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Thread: How to split a region

  1. #1

    Default How to split a region

    This tutorial explains how to split a region; and how to add new settlements, towns, ports, and farms to this region.

    To add a split a region you will need to:

    1) Download the Official mod tools using Steam.

    2) Either purchase a version of 3D Max or download a student version of 3D Max.

    3) Ensure you have put the relevant version of the cs2_exporter.dle plugin (default location "total war shogun 2\modding\max_exporter") in both the "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\[version of 3D Max]\plugins" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\[version of 3D Max]\plugins" folders. The [version of 3D Max] part refers to the name of which ever version of 3D Max you're using. If you don't put the plugin in the correct folder you will not be able to save your work as CS2 files.

    I recommend reading this tutorial on the official modding tools

    and watching this video on 3D Max layers before attempting this.

    I'd also like to thank for spartan_warrior all his help.

    Further Tutorials

    This tutorial explains how to add new factions and modify existing ones:

    This tutorial explains how to add new land masses and mountains:

    Tweak Basic

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Open Tweak, click on the "Tools" option and select DAVE.

    2) Click on the "View" option, and select "Table Launcher".

    This will bring up all the DB tables and Startpos entries.

    Tweak Change Playable Areas
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    By changing the playable area you can change which parts of the campaign map the player is able to access.
    1) Open the DB table campaign_map_playable_areas.
    • Find the campaign whose playable area you want to edit.
    • The "x" and "y" columns refer to the minimium (min) and maximium (max) values on the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axis. In this example to include all of Korea I increased the minx (minimium X) coordinate from -305 to -340 and the maxy (maximium Y) coordinate from 70 to 185.

    When finished click the Apply button.

    Tweak New Region
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Open the DB table regions.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Copy and paste an existing record into the new record which is the same type as your new region.
    • Give this region will need a unique name, such as "jap_hyuka".
    • The r (red), g (green), and b (blue) columns are used to give your region a unique colour. In this example I use 80, 40, 190.

    When finished click the Apply button.

    2) Open the DB table regions_to_region_groups_junctions. If this region doesn't have a port this step can be skipped.

    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Copy and paste an existing record into the new record in the same location as your new region.
    • In the "region" column enter the name of your new region.

    When finished click the Apply button.

    3) Open the start_pos_regions.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Paste an existing entry into this row.
    • Change the "region" column to your new region. In this example it's "Hyuka:jap_hyuka".
    • Ensure this region is assigned to the correct campaign. In this example the campaign is "jap_shogun".
    • Change the "enclyclopedia_order" column to a unique number. In this example it's "78".

    None of the other settings need to be changed to add your new region, though feel free to edit them.

    When finished click the Apply button.

    4) Open the start_pos_region_religions.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Assign your new settlement to "region" column. In this example it's "jap_shogun:Hyuka:jap_hyuka:2130427281".
    • Select "rel_buddhist" in the "religion" column, then select the percentage of people who follow this religion (1 = 100%).
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Assign your new settlement to "region" column. In this example it's "jap_shogun:Hyuka:jap_hyuka:2130427281".
    • Select "rel_catholic" in the "religion" column, then select the percentage of people who follow this religion (0 = 0%).

    When finished click the Apply button.

    Tweak New Settlement
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Open the DB table campaign_map_settlements.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Copy and paste an existing record into the new record which is the same type as your new settlement. You need to give it a unique name, such as "settlement:jap_hyuka:saido". Warning sometimes TWS2 won't accept a vanilla region if it doesn't contain the vanilla settlement. In this case use the vanilla settlement but rename it in the start_pos_settlements.
    • Next change the "region" to the region your settlement is in. In this example it's "jap_hyuka".

    When finished click the Apply button.

    2) Open the start_pos_settlements.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Paste an existing entry into this row.
    • Add your new settlement to the "settlement_id" column. In this example it's "settlement:jap_hyuka:saido".
    • Assign your new settlement to your new region. In this example it's "jap_shogun:Hyuka:jap_hyuka:2130427281".
    • In the "onscreen_name" column give your settlement the name you want to be shown when you play TWS2.

    When finished click the Apply button.

    3) Open the start_pos_settlement_garrisons.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Add your new settlement to the "settlement" column. In this example it's "settlement:jap_hyuka:saido:2145379080".
    • Assign a unit to garrison this settlement. In this example it's "Inf_Spear_Yari_Ashigaru".

    When finished click the Apply button.

    Tweak New Town/Port
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Open the DB table campaign_map_towns_and_ports.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Copy and paste an existing record into the new record which is the same type as your new town or port. You need to give it a unique name, such as "town:jap_hyuka:region_specialty".
    • Next change the "region" to the region your farm is in. In this example it's "jap_hyuka".
    • Finally change the "slot_type" to the type of town or port you want this region to have. In this example it's "SHO_region_specialty_ninja".

    If you don't want this region to have a town then set the "slot_type" to "SHO_region_specialty_farm".

    When finished click the Apply button.

