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Thread: Arc 5 (Continental): Hearts, Minds, and Souls

  1. #1
    Avatar of the Ice Wolf's Avatar Praeses
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    Between the 3rd and 4th Dimensions

    Default Arc 5 (Continental): Hearts, Minds, and Souls

    Note to all:

    All off-topic discussion in this RPG thread is forbidden. Please do not make any post that does not pertain to the rules or the topic at hand.

    Plot Details

    Do you know who summoned the darkness and cast down the light? We did. With our greed, our lust, and our discontent, we opened our hearts to His message. We got what we desired. ~ Anonymous

    It's been 200 years since Majora was summoned into the material plane, and the Goddesses we cast down into mortal form, placed in the Temple of Time for their own protection. During this time, Darker powers arose, empires were cast down, and corruption and divisiveness have crept into every crevice in Hyrule.

    Religious unrest is a fact of life. Lines are split between those who would complete Majora's ascension, those who would restore the Three, and those who would rather Hyrule have no deity at all.

    Political schisms have ruptured societies from the simplistic Kokiri to the advanced Hylian Kingdom. Some of the more barbaric races have devolved into little more than savage beasts.

    Distrust and endless strife seem to be the immutable foundation which governs life in Hyrule. Shadow wars and games of intrigue have become more effective than open warfare. As such, many factions' subterfuge networks have been operating at maximum capacity. Information is the most valuable resource of the land.

    But while the races of Hyrule have their gazes locked upon one another, even deadlier forces are threatening to go undetected until the hour of doom draws nigh.

    In this chaotic landscape, you come forth. The fate of Hyrule is now in the hands of each and every one of you. Hero and peasant alike, your actions will shape and mold the land. From this point forth, destiny is now of your own creation.

    West: Foranar- Azurita - The Redeemer - Sinteiria - Sakotae the Guardian (Tavia) - Saleria
    East: Nerise - Kiril

  2. #2
    Avatar of the Ice Wolf's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    Magic has be an integral part of our lives for so long. Seeing it go... Feeling the power escape me. I feel completely and utterly useless. - Zora Sapphire Warden to Commander Azurita.

    The following is to be considered CANON for the RP. It was created by me and approved by my fellow RPers.

    Magic has existed in the world since the time of creation.
    It serves a very important part in Daily life. Many Citizens of many nations make their living off of various enchantments.
    The Zora's Military relies almost exclusively on their magical might.

    But what happens...... When the very fabric of magic is crumbling.

    The Endless Winter will be the end of us all.

    Magic is all around us and can be channeled through three basic mediums.

    The Body and Mind
    The Various Planes of Existence
    Specific beings of amazing power

    There are various planes of existence in this world.

    Hyrule (AKA The Material Plane)
    -- The world where all the races and people live and go about their daily lives.

    The Sacred Realm
    -- The Land of the Goddesses and the land where the Triforce resides. Only those chosen by the goddesses can channel Magic through this medium.

    -- The place where Majora was sealed during the time of creation. He resides here to punish heretics and evil souls, but he is constantly reaching out to the other lands trying to gain enough followers for him to break his seal and punish the world.

    The Elemental Planes
    -- The closest place to the realm of fire on the material plane is the fire temple inside of Death Mountain. Inside here energies from the plane of fire flow freely. Mages who channel power from the plane of fire generally visualize Death Mountain and Rage.

    -- The closest place to the realm of water on the material plane is the water temple at the bottom of Lake Hylia. Inside this temple the energies of the plane of water flow freely. Mages who channel power from the plane of water visualize Lake Hylia and Serenity

    -- The closest place to the realm of forest on the material plane is the forest temple inside the Lost Woods. Inside this temple the energies of the plane of forest flow freely. There are few mages who are able to channel energy from the plane of forest. The Roots of the Great Deku tree actually extend into this plane of existence. Mages who channel power from the plane of forest visualize the Lost Woods and the feeling of loneliness and longevity.

    -- The closest place to the realm of shadow on the material plane is the shadow temple inside the Kakariko Graveyard. Inside this temple the energies of the plane of shadow flow freely. Few mages seek to tamper with the powers of shadow. The Sheikah Cadre however, make their home inside of the Shadow temple. Mages who wish to channel power from the plane of shadow visualize the Kakariko Graveyard and the feeling of despair and hopelessness.

    -- The closest place to the realm of the spirits on the material plane is the spirit temple inside the Gerudo Desert. Inside this temple the energies of the plane of spirits flow freely. Perhaps the least understood of the planes. Mages who seek to speak with spirits on the other side, or perhaps harness the energies of fallen warriors channel from his plane. Mages who wish to channel power from the plane of spirit visualize the Gerudo Desert and think of the spirit they wish to come into contact with.

    -- The closest place to the realm of light on the material plane is the Temple of Time inside of Castle Town. Inside this temple the energies of the plane of light flow freely. Sharing a place of energy with the Sacred Realm those who channel energy from the plane of light simply visualize a feeling of hope.

