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Thread: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.5 (Patch 16)

  1. #1

    Default Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.5 (Patch 16)

    The general mission of this mod is to create a challenging, historically accurate, realistic experience with multiple turns per year.
    Also available on Steam Workshop.
    Includes part of Izanagi's All Factions Playable

    Mod Downloads:

    Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod 2TPY
    Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod 4TPY

    Mod Details:

    This is a combination of most of my mods, including Hēgemonía: Large Empires, 2/4 Turns Per Year Hardcore Mod, City Sack & Liberation, AI Food Fix, and other tweaks.

    Hēgemonía: Large Empires Mod:
    - Qart-ḥadašt - Carthage now has the starting regions of Libya and Nova Carthago, plus Corsica.
    - Res Pvblica Romana - Rome now has the starting regions of the Etruscans, minus Corsica.
    - Seleúkeia - The Seleucid Empire now has the starting regions of all of its initial satrapies.
    - Ptolemaïkḕ Basileía - Ptolemaic Egypt now has the starting regions of Cyprus and Cyrenaica.
    - Parthia also expanded.
    - Hidden income bonus for minor factions removed.
    - The 4 large empires start with more armies and more money.
    - Improved diplomacy between Carthage and Spain/Africa.
    - Increased military spending and build priority for the AI.

    Two Turns Per Year Hardcore Mod (2TPY Version):
    - Build Times, Research Times, Building Cost and Recruit Cost multiplied by 2.
    - Building Growth Bonus and Army Replenishment reduced by 50%.
    - Building Replenishment Bonus and Land Campaign Movement decreased by 25%.
    - Navy Replenishment decreased by 20%.
    - Unit Upkeep increased by 25%.
    - Agent Experience required for each rank x 2, Generals x 1.5.
    - Recruitment slots reduced to 2.
    - Attrition lowered, siege times increased by 1.
    - Turns per year set at 2, agents and generals will age 50% slower.

    Four Turns Per Year Hardcore Mod (4TPY version):
    - Build Times, Research Times, Building Cost and Recruit Cost multiplied by 4.
    - Building Replenishment Bonus, Land Campaign Movement and Navy Replenishment reduced by 50%.
    - Building Growth Bonus and Army Replenishment reduced by 75%.
    - Cavalry Campaign Movement reduced by 25%.
    - Artillery Campaign Movement reduced by 60%.
    - Agent Experience required for each rank x 4, Generals x 3.
    - Unit Upkeep increased by 50%.
    - Recruitment slots reduced to 1.
    - Attrition lowered, siege times increased by 2.
    - Turns per year set at 4, agents and generals will age 75% slower.

    Izanagi's Minor Factions Playable
    - Big thanks for letting me use this!
    - Factions playable: Aedui, Armenia, Cantabri, Cherusci, Delmatae, Garamantia, Insubres, Massilia, Pergamon, Rhodos, Media Atropene, and Cimmeria.

    Other Changes:
    - All factions can sack, loot and liberate cities.
    - AI has a food bonus based on difficulty level.

    Mod Installation:
    - Download your choice of the above Mod packs.
    - Place the pack file in your Rome2/data directory. Run Rome 2 and use the in-game Mod Manager. Make sure the Mod is checked green.
    Last edited by Dresden; November 20, 2014 at 06:05 PM.

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.0 (2TPY & 4TPY)

    Thanks Dresden
    Sorry to bother you with my problems but I removed Silven's mods and installed the 4TPY version of your overhaul mod but now army and agents movements are back to 100% :/

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.0 (2TPY & 4TPY)

    Is it normal that I can't edit my posts?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.0 (2TPY & 4TPY)

    @Dzib Until you have 25 posts I don't think you can edit. For movement, the starting armies on the first turn might have normal movement for that turn. The starting agents will always have 100% movement, only new agents will have the reduced movement.

    I can work on changing that. The reason is that starting movement is determined in the startpos file and agents check that stat to see their movement if they are there at game start. If they are recruited after, they check the db files.

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  5. #5

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.0 (2TPY & 4TPY)

    Haaaaaaa, ok
    I didn't tried to end the 1st turn. Thanks for the answer

  6. #6

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.0.1 (2TPY & 4TPY)

    2TPY Version:
    - Increased experience required for each rank. Agents x2, Generals x1.5
    - Decreased cultural conversion bonuses of Buildings by 50%.
    - Decreased building replenishment bonuses by 25%.
    - Increased Cavalry campaign movement, now the same as the base game.
    - Increased Agent and General movement so they don't slow down armies when embedded in them.
    - Decreased Siege equipment movement, now reduced by 35%.
    - Changed recruitment times for the cheaper medium units to be the same as light units.
    4TPY Version:
    - Increased experience required for each rank. Agents x4, Generals x3
    - Decreased cultural conversion bonuses of Buildings by 75%.
    - Decreased building replenishment bonuses by 50%.
    - Increased Cavalry campaign movement, now only reduced by 25%.
    - Increased Agent and General movement so they don't slow down armies when embedded in them.
    - Decreased Siege equipment movement, now reduced by 60%.
    - Changed recruitment times for the cheaper medium units to be the same as light units.