    2) Open the start_pos_towns_and_ports.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Paste an existing entry into this row.
    • Add your new town/port to the "town_id" column. In this example it's "town:jap_hyuka:region_specialty".
    • Assign your new town or port to your new region. In this example it's "jap_shogun:Hyuka:jap_hyuka:2130427281".
    • If you want your new town or port to be built to a certain level then in the "building" column select the type and level of your town/port present in this region. In this example the building used is "SHO_Region_Specialty_Ninja_1_Hideout".
    • If you don't want this region to have a town then leave the "building" column blank.

    When finished click the Apply button.

    Tweak New farm
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Open the DB table campaign_map_slots.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Copy and paste an existing record into the new record which is the same type as your new farm. You need to give it a unique name, such as "rice:jap_hyuka:farm".
    • Next change the "region" to the region your farm is in. In this example it's "jap_hyuka".

    When finished click the Apply button.

    2) Open the start_pos_slots.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Paste an existing entry into this row.
    • Add your new farm to the "slot_id" column. In this example it's "rice:jap_hyuka:farm".
    • Assign your new farm to your new region. In this example it's "jap_shogun:Hyuka:jap_hyuka:2130427281".

    When finished click the Apply button.

    Tweak New Trade Node
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Open the DB table trade_nodes.
    • Click the "Add record" button to add a new row.
    • Copy and paste an existing record into the new record which is the same type as your new trade node. You need to give it a unique name, such as "jap_philipeans".

    When finished click the Apply button.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails new region start encylco.jpg   new region start.jpg   new settlement startpos garrison.jpg   new settlement startpos religion.jpg   new settlement startpos.jpg  

    new settlement.jpg   new town start build.jpg   new town start.jpg   new town.jpg   new region.jpg  

    Last edited by uanime5; August 08, 2015 at 08:30 AM. Reason: Now with pictures
    Morning Sun (adds Korea and China to the Shogun 2 map)

    Expanded Japan mod (97 new regions and 101 new factions)

    How to split a region in TWS2

    Eras Total Conquest 2.3 (12 campaigns from 970-1547)

  2. #2

    Default Re: How to split a region

    Warning: only relevant if you're expanding the playable areas to the edge of the map.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    If a mountain or river touches the edge of the map the pathfinding won't be created correctly, resulting in all the passible after the mountain or river becoming impassible (cannot be travelled by land units). If a sea touches the edge of the map then the entire sea will become impassible (cannot be sailed on).

    Below is an example of a map with a sea (dark blue), mountain (black), river (light blue), and land (green). As the sea touches the edge of the map it will not be possible to sail in it, while everything west of the river and mountain will be impassible.

    To prevent this from happening ensure that only a land region or an impassible region is touching the edge of the map. In the example below there is a slight gap between the river/mountain, and the edge of the map; and an impassible region between the sea and the edge of the map. This results in the the sea being sailable and the land west of the river/mountain being passable.

    3D Max Part 1: adding a new region
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Using 3D max open the "total war shogun 2\modding\raw_data\EmpireDesignData\campaign_maps\sho_japan\Shogun2.max".

    2) Press <M> to bring up the Material editor.

    3) Click the "Add" button. This will create a new material at the bottom of this list.

    4) Give this region a unique ID and Name. In this example I used 210 and Hyuka.

    5) Click on the button in the "Sub-Material" column to bring up the sub-material menu.

    6) In this menu rename the material. The name of this material has to contain the "land_" prefix and the name of the region from the "region" DB Table. In this example it's land_jap_hyuka.

    Then click the grey box next to "Diffuse" and in the pop-up menu choose the colour you assigned to this region using Tweak. In this example it's R:80, G:40, B:190.

    7) Select the modify tab and use the "cut" tool on the region you wish to split into two regions. In this example I split the Hyuga region.

    8) Set the selection tool to "Polygon". Hold down <ctrl> and select all the polygons in your new region. In the image the selected polygons are all red.

    9) In the "Polygon:Material IDs" "Set ID:" box enter the ID of your new region (210 in this example). This will assign these polygons to your new region. If done correctly these polygons will change to the colour of your new region.

    10) Hide all layers except the Regions.cs2.

    11) Hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <A> key to select everything.

    12) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the Regions.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    Congratulations you've added a new region. Next we'll add buildings to this region.

    3D Max Part 2: adding a new settlement, town, and farm to this region.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Unhide all the Settlements.cs2, Roads.cs2, and Mountains.cs2 layers.

    2) Select a nearby settlement, hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <c> key to clone it. In the pop-up menu select "copy", not "instance". If you use "instance" either Bob or the CS2 file will ignore this building.

    3) Move this new settlement to your new region. I recommend having a road run through your settlement.

    4) Right click on this town, select "Object Properties", and rename this settlement to the name you added to the campaign_map_settlements. In this example it's renamed to "settlement:jap_hyuka:saido".

    If you moved the original building to the new location, rather than the cloned building, then you'll also need to rename the original building.