    The Twilight Realm
    ---- The dark interlopers who were banished by the goddesses for seeking to control the power of the planes of Termina and The Plane of Shadows. Magic cannot be harnessed in this realm, because it is all being channeled through a natural resource known as Sol.


    The individual races and their detailed use of magic are detailed below.

    The Kingdom of Hyrule is attuned to magic, but general uses it to enchant weapons and armor and only those Chosen by the Goddesses have any access to truly devastating magic. The medium of which these Artificers draw their powers from would be the elemental planes. Depending on the enchantment. ( Fire enchantment/Fire Plane, Ice Enchantment/Water Plane...etc.) Since these enchantments are made through the planes of existence a ripple in the Magical energies would affect all enchantments onto items.


    The Pureblood Zora are born with an electrical energy coursing through their veins. With enough mental discipline and control they can control this energy in a way similar to Ki in the DBZ universe. Only Females seem to have this ability. However older Zora can harness Sacred Blue Fire, which are flames from the Elemental Plane of Fire itself, and draw their power from it to devastating effect. The Zora's who use the energy in their bodies cannot be effected by a ripple in the Magical energies, but the Sapphire Wardens would be affected because they draw their power from the Plane of Fire.


    The Order of the Wizzrobe are the most knowledgeable creatures in drawing power from the various planes of existence. Putting them to devastating effect. The effect being dependent upon which plane the Wizzrobe chooses to call upon. ( Explosions and Flame, Fire Plane. Healing, Water Plane... etc.) Since the Wizzrobes have the innate ability to harness magical energies in their very bodies and Teleport. The Powers of Telekinesis and Teleportation would not be effected by a Magical Ripple, but when they draw power from the various planes would be affected.

    The Gerudo do not use magic as much, but it is not unheard of. Twinrova and Ganondorf are both known practitioners of Dark Magic. In Ganondorf's case, he would draw his power mostly from the Triforce of Power, but I see the Triforce as more of an amplifier for his already potent magical abilities that he gained from life with his Mother(s). Twinrova is very proficient at calling upon the specific planes of existence and has multiple enchanted items that allow them to float and fuse with each other and separate at will. Because they draw from the individual planes of existence, this would be affected by a ripple in the magical energies surrounding the world.


    The Twili are a special case as their sorceresses draw their power from Sol, a natural resource found within the Twilight Realm. They are imbued with it so the Twilight Realms power becomes one with them giving them the ability to conjure similar forms of the elements as well as the ki like energy control that the Zora have. However the Sol is simply an enchanted natural resource, and draws it's energy from the Twilight Realm. Since this is an energy source that constantly taps into the Twilight Realms power it would be affected by a ripple in the Magical Energies.


    The Cult of Majora Would draw their power from Majora himself, and unless Majora was injured or left in a weakened state their powers would not be affected by the ripple in the magical energies. Majora grants or bestows upon loyal subjects wonderful powers. These powers growing in intensity and effectiveness depending on how far in the Mad God's favor his subjects are. The Highest ranking member of the Cult of Majora is known as an Exarch. Or essentially known as the Avatar of Majora's will in Hyrule. Majora is also known to have three or four adepts of considerable power, an adept is a godlike figure that lives beside Majora in his own domain. They are weaker than Majora himself, but stronger than his Exarchs.


    The Sheikah are a little different again. The Sheikah draw their power from primarily the plane of shadow which has been known to yield unpredictable results. The Sheikah are also involved in magic that twists and misshapes the body that is also granted to them by the Plane of Shadow. They make their home inside of the Shadow Temple in Kakariko, because the Shadow Temple is the place in the world closest to the Plane of Shadow. Despite this affinity to shadow, there have been truthbearers that have uncovered artifacts of various different nations, some of which enchanted by Occultists. So it is not unheard of for Sheikah priests to draw upon powers from Termina in combination with the plane of Shadow. In one such incident, the creature Bongo Bongo was created, and locked away as an abomination. Many of these Sheikah " Accidents" Exist, though none are as horrific as Bongo Bongo. Since they draw their powers from the Plane of Shadow their powers would be affected by a ripple in the magical energies. Their powers are also more potent the closer they are to the Shadow Temple and the less light there is in an environment.


    Fairies of Tarm are born with the innate racial ability to conjure and control energy. The conduit they open up between the different planes of existence serves not to draw power, but instead to amplify their already existing powers. They draw primarily from The Planes of Light and Water, meaning the brighter an area is the more devastating a Fairy can be, and the plane of Water is used to amplify their power to heal, but since these powers are innate a ripple in the magical energies would simply make their amplifications with the realms less reliable, simply weakening them, but not making magic useless altogether.

