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Thread: Expeditionem: Aristeia

  1. #1
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    Jul 2012

    Default Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Episode 1: The Battle of Tenedos!

    The Trojan War as begun!
    The Achaean army as settled in the island of Tenedos because of its strategic location. From their they can decide where to attack the Trojans first.

    However Tenes, the island king, is an ally of the Trojans and pretends to attack the Achaeans to reclaim is island again. Unfortunally for Tenes, he is heavily outnumbered, at least 5 to 1.
    To get things worse the two most renoun generals of the Achaeans are attacking Tenes, they are Achilleus and Aias!


    Battle analysis

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 4 Units of Myrmidones
    - 4 Units of Prosborrhoi Xipherai
    - 4 Units of Prosborrhoi Aichmetai
    - 3 Units of Prosborrha Harmata
    - 2 Units of Prosborrhoi Akontistai
    - 1 General (Command - Achilleus)

    ARMY: Trojan Alliance
    - 3 Units of Mysioi Akontistai
    - 2 Units of Mysioi Toxotai
    - 3 Units of Mysioi Xipherai
    - 8 Units of Mysioi Aichmetai
    - 1 General (Command - Tenes)

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Aichmetai
    - 3 Units of Antelioi Panchalkoi
    - 2 Units of Antelia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Notioi Sphendonetai
    - 1 General (Command - Aias the Gigantic)

    Click on the title to see the episode.
    Last edited by Stratega; March 18, 2013 at 01:42 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Last edited by Stratega; March 16, 2013 at 04:13 PM.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2012

    Default Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Episode 2: Greek Invasion!

    The Achaeans have now some time and space to think and analyse what to do!

    They canīt attack Troia itself, because their defences are almost impregenable, and many allies are now defending and supporting the Trojans with supplies and men.
    The only way to Agamemnon (The Achaean Leader) and his armies to win is to control the nearby settlements and to destroy all Trojan Allies.

    With their large fleet, the Achaeans can blockade the Trojan ports and with that destroying their supplies!

    ...It seems that clever Odysseus is assaulting Zerynthos!


    The History of the Greek Invasion

    The Achean forces first gathered at Aulis. All the suitors sent their forces except King Cinyras of Cyprus. Though he sent breastplates to Agamemnon and promised to send 50 ships, he sent only one real ship, led by the son of Mygdalion, and 49 ships made of clay. Idomeneus was willing to lead the Cretan contingent in Mycenae's war against Troy, but only as a co-commander, which he was granted. The last commander to arrive was Achilles, who was then 15 years old.

    Following a sacrifice to Apollo, a snake slithered from the altar to a sparrow's nest in a plane tree nearby. It ate the mother and her nine babies, then was turned to stone. Calchas interpreted this as a sign that Troy would fall in the tenth year of the war.

    When the Achaeans left for the war, they did not know the way, and accidentally landed in Mysia, ruled by King Telephus, son of Heracles, who had led a contingent of Arcadians to settle there. In the battle, Achilles wounded Telephus, who had killed Thersander. Because the wound would not heal, Telephus asked an oracle, "What will happen to the wound?". The oracle responded, "he that wounded shall heal". The Achaean fleet then set sail and was scattered by a storm. Achilles landed in Scyros and married Deidamia. A new gathering was set again in Aulis.

    Telephus went to Aulis, and either pretended to be a beggar, asking Agamemnon to help heal his wound, or kidnapped Orestes and held him for ransom, demanding the wound be healed. Achilles refused, claiming to have no medical knowledge. Odysseus reasoned that the spear that had inflicted the wound must be able to heal it. Pieces of the spear were scraped off onto the wound, and Telephus was healed. Telephus then showed the Achaeans the route to Troy.

    Some scholars have regarded the expedition against Telephus and its resolution as a derivative reworking of elements from the main story of the Trojan War, but it has also been seen as fitting the story-pattern of the "preliminary adventure" that anticipates events and themes from the main narrative, and therefore as likely to be "early and integral".