    5) Repeat steps 2-4 for any farm or town you want this region to contain. Make sure you give these new buildings the same names you gave them in the start_pos_towns_and_ports and campaign_map_slots. In this example the town is "town:jap_hyuka:region_specialty" and the farm is "rice:jap_hyuka:farm".

    6) Hide all layers except the Settlements.cs2 [ports], Settlements.cs2 [settlements], Settlements.cs2 [towns], and Settlements.cs2 [trade nodes].

    7) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the settlements.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    Congratulations you've added new buildings to a new region.

    3D Max Part 3A: splitting a land trade route.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Unhide and freeze all the Regions.cs2, Settlements.cs2, Roads.cs2, and Mountains.cs2 layers. This will prevent you accidentally selecting them.

    2) Unhide the "Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working]" layer.

    3) Select a trade route running connecting two nearby settlements. Hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <c> key to clone it. In the pop-up menu select "copy", not "instance". If you use "instance" either Bob or the CS2 file will ignore this trade route.

    4) Select one of the trade routes. Delete the vertices you don't need until you have a line of vertices going from your new settlement to another settlement.

    5) Select the other trade route. Delete the vertices until you have a line of vertices going from your new settlement to different settlement.

    If you've done steps 4 and 5 correctly you should now have two trade routes linking your new settlement to two other settlements.

    6) Hide all layers except the "Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working]".

    7) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the land_trade_routes.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    3D Max Part 3B: adding a new land trade route.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Unhide and freeze all the Regions.cs2, Settlements.cs2, Roads.cs2, and Mountains.cs2 layers. This will prevent you accidentally selecting them.

    2) Unhide the "Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working]" layer.

    3) In the Create menu use the line tool to create a spline (a curve connected by two or more points) between the centre of a settlement and an existing trade route. Do not have this new trade route touch an existing trade route.

    4) If you want the vertices to be visible then right click on this spline and select "Object Properties". In the pop-up menu go to the "Display Properties" and click the "Vertex Ticks" box.

    5) Rename this spline. In this example I rename it "land:359".

    6) If any vertex is in the wrong position you can move it by going to the Modify menu, selecting "Vertex"; then select and move this vertex.

    7) Click on the Snap Toggle (magnet with numbers next to it). Next right click on this icon and in the pop-up menu click on the vertex box.

    This will allow you to join two splines together.

    8) Create two new splines that goes from land:359 to an existing trade route using the arc tool (line will make cause problems because the angle will be too sharp). Rename them land:360 and land:361.

    9) Select the existing trade route. Hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <c> key to clone it. The clone will be named land:362.

    10) Select one of the trade routes. Delete the vertices you don't need until you have a line of vertices going from the existing trade route to land:360.

    11) Select the other trade route. Delete the vertices until you have a line of vertices going from the existing trade route to land:361.

    If you've done steps 10 and 11 correctly you should now have two trade routes connected to your new trade route.

    12) Create a new spline that links the two trade routes together. Rename it land:363.

    13) Hide all layers except the "Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working]".

    14) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the land_trade_routes.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    3D Max Part 4A: splitting a road.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Unhide and freeze all the Regions.cs2, Settlements.cs2, Roads.cs2, and Mountains.cs2 layers. This will prevent you accidentally selecting them.

    2) Unhide the "Roads.cs2" layer.

    3) Ensure that one of the road's vertices is on the region boundary. This will make splitting this road into two roads much easier.

    4) Select the road; hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <c> key to clone it. In the pop-up menu select "copy", not "instance". If you use "instance" either Bob or the CS2 file will ignore this road.

    5) The new road needs to be named in the following way "road:[region name]:[road number]" (without the quotes). Replace [region name] with the name of your new region. Replace [road number] with 1 for the first road in this region, two for the second road, and so forth.

    In this example the new road is the first road in the jap_koga region, so it's called "road:jap_koga:1".

    6) Select one of the roads. Delete the vertices you don't need until you have a line of vertices going from one border to another border or a settlement.

    7) Select the other road. Delete the vertices you don't need until you have a line of vertices going from one border to another border or a settlement.

    If you've done steps 6 and 7 correctly you should now have two roads in two different regions.

    8) Hide or freeze all layers except the "Roads.cs2".

    9) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the roads.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    3D Max Part 4B: adding a new road.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Unhide and freeze all the Regions.cs2, Settlements.cs2, Roads.cs2, and Mountains.cs2 layers. This will prevent you accidentally selecting them.

    2) Unhide the "Roads.cs2" layer.

    3) Click on the Snap Toggle (magnet with numbers next to it). Next right click on this icon and in the pop-up menu click on the vertex box.

    This will allow you to join two splines together.

    4) In the Create menu use the line tool to create a spline (a curve connected by two or more points) between a road and a region boundary. In this example the existing road is going through a settlement.

    5) If you want the vertices to be visible then right click on this spline and select "Object Properties". In the pop-up menu go to the "Display Properties" and click the "Vertex Ticks" box.