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.0.1 (2TPY & 4TPY)

    Dresden, I think if u set multiple turn unit recruitment than ai wont recruit this unit at all. It was checked by other modders (this dude from dificult ludlum or sth) at patch 3 i think. Unless u found a way to make ai do it. Pehaps u could make big army limit like 50 at start for ur big empires and make AI recruit full stacks. I wonder if that will be an answer for AI retardation in keeping big empires 2gether.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.0.1 (2TPY & 4TPY)

    I haven't had any testers reporting AI not recruiting, but I do understand what you are saying. They may choose to move rather than recruit. I think that they are recruiting properly over time, though. I will have to do some testing to make sure.

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  9. #9

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.0.1 (2TPY & 4TPY)

    Update 1.1
    - Increased aggressiveness of various factions, especially the large empires.
    - Improved diplomacy between Carthage and Spain/Africa.
    - Altered the Barcid starting trait to be less of a penalty on diplomacy.
    - Increased military spending and build priority for the AI.
    - Changed some factions to prefer infantry over missile units.

    Next update: Increased garrison size.
    Last edited by Dresden; November 10, 2013 at 03:04 PM.

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  10. #10

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.1.1 (updated Nov 12 2013)

    - Increased AI spending caps, hopefully they will build more advanced buildings and units.

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  11. #11

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)

    - Updated to Patch 7 beta.
    - Now includes Xil0's Meaningful Resources Mod. Huge thanks for letting me use the mod!

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  12. #12
    Crappy's Avatar Civis
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    Sep 2013

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)

    Thank you Dresden for all the hard work you've put into all of your mods. Since I've started using them, I can't imagine playing without them.
    I love all of the changes in your hardcore mod, but I personally dislike the experience increase for generals. I enjoy the gameplay when I'm able to level them up really high during their lifetimes, especially when I'm using TTT (which is also fabulous, thank you!), and I personally feel that Increasing the experience required for them defeats that purpose. If I wanted to change the experience required back to vanilla values for myself, where should I look to do that? Thanks!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)

    @Crappy Use PFM to open the mod pack. Go to the table db/character_experience_skill_tiers_tables. Change the numbers you see next to general.

    Also, I think if TTT loads first it should override the exp changes.

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  14. #14
    Leonnidas's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dresden View Post
    - Updated to Patch 7 beta.
    - Now includes Xil0's Meaningful Resources Mod. Huge thanks for letting me use the mod!
    Tks man for doing this, now it's almost perfect

  15. #15
    Crappy's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)

    Hey Dresden! Thanks for the tip. I found the tables and was able to change the values back

    You mentioned loading TTT first as another possible way of doing things - is it possible to rearrange the load order if I am using the steam workshop? Do I have to go back to Mitch's mod manager if I want to customize the load order?

    Thanks for everything!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)

    I have heard that the Rome Mod Manager loads in alphabetical order based on the .pack file name. It could be wrong, but if you change the various mod file names to Axx, then that mod should load first.

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  17. #17
    angus young's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)


    Well i'm a noob in modding so i have some noobs questions ...

    1) Does your mod change the startpos ?
    2) Is he compatible with "Ars gratia Artis" ?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)

    Yes it changes the startpos.

    I think Ars Gratia Artis also changes the startpos and edits some similar tables. For now it is probably not compatible. However, I may be looking into a way to release a compatible version in the future.

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  19. #19
    Crappy's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)

    Hey Dresden, thank you for all the hard work you've put into the Hegemonia overhaul mod. The game has become practically unplayable for me without it. Truly amazing work.

    Apparently there is a conflict between your Hegemonia Hardcore Overhaul Mod and Ars Gratia Artis by Selea (link: I can start up Rome 2 with each mod individually, but the moment I have them both checked in the mod manager, Rome 2 begins to crash on start up. According to Mitch's Mod manager, the only conflicts between the 2 mods are in the starpos.esf, db\land_units_tables\land_units, and db\main_units_tables\main_units.

    Both mods do great things for Rome 2, and I know there are other people experiencing similar issues with incompatibilities between these 2 mods. (Angus young for example, above me, I'm betting) I'd greatly appreciate it if you could somehow communicate with each other and create a version that was compatible between the two.

    Between this mod, and TTT, you've truly changed how I play Rome 2 for the better. Thanks for all the hard work, and I hope that it's somehow possible to make these 2 mods compatible with relatively little difficulty!

  20. #20
    Crappy's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Dresden's Hēgemonía Hardcore Overhaul Mod v1.2 (patch 7 beta + Meaningful Resources)

    Oh, haha! I didn't see you respond while I was writing that. I'm glad to see you are already thinking about doing a compatible version. Many thanks, and it would be greatly appreciated!

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