    Eight years after the storm had scattered them, the fleet of more than a thousand ships was gathered again. But when they had all reached Aulis, the winds ceased. The prophet Calchas stated that the goddess Artemis was punishing Agamemnon for killing either a sacred deer or a deer in a sacred grove, and boasting that he was a better hunter than she.The only way to appease Artemis, he said, was to sacrifice Iphigenia, who was either the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, or of Helen and Theseus entrusted to Clytemnestra when Helen married Menelaus.Agamemnon refused, and the other commanders threatened to make Palamedes commander of the expedition. According to some versions, Agamemnon relented, but others claim that he sacrificed a deer in her place, or that at the last moment, Artemis took pity on the girl, and took her to be a maiden in one of her temples, substituting a lamb. Hesiod says that Iphigenia became the goddess Hecate.

    The Achaean forces are described in detail in the Catalogue of Ships, in the second book of the Iliad. They consisted of 28 contingents from mainland Greece, the Peloponnese, the Dodecanese islands, Crete, and Ithaca, comprising 1178 pentekontoroi, ships with 50 rowers. Thucydides says that according to tradition there were about 1200 ships, and that the Boeotian ships had 120 men, while Philoctetes' ships only had the fifty rowers, these probably being maximum and minimum. These numbers would mean a total force of 70,000 to 130,000 men. Another catalogue of ships is given by theBibliotheca that differs somewhat but agrees in numbers. Some scholars have claimed that Homer's catalogue is an original Bronze Age document, possibly the Achaean commander's order of operations. Others believe it was a fabrication of Homer.

    The second book of the Iliad also lists the Trojan allies, consisting of the Trojans themselves, led by Hector, and various allies listed as Dardanians led by Aeneas, Zeleians, Adrasteians, Percotians, Pelasgians, Thracians, Ciconian spearmen, Paionian archers, Halizones, Mysians, Phrygians,Maeonians, Miletians, Lycians led by Sarpedon and Carians. Nothing is said of the Trojan language; the Carians are specifically said to be barbarian-speaking, and the allied contingents are said to have spoken multiple languages, requiring orders to be translated by their individual commanders. It should be noted, however, that the Trojans and Achaeans in the Iliad share the same religion, same culture and the enemy heroes speak to each other in the same language, though this could be dramatic effect.

    Click on the title to see the episode.
    Last edited by Stratega; March 14, 2013 at 07:51 PM.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2012

    Default Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Episode 4: The Beautiful Youth Murdered!

    In the city of Chrysa one of Priamīs sons, Troilos, is in charge of the city.

    A prophecy says that Troia will not fall if Troilos lives into adulthood. So the goddess Athena encourages the Greek warrior Achilleus to seek him out early in the Trojan War.

    With the aid of Patroklos, in not letin any outsider interfer with Achilleus siege of the city, he is confident with his Myrmidones. However he should not underestimate Troilos, aside of his beauty he is a great warrior, even said that he is the son of the god Apollo!


    The History of Troilos

    Troilus is an adolescent boy or ephebe, the son of Hecuba, queen of Troy. As he is so beautiful, Troilus is taken to be the son of the god Apollo. However, Hecuba's husband, King Priam, treats him as his own much-loved child.

    A prophecy says that Troy will not fall if Troilus lives into adulthood. So the goddess Athena encourages the Greek warriorAchilles to seek him out early in the Trojan War. The youth is known to take great delight in his horses. Achilles ambushes him and his sister Polyxena when he has ridden with her for water from a well in the Thymbra – an area outside Troy where there is atemple of Apollo.

    The Greek is struck by the beauty of both Trojans and is filled with lust. It is the fleeing Troilus whom swift-footed Achilles catches, dragging him by the hair from his horse. The young prince refuses to yield to Achilles' sexual attentions and somehow escapes, taking refuge in the nearby temple. But the warrior follows him in, and beheads him at the altar before help can arrive. The murderer then mutilates the boy's body. The mourning of the Trojans at Troilus' death is great.
    This sacrilege leads to Achilles’ own death, when Apollo avenges himself by helping Paris strike Achilles with the arrow that pierces his heel.


    Battle analysis

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 4 Units of Myrmidones
    - 4 Units of Prosborrhoi Xipherai
    - 4 Units of Prosborrhoi Aichmetai
    - 3 Units of Prosborrha Harmata
    - 2 Units of Prosborrhoi Akontistai
    - 1 General (Command - Achilleus)

    ARMY: Trojan Alliance
    - 2 Units of Mysioi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of Mysioi Xipherai
    - 4 Units of Mysioi Aichmetai
    - 3 Units of Mysia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Mysioi Toxotai
    - 4 Units of Argyroteuchai
    - 1 General (Command - Troilos)

    Click on the title to see the episode.
    Last edited by Stratega; March 17, 2013 at 02:19 PM.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Episode 3: Trojan Soil!