    6) This spline needs to be named in the following way "road:[region name]:[road number]" (without the quotes). Replace [region name] with the name of your new region. Replace [road number] with 1 for the first road in this region, two for the second road, and so forth.

    In this example the new road is the second road in the jap_north_omi region, so it's called "road:jap_north_omi:2".

    7) If any vertex is in the wrong position you can move it by going to the Modify menu, selecting "Vertex"; then select and move this vertex.

    8) Create another new spline going from the spline at the region boundary to an existing road. Rename this new spline; in this example it's road:jap_yamashiro:6.

    9) Hide or freeze all layers except the "Roads.cs2".

    10) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the roads.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    3D Max Part 5: adding a trade node to the map.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Unhide all the Settlements.cs2 and Trade_Routes.cs2 layers.

    2) Select a nearby trade node, hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <c> key to clone it. In the pop-up menu select "copy", not "instance". If you use "instance" either Bob or the CS2 file will ignore this node.

    3) Move this new trade node to your new location.

    4) Right click on this town, select "Object Properties", and rename this trade node to the name you added to the trade_nodes. In this example it's renamed to "trade_node:jap_philippines".

    If you moved the original trade node to the new location, rather than the cloned trade node, then you'll also need to rename the original trade node.

    5) Hide all layers except the Settlements.cs2 [ports], Settlements.cs2 [settlements], Settlements.cs2 [towns], and Settlements.cs2 [trade nodes].

    6) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the settlements.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    7) Unhide all the Settlements.cs2 and Trade_Routes.cs2 layers.

    8) Ensure the Trade_Routes.cs2 layer is selected or you'll add all the new splines (a curve connected by two or more points) to the wrong layer.

    9) In the Create menu use the line tool to create a spline between the trade node and an existing trade route. Make sure the spline connects to the existing trade route but not the new trade node.

    10) Rename this spline. In this example I rename it "seatrade:232".

    11) Create two new splines that goes from seatrade:232 to an existing trade route using the arc tool (line will make cause problems because the angle will be too sharp). Rename them seatrade:233 and seatrade:234.

    12) Create a new spline that links all three new trade routes to the center of the new trade node. Rename it seatrade:235.

    13) If you used line spline rather than arc smooth all the new splines. If their angle is too sharp TWS2 will ignore them, preventing anyone using your new trade node.

    14) Hide all layers except the "Trade_Routes.cs2".

    15) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the land_trade_routes.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    3D Max Part 6: adding a port to this region.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1) Unhide all the Settlements.cs2, Regions.cs2, and Mountains.cs2 layers.

    2) Select a nearby port, hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <c> key to clone it. In the pop-up menu select "copy", not "instance". If you use "instance" either Bob or the CS2 file will ignore this building.

    3) Move this new port to your new region. Make sure the port is between the coast and the region boundary. This port won't work if too much is in the sea or too much is on land.

    4) Right click on this town, select "Object Properties", and rename this port to the name you added to the campaign_map_towns_and_ports. In this example it's renamed to "port:jap_awa:nangogu".

    If you moved the original port to the new location, rather than the cloned port, then you'll also need to rename the original port.

    5) Hide all layers except the Settlements.cs2 [ports], Settlements.cs2 [settlements], Settlements.cs2 [towns], and Settlements.cs2 [trade nodes].

    6) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the settlements.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    7) Unhide all the Settlements.cs2, Regions.cs2, Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working], and Mountains.cs2 layers.

    8) Ensure the Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working] layer is selected or you'll add all the new splines (a curve connected by two or more points) to the wrong layer.

    9) In the Create menu use the line tool to create a spline between the centre of a settlement and the center of the port.

    10) If you want the vertices to be visible then right click on this spline and select "Object Properties". In the pop-up menu go to the "Display Properties" and click the "Vertex Ticks" box.

    11) Rename this spline. In this example I rename it "land:359".

    12) If any vertex is in the wrong position you can move it by going to the Modify menu, selecting "Vertex"; then select and move this vertex.

    13) Hide all layers except the "Land_Trade_Routes.cs2 [Working]".

    14) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the land_trade_routes.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    15) Unhide all the Settlements.cs2, Regions.cs2, Trade_Routes.cs2, and Mountains.cs2 layers. Ensure the Trade_Routes.cs2 layer is selected or you'll add all the new splines to the wrong layer.

    16) In the Create menu use the line tool to create a spline between the port and an existing trade route. Do not have this spline touch either the port or the existing trade route.

    17) Rename this spline. In this example I rename it "seatrade:227".

    18) Create two new splines that goes from seatrade:227 to an existing trade route using the arc tool (line will make cause problems because the angle will be too sharp). Rename them seatrade:228 and seatrade:229.

    19) Select the existing trade route. Hold down the <Ctrl> key and press the <c> key to clone it. The clone will be named seatrade:230.

    20) Select one of the trade routes. Delete the vertices you don't need until you have a line of vertices going from the existing trade route to seatrade:228.

