language was strange, one that Divinus never heard before. The Uruk could not understand a word.
    'Come see, Mother, what's left of me...'
    It was a vampire. Dying of his wounds. Burned alive but still walking. Divinus could hardly believe his eyes.
    He was given the chance of seeing somebody in a worse state than him!
    'So bring me to Keelkenny...' the Kelt kept on singing '...and bury me there, in that wee old hill!'
    Suddenly, he stopped. He noticed the Uruk in the sand. On his charred face, a large grin appeared.
    'Well, well... if it isn't food I see! Color me lucky...'
    Divinus groaned, his eyes wide with terror. His whole body tensed, waiting for the capital shot.
    The vampire lurched above him.
    'Somebody did a number on you, didn't they? Looks like I'll be putting you out of your misery, aye?'
    Divinus said nothing. There was something wrong with that human. He could smell death inside him yet he moved and talked!
    'I would have to be quick about it too, won't I? The Sun's almost up.'
    The Kelt stared at the sea.
    'Aye, I can smell it. Can't you feel it, lad? Aye, guess you can't on account of you being... well, a primitive creature and all that.'
    Divinus growled.
    Kill me and be done with it!
    The walking talking corpse seemed surprised.
    'In a hurry to die, are we?' he said to the Uruk in his native tongue. Still, Divinus could not understand a single word.
    The Kelt turned back to the city.
    'Aye, dishonour is a cruel mistress indeed...'
    The vampire sat on the sand, right next to the Uruk.
    For a moment, they watched the fires together.
    'Looks like we both lost, laddie. Such a shame, eh? We both bet on the wrong horse, at the same time. And here I am, cooked to me bones, talking to an armless, legless ogre. Not the way I thought things would turn out...'
    For a time, Divinus forgot about the sea. He listened to the ghoul.
    'Stinking McCleods!' the Kelt spat in the wind. 'Not even Angus the Bold could keep 'em in line! Poor, stupid Angus. Ha, the proud O'Neils.... What a joke, eh? Where are they now?'
    The vampire sighed.
    'Our Queen is dead, Gruagach* . Do you know what that means? No, of course you don't. After all, you're just a bloody ogre.'
    The Kelt smiled.
    'Never had ogre blood before... I think I'll try some...'
    Before Divinus could react, the vampire was on top of him. His charred fingers were digging into Divinus' face.
    'You know what's funny, Gruagach?!' the Kelt shouted in the Uruk's face. 'That none of us are guaranteed tomorrow!'
    With his good arm, Divinus grabbed the vampire by the neck. This made the ghoul chuckle.
    'That's it, laddie! Give me a good fight! Let old Kieran see what ya got!'
    They were both strangling each other, at the same time. Divinus was not ashamed anymore.
    This... This is a good death, he thought.
    Dying by the hands of a strigoi was honorable. There was glory in facing the inevitable.
    'On second thought...' the Kelt grinned.
    He opened his own wrist with his fangs. Hot blood dripped down the Uruk's face. Divinus snarled. He was not letting go of his prey.
    He felt the fingers of his foe sliding into his mouth, unclenching his jaw. Now the blood was pouring in.
    'Drink, you bastard! Drink!' Old Kieran shouted into the coming sunrise. 'One last joke!'
    Divinus spat, Divinus struggled but the vampire was too strong.
    When it was done, the Kelt was still laughing. He raised his arms high towards the light.
    'My final joke, laddie! My final joke!'
    With the first rays of sunshine, the vampire caught fire. He was a charred creature before, now he was burning for a second time.
    Watching this, Divinus finally understood. The reckoning came and went.
    This was his second chance.


    - ogre (in Gaelic)

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; September 13, 2021 at 02:00 AM.

  11. #111
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Quote Originally Posted by Vlad Dracule View Post
    when we will read about the conflict between Oddus and Spartacus the Immortal?
    Chapter One Hundred Two