    The Achaeans have installed in the trojan shores, with Tenedos island as they base of operation; Achilles, inspired by Athena, as launch an attack in Chrysa, where Troilos keeps the city safe.

    The other heroes are also in missions; Idomeneus and Nestor are in the island of Lesbos to have also control over the island; to the north, Podaleirios and Menestheus, the king of Athens are attacking Elaious, where Lykaon is in protection of the city, but in contrast to Troilos he doesnīt have the man power or the attitude to defeat the Achaeans.

    A powerful line of forts are securing the Trojan armies to comming threw, but many forces still havenīt came to attack the Achaeans, like the Trojan allies the Amazons and Ethiopians!

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Episode 5: The Soldier Prophet!

    Priam assembles his court and decide a serious stop against the Achaeans; the Trojan in charge of the entire Trojan Alliance Forces was Hecktor, the most beloved son of Priam; with him the armies of the Achaeans face a dificult fight.

    By Hecktor orders, the Trojans attack the forts in the beach of Troia where Helenus, also a son of Priam, commands the assault.
    Diomedes his attacked by Helenus and faces a most powerful force than him;
    luckely Aias, the second most powerful warrior in the Achaean army his heading with his army to assist Diomedes.

    Helenus predicting the arrival of Aias, fears for his life, because now he most fight against to great heroes of the Achaeans!


    The History of Helenos

    Helenus was a Trojan soldier and prophet in the Trojan War.
    In Greek mythology, Helenus (Ἕλενος) was the son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy, and the twin brother of the prophetess Cassandra. He was also called Scamandrios. According to legend, Cassandra, having been given the power of prophecy by Apollo, taught it to her brother. Like Cassandra, he was always right, but unlike her, others believed him.

    Helenus was part of the Trojan forces led by his brother Hector that beat the Greeks back from the plains west of Troy, and attacked their camp in the Iliad. When the Myrmidons led by Achillesturn the tide of battle and Hector is killed, foreshadowing Troy's imminent fall, Helenus - like most of the greatest heroes - survived the poem.

    In the final year of the Trojan War, Helenus vied against his brother Deiphobus for the hand of Helen of Troy after the death of their brother Paris, but Helen was awarded to Deiphobus. Disgruntled over his loss, Helenus retreated to Mount Ida, where Odysseus later captured him. He told the Greek forces—probably out of his disgruntlement—under what circumstances they could take Troy. He said that they would win if they stole the Trojan Palladium, brought the bones of Pelops to Troy, and persuaded Neoptolemus (Achilles' son by the Scyrian princess Deidamia) and Philoctetes(who possessed Heracles' bow and arrows) to join the Greeks in the war. Neoptolemus was hiding from the war at Scyrus, but the Greeks retrieved him.
    Neoptolemus had taken Helenus's sister-in-law, Andromache, as a slave and concubine after Hector's death, and fathered Molossus, Pielus and Pergamus with her. After the fall of Troy, Helenus became a sort of vassal to Neoptolemus. He traveled with Neoptolemus, Andromache and their children to Epirus, where Neoptolemus permitted him to found the city of Buthrotum.

    After Neoptolemus left Epirus, he left Andromache and their sons in Helenus's care. Neoptolemus was killed by Orestes, Agamemmon's son, in dispute over Hermione, the daughter of Menelaus and Helen, whom Orestes had been promised as wife, but whom Neoptolemus had taken. As the kingdom of Neoptolemus was partitioned, this led to Helenus acquiring the rule of Buthrotum, as king. Andromache bore him a son, Cestrinus, who is identified with Genger or Zenter, a legendary Trojan king and father of Franco. Some mythographers alleged that Helenus married Neoptolemus's mother, Deidamia, as well as Andromache, in order to consolidate his claims on part of Neoptolemus' kingdom. Helenus prophesied Aeneas' founding of Rome when he and his followers stopped at Buthrotum, detailed by Virgil in Aeneid Book III.