    21) Select the other trade route. Delete the vertices until you have a line of vertices going from the existing trade route to seatrade:229.

    If you've done steps 20 and 21 correctly you should now have two trade routes connected to your new trade route.

    22) Create a new spline that links the two trade routes together. Rename it seatrade:231.

    23) If you used a line spline instead of an arc one you'll need to smooth all the new splines. If their angle is too sharp TWS2 will ignore them, preventing anyone from trading with your new port.

    24) Hide all layers except the "Trade_Routes.cs2".

    25) Press the 3DS button and in the pop-up menu select "Export", then select "Export selected". Export this file as the land_trade_routes.CS2 in the campaign_map folder you're editing.

    3D Max Part 7A: adding new rigid_splines (campaign map borders)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Rigid_splines are used to draw borders on the campaign map. They're purely cosmetic but do make it easier to see where one region ends and another begins. Though you don't make new rigid_splines using 3D Max some of the information needed to make them is in 3D Max so they're included here.

    Warning if you make a rigid_spline incorrectly TWS2 won't make the startpos.esf correctly. As such I recommend that you don't make new region borders until after you've made all the new esf files.

    1) Unhide the borders.cs2 and regions.cs2 layers.

    2) Where your new region shares a border with another region draw two splines using the line tool (one for each region). In this example Hyuka only needs a new border with Hyuga.

    You don't need to draw a border through parts covered by mountains. For regions separated by a river you need to draw the boundary on each side of the river.

    3) In 3D Max find the name of all the borders belonging to the region that you've split. In this example they're "border:jap_hyuga:1", "border:jap_hyuga:2", and "border:jap_hyuga:3".

    4) Go to the "working_data\campaign_maps\[campaign]\display\Borders" folder (replace [campaign] with the name of this campaign). This folder contains all the rigid_spline files for this campaign.

    5) Copy to another folder all the rigid_splines belonging to the region you split.

    6) Determine which rigid_splines you need to rename. In this example I need to rename "jap_hyuga_1" and "jap_hyuga_2" to "jap_hyuka_1" and "jap_hyuka_2" because both are now part of the Hyuka region. I also need to rename "jap_hyuga_3" to "jap_hyuga_1" because this region no longer has 3 borders.

    7) Turn these rigid_spline files into text files using the Rigid spline converter:

    8) Open the text files and change the region border entry to the new region border. In this example I need to rename "border:jap_hyuga:1", "border:jap_hyuga:2", and "border:jap_hyuga:3" to "border:jap_hyuka:1", "border:jap_hyuka:2", and "border:jap_hyuga:1".

    9) Create a new text files (jap_hyuka_3 in this example) with the following information:
    border:[region name]:[border number]
    numEntries=[number of entries]
    Replace [region name] with the name of the region you want to give a new border. In this example it's "jap_hyuka".
    Replace [border number] with 1 if this is the first border in this region, 2 if this is the second border in this region, etc. In this example it's "3".
    Replace [number of entries] with the number of coordinates in this boundary. In this example it's "8".

    Warning if a spline doesn't have at least 5 entries it will cause TWS2 to crash and can also prevent the startpos.esf from being created correctly. This problem can occur if the new borders are in the mod pack or in the "total war shogun 2\data\campaign_maps\sho_japan\display\Borders" folder.

    10) In 3D Max find the coordinates of the first vertices belonging to the new border in this region. In this example the X coordinate is -218.102, while the Y coordinate is -159.94.

    11) Divide both coordinates by 39.37 (round to three decimal places). In this example the X coordinate becomes -5.540, while the Y coordinate becomes -4.062.

    12) Enter the coordinates in the following manner (use tabs, not spaces). The 0.000 part is the Z coordinate.
    -5.540    0.000    -4.062
    13) Repeat for every other coordinate in this region border. When done this text file should looks something like this.

    -5.540    0.000    -4.062
    -5.543    0.000    -4.053
    -5.561    0.000    -4.037
    -5.574    0.000    -4.022
    -5.583    0.000    -4.014
    -5.592    0.000    -4.004
    -5.601    0.000    -3.994
    -5.611    0.000    -3.981
    14) Repeat for every other new border you want to add. I recommend making a pair of borders no more than 0.005 apart.

    In this example I only needed to make another text file (jap_hyuga_2).

    15) Convert all these text files to rigid_splines.

    16) Use the Pack file manager add these rigid_splines to the "campaign_maps\[campaign]\display\Borders" folder in your mod pack (replace [campaign] with the name of this campaign).

    3D Max Part 7B: adding new rigid_splines (roads)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Rigid_splines are used to draw roads on the campaign map. They're purely cosmetic but do make it easier to see where the roads are. Though you don't make new rigid_splines using 3D Max some of the information needed to make them is in 3D Max so they're included here.

    Warning if you make a rigid_spline incorrectly TWS2 won't make the startpos.esf correctly. As such I recommend that you don't make new region borders until after you've made all the new esf files.