    Look at your Alpha! See how he runs before me!
    -Spartacus the Immortal

    For days Demos burned.
    The fires could be seen for miles. In the heart of the blaze, the earth itself turned to glass.
    Where a city once was, a titan stood. The gigantic body of a dead god, now an empty shell. A powerful reminder of the End Times.
    For Hundur was the God of Death and death was all around. At every corner, under the smoking ruins, across the deserted fields. There was no sign of life.
    For days it rained fire. This was a blessing because it kept the rats and scavengers at bay.
    Hundur was the God of Death but he was also the God of Life. So from the ashes, the dead rose.
    Chief among them was Spartacus the Immortal.
    Rage still burned inside him, as he prowled the land, roaring for vengeance.
    'Where are you, Usurper?! Face me!'
    Now he truly became his namesake. But the large Uruk did not care about such matters. All he wanted was Oddus.
    His rival, his nemesis.
    Strange are the ways of history! For Oddus too was alive.
    Resurrected by Hundur's Fall, he too haunted the ruins, seeking his foe.
    They met in what was once the Central Plaza, now nothing more than a circle in a wasteland.
    'You called for me, traitor?' Oddus roared. 'Here I am!'
    In life, they were both powerful Uruks, true warriors through and through, champions of war on both sides of the world. In death, they were unstoppable.
    They had no swords for most of the metal had melted in the Wipe-Out so they came at each with tooth and nail.
    They fought like their ancestors once did, in the manner of savage beasts.
    Spartacus was larger but it meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. They inflicted grievous wounds upon each other. And for a moment, it was quiet.
    'I've waited so much for this.' Spartacus said with his guts hanging out.
    'Not as much as me.' Oddus replied, with a half broken jaw.
    Much to their astonishment, their bodies repaired themselves. Almost instantly.
    'What is this sorcery?!' Spartacus the Immortal spat upon the rocks. 'Why can't I kill you?!'
    Oddus grunted in disbelief.
    'Let us try again.'
    And so they did. Again they clashed. Again they broke bones. Gouged eyes out. Tore chunks of flesh. But it was no use. Through guts and brains and blood, the result wa the same.
    'Damn you! Why won't you just die?!' Spartacus bellowed.
    'You first...' Oddus One-Eye said.
    And yet again, they went back to normal, after each fight. Just as before. It was if the gods themselves were toying with them.
    'Such a cruel joke...' Oddus smiled.
    Spartacus was still panting, from the effort of bashing his adversary's head in. He refused to accept defeat.
    'There must be a way to finish this!' Spartacus shouted.
    In his lifetime, he had been in countless duels. He'd lost count of how many Uruks he killed in single combat, across the ages. But never has he encountered such a foe.
    'Demos is mine, Usurper! By blood-right!' Spartacus roared. 'There's nothing you can do to stop me!'
    Oddus raised his arms, showing the devastation all around them.
    'You want this? You can have it.'
    He turned his back to his foe and walked away.
    'Come back, fool!' Spartacus yelled out. 'This isn't over!'
    His roar echoed across the ruins. More Uruks rose up from the ruins. They were all changed.
    'Look at your Alpha! See how he runs before me!'
    So it was that Spartacus the Immortal claimed victory in the absence of Oddus One-Eye.
    Even the Gans of the High Guard took his side. Former enemies became friends. There was no room for hatred amongst brothers. Under the dark skies, they were all Uruks.
    'Brothers...' Spartacus rose his fist into the air. 'The Dominion is ours!'
    'Hail Spartacus!' a Gan cried out.' Hail the Dominion!'
    Loyalist and rebel alike, they all cheered him. Spartacus silenced the crowd , with a gesture.
    'Brothers! Now is not the time to celebrate! Our Dominion is under siege from all sides. We must defend our frontiers against all enemies!'
    They were listening to him. Spartacus grinned. He had always been good with crowds.
    'Spread out, brothers! Go forth and reinforce every town, every village, every castle and every fort! Our Dominion needs us!'
    It was simple, short and to the point. Like him. Like Spartacus' entire military career. He was used to getting what he wanted, as long as he moved lightning-fast.
    Spartacus liked to keep things simple.
    'Let this gift be our secret. Let them fear us again, as they did in the past! Let this world tremble at the sound of our roar!'
    'What of Oddus One-Eye?' one Uruk shouted.
    Spartacus frowned but kept his cool.
    'The one who takes his head shall rule by my side as my heir!' he declared.
    And I will deal with him later, Spartacus thought, watching the cheering crowd.

    © Lurtz Bust by Max Roudaut (artist)

  12. #112
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter One Hundred Three

