hi its 93AD in my campaign and beleive it or not the fragile union of rome is alive, just. brutii are huge and own everything east of the peninsular, scipii own evrything south and i own western europe. parthia is alone in one province in the top right corner and britain is all blue. the scipii and bruti are losing settlements to gladiator uprisings and the senate is asking me to retake them. this is not good for relations between the famiies. becouse of this the other families have started to increase their espionage activities against me ten fold trying to cause rebelion. the senate absolutey love me, the people hate me, let them hate me, as long as they fear me.
My campaigns against the gladiators are fought using all types of gladiators, including the ones i have recieved as gifts from the senate. the fight scenes are bueatiful, promethus has done a greatjob with these units, there arent to many vanilla units left to fight, and are a rare sight on the battlefeild, thankgod
when this civil war breaks out its going to be game on for sure. this stage of the campaign has been the best ive seen on my pc for awhile, im hoping that the senate backs me to take out scipii and brutii, they should and it will be for the first time in three years of playin rtw that i havent been the first one outlawed.