    1) Unhide the roads.cs2 and regions.cs2 layers.

    2) In 3D Max find the name of all the roads in a region. In this example it's "road:jap_tsukushi:1" and "road:jap_tsukushi:2".

    3) Go to the "working_data\campaign_maps\[campaign]\display\Roads" folder (replace [campaign] with the name of this campaign). This folder contains all the rigid_spline files for this campaign.

    4) Copy to another folder all the rigid_splines belonging to the region you want to add roads to.

    5) Determine which rigid_splines you need to rename. In this example I need to rename "jap_tsukushi_2" to "jap_south_chikuzen_2" because this road is now in the South Chikuzen region.

    6) Turn these rigid_spline files into text files using the Rigid spline converter:

    7) Open the text files and change the road entry to the new road. In this example I need to rename "road:jap_tsukushi:2" to "road:jap_south_chikuzen:2".

    8) Create a new text files (jap_south_chikuzen_1 in this example) with the following information:
    road:[region name]:[road number]
    numEntries=[number of entries]
    Replace [region name] with the name of the region you want to give a new border. In this example it's "jap_south_chikuzen".
    Replace [road number] with 1 if this is the first road in this region, 2 if this is the second road in this region, etc. In this example it's "1".
    Replace [number of entries] with the number of coordinates in this road. In this example it's "19".

    Warning if a spline doesn't have at least 5 entries it will cause TWS2 to crash and can also prevent the startpos.esf from being created correctly. This problem can occur if the new borders are in the mod pack or in the "total war shogun 2\data\campaign_maps\sho_japan\display\Roads" folder.

    9) In 3D Max find the coordinates of the first vertices belonging to the new road in this region. In this example the X coordinate is -218.339, while the Y coordinate is -108.539.

    10) Divide both coordinates by 39.37 (round to three decimal places). In this example the X coordinate becomes -5.560, while the Y coordinate becomes -2.544.

    11) Enter the coordinates in the following manner (use tabs, not spaces). The 0.000 part is the Z coordinate.
    -5.560    0.000    -2.544
    12) Repeat for every other coordinate in this road. When done this text file should looks something like this.

    -5.560    0.000    -2.544
    -5.552    0.000    -2.555
    -5.543    0.000    -2.567
    -5.535    0.000    -2.578
    -5.526    0.000    -2.590
    -5.518    0.000    -2.601
    -5.520    0.000    -2.625
    -5.522    0.000    -2.638
    -5.524    0.000    -2.651
    -5.526    0.000    -2.660
    -5.528    0.000    -2.671
    -5.530    0.000    -2.682
    -5.533    0.000    -2.694
    -5.535    0.000    -2.704
    -5.537    0.000    -2.714
    -5.539    0.000    -2.723
    -5.541    0.000    -2.732
    -5.543    0.000    -2.742
    -5.545    0.000    -2.752
    13) Repeat for every other new road you want to add.

    In this example I needed to make 5 other text files due to all the regions I split jap_tsukushi into.

    14) Convert all these text files to rigid_splines.

    15) Use the Pack file manager add these rigid_splines to the "campaign_maps\[campaign]\display\Roads" folder in your mod pack (replace [campaign] with the name of this campaign).

    There's no guide for borders, bridges, coast, rivers, or sea_groundtypes because Bob doesn't use any of these files when remaking the esf files.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails mapping 1 region.jpg   mapping 2 colour.jpg   mapping 3 cut.jpg   mapping 4 select.jpg   mapping 5 change.jpg  

    mapping 6 select.jpg   mapping 7 export.jpg   mapping 8 settlement.jpg   mapping 9 buildings.jpg   mapping 10 settlements.jpg  

    Last edited by uanime5; February 05, 2015 at 05:57 PM.
    Morning Sun (adds Korea and China to the Shogun 2 map)

    Expanded Japan mod (97 new regions and 101 new factions)

    How to split a region in TWS2

    Eras Total Conquest 2.3 (12 campaigns from 970-1547)

  3. #3

    Default Re: How to split a region

    Bob Part 1, other files
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Bob is located in the "total war shogun 2\modding\binaries" folder.

    1) In the "Raw Data" column go to the "EmpireDesignData/campaign_map" folder and check the "sho_japan" box. On the pop-up menu select "all".

    In the "Working" column select the following entries in the text/db folder: campaign_map_settlements, campaign_slots, campaign_map_towns_and_ports, and regions. Also ensure that the text/startpos_jap_shogun entries are selected.

    If you edited either of the trade routes then in the "Working" column ensure that the trade_routes.esf is selected.

    In the "Retail" column select the "data" folder.

    Then press the "start" button to build the a mod pack, regions.esf, pathfinding.esf, and trade_routes.esf.

    2) Don't worry about any orange error messages. However the red messages mean that you've made a mistake in one of the files, so you need to edit the files it mentions.