    There is no such thing as a former KGB man.
    -Vladimir Putin

    For weeks Demos burned.
    This was no natural fire. No, it was the essence of the Death God, spreading throughout the countryside. Not only Uruks have been affected by it.
    Regular folk, the denizens of Demos were touched too. People found themselves reborn inside the ruins of their homes. There was nothing left to rebuild, only ash. The Eternal City was only a memory.
    So the Demosans began to leave. One by one.
    Soon enough, whole crowds were moving through the empty streets.
    Beyond the crippled Wall of Cerberus, onto the Alphan Way, a long line of refugees spiraled its way into the open plain. They were abandoning the city, carrying only the clothes on their back for all their belongings were lost to the eternal flames.
    Among them was a harlot named Yma. She dragged her dirty naked feet across the cobbled stones. She was still in a state of shock.
    Not from the explosion, not from the screaming and dying but from what came afterwards.
    Like many citizens of Demos, Yma saw Hundur appear with her own eyes. She was there when he spoke to the world. She was on the balcony with someone whose name was lost to her now.
    She saw the explosion and ran back inside for cover. Then the house collapsed.
    She thought she was dead. But she woke under the weight of rubble like others before her. As if nothing happened. She heard the screams of the reborn as they were dragged from the rubble and she began to feel fear creeping into her heart. That's when they got her.
    The Uruks of the Immortal.
    Savage beasts of the North, still carrying pelts and furs. They treated her as only experienced raiders know how to treat female captives. And soon enough, Yma wished for death.
    But for some strange reason, she could not die. Her ordeal lasted for days.
    Until one night, when her captors were asleep, she snuck out of the enclosure. There were more women with her but she did not remember their names or their faces. They ran into the night. As far away as possible. And Yma ran until her feet bled.
    Now she was walking beside strangers, yet again. She had no destination. She did not look back. For her, the Eternal City was not even a memory.
    It was a place she will never return to. That much was certain.
    When night came, Yma was still walking. She walked until she saw the sunshine again. Then she walked some more.
    It was when she reached the Kibre River that she stopped to clean herself. As she was bathing, Yma spotted a woman on the other shore. Watching her.
    Tall she was, with a cloak over her face. Yma covered herself and walked out of the water.
    'This river is mine, girl. All who used it without my permission must pay my toll.'
    The woman's voice was smooth as silk. For an instant, Yma thought she was a spirit of the Underworld, there to take her away.
    'You have no money, I see.' the cloaked lady said. 'How do you intend to pay?'
    Yma revealed herself to her. The lady watched in silence.
    'Pretty but I'm not interested.'
    From the undergrowth, a black Uruk rose. Yma tried hard not to scream.
    'Don't worry, child. He won't harm you.'
    The Uruk approached. His white hair betrayed his rank and origin.
    'The coast is clear. She is alone.' the Gan said.
    The lady in black chuckled.
    'Alone in the woods, girl? Are you trying to get yourself killed?'
    Using only her hands, Yma transmitted her answer.
    I cannot die.
    The lady in black inclined her head. Yma waited. Soon the lady rose her hands and with her own fingers, she replied:
    Now I'm interested.


    Oddus ran. In the cold moonlight, the Usurper ran.
    My city! This is my city!
    Rubble crushed under his boots. Dust covered his face. Eyes burning red with blood-lust.
    He took my city away from me! MY CITY!
    Oddus fell on a pile of bones. Skulls cracked under his body. Oddus snarled and fought with the darkness. When the dust settled, he realized where he was.
    The Old Temple! This is where it all began!
    His one good eye searched his surroundings. There was nothing familiar except the round shapes of craniums. Skulls as far as his eye could see.
    The Trophy Column! Oddus realized in a cold instant. Or what's left of it.
    Skulls of defeated enemies, skulls of champions exploded under his feet. Oddus was literally walking on history.
    The Uruk was twice as large as him and clad in furs. One of the Immortal's unwashed savages.
    Filthy brute! Oddus focused on him.
    The many totems on the Arctic Uruk marked him as a Headhunter. A Berserker. That and the axe he carried.
    Oddus had nothing in his hand except a tibia he found on the floor.
    'Har-har-har!' the Northerner chuckled. 'Fool, you think a piece of bone will stop me?!'
    The Berserker charged. Oddus dodged at the last minute, throwing his foe off balance. One of the basic maneuvers they were taught at the Academy.
    But these savages lacked any finesse.
    'No style...' Oddus grunted.
    He was on top of the Berserker, pushing the bone shard deep into his enemy's neck.
    The Berserker spat blood and hate in Oddus' face. The Usurper took charge of his axe and used it to decapitate his foe. Oddus threw the head far into the night.
    He had no use for trinkets.
    Soon enough, Oddus One-Eye was running again. There was no time for anything else. The soldiers of the Immortal were not far away. He had to keep going.
    The scenery all around was unfamiliar due to the devastation but Oddus knew the city well. He could still see the outlines of the streets. Empty spaces among piles of rock.
    If the Temple is behind me, then that means the Black Gate are right in front...
    He was right. But there was a patrol up ahead, blocking the road. Ragged but armed. All of them missing one eye.
    Bloody Sons... Oddus cursed his luck.
    The Sons of Toke hated him. They wanted him dead more than anyone else. Oddus knew this. There was no time to think about the past. The Immortal's Uruks were right on his tail.
    He had no friends left in the city. He was a marked Uruk. But he had an axe.
    Without warning, Oddus fell on them. They were young, strong but inexperienced. Probably fresh out of the Academy.
    With the first blow, he took down the first one. Oddus took the legs from under the second rebel. The third slashed at him but he diverted the blow.
    The fourth he pushed onto the third and finished them off with clean blows to the head. The fifth rebel was the captain and he ran.
    'Amateurs...' Oddus scoffed.
    He threw his axe and downed the last Son right there, in the alley, just before he got to the corner. Oddus then howled at the moon.
    The Usurper picked up a blade and kept his axe with him. He went on his way.
    There was no one guarding the Black Gates. Except for a few Gans of the High Guard. Four, they were. Strong and tall. Oddus growled. These were once his soldiers.
    'Halt!' the tallest Gan shouted. 'Who goes there?'
    The answer came swiftly.
    'Your Alpha.'
    The Gan raised his pale eyebrows.
    'No. The other one.'
    Oddus revealed himself.
    'Let me pass, Karga.'
    Karga the Tall raised both his glaives high.
    'You know I can't do that.'
    Oddus spat on the ground.
    'So be it.'
    'This isn't a batttle you can win!' Karga warned. 'You're only an Uruk.'
    Oddus One-Eye grinned and charged the Gans. They evaded each of his blows. Karga himself sliced him only once... and took both his arms clean off.
    'You cannot kill me!' Oddus roared. 'Spartacus tried and failed! I am unbreakable!'
    Karga the Tall kept his distance.
    'We'll see about that.'
    They hacked at him from all sides. His legs went next. The Gans sliced him until he was a bleeding hulk on the ground.
    'Any last words?'
    Karga the Tall stood above Oddus, both of his glaives touching the sides of his neck. The Usurper laughed.
    'Aye... See you in hell!'
    Karga chopped his head off.
    'Take it to Spartacus.' Karga told one of his Gans. 'He will be pleased.'
    The Gan picked up the head. When he saw the Usurper's face, he froze.
    'Karga, take a look at this!'
    His Captain came closer to inspect the head. Oddus was looking straight at him, grinning. Karga could not believe his eyes:
    'He's still alive!'