    Battle analysis

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Aichmetai
    - 3 Units of Antelioi Panchalkoi
    - 2 Units of Antelia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Notioi Sphendonetai
    - 2 Units of Thessalioi Hippokontistai
    - 1 General (Command - Aias the Gigantic)
    ARMY: Trojan Alliance
    - 2 Units of Mysioi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of Mysioi Xipherai
    - 4 Units of Mysioi Aichmetai
    - 3 Units of Mysia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Mysia Harmata
    - 4 Units of Argyroteuchai
    - 1 General (Command - Helenos)
    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 2 Units of Antelioi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of Antelioi Panchalkoi
    - 3 Units of Antelia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Notioi Sphendonetai
    - 2 Units of Toxotai
    - 1 General (Command - Diomedes the Powerful)

    Click on the title to see the episode!

    Last edited by Stratega; March 19, 2013 at 07:30 PM.

  7. #7
    Basileos Predator's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Calafat - Dolj - Romania

    Default Re: Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Nice stuff.Keep it coming.+rep for hard work.
    Cheers Predator!

  8. #8
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    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Episode 6: Conquering Lesbos!

    Lesbos is a Greek island located in the northeastern Aegean Sea.
    Gouneus, leader of the Aenianes and
    Perrhaebians during the Trojan War is in control of half the island.
    Idomeneus and Nestor are in charge of taking out Gouneus from Lesbos capital,
    Mytilene, but he is puting up a fight.
    For two years that Mytilene his under siege; now is the time to invade the city, for Gouneus warriors are weak and with doubting morale!


    Battle analysis

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 2 Units of Peleponnesioi Xipherai
    - 6 Units of Peleponnesioi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of
    Peleponnesioi Panchalkoi
    - 2 Units of
    Peleponnesioi Toxotai
    - 1 Unit of Notioi Sphendonetai
    - 4 Units of Hyperetai
    - 1 General (Command - Nestor the Toughtful)
    Army: Trojan Alliance
    - 5 Units of Prosborrhoi Akontistai
    - 2 Units of Prodborrhoi Xipherai
    - 6 Units of Phrygioi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of Prosborrhoi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of Prosborrhoi Toxotai
    - 1 Unit of
    Prosborrhoi Sphendonetai
    - 1 General (Command - Gouneus)

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 5 Units of Nesiotikoi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of
    Nesiotikoi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of
    Nesiotikoi Panchalkoi
    - 2 Units of
    Nesiotika Harmata
    - 1 Unit of
    Nesiotikoi Xipherai
    - 3 Units of
    Nesiotikoi Sphendonetai
    - 2 Units of Hieroi Pelekyphoroi
    - 1 General (Command - Idomemeus)

    Click on the title to see the episode!
    Last edited by Stratega; March 24, 2013 at 10:33 PM.

  9. #9
    Antiokhos Euergetes's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Expeditionem: Aristeia

    κῦδος brilliant writing

  10. #10
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    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Episode 7: The Battle for Aigialos Coast!

    The Achaeans have made forts all around the coast of Aigialos, near of the beach that makes connection for Troia; the Trojans, seing the eminent danger attack the forts once again with the aid of Helenos, the son of Priam!

    Thersandros, the king of Thebes, goes to aid Tlepolemos at the Aigialos Coast; having a regiment of spartan warrior, this battle will favor the Achaeans; because the spartans are the most fearful and strong force in the Achaean army; only second to the Myrmidons!


    Battle analysis

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 3 Units of Antelioi Xipherai
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of
    Peleponnesioi Panchalkoi
    - 3 Units of Antelia Harmata
    - 2 Units of
    Antelioi Toxotai
    - 1 Unit of Antelioi Akontistai
    - 1 Unit of Notioi Sphendonetai
    - 4 Units of Spartoi
    - 1 General (Command - Thersandros)
    Army: Trojan Alliance
    - 2 Units of Phrygioi Akontistai
    - 2 Units of Phrygioi Xipherai
    - 6 Units of Phrygioi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of Phrygia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Hippakontistai
    - 2 Unit of Phraretritai Apollonioi

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 2 Units of Nesiotikoi Akontistai
    - 6 Units of
    Nesiotikoi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of
    Nesiotikoi Panchalkoi
    - 1 Unit of
    Nesiotika Harmata
    - 4 Units of
    Nesiotikoi Xipherai
    - 2 Units of
    Nesiotikoi Sphendonetai
    - 2 Units of Nesiotikoi Toxotai
    - 1 General (Command - Tlepolemos)

    Click on the title to see the episode!