    3) Once BOB has finished you need to add the new regions.esf, pathfinding.esf, and trade_routes.esf from the total war shogun 2\modding\working_data folder to the mod pack in the total war shogun 2\modding\retail\data folder using the Pack File Manager (PFM). The regions.esf, pathfinding.esf, and trade_routes.esf need to go in the campaign_maps\sho_japan folder.

    Bob Part 2, startpos
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Bob is in two parts because if you try to make the startpos.esf without using a mod pack containing the regions.esf and pathfinding.esf you made in Bob Part 1 then TWS2 will use the vanilla versions of these files instead. As the vanilla versions don't contain your changes the startpos.esf also won't contain your changes.

    1) In the "Raw Data" menu go to the "EmpireDesignData/campaign" folder and check the "jap_shogun" box. On the pop-up menu select "all".

    If you edited the sea trade routes or changed the playable areas then in the "Working" column ensure that the poi.esf and sea_grids.esf are selected. TWS2 may crash when you try to start a new campaign if you don't make an updated version of these files.

    When all the files are selected press the "start" button to build the esf files.

    2) In order to create the startpos.esf BOB needs to start TWS2; so when prompted start TWS2. If you have the Steam version then you also need to have Steam running before you start TWS2.

    When asked if you want to load a mod pack select the mod pack you made in Bob Part 1 that contains the pathfinding.esf and regions.esf you made. If you don't use a mod pack then TWS2 will use the vanilla versions of these files and produce a startpos.esf that won't work.

    3) One BOB has finished you need to add the new startpos.esf from the "total war shogun 2\modding\working_data" folder to a mod pack using the Pack File Manager (PFM). The startpos.esf has to go in the campaigns\jap_shogun folder.

    4) If Bob is unable to create a new startpos use TWeak to assign the new regions to another campaign. This will cause Bob to treat the new regions as if they were empty regions, making it easier to find which regions are causing Bob to stop working.

    5) If you created a new poi.esf and sea_grids.esf then these files will be in the total war shogun 2\modding\working_data folder and needs to go in the campaign_maps\sho_japan folder.

    As you need to create a working startpos in order to create the poi.esf and sea_grids.esf files putting ports in areas that originally weren't playable will cause Bob to crash because the according to the vanilla sea_grids.esf there aren't any seas in this area. To resolve this problem assign the regions with ports located in new playable areas to another campaign so Bob will ignore these ports, create a new sea_grids.esf, add the new sea_grids.esf to your mod pack, then assign these regions to the correct campaign. As Bob won't be using the vanilla sea_grids.esf it won't crash when making the startpos.

    Mini map
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Your new region will still work even if it hasn't been added to the mini map. This part is optional.

    Warning this file can only have 256 colours, so it cannot display more than 256 regions.

    1) Go to the total war shogun 2\modding\working_data folder and copy the "japan_lookup.tga" file to another folder.

    2) Open this file using an image editing programme (such as Photoshop or Gimp).

    3) Change this image's mode from "indexed" to "RBG color". Indexed basically means you can only add the colours on this image to other parts of this image. RBG mode means you can add new colours.

    4) Select the part of the map where your new region is located. In this example I select it with the lasso tool.

    5) Change the colour of this area to the colour of your new region. The region's colour is the one in the Regions DB table.

    6) Add a black border along your region's new borders.

    7) Change the mode from "RBG color" to "indexed".

    8) Save this file.

    9) Put this file in the campaign_maps\sho_japan folder of your mod pack using the Pack File Manager (PFM).

    Diplomacy map
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Your new region will still work even if it hasn't been added to the diplomacy map. This part is optional.

    1) Go to the total war shogun 2\modding\working_data folder and copy the "japan_map.tga" file to another folder.

    2) Open this file using an image editing programme (such as Photoshop or Gimp).

    3) Create a new layer.

    4) On the new layer draw a thin brown border where your region's new borders are located.

    5) Use the "blur" filter to blur the new region boundaries. This gives a similar effect to the existing boundaries.

    6) Merge all the layers together.

    7) Save this file.

    8) Put this file in the campaign_maps\sho_japan folder of your mod pack using the Pack File Manager (PFM).

    Congratulations you've added a new region. If you want to add a new faction to this region I recommend this guide:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails bob 1.jpg   new region 2.jpg   mapping 11 settlements export.jpg   new farm start.jpg   new farm.jpg  

    Last edited by uanime5; March 27, 2015 at 08:09 PM. Reason: Added pictures
    Morning Sun (adds Korea and China to the Shogun 2 map)

    Expanded Japan mod (97 new regions and 101 new factions)

    How to split a region in TWS2

    Eras Total Conquest 2.3 (12 campaigns from 970-1547)

  4. #4

    Default Re: How to split a region

    It is awesome that you make these tutorials. I am going to try this some day.

