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Thread: [SUBMOD] Westeros Realms Mod - v0.45 released

  1. #1
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Scotland, Angus

    Icon1 [SUBMOD] Westeros Realms Mod - v0.45 released

    WARNING - This submod contains spoilers for the aSoIaF universe, both in the book series and the history. If you do not want to be spoiled, do not proceed further. If you have read all the books you are fine.
    If you are a show-watcher: go read the books then come back
    This is not an open-source mod - even if it has been aided along by open-source materials - if you wish to use any parts of this mod, then please seek permission, I have spent a lot of time and energy in making this. Thank you

    The upcoming release of 0.5 of WRM will deal with three of the bloodiest periods of time in Westerosi history. It would have been four if I had easy access to some sort of Dragon mount to deal with the Dance of the Dragons, but moving ever onward:

    Westeros Realms Mod version 0.45
    This is a "barebones" version of the forthcoming v0.5. This was hastily cobbled together in order to allow for HSing, and as such much of the scripts have been removed as they do not work for HSs. Nevertheless, this is still a very playable version, with a few more settlements and lore accurate troop compositions (to a degree)

    Included scripts:
    - Prisoner release
    - Stannis's Traitor Bannermen
    - Tyrell of Brightwater
    - Karstark Treachery
    - Bitterbridge Massacre
    - Maybe one or two others

    Hundreds of canon characters, with almost every general and princess part of a hidden family tree.

    Several new settlements, to give a fuller world to conquer.

    WRM 0.45 Google Doc link:

    Future Version - Early Concept
    Blackfyre Rebellion
    Fifty five years after the Dance of the Dragons, the first civil war fought by the Targaryen dynasty, the realm found itself on the brink of war again. King Aegon IV, forever remembered as the "Unworthy", bestowed the sword of Kings, Blackfyre, upon his eldest bastard son, Daemon Waters. Many saw the blade as representing the monarchy, having been the sword of Aegon the Conqueror and all his subsequent heirs. Aegon's gifting of Blackfyre to Daemon instead of his trueborn heir Daeron Targaryen, was viewed as being the seed from which the Blackfyre Rebellion would grow. Taking his noble name from the sword, Daemon Rivers would henceforth be known as Daemon Blackfyre.

    On his deathbed, the Unworthy earned his named, legitimizing all of his bastards on his deathbed. The nobleborn of these baseborn children were known as the "Great Bastards" in which Daemon was numbered, alongside Aegor Rivers, called the Bittersteel, Brynden Rivers, called the Bloodraven, Shiera Seastar, Gwenys Rivers and Mya Rivers. Bittersteel, from the loins of a lady of Bracken, held a deep-rooted hatred for Bloodraven, whom he blamed for his own mother's fall from His Grace's side. Furthermore, the two noble bastards both sought the hand of their half-sister, Shiera Seastar. Although the beauty would never marry, she did have a relationship with Brynden, which fueled the already wrathful Aegor. This anger would see the half-brothers on opposite sides of the subsequent war.

    What many consider to be the catalyst for the rebellion was the marriage of Daenerys Targaryen to the Dornishman, Prince Maron Martell. The two, Daemon and Daenerys, loved each other and since he was denied her, Daemon rose in rebellion. Even so, it would not be eight years after the wedding that Daemon I Blackfyre, on the urging of Quentyn "Fireball" Ball and Aegor Bittersteel, claimed the crown of his father, rejecting Daeron Targaryen as a bastard and himself as the legitimate heir.

    All the greatest knights in the realm flocked to the Blackfyre banners, choosing the martial charisma of Daemon over the Dornish-loving scholar of King Daeron. Houses which yearned to return to the days of warring with Dorne rose up for the Black Dragon, alongside the knights and warriors who feared the reign of a peaceful king who filled his courts with learned men and women. Perhaps surprisingly, the Highlords of the Boneway, House Yronwood of Yronwood, declared for the Black Dragon.

