1) Unhide all the Settlements.cs2, Regions.cs2, and Mountains.cs2 layers.
2) Select a nearby port, hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <c> key to clone it. In the pop-up menu select "copy", not "instance". If you use "instance" either Bob or the CS2 file will ignore this building.
3) Move this new port to your new region. Make sure the port is between the coast and the region boundary. This port won't work if too much is in the sea or too much is on land.
4) Right click on this town, select "Object Properties", and rename this port to the name you added to the
campaign_map_towns_and_ports. In this example it's renamed to "port:jap_awa:nangogu".
If you moved the original port to the new location, rather than the cloned port, then you'll also need to rename the original port.
5) Hide all layers except the Settlements.cs2 [ports], Settlements.cs2 [settlements], Settlements.cs2 [towns], and Settlements.cs2 [trade nodes].
6) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the settlements.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.
7) Unhide all the Settlements.cs2, Regions.cs2, Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working], and Mountains.cs2 layers.
8) Ensure the Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working] layer is selected or you'll add all the new splines (a curve connected by two or more points) to the wrong layer.
9) In the Create menu use the line tool to create a spline between the centre of a settlement and the center of the port.
10) If you want the vertices to be visible then right click on this spline and select "Object Properties". In the pop-up menu go to the "Display Properties" and click the "Vertex Ticks" box.
11) Rename this spline. In this example I rename it "land:359".
12) If any vertex is in the wrong position you can move it by going to the Modify menu, selecting "Vertex"; then select and move this vertex.
13) Hide all layers except the "Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working]".
14) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the land_trade_routes.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.
15) Unhide all the Settlements.cs2, Regions.cs2, Trade_Routes.cs2, and Mountains.cs2 layers. Ensure the Trade_Routes.cs2 layer is selected or you'll add all the new splines to the wrong layer.
16) In the Create menu use the line tool to create a spline between the port and an existing trade route. Do not have this spline touch either the port or the existing trade route.
17) Rename this spline. In this example I rename it "seatrade:227".
18) Create two new splines that goes from seatrade:227 to an existing trade route using the arc tool (line will make cause problems because the angle will be too sharp). Rename them seatrade:228 and seatrade:229.
19) Select the existing trade route. Hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <c> key to clone it. The clone will be named seatrade:230.
20) Select one of the trade routes. Delete the vertices you don't need until you have a line of vertices going from the existing trade route to seatrade:228.
21) Select the other trade route. Delete the vertices until you have a line of vertices going from the existing trade route to seatrade:229.
If you've done steps 20 and 21 correctly you should now have two trade routes connected to your new trade route.
22) Create a new spline that links the two trade routes together. Rename it seatrade:231.
23) If you used a line spline instead of an arc one you'll need to smooth all the new splines. If their angle is too sharp TWS2 will ignore them, preventing anyone from trading with your new port.
24) Hide all layers except the "Trade_Routes.cs2".
25) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the land_trade_routes.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.