    Last edited by Stratega; March 25, 2013 at 01:14 PM.

  11. #11
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    Jul 2012

    Icon3 Re: Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Episode 8: Menelaos Arrives!

    Having defeated the Trojan Forces in the Aigialos coast, the Trojans still continue their assault on the Achaean Forts!
    On the horizon there is a group of ships approaching the Trojan shores; It is none other than Menelaos finally arriving in the war
    He approaches to where Helenus is stationed, where he can attack him by suprise.


    The History of Menelaos

    Although early authors such as Aeschylus refer in passing to Menelaus’ early life, detailed sources are quite late, post-dating 5th-century BC Greektragedy.
    According to these sources, Menelaus' father Atreus had been feuding with his brother Thyestes over the throne of Mycenae. After a back-and-forth struggle that featured adultery, incest and cannibalism, Thyestes gained the throne after his son Aegisthus murdered Atreus. As a result, Atreus’ sons, Menelaus and Agamemnon, went into exile. They first stayed with King Polyphides of Sicyon, and later with King Oeneus of Calydon. But when they thought the time was ripe to dethrone Mycenae’s hostile ruler, they returned. Assisted by the King Tyndareus of Sparta, they drove Thyestes away and Agamemnon took the throne for himself.

    When it was time for Tyndareus’ step-daughter Helen to marry, many kings and princes came to seek her hand. Among the contenders wereOdysseus, Menestheus, Ajax the Great, Patroclus, and Idomeneus. Most offered opulent gifts. Tyndareus would accept none of the gifts, nor would he send any of the suitors away for fear of offending them and giving grounds for a quarrel. Odysseus promised to solve the problem in a satisfactory manner if Tyndareus would support him in his courting of Tyndareus’ niece Penelope, the daughter of Icarius. Tyndareus readily agreed and Odysseus proposed that, before the decision was made, all the suitors should swear a most solemn oath to defend the chosen husband in any quarrel. Then it was decreed that straws were to be drawn for Helen’s hand. The suitor who won was Menelaus (Tyndareus, not to displease the powerful Agamemnon offered him another of his daughters, Clytaemnestra). The rest of the Greek kings swore their oaths, and Helen and Menelaus were married, Menelaus becoming a ruler of Sparta with Helen after Tyndareus and Leda either died or abdicated the thrones. Menelaus and Helen had a daughter Hermione as supported, for example, by Sappho, whilst some variations of the myth suggest they had two sons as well.
    Their palace (ἀνάκτορον) has been discovered (the excavations started in 1926 and continued until 1995) in Pellana, Laconia, to the north-west of modern (and classical) Sparta. Other archaeologists consider that Pellana is too far away from other Mycenaean centres to have been the "capital of Menelaus.

    In a return for awarding her a golden apple inscribed "to the fairest," Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman in all the world. After concluding a diplomatic mission to Sparta during the latter part of which Menelaus was absent to attend the funeral of his maternal grandfather Catreus, Paris absconded to Troy with Helen in tow despite his brother Hector forbidding her to depart with them. Invoking the oath of Tyndareus, Menelaus andAgamemnon raised a fleet of one thousand ships according to legend and went to Troy to secure Helen's return; the Trojans were recalcitrant, providing a casus belli for the Trojan War.
    Homer's Iliad is the most expansive source for Menelaus’ exploits during the Trojan War. In Book 3, Menelaus challenges Paris to a duel for Helen’s return. Menelaus soundly beats Paris, but before he can kill him and claim victory Aphrodite spirits Paris away inside the walls of Troy. In Book 4, while the Greeks and Trojans squabble over the duel’s winner, Athena inspires the Trojan Pandarus to kill Menelaus with his bow and arrow. Menelaus is wounded in the abdomen, and the fighting resumes. Later, in Book 17, Homer gives Menelaus an extended aristeia as the hero retrieves the corpse of Patroclus from the battlefield.
    According to Hyginus, Menelaus killed eight men in the war, and was one of the Greeks hidden inside the Trojan Horse. During the sack of Troy, Menelaus killed Deiphobus, who had married Helen after the death of Paris.
    There are three versions of Menelaus’ and Helen’s reunion on the night of the sack of Troy!