    Making Harrenhal his seat for the duration of the war, Daemon I Blackfyre, the King Who Bore the Sword fought a war which lasted nigh on two years. The realm was split in two, brothers fighting brothers. Eventually, however, Daemon was laid low at the Battle of Redgrass alongside his best generals and the cream of Westerosi chivalry. His line did not end, sparking a continued resistance of Blackfyre supporters in Essos for another century before Ser Barristan Selmy ended the male line on the Stepstones.

    In game terms, the factions are as follows:
    - House Stark of Winterfell: historically remained aloft of the fighting, instead choosing to pursue the traditional isolationist policy in regards to many of the realm's crisis's. This is probably due to the recent fighting with Raymund Redbeard, King Beyond the Wall. The conflict claimed the life of Lord Stark and thousands of Northmen due to the incompetence of the Lord Commander.
    - House Greyjoy of Pyke: historically remained aloft of the fighting, preferring - as Ironborn seem to do - to wait until the greenland was finished with its infighting before pursuing a campaign of reaving and raiding on the western shores.
    - House Arryn of the Eyrie: historically supported King Daeron, Lord Donnel Arryn notably commanding the defeated royalist vanguard at the Battle of the Redgrass Field.
    - House Tully of Riverrun: historically I do not know, however it can be surmised that even though it was likely Riverrun remained neutral - at least until nearer the end of the war - the vast majority of its vassals would have declared for one of the dragons, if only to reignite old feuds as exemplified by Houses Bracken and Blackwood.
    - House Lannister of Casterly Rock: historically fought for the Red Dragon, losing several battles to Ser Quentyn Fireball. Several prominent vassals, Houses Crakehall, Tarbeck and Reyne declared for Daemon, following the lead of two of the greatest knights of the time: Redtusk and Robb Reyne.
    - The King Who Bore the Sword: historically, Daemon Blackfyre was referred to as the "Black Dragon" given that his sigil was same as the Targaryens except that the colours were inverted, black on red.
    - Daeron the Good: historically the victor of the rebellion, Daeron was rumoured to be the bastard child of Naerys Targaryen and her kingsguard brother Aemon, a claim that Aegon the Unworthy spread in order to gather support for Daemon. He was regarded as the "Red Dragon" in contrast to Daemon.
    - House Baratheon of Storms End: historically, only one vassal is known to have fought in the war and that is House Penrose, losing against Ser Quentyn Fireball on the Mander.
    - House Tyrell of Highgarden: historically the Tyrell's vassals were split between the two Kings, with some of Daemon's best generals an finest knights coming from the Reach. Such Houses as Hightower and Oakheart split their support between the two claimants.
    - House Martell of Sunspear: unsurprisingly, the Martells supported Daeron, providing the spearmen who aided in the victory at the Redgrass Field. Their most powerful vassal, the Yronwoods, declared for Daemon, possibly in order to gain lordship over all of Dorne.

    War of the Usurper
    Still within living memory, the War of the Usurper saw the downfall of the three hundred year long rule of the Targaryens in favour of the young Robert Baratheon. Caused by the madness of a king and the envy of his heir, the war was one in which the scars are still felt in the realm to the present day.

    Lyanna Stark, betrothed to the young Lord Robert Baratheon, was name Queen of Beauty by the Crown Prince, Rhaegar Targaryen, over his own wife, Elia Martell. This action was disapproved of by many, no less Lyanna's brothers and betrothed. Despite this, the realm remained at peace, until it became apparent that Lyanna had not returned home following the Tourney of Harrenhal. Believing that Rhaegar had kidnapped her, Brandon Stark, heir to the lordship of Winterfell rode to the capital with a band of young knights and squires in an effort to retrieve. Calling out for Rhaegar to face him and die, Brandon and his party are arrested for treason and their fathers called to answer the charges. The result was the deaths of Lord Rickard and his eldest son, as well as all the other young knights and squires.