    For in the dead of night, even Uruks may cry.
    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; September 14, 2021 at 04:12 AM.

  13. #113
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter One Hundred and Four

    To remain whole, be twisted!
    To become full, be hollow.

    -Xao Xul

    For months Demos burned.
    News of the fire traveled fast. The first ones to talk about it were the sailors.
    'That Oddus... Such a mad lad!'
    'Mad One-Eye always wanted Demos for himself. Now he's got it!'
    The die were rolling against the polished wood. All around there was nothing but sea and sky.
    'You think Old Blood 'n Guts cares about Demos? All he wants is glory. Our heads are next, ya know?'
    The old sailor spat a ball of green phlegm right overboard. His counterpart grinned, showing off a row of golden teeth.
    'Old 'Tartacus needs us, remember? Besides... the sod can't bloody swim!'
    Sailors laughed at the sound of such words. Among them was a tiny person who remained serious.
    'They say Old Demos is still burnin' to this day. They haven't figured a way to put them fires out.'
    'No worries! A wash of good Hadean red will clean it right up!'
    More laughter. The stranger was not smiling.
    'Still, not too late to find ourselves another employer, Slim! By the looks of it, the Dominion is on its way down.'
    The youngster waved his good hand.
    'Nonsense! The Uruks have been through worse. Much worse, trust me!'
    The old mariner squinted at his friend.
    'When, laddie? Tell me when.'
    'When they were our slaves. Now look at us!'
    The deck erupted in howls and cheers. The crew was mostly made up of humans.
    'With Demos gone, they'll have to get a new capital. And soon, before the bloody 'Bellicans find out.'
    'So what? Ya afraid of an invasion? We'll sail away like we always do and come back when it's over!'
    Again they laughed. Still stood the stranger.
    'Aye, lad. We're on sea and they're on land. That much is true. But sooner or later, we'll have to resupply and what will you do then, eh?'
    The young sailor rubbed the dice against his ginger beard.
    'We'll sail to Mesocala then. Nobody'll follow us there!'
    The geezer snapped.
    'Aye, it's so much safer on the Headhunters continent! Might as well bolt a handle on me freaking head!'
    Still the sailors laughed. The sun shined down upon their rugged faces.
    'What of Oddus?' the stranger asked. 'Do you know what happened to him?'
    The old mariner spat again.
    'Dead as dead can be, laddie. That's what me sources tell me.'
    'How... How did he die?'
    The old sailor grimaced as if in pain himself.
    'Old 'Tartacus got him. Chopped 'im to pieces, from what I hear. Took his head clean off.'
    'What an improvement!' the youngster shouted.
    The sailors cheered once more and the stranger retreated to a corner of the ship.
    There, when no one was watching, Wilelda allowed herself to cry.
    The cog sailed on, despite her grief.