    Battle analysis

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 4 Units of Peleponnesioi Xipherai
    - 2 Units of Peleponnesioi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of Peleponnesia Harmata
    - 4 Units of Peleponnesioi Toxotai
    - 2 Units of Peleponnesioi Akontistai
    - 2 Unit of Notioi Sphendonetai
    - 1 Unit of Tolmetai
    - 2 Units of Hiperetai
    - 1 General (Command - Menelaos the Warlike)
    - 4 Units of Mysioi Akontistai
    - 1 Unit of Mysioi Xipherai
    - 2 Units of Mysioi Aichmetai
    - 1 Unit of Mysia Harmata
    - 3 Units of Mysioi Toxotai
    - 2 Units of Argyroteuchai
    - 1 Unit of Phrygioi Akontistai
    - 1 Unit of Phrygioi Aichmetai
    - 1 General (Command - Helenos)

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Aichmetai
    - 3 Units of Antelioi Panchalkoi
    - 2 Units of Antelia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Notioi Sphendonetai
    - 2 Units of Thessalioi Hippokontistai
    - 1 General (Command - Aias the Gigantic)

    Army: Trojan Alliance
    - 2 Units of Phrygioi Akontistai
    - 3 Units of Phrygioi Xipherai
    - 4 Units of Phrygioi Aichmetai
    - 2 Units of Phrygia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Hippakontistai
    - 3 Units of Phrygioi Toxotai
    Click on the title to see the episode!
    Last edited by Stratega; April 08, 2013 at 05:03 AM.

  12. #12
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    Jul 2012

    Icon3 Re: Expeditionem: Aristeia

    Episode 9: Trojan Counterattack!

    With the aid of Menelaos in the Aigialos coast the Achaeans have now a safe passage to Troia, but they cannot attack now the settlement; first they must destrory the sorrounded settlements in order to take their supplies.
    However the Trojand will not let them have it so easy; the Trojans are going to make a full out assault on the Achaeans, to see if they can take them out of their land.

    Achilles and Antilochos are sorrounded by the enemy, but they have more quality troops; Aisakos is forced to attack Thoas, that is besieging the city; Thrasymedes waits for reinforcements while heīs holding the Trojan Deiphobos and his army on Gargara, but Deiphobos seing the opportunity attacks Thrasymedes.

    Alot of battles will occur, will the Achaeans prevail?


    Battle analysis

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 2 Units of Peleponnesioi Xipherai
    - 4 Units of Peleponnesioi Aichmetai
    - 1 Unit of Peleponnesia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Peleponnesioi Toxotai
    - 2 Units of Peleponnesioi Akontistai
    - 1 Unit of Notioi Sphendonetai
    - 1 Unit of Antelioi Akontistai
    - 2 Units of Hiperetai
    - 1 General (Command - Thrasymedes)
    - 5 Units of Phrygioi Aichmetai
    - 2 Unit of Phrygioi Toxotai
    - 2 Units of Phrygioi Xipherai
    - 2 Units of Mysioi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of Kares Labryphoroi
    - 1 Unit of Mysioi Aichmetai
    - 1 General (Command - Deiphobos)

    ARMY: Achaeans
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of Antelioi Aichmetai
    - 3 Units of Antelioi Panchalkoi
    - 2 Units of Antelia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Notioi Sphendonetai
    - 2 Units of Thessalioi Hippokontistai
    - 1 General (Command - Aias the Gigantic)

    Army: Trojan Alliance
    - 1 Unit of Phrygioi Akontistai
    - 1 Units of Phrygioi Xipherai
    - 3 Units of Phrygioi Aichmetai
    - 1 Unit of Phrygia Harmata
    - 2 Units of Hippakontistai
    - 3 Units of Phrygioi Toxotai
    - 6 Units of Mysioi Akontistai
    - 4 Units of Mysioi Aichmetai
    - 1 Unit of Mysioi Sphendonetai
    - 1 Unit of Mysioi Xipherai
    - 1 Unit of Mysioi Toxotai

    Click on the title to see the episode!
    Last edited by Stratega; April 10, 2013 at 10:22 PM.

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