    Aerys then demanded that Lord Jon Arryn hand over his wards, Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon so that they too could be executed as traitors. Lord Arryn refused, instead rallying the banners and igniting a civil war which would last close to a year.

    - House Stark of Winterfell: historically one of the leading factions at Robert's side, led by the young and untested Eddard Stark, the North would go on to be vital in the rebellion. Lord Stark would become the de facto leader of the rebellion following the Battle of the Trident, where Robert Baratheon's injuries left him unable to command. He would oversee the capture of Kingslanding and the surrender of the Reach.
    - House Arryn of the Eyrie: historically the first of the rebels, House Arryn would provide the base from which the rebellion flourished. Without Lord Jon's political skill, the support of House Tully would not have been gained and the aftermath of the rebellion could have seen the Baratheon king removed from power.
    - House Greyjoy of Pyke: committed only a limited force to the war, which amounted to a failed attempt to seize the Shield Isles.
    - House Lannister of Casterly Rock: remained neutral until it was clear that the rebels would win, Lord Tywin taking an army in to Kingslanding before sacking it, his kingsguard son killing the king and his knights slaying the royal family present.
    - House Tully of Riverrun: the most reluctant of the rebel factions, House Tully needed two marriages before being willing to commit any forces. However, several powerful vassals would remain loyal to the King, and others would refrain from providing their support until the end.
    - House Targaryen of Kingslanding: Led by a madman who feared his own son, the Targaryens had been reduced to a pale mockery of their former authority. Having alienated his Lannister supporter and almost single-handedly caused the war, King Aerys would die knowing that his line probably would never sit the throne again.
    - House Baratheon of Storms End: the de jure leader of the rebellion, House Baratheon would come to provide the figurehead and political legality for the war, turning it from a war to avenge the murder of friends and family as well as the abduction of a bride in to a war of succession. While numerous Stormlander houses would initially remain loyal to the King, Robert defeated the most prominent in three battles which lasted a single day, turning the lords or their heirs to his side with words.
    - House Tyrell of Highgarden: both the most powerful and most loyal of the Targaryen supporters, the Tyrells ensured that the entirety of the Reach rallied to the aid of the throne. Inflicting Robert Baratheon's only defeat of the war, Mace Tyrell would go on to lay sieze to the future king's seat, a decision which probably lost Aerys his throne, war and life.
    - House Martell of Sunspear: given that they were as dishonoured as Robert by Rhaegar's actions, the Martells were reluctant to remain loyal, only providing soldiers when reminded that one of their own was Princess and married to the Crown Prince.
    The War of the Five Kings
    Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King, discovered a sinister act of deceit within the capital: the King's children were not in fact his but instead were the result of the incestuous relationship between the Queen and her kingsguard twin brother. Coming to the understanding that his old friend and mentor Jon Arryn had been killed for finding out, Eddard Stark pursued several facepalm-worthy paths of attempting to get the Queen to give up without a fight and seizing the capital with the support of a self-confessed betrayer.

    Thrown in the dungeons, Eddard Stark was left with the knowledge that the realm would now descend in to bloodshed. At the forefront would be the Lannisters, Lord Paramounts of the Westerlands and first family of the realm.

