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Thread: Does anyone find this as well?

  1. #1

    Default Does anyone find this as well?

    Does anyone find this as well? By that I mean when playing as the Orcs there is simply almost no differences between each other, and most of the races have basically no "synergy" or "style/strat" about them that makes sense, such as Rohan having so much calvary that it becomes useless, and having no good ranged forces him to rely on bad AI armies.

    In addition to that the game doesn't have a real "tier" system, throughout stages of the game races always hold their respective bonus over their enemy, such as the Elves and their vastly surperior stats, or OotMM, and their always overwhelming numbers but inability to be effective.

    I don't mean this to be some sort of weird rage at Third Age, but based on playing both CoW and Third Age Cow has such a greater setup unit wise, much more thought out and understandable, such as the Empire being able to hold almost any line until their reinforcements arrive.

    Like for example, let's take this battle, Isengard vs Rohan, Isengard has 2 Uruk-hai Pikes, 3 Uruk hai infantry, and 4 Crossbows, in a wooden town this could hold from almost indefinite numbers from Rohan, it just doesn't make full sense that a player built upon skirmishing doesn't have spear throwing units or versatile higher tier archers.

    What I'm basically trying to say is, it'd be a cool submod, or atleast a improvement to have the races within the game make sense, such as being based on Skirmishing, Line Holding, Hard-Countering the enemy's, tiring the enemy with your hordes in a way that is effective.

    Eorling Archers still basically militia
    A new Ranger unit, it could be a "mercenary" type of thing from Gondor
    Helmingas with good stamina and very good attack/defense, Good Stamina, while the Rangers have very good and hiding.

    Spear Throwing militia
    Helmingas SpearThrowers?

    Good makes sense.

    Numbers and cost is sheerly overwhelming, being quite strong against the Elves, but they need more troll options like Gundabad, maybe Morian Trolls, it'd be pretty cool to also have current Heavy Goblins become "Medium" ones, and the new Heavy's be much thicker and larger, with 2 hit points but a unit size like the High tier Human Units.

    Strong against weaker Eriador when it comes to line battles, but he has no quality heavy infantry with numbers.

    Again and again I notice things like this, where the practicalities of war don't translate over into Third Age very well, such as Harad not having many spear throwing units as would be effective in a raid, or very strong archers with low defense melee.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Does anyone find this as well?

    IMO Rohan is fine.

    The OotMM definitely need more variation. It's just boring to spent 90% of your campaign microing Snaga Skirmishers. They should have at least 2 tier 1 units, which would also give the OotMM something unique. They should also get way more kinds of trolls, they should get at least 3-4. Perhaps restrict the recruitment so the player and the AI can't spam the trolls.

    Gundabad has great access to the Rhudaur military in MOS, I'm not sure how much of that is included in vanilla, but I like the way it is in MOS. This also separates the OoG from the OotMM.
    Last edited by Wizad; March 01, 2013 at 10:38 PM.
    In it for the rep.

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