    For months, Demos burned.
    News of the fire reached the front lines. Among the last ones to know, were the soldiers.
    'General, the delegation has arrived!'
    When they found him, Sten Volchok was at his favourite spot, resting by the brazier, watching the embers glow.
    'Send them in.'
    His voice was a whisper, his face was a mask.
    Sten the Sphinx that's what his Uruks called him. No one knew what went on in his mind.
    'My lord.'
    Only one Uruk stood at the entrance of the tent. Frail looking but tall.
    'Please, no need to be so formal.' Sten gave a polite smile. 'General would do just fine.'
    'You are the heir to the throne of Demos.' the messenger said. 'It is your birth-right.'
    The Sphinx kept on smiling.
    'There is no throne. There is no Demos. Please, sit.'
    He pointed to a chair near the fire. The messenger did not move.
    'I'll stand, thank you.'
    Beside the Sphinx was a small round table. On it, on a silver platter was an Uruk head. For a moment, the messenger thought he could see the eyes move.
    'That's Kubadai.' Sten told him. 'Say 'hello' Kubadai!'
    The head kept still. Volchok chuckled.
    'Don't mind him. He doesn't bite anymore. I give him blood from time to time, just to see him smile.'
    The messenger remained silent. The Sphinx entwined his fingers.
    'So... I hear you have something for me.'
    'Aye, my lord. I do indeed.'
    The messenger took down his cloak, revealing a burned face, hideously deformed. A permanent grin and sunken eyes, forever without eyelids. The sound of rattling chains echoed behind him.
    'The name's Noctis. You probably never heard of me but for the last few months, I've been the favourite toy of your archenemy.'
    The Sphinx smiled once more.
    'Ah, Prince Zundak! How is he, by the way?'
    The messenger snarled.
    'Alive, at the moment.'
    Sten nodded, caressing the forehead of his trophy.
    'Why are you here, Noctis?'
    The tall Uruk bowed. Again, the sound of chains followed his movements.
    'I bring gifts, my... General.'
    With a swirl, Noctis revealed what was behind him all along. A pale figure, wrapped in chains.
    'Behold Prince Zundak, last of the Hadessa!'
    The Prince was tall and pale. His hair was long and white. His mouth was gagged and his eyes glowed with hate. Other than that, he looked unharmed. Sten the Sphinx rose up and approached the prisoner.
    He removed the gag from his mouth. Instantly, Zundak began to scream.
    'I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!'
    Volchok remained calm.
    'How, cousin?'
    His eyes betrayed no emotion.
    'Set me loose and you'll see!' Zundak snarled.
    Volchok looked at the messenger.
    'Release him!'
    Noctis was shocked.
    'My lord! That will not be beneficial. I must advise you to...'
    Sten was unmoved.
    'Are you deaf as well as burned? Release him!'
    It was the scarred Uruk's turn to snarl. Very slowly, he took off the chains.
    'As you wish.'
    The Prince pounced. Volchok slapped him. Zundak fell to the ground. He looked up in shock.
    'You... you hit me!'
    The Prince growled and charged again. Volchok slapped him once more. Again the Prince went down.
    'Is this all?' Sten asked. 'Is this all you can do?'
    He placed his boot on the Prince's chest. Zundak trashed around like a caged beast.
    'The last of the Hadessa.' the Sphinx said. 'Such a disappointment.'
    As if awoken from a dream, Sten looked up and saw the messenger standing there.
    'Thank you, Noctis, for this. I am... I am forever in your debt.'
    Noctis bowed his head.
    'There's more, my lord.'
    'Oh?' the Sphinx asked.
    A large metallic object landed heavily on the ground, right next to Zundak's head.
    'Ghashodoram.' the messenger said. 'The Hellhand.'
    'It looks like a glove.' Sten observed.
    Noctis grunted.
    'This is what the Prince used to torture me. It's a flamethrower. Perfectly adapted for his hands.'
    The Sphinx picked up the glove and brought it closer to the fire.
    'Marvelous...' he whispered.
    It was the first time that Noctis saw any emotion upon the general's face. Sten looked fascinated.
    'If we can mass-produce these devices...'
    Noctis nodded. He would have smiled if he had any lips left.
    'You'll conquer the world.'

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; September 14, 2021 at 11:04 AM.

  14. #114
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter One Hundred and Five

    Now be a good dog and do as I say or I'll turn your city into ash.
    -Spartacus the Immortal