    I am tired and you know the story. Factions:
    - House Stark of Winterfell: Robb Stark has called the banners to rescue his father, marching south of Moat Cailin with an army 18,000 strong. At home, his younger brother Brandon Stark and the old castellan Rodrick Cassel are left to look after the affairs.
    - House Tully of Riverrun: with his father incapacitated, Edmure Tully is an untested young man set against the military veteran Tywin Lannister. Currently, the riverlands are stretched thin trying to protect their homes while the westerland armies close in.
    - House Arryn of the Eyrie: nominally led by a paranoid and easily-manipulated lady in the name of a weak boy of eight, the Vale has no strong leadership to lead it in this time of crisis.
    - House Greyjoy of Pyke: Balon Greyjoy sits in his cold castle, nursing his grudges as only the ironborn or Walder Frey can.
    - House Lannister: led by the political and military veteran Tywin Lannister, supported by the gold of the west and with two feet placed firmly in the running of the capital, the Lannisters have a disorganized foe before them. An easy war.
    - The King in Kingslanding: A boy of twelve given the crown of a kingdom which spans most of a continent, Joffrey is a cruel and twisted youth whose only redeeming qualities are being tall and strong for his age. The inbred child of Queen Cersei and Lord Commander Jaime Lannister, Joffrey's legitimacy has been called in to question.
    - The King in the Narrow Sea: Able to count his vassals on a single hand, Stannis Baratheon has had to strengthen his army with mercenaries and pirates. Disliked and unloved, the Lord of Dragonstone has turned to a red priestess from the east with talks of prophesy and stone dragons.
    - The King in Highgarden: marrying Lord Tyrell's daughter, Renly Baratheon has forged an alliance whose military might surpasses that of any possible foe. Marching slowly along the Roseroad, the youngest of the Baratheon brothers is rightly confident of his eventual victory.
    - House Tyrell of Highgarden: Mace Tyrell, considered an incompetent general and oaf, has aligned his house with that of the Baratheons of Storms End, setting up a future dynasty to have the blood of roses.
    - House Martell of Sunspear: Still licking the wounds received from the War of the Usurper, the Martells have remained aloft of the coming conflict, preferring to make angry remarks about the Lannisters than actually do anything.

    A Clash of Kings
    A Feast for Crows

    0.4 and previous dealt singularly with the War of the Five Kings at its height, fought between the Kings Joffrey, Stannis, Balon and Robb.
    Westeros Realms Mod version 0.4
    WRM 0.4v Gamefront link:
    WRM 0.4V Mega link:!eIIkQIKK!QcOdkH...wuxRtjdr-fWKWk
    WRM 0.41 patch Gamefront link:

    WRM 0.40/0.41 Royce and Stark family tree ctds fixes: See this post

    (don't worry about the name, it is the patch)
    Download the patch and then unload it in to your main mod folder (not WRM folder itself) and then overwrite all the files. Once that is done, open the WRM modfolder, and go in to the banners folder. Within delete all the and - copy files, leaving:
    symbols1, symbols2, symbols3, symbols4, symbols5, symbols6.

    And remember to delete the .strings files in the text folder and the map.rwm in the base folder

    Westeros Realms Mod version 0.3
    WRM 0.30v Gamefront link:

    WRM 0.3v Megashares Link:

    WRM 0.30v singleplayer campaign script:

    Within the main WRM 0.30v download is the campaign script for a hotseat. Download the SP campaign script for use in single player.
    Just rename the original CS to campaign_script(HS) and change the name of campaign_script(SP) to campaign_script. When you want to play HS just reverse it...Sorry for any inconvenience

    Version 0.20 Changelog: Starks and Tully are now one faction
    Stannis is in control of Stormlands and Brightwater Keep
    New characters
    Some characters once alive are now dead
    Greyjoy presence in the north
    Version 0.23 Changelog: Heir selector script (simple and ugly)
    Lannister Faction is now all hidden family (apart from amory lorch and gregor clegane)
    Martell Faction is now all hidden family (apart from one or two I believe)
    Version 0.24 Changelog: Gregor's Head script
    Frey Faction (still needs to be cleaned up)
    Prisoners are now in safer locations
    Version 0.25 Changelog: Royce's Pressure Lysa script
    Reach faction now all hidden family
    Twins now pass on to new factionleader
    New portraits
    New generals

    Version 0.3 Changelog: Massacre at Bitterbridge
    Karstark Treason
    Jaime's Release
    New generals
    Starks now around Golden Tooth
    New portraits
    More settlements (only 5 just now)
    Few generals have changed traits

