Extension Module (Week 1/2)

Please go over this material once you are familiar with all the other material from Section I.A. This material will be on the Test.

Feel free to ask me any questions here in this thread.

I. ei and ie

Ei and ie are very confusing for English speakers. Always remember that the German ei is pronounced as in the English “fight,” “kite,” or “like,” while the German ie is pronounced as in the English “sheer,” “steer,” or “career.”

Take a look at the German word for “egg”: das Ei. In English, you would literally say, “das I.” Try to remember the German word for “egg.” It will help you also remember this distinction.

II. Some more vocabulary

zwei = two
da = there
Zwillinge (pl.) = twins
echt = real; really
na klar = yeppers peppers
süß = sweet; good-looking
nicht = not
Aber hallo = heck yeah

Also, try to learn how to conjugate “kennen.” See here:

Example: Ich kenne den Lehrer. Du kennst den Lehrer. Wir kennen den Lehrer. Ihr kennt den Lehrer. Sie kennen den Lehrer.

Time is money = Zeit (time) ist Geld (money).
Do you have time? = Hast du Zeit?
I have time = Ich habe Zeit
Wann hast du Zeit? = When do you have time?

III. Casual Conversation (how native speakers actually talk)

A: Sascha, wie heißen die zwei Mädchen da?
B: Cindy und Sandra. Sie sind Zwillinge.
A: Echt?
B: Na klar. Sie sind süß, nicht?
A: Aber hallo.