    For an entire year, Demos burned.
    The blaze could be seen every night from the neighboring cities. Few, however, offered to help. It was believed that the city was cursed.
    Rumours circulated of a Hellgate opening.
    So it came as a big surprise when one morning, the Prefect of Hades, second largest city in Hadea, was informed that an entire army was waiting outside the gates.
    'They are from Demos, my lord.'
    With a heavy heart, the Prefect donned his armor.
    'Summon my Gans.' he told the slave. 'Send word to the other cities.'
    They'll be prepared, he thought, in case anything happens.
    The Prefect fully expected to meet demons and horned monstrosities, bellowing their hate towards the sky and all that was living. Yet, in spite of his fears, he rode out on his trusted steed, a pure Black Hargan.
    'Hail there, my brothers!'
    To his relief, the Prefect saw only Uruks waiting. Leading them was a giant, clad in black furs, sporting a huge mane as dark as the night.
    This must be the legendary leader, thought the Prefect.
    'Since when do Uruks ride beasts of burden?'
    These were the first words Spartacus the Immortal uttered at the meeting. He gave his contempt freely and openly, without any concern for pleasantries.
    'I am Xarg of the Horgun, Prefect of Hades and Protector of these lands.'
    Spartacus bared his fangs.
    'Horgun? That name's familiar. Where have I heard it before?'
    Xarg did not meet the giant's gaze. Spartacus was as tall as the Prefect and Xarg was sitting on a horse!
    'My... My Great-grandfather served as a Captain in the 13 Companies.'
    Spartacus grinned.
    'Ah, yes! Good old Horgun. Now I remember... Bloody brave he was!'
    The Immortal's smile disappeared at once.
    'He'd be rolling on his pyre if he saw what pitiful creatures his offspring have become!'
    Xarg clenched his jaw. It took all his restraint not to unleash his rage.
    'What... What brings you to these lands, great leader?'
    Spartacus said nothing. He simply looked at the other Uruk, with pure contempt in his eyes. Slowly, the silence began to weigh heavily on the Prefect. Xarg felt sweat running down his forehead. Yet he stood proud in his saddle. His Gans would not tolerate any sign of weakness.
    'How long have you been wathing Demos burn, Prefect?'
    The titan's voice was like a thunder on the open plain. His eyes were glowing as he gazed right into the Prefect's soul.
    'We... We've sent delegates but.. none of them returned so...'
    'So you decided to wait.' said Spartacus.
    The Immortal's Uruks were growling behind their leader. They looked ready for battle. Xarg's own horse became restless under him. It felt the danger.
    'Indeed.' Xarg responded.
    The giant Uruk snarled.

    'Wait as your capital turned to ash.'
    Xarg was certain that his death was near. His fingers found the handle of his axesword. It would had to be quick. He only had one chance. Xarg grabbed hold of his weapon. He could hear his Gans doing the same.
    'What can we do to help, Great One?'
    Keep him talking. Keep stalling.
    Spartacus looked him straight in the eye and said:
    'For starters, you shall give us your masons, your bricklayers, your roofers and your carpenters!'
    Xarg's heart skipped a beat.
    'Would that be all, my lord?'
    Spartacus offered a hideous grin.
    'No.' he winked at the Prefect 'We'll require half your slaves and half your women too!'
    This made the Uruks under his command laugh. All those savages were howling like mad beasts at the moon. Before he could protest, Xarg felt the Alpha's long fingers clasping the back of his neck. Spartacus grabbed hold of him and dragged him closer, almost knocking off his horse.
    'Now be a good dog and do as I say...' the Alpha whispered in his ear '... or I'll turn your city into ash. Is that clear enough for you, pup?'
    The Prefect nodded.
    'Good!' Spartacus said out loud. 'Glad we can reach an agreement!'
    Xarg could feel his Gans watching him. He'd lost their respect. Then and there.
    'My lord...' he heard himself speak 'I must ask... Why?'
    Spartacus turned to face him. He looked even more menacing up close.
    'Why do you need all these people?'
    The Immortal's laugh was like a thunderstorm.
    'Isn't it obvious?'
    Xarg looked puzzled. So did the other Hadesans. Spartacus grunted like a disappointed father.
    'For Demos, pup. For Demos.'

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; September 14, 2021 at 11:02 AM.

  15. #115
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter One Hundred and Six

    Why humiliate a brave enemy?

    -Ulysses S. Grant

    For a long time, Demos burned.
    The Dominion could not hide this fact. News of the fire reached its enemies.
    In neighboring Ibellica, a string of revolts shook the continent. In the west, the nomads of the Tahar Emirates sought to reclaim ownership over their ancestral lands. Many cities had fallen to them.
    In the far north, the Enclave exploded in a sea of chaos and revolution as the human population rose up in rebellion and overthrew the Uruk masters.
    All across Ibellica, Uruks were hunted down and killed. Everywhere except in the Meravingian Estates, because that's where Sten the Sphinx ruled.
    In distant Mesocala, the fires of war raged on. The Uruks listened as the Kazteka and Panalan warriors celebrated the fall of their empire's capital, right at their very gates.
    All they could do is watch and wait, from the ramparts of their forts.
    'Never have I seen such a pitiful display.' large Brutus Noctis growled. 'Uruks cowering behind walls... Our ancestors are ashamed of us.'
    'It is unwise to hunt them during the night.' Xenos Caligula whispered beside him. 'You know this as well as I.'
    'We can shoot some of 'em with rockets.' the giant said. 'That'll light up the place just nicely.'
    'We don't have ammunition to spare.' snarled Athawolf Kono, the hero of Teju Jagua.
    His many scars showed how well those savages truly fought.
    'Come dawn, we'll find their capital and burn it to the ground!' young Caligula Shuba declared.
    'What's the use?' Xenos Caligula asked. 'They already know Demos has fallen. Look at them!'
    His voice bore the weight of an entire campaign. They were all tired. From the lowliest soldier to the highest paid general.
    'Now!' the youngster shouted.'Now's the time to strike!'
    Dark skinned Xenos grinned. His eyes glowed in the dark like the eyes of a jungle cat.
    'You got lucky at Teju Zalpec, whelp. They will not make the same mistake twice. Besides...'
    He turned to watch the fires.
    '...Temiczin must be avenged.'
    The youngster smiled.
    'Let them come.'
    Shuba caressed the skull chained to his hip. He remembered that nigh with fondness. The night he took down the Panalan Prince.
    'You didn't break 'em, boy!' Brutus Noctis growled again. 'Listen! Do they sound broken to you?'
    This angered Kono of the Athawolfes.
    'Give me thirty Gans and I'll finish this tonight! Thirty, that's all I need!'
    'Ah, yes, the kill-shot.' Xenos smiled. 'But how will you find the enemy commander, hero?'
    Kono fell silent. They listened to the chants echoing throughout the night.
    'We could slay their Priests.' the young Shuba proposed. 'Then take down their temples.'
    'This only makes them angrier.' Xenos said. 'When they're angry, they fight harder. We've tried it before, believe me.'
    'There is another way.'
    A low growl came from behind them. It was full with rage and heavy with intent. The Uruk Generals turned to see the great shadow of the Treasurer, standing there, against the fires of the night.
    'What do you have in mind, exile?' boomed Noctis.
    Cerberus Fulk remained still. His face kept the same air of martial pride as it did that day when they found him on the beach.
    'Burn the jungle. Kill the rats.'
    These words impacted the Uruk Generals. Each received the idea in a very specific way. The giant Brutus Noctis roared with laughter.
    'Har-har, this is what we need!'
    Caligula Shuba was exhilarated.
    'Yes, yes, this might work!'
    Out of all of them, only scarred Kono was silent. He looked at the gathering with the deepest mistrust.
    'Where's Xenos?' he asked.