    Links to the previews found in the Thread:
    Old Version Previews
    Frey family tree: Here
    Vale Preview: Here
    Settlements: Here
    Stark Scripts: Here
    Ice Reforged and Euron's Return (ER may not be present in WRM 0.4): Here
    Bitterbridge Massacre: Here
    Stannis' Bannermen Script: Here
    Update on WRM and Lannister Scripts: Here
    Map Preview: Here
    Stormlander Skins for Stannis AND Tyrell: Here

    Here is some pics:
    Version 0.30: Primarily just overview of how many characters there are...
    Pics of version 0.3
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

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    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Old "future version inclusion"
    Future Version will include:
    New Turn Order
    More powerful Frey Faction
    More soldiers in Theon's force
    More settlements
    More characters
    Updated Stark Family Tree
    Joffrey/Lannister merge
    Stannis' Bannermen
    Reforging of Ice
    Tywin's Handship
    Rumors from the East
    Reek and the Bastard

    Future Version (might be included):
    Lords Declarant emergent faction (have plans to do this)
    House Targaryen of Aegon emergent faction (this will happen)
    House Bolton of the Dreadfort (either emergent or start)

    THANKS LIST:Thanks to every1 who is firstly downloading and playing this mod!!
    Next to Badger-Dude and Prophet1332 for allowing me to use the Frey skins from FaB.
    Badger-Dude again for allowing access to the Targaryen skins
    Korpskog for allowing me to use his Winds of Winter skins
    TheGreatBastard for offering to help speed this mod along, with the portraits!
    Uriyaca for your many, suggestions (even if they were already implemented....)
    Inkaalhun for aiding me while I had computer troubles
    AdmiralThrawn for the use of his Golden Company skins (and other reskins I have requested)
    AdmiralThrawn (again) for firstly allowing me to help with his Unit Overhaul Submod, and for even offering his services to enhance everyone's gaming experience
    o Realife o for assisting with new House characters
    This list will undoubtedly get unbelievably large!
    Last edited by Iron Aquilifer; February 12, 2016 at 07:32 AM. Reason: Look how pretty it is!

  2. #2
    Abhijat's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    So basically what might have happened if not for the Freys

  3. #3
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    Hoping to make Frey a different faction so that I can add in a script (if it is possible) that makes it so that if Robb marries a woman who isn't of Frey blood then he betrays them. However the greatness of the betrayal through scripting may be minor (could only end up with a change in faction_standing (which I used in another script)). Just now roslin cant get married to Robb because the Freys are considered family members.
    A what-if scenario centred around the northern re-conquest by stark definitely is a stark-fan want!!!! (Just presuming).

    btw for anyone playing my mod (props no-one) I am trying to figure out how to use the Britannia off-map for euron's return. Until that time, Balon's children shall be next in line. (Yara for all you HBO fans, Asha because that is her name and you can't have identical names.)

  4. #4

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    Haven't been able to get the campaign to load, select my faction and go to start it up and it knocks me back a menu

  5. #5

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    Wil check it out later , +rep for the work

  6. #6
    Uriyaca's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    I always thought of doing something like this, the submod should be names a Clash of Kings and be set on the beginning of A Clash of Kings, here is my suggestion of changes basically-

    give all generals who in the books swore fealty to Stannis into Stannis's faction, so basically every Stormlord and every Reacherlord other then Mace Tyrell, Randyll Tarly, Mathis Rowan, and Paxter Redwyne. I would also have recommended that you gave these lords castles to Stannis as well, but then the Tyrell faction would be too weak, so give Stannis other then Dragonstone and Driftmark also the entire Stormlands except Storm's End and in the Reach give him Ashford, Cider Hall, Tumbleton, and Brightwater Keep to show his partial control over the Reach

    Storm's End should be a rebel Citadel and have Penrose leading the rebel Storm's End garrison, I would recommend a 5 unit garrison with him

