Hi. Someone will get a full factions Preveiw together whilst we work on the other couple of things that are important like that. Not sure who it'll be yet...

Anyway, you have a choice as to which is previewed in full first. Only two options, but they're good enough choices. SO, vote on either the Ildiri High Elves on one hand or the Eastern Marches of the Empire.

This will be their role in the MAIN campaign, not the mini one we're doing.

Either should contain:

ALL units made for them in detail. Possibly also a base description of each unit's abilities or strengths etc. Depends on time and who does it.

Full maps shown ingame and a 2d map

Unit descriptions text, possibly unit selection pics

Any relevant text within reason, hopefully including the text for selection for campaign

Starting Generals

Possibly Naval Details

Maybe more; have to discuss it with the person who does it.