    Xenos Caligula ran through the jungle.
    It was simply a matter of circumstance. He didn't asked to be shipped to Mesocala. He didn't ask to fight for his life, day in, day out. He simply had enough.
    Now things have gone beyond my control, he told himself as he ran. If they're willing to take the advice of that mad Uruk, there's nothing I can do for them. Nothing.
    Tree branches snapped in his face and cracked under his feet. He could hear the baying of warhounds.
    They sent the hounds after me. No surprises there.
    Xenos jumped over the trunk of a downed tree. The vegetation could not cover the pyres. He could see the fires clearly.
    I'm close, Xenos thought. So close!
    He could hear the enemy scouts approaching. They were running alongside him, trying to cut his path. Nothing between them but the jungle.
    They wanted him. Alive, if possible. As an Uruk General, he was invaluable. Xenos knew this and ran faster.
    For once, he was grateful for his slender frame. He could slip away, fitting through places where a larger Uruk might find himself stuck.
    Noctis, you poor fool! Xenos grimaced the thought. You're trapped and you don't even know it!
    His old friend was lost to him now. He belong with the others. This was worse than treachery. This was desertion.
    The hounds were getting closer. His brothers will never forgive him for this. He was already dead to them.
    Xenos jumped into the river and allowed the current to drag him away. He spat the water from his mouth. He looked at the sky, trying to find his baring.
    A rock came cloe to finish him off but Xenos evaded at the last moment. Cliffs with razor sharp edges were everywhere, waiting to claim the river's toll.
    This should keep 'em occupied! Xenos thought of his pursuers.
    He was hunted. By Uruks and men alike. For his brethren, he was a betrayer. For the Kazteka, he was a prize.
    Better to die a free Uruk than a slave!
    Xenos Caligula laughed, rolling with the whirlpool.
    He picked up on a familiar sound but it was a bit too late. His arms reached out to grab hold of a log. He missed it.
    The waterfall engulfed him and Xenos Caligula went down screaming.


    'Do you think I like being the Alpha Widow, girl?'
    Yma didn't know what to say. The campfire burned between both women.
    'Hidden from sight.' the lady in black went on 'Ignored everywhere else except when it came to child bearing. Always in the shadow of the legend.'
    The embers cracked. A few sparks flew in the wind. The air was heavy with the smell of venison.
    'Nobody remembers us women, girl! Whether you're a pleasure slave or a dictator's wife. Your role is the same!'
    The Alpha Widow stared at Yma with her deep blue eyes. The night grew colder.
    'Here I am, rich beyond my wildest dreams and still they address me as 'widow'. As if my husband's death made me who I am.'
    Yma listened without saying a word. As long as the lady talked to her, she felt safe.
    'No, girl. I made me who I am today! Every drop of blood and every tear, all mine! I kept those to myself. Because I knew one day I'll be free.'
    The night air echoed with the sounds of laughter and dancing. The refugee camp was nearby.
    'These people need a leader, girl. They have nowhere else to go. We must find them a home. Because sooner or later, the Uruks will come for them. Do you understand?'
    Yma nodded. She hoped the lady would not ask her to lead.
    'Good' the Alpha Widow said. 'Now the questions remains ... where do we take them?'
    There came a rustling in the tall grass. A heavy gait of someone large. It was the Bodyguard.
    'My lady, there's a patrol approaching.'
    The Alpha Widow drew the cloak back over her head.
    'Domies?' she asked.
    Nickname for Dominion troopers, Yma realized. Fear burned cold in her chest.
    'No.' the Gan said. 'Humans.'
    The lady in black moaned.
    'Damn you, Kargun! Give me more details!'
    The Gan looked flustered.
    'It's ... It's hard to say, m'lady. They're not locals. But they look strange. I've never seen men such as these!'
    The Alpha Widow turned to Yma.
    'Get up, girl! Looks like we're going hunting!'