    Have 3 stacks of Stannis besieging Storm's End, or maybe if you can't have a siege when you start a game just place them in the ZoC of Storm's End. These 3 stacks should be led by Stannis, Alester Florent, and Axell Florent. The Stormlands who swore fealty to Stannnis should be in their castles and the Reachlord who swore fealty to Stannis should be somewhere close to Stannis, prefferable around him as he sieges Storm's End, since they are not in the Reach currently. I said that you should have the Stormlords in their castles simply because it would be too much generals in one place you see

    Stannis should have a 5-10 ship naval force blockading Storm's End, since in the books he had a massive fleet which he also used to sail to King's Landing with, joffrey should have about a fifth of Stannis's naval power seeing as in the books Stannis's fleet overwhelmed Joffrey

    Give all lords who followed Renly until his death a trait of something like "followed traitor Renly" and give all of them a -1 loyalty outcome or something like that

    Have Tyrell and Stannis start out with Abysmal relations

    Have the Tyrell's main bulk of army (I would give 2 stacks or so) led by Loras and Tarly and at Bitterbridge, with a 95% infantry army as thats what Renly left behind . Oh and also give Stannis a lot of Cav!. Have Margery as a princess, since she got married to Joff after Renly died although she was a widow

    Have the Martell's start out allied to Joffrey, have Trystane engaged to Myrcella if possible, and have most of the Dornish military at the Boneway, cus in the books Tyrion said that they were there to scare Stannis but he probably wouldn't fall for it but maybe some of his lords will, although the Dornish refused to go to war with Stannis

    Its a great idea to join Stark and Tully together, would also be great if you could join Joffrey and Lannister together?

    Give Lannister Harenhall, and have Tywin with a stack start out there

    Give Stark the Crag, and have the Young Wold start with a full stack there, and also have the lords who followed him to the West with him. Have Stafford Lannister (oh wait, he died, so who led the men after he died?) in the Rock with a halfstack of damaged men (if its possible to have damaged men to start with? maybe just give 5 full units then)

    Have Roose Bolton and 15 units of northmen with him (as he took casualties at the Greenfork) inside a fort at the trident

    Have the Frey faction start with Abysmal relations to the Starks, and probably make Karstark cosiderably less loyal.

    Have Jaime Lannister a prisonor at Riverrun, if possible

    Tyrion should be at King's Landing, and he is also the current hand so you should give him Lord Tywin's Ancillary (but make it transferable so that he could give it back to Tywin when\if he comes to King's Landing)

    Have the Greyjoys start out with Moat Cailin, Deepwood Motte, Torrhens Square, and Winterfell.
    Winterfell- burnt to the ground, Theon should be inside the castle with nothing other then his bodyguards to represent how weak the garrison is. If possible make a great Unrest in the settlement. I'm not 100% sure if Winterfell was burnt down at the time, if it wasn't then keep it whole but keep the Unrest high
    Torrhens Square- Degmar Cleftjaw should be in there with 5 units of Ironborn or something like that
    Deepwood Motte- Asha should be in there with about 8 units of Ironborn, you should probably also make her a general
    Moat Cailin- Victarion should be in there with the main bulk of force, ~15 units is good

    Have Rodrik Cassel start with a stack of northmen halfway between Torrhen's Square and Winterfell, and have Ramsay with 10 units of northmen at the Dreadfort

    Have Edmure start out with an entire stack at the crossing of the red fork inside a fort, to represent the battle of the fords

    soo basically this shouldn't be too hard really, mostly descr_strat editing, and I know I'll join a HS of thiss as Stannis . It will be epic, also Stannis is my fav faction . We will do him some justice at the Blackwater this time!
    Last edited by Uriyaca; August 20, 2013 at 07:24 PM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    I will give this a try. Maybe it will hold me over till Soul's sub mod is complete

  8. #8

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    I'm experiencing the same issue that was stated above by What Is Dead May Never Die I can't seem to launch a campaign with any faction without getting kicked back to the campaign select screen.