  5. #5
    wangrin's Avatar Unguibus et Rostro
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    Default Re: How to split a region

    Excellent work. Congratulations

    « Le courage, c’est de ne pas subir la loi du mensonge triomphant qui passe, et de ne pas faire écho de notre âme, de notre bouche et de nos mains aux applaudissements imbéciles et aux huées fanatiques.. » Jean JAURES

  6. #6
    VENNONETES's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: How to split a region

    WoW! Congratulations and+rep! =)

    Won the POTW Gold medal at 15 years, 7 months, and 198 days on 25/12/2013 ^_^

    Proudly one of the 5 who won the POTW silver medal! (won it at 14 years, 10 months and 24 days on 31/03/2013 at 03.03 PM GMT +1)


  7. #7

    Default Re: How to split a region

    Nice, making a new independent region is next correct? Maybe put a province on hokaido?

  8. #8

    Default Re: How to split a region

    Quote Originally Posted by ♔The Black Knight♔ View Post
    Nice, making a new independent region is next correct? Maybe put a province on hokaido?
    Adding Hokkaido to an impassible region would be almost identical to splitting a region. The only difference being that you're selecting polygons that belong to an impassible region, rather than polygons that used to be part of another region. Though if you wanted to add a new faction to this region it would be more complex.
    Morning Sun (adds Korea and China to the Shogun 2 map)

    Expanded Japan mod (97 new regions and 101 new factions)

    How to split a region in TWS2

    Eras Total Conquest 2.3 (12 campaigns from 970-1547)

  9. #9

    Default Re: How to split a region

    Hmm... ok.

    I want to start doing some work on an improved larger version of japan. 3d max student is free right? Any other tools that i need? I want to see what i can get done since summer will open some time for me.

  10. #10

    Default Re: How to split a region

    The 3D Max student is free. Just realised I forgot to include information about it in the first post.

    Regarding other tools you just need the official modding tools.
    Morning Sun (adds Korea and China to the Shogun 2 map)

    Expanded Japan mod (97 new regions and 101 new factions)

    How to split a region in TWS2

    Eras Total Conquest 2.3 (12 campaigns from 970-1547)

  11. #11
    mentecato's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: How to split a region

  12. #12

    Default Re: How to split a region

    Getting stuck at Bob Part 2. failed to create startpos. Any suggestions?

  13. #13

    Default Re: How to split a region

    Wicked! Thanks for sharing! will give it a try when have a chance.

  14. #14

    Default Re: How to split a region

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralWolfe View Post
    Getting stuck at Bob Part 2. failed to create startpos. Any suggestions?
    I recommend the following:

    1. Check that all the startpos entries you added using Tweak are correct.
    2. Ensure Steam is running while trying to create the Startpos.
    3. Allow BOB to start TWS2 when it asks to.
    4. Use PFM to check the regions.esf in your mod pack to ensure that the new region is in the esf.

    Also Bob sometimes tells you the reasons why it couldn't create a startpos.
    Morning Sun (adds Korea and China to the Shogun 2 map)

    Expanded Japan mod (97 new regions and 101 new factions)

    How to split a region in TWS2

    Eras Total Conquest 2.3 (12 campaigns from 970-1547)

  15. #15

    Default Re: How to split a region

    Try removing rules.bob in the subfolder/campaign you are making the startpos for.

  16. #16

    Default Re: How to split a region

    I got 3ds max 2010 up and running and had everything going well at first, but even with the cs2_exporter.dle in the right folder it says it doesn't know how to save that file. any ideas?

  17. #17
    wangrin's Avatar Unguibus et Rostro
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    Default Re: How to split a region

    If cs2_exporter.dle is in the right folder, you should be able to "export" model to .cs2 (not to "save as").

    « Le courage, c’est de ne pas subir la loi du mensonge triomphant qui passe, et de ne pas faire écho de notre âme, de notre bouche et de nos mains aux applaudissements imbéciles et aux huées fanatiques.. » Jean JAURES

  18. #18

    Default Re: How to split a region

    I've hit a stand still. I've checked the Tweak parts over, and everything was fine. I redid the 3dmax parts (I don't think there was a problem with the regions.cs2 or the settlements.cs2 that i created anyways). But, it still crashes and refuses to create the new startpos when I launch shogun 2. I might just start over, and try to be a bit more careful. Can you post a screen of all the files that are supposed to be in the mod.pack that it creates in BOB part 1?

  19. #19
    Akaie's Avatar Sangi Ukon'e no Chūjō
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    Default Re: How to split a region

    Quote Originally Posted by kugkings View Post
    I got 3ds max 2010 up and running and had everything going well at first, but even with the cs2_exporter.dle in the right folder it says it doesn't know how to save that file. any ideas?
    If i may ask, how'd you manage that? I'm only seeing 2011 and up in the download center. There's a magical little hole to which I'm oblivious, isn't there?

    The S2 Onin War Mod | Boshin: Total Domains
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  20. #20

    Default Re: How to split a region

    No, I couldn't find it there either. Luckily, I own 4 computers and I had it on an older one already. I don't know if you can still get it anymore.

    Also, I got it to save the file... sort of. There seems to be some sort of error, but I'm slowly figuring it out.

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