    Eric Blake smiled in the company of the two women.
    'Ladies, it is an unexpected pleasure to...'
    'Spare me the empty pleasantries, pirate! Tell me what do you want!'
    The Greystoke looked surprised at first. Then his grin returned. He twisted the ends of his mustache with one delicate hand.
    'Straight to the point, as always! Should've expected nothing less from a lady of Avalon!'
    'A lady of the Dominion.' the Alpha Widow corrected him.
    They were both prisoners yet the women wore no chains. It was Eric Blake, the last of the Greystokes, who insisted that they be left unchained.
    'Still so defiant.' the Privateer Lord observed. 'I could have you flogged, lady Vespa!'
    'Aye' the Alpha Widow scoffed 'And I'll bet you'll like that memory too, you perverted old sea-snail!'
    The Greystoke laughed and instantly, Yma found him irresistibly charming.
    'Lady Vespa, you know me so well!' Eric wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. 'But tell me, who is your lovely companion?'
    'She's mute, deaf and dumb. You'd be better off fondling a cupboard!'
    Eric Blake stared at Yma and she blushed straight away. The Pirate Lord was not convinced.
    'Be that as it may... 'he walked the room, circling them like a lion does with his prey ' I am responsible for her life and yours, Lady Vespa. You see, my men are on an expedition...'
    'Is that what you call raids these days?'
    The Greystoke smiled but did not took Vespa's bait.
    'We're here to explore and record. New continents, new forms of life! It is my grandfather's mission. He was an explorer himself.'
    The Alpha Widow snorted.
    'Your grandfather was a bloody pirate! As are you, Eric Blake!'
    The Privateer Lord grinned. He seemed pleased with the situation.
    'Auntie Vespa, you wound me with your mistrust!'
    His fingers found Yma's neck. he began caressing her, right there right next to to the Alpha Widow.
    'Surely you have heard such bad things about us but I asure you, dear madame, that our intentions in the Hadea region are as reasonable as possible!'
    Yma bit her lower lip. She needed to be close to him. And as far as possible from the lady in black.
    'There's nothing left for you to plunder, scavenger!' Vespa cried. 'Demos is burned to the ground. Nothing left but ashes.'
    Eric Blake's index finger went up Yma's shoulder. She felt she had to kiss him, then and there.
    'Oh, but it is not Demos that we want, dear madame! We've heard there's another city, just as rich and even more enchanting than Demos ever was!'
    To this, the Alpha Widow fell silent.
    'What will you do with us?' she asked.
    The Widow gazed at him, ever defiant.
    'Oh, no much!' the Greystoke smiled. 'We shall accommodate your people, do not worry! And as for you, dear auntie...'
    He looked Vespa up and down. Yma suddenly felt very worried.
    'You shall be my wife.'

    -Eric Blake, last of the Greystokes
    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; September 19, 2021 at 11:29 AM.

  16. #116
    Lord of the Drunk Penguin's Avatar Tribunus
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    Default Re: Crimson Talon - An Uruk Dominion tale

    Chapter One Hundred and Seven

    If Old Demos was built on the bones of heroes, New Demos was made on the bones of deserters.

    -Ullon the Unworthy, Histories & Cities

    And so, the Uruk Dominion died.
    But it was a slow death.
    Even before the fall of the capital, the colonies were restless. Lenapa was a lost cause.
    The natives were in full revolt.
    The Great Tribes united under one leader, Kwana of the Quahadi. It was under his orders that the Sycorax and the Kwani surrounded the Dominion colony of New Demos.
    Besieged on all sides and with the sea as their only path of rescue, the Uruks turned to their commander for guidance.
    'Listen to me, brothers!' so spoke Gorun the Black. 'The whole world is watching. You must not show fear!
    What we do here will echo across the Dominion! So make sure you die standing, as true Uruks!'
    The garrison was small but they were willing to die to the last orc. They let the war-wives and gremlins go. Everyone who was too weak to fight or carry a sword boarded upon the Last Hope, an old Dominion galley who usually brought food and supplies from the Old World.
    The elder Uruks stayed behind. So did the Berserkers and the deserters. The dungeons were emptied and the damned were given the chance to die in combat or be killed on the spot.

    Last edited by Lord of the Drunk Penguin; July 30, 2023 at 01:10 AM.

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