  9. #9
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    When you download the two other dlcs you will need to place the descr-strat in to its usual place....the same with the names.txt file (place it in the txt folder) Inwill get around to reuploading a "patch" (this pain is because I added a name without makin it). Uriyaca - I have placed the characters roughly where they would be, although since I am new to modding the crag hasn't fallen yet. (I know how to give settlements but this is a rough draft so to speak. Bright water will definitely be given to stannis.
    [Minor spoiler]Stafford's army was taken over by Daven Lannister, his son who became the paramount of the westerlands.

    The Dornish alliance would be very aggressive, if playing single player stannis wouldn't invade crown lands at all.
    Traits will be the next version (for the sake of ease and because I change a variety o things at a time it would be difficult to remember which files had been changed)
    Send all the recommendations and wishes you have, although numbers will be kept to the books (I am considering creating "castellan" units which are named characters who have militia units, although I don know if it is as easy as changing the unit.) definitely going to lower the amount of units each castle has, at least for the participants (and dorne, because they have less warriors even than greyjoy.

    plz post silver-surfers and any game-breakers, however I know about the hostages being killed (which is sorta lore-friendly at least those at Riverrun).

    EDIT: Probs wont merge Lannister aNd Joffrey because lore wise it is only Joffrey and his siblings that have a claim. Tywin might have used cersei as robert's wife but i doubt it. Gameplay wise it might come an issue.
    Mostly descr-strat work, along with descr-building, descr-unit, character-traits, character-ancillaries and desc-script. There are others and because they are spread out and a lot of them are linked I have decided to make each version a full download.
    Last edited by Iron Aquilifer; August 21, 2013 at 01:11 AM.

  10. #10
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    A hotseat for version 0.3 at the earliest I would think, but only of people A: like the mod and B: be bothered to play a noob's mod at the same time Soul's team is conjuring up a masterpiece and Badger-Dude is creating his Age of Kingdoms.

  11. #11
    Korpskog's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    Quote Originally Posted by Stannis the Mannis View Post
    B: be bothered to play a noob's mod at the same time Soul's team is conjuring up a masterpiece and Badger-Dude is creating his Age of Kingdoms.
    Cough cough* Ezzoz Total War.....

    Anyway looks like you got this under control! +Rep!
    "Får jag kalla dig Bajen? Det är lättare att komma ihåg..."

  12. #12
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    My apologizes Korpskog! Essos looks like it could be an interesting mod, although I kinda presumed that it would take a bit longer for it to be released, as there is very little vanilla m2tw / wtw that you could use for units, buildings ect. (Not saying anything about Soul's or Badger's as I dig myself a bigger hole!)

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Scotland, Angus

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    Plz post suggestions (if you can get it working) I will problms release a quick version 0.3 so you dont have to go rooting around the folder placing the new files in. (Not today however) Any suggestions will be taken on board....If I can implement them I will.

  15. #15

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    why when i start to play with some faction it directs me to the main menu?

  16. #16
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Scotland, Angus

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    Give me a few minutes guys will release a properly working mod that doesn't require you to add all those different files......

    I need to get a move on before every1's attention is taken up by Soul's mod.......grrrrr

  17. #17

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    Don't worry i'll still play your mod and make suggestions but that preview soul put up will have everyone foaming at the mouth to play it

  18. #18
    Iron Aquilifer's Avatar Protector Domesticus
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Scotland, Angus

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    Me included.......

  19. #19

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    I personally am split between which faction to play as first The Stark's(who I traditionally play first in all mods), House Hoare(because the ironborn appear to actually be half decent in the mod), and House Targaryen(for obvious reasons) I can't make up my mind.

  20. #20

    Default Re: (YB SUBMOD) WRM

    I did get it working myself, lovely job on the custom portraits, obviously this is a rough release, but I see much potential and look forward to the work you have to show us!

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