    The Kokiri who live in the Lost Woods are born constantly drawing power from the Great Deku Tree. He grants them immortality and eternal youthfulness as well as the ability to mystically make things grow. The Deku Tree himself has roots that extend into the plane of forest which is where he gains his power. Since the Great Deku Tree gains his power from the Plane of Forest a ripple in the field of magic would harm the Deku Tree himself, but he would likely still have energy to give to the Kokiri.


    The River Zora have been known to conjure balls of fire that would appear to others as magical in nature. However, this is not the case. The fire is created by natural enzymes and saliva secreted by the Zola, and thus have no magical properties. They are unaffected by the magical ripple.


    The Garo imbue their Sigils within Termina itself, and thus are largely unaffected by the magical ripple. However, they have also been known to draw from the planes of Fire and Shadow from within Hyrule. This magic would be affected.


    The mystics of Horon draw their energies from the Temple of Seasons, which is largely connected to the plane of Forest. However, the Fairies of Tarm help amplify and stabilize their energies, giving the Horonians a reliable source of magic to draw upon.


    The Monks of the Frozen Sea are a very small tribe of monks and scholars that live in the frozen sea and live to analyze the energies that bind reality together. They seek to understand the universe and sometimes meddle in affairs that they do not have any business meddling in. These Monks worship the Fierce Diety, who grants them the power they need to accomplish the tasks they seek to accomplish, whatever it is. Therefore some of these monks have gained the ability to step between the fabrics of reality. This gift however, along with some more meddling by the monks cause a devastating imbalance of power which set all of the planes out of wack and caused a devastating ripple through the subspace effecting all Domains and Deities. Milanch is of this tribe of Monks, but ran away to Hyrule where he was saved by the Mad God. He has been in his service ever since. Since the Monks gain their powers from the Fierce Deity and since the ripple could possibly injure even gods. I would say that their powers would be affected by the ripple.
    Last edited by Avatar of the Ice Wolf; January 11, 2013 at 12:08 PM.

    West: Foranar- Azurita - The Redeemer - Sinteiria - Sakotae the Guardian (Tavia) - Saleria
    East: Nerise - Kiril

  3. #3
    Avatar of the Ice Wolf's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception

    Arc 4 Rules:

    Original Thirteen Rules, All Reaffirmed:

    1. First and foremost follow all TWC Terms of Service.
    2. Obey all direction you receive from TWC mods and Local mods alike.
    3. PM all profiles to me in correct format.
    4. Keep interactions PG-13, romance and violence are encouraged, but let's not get too descriptive.
    5. Literacy is important. When posting, post at least three sentences, post in the third person, and try to accomplish something in each post.
    6. Metagaming is not allowed. Do not use any sort of outside information that you have that your character doesn't in order to gain an advantage.
    7. I created the roleplay, I would like a little respect, if you aren't following any of these rules or rules that are made in the future I will ask that you do not post again.
    8. Characters can be killed only with consent from the person being killed.
    9. Fights will be fought and reasonably judged.
    10. God-modding, all-dodge, auto-hit are not allowed. You get one warning. *
    11. No Canon characters please.
    12. I reserve the right to create more rules as needed.
    *Auto-hitting and all-dodging. You cannot describe the effect your attack has on an individual, it is up to the other person to show good sportsmanship and allow a reasonable effect to happen to their character, and characters are allowed to dodge as long as it's reasonable.

    No character is good enough to survive a whole fight with Link himself without a few scratches.

    New Rules And/Or Amendments:

    1. Multiple characters are permitted, but I reserve the right to kill all but one of any single person's characters if quality of either plot or character are degraded from having multiple characters.
    2. Keep all characters within reason, both in terms of power and with regards to lore. I will not accept profiles of characters that have no place in the setting of the RP or who have far too much power. Moderator characters and bosses can ignore the power rule in order to enact their roles. Please contact me if you have any questions or with requests to make a character "workable."
    3. Characters can be killed without consent during Boss Battles if it flows naturally within the fight. However, you may request that your last move be edited out to change the outcome. The Boss will alter his action accordingly.
    4. Optional Boss Battles carry with them the risk of any and all PCs being killed without consent. You may not request that you edit out your move during an Optional Boss Battle.
    5. Realism and staying in character take priority. Closely related with the rule against Metagaming, do not have your PC perform actions contrary to their character in order to achieve a desired outcome. The only exception is to maintain Old Rule #8, and that will be mediated.
    6. There will be no arguments in the OOC. If there is a problem, contact me or one of the other Moderators/GMs.
    7. The powers granted by Old Rule 7 have been extended to all GMs and Moderators.
    8. Old Rule 11 has been modified so that GMs and Moderators can assume control of canon characters for plot purposes and may fully play as a canon villain. This has always been the case, but this rule makes it official.
    9. No alterations to the rules can work to your immediate detriment*. You may benefit immediately from any rule alterations that work in your favor.
    10. User profiles can be made anonymous upon request. Only GMs will then have knowledge of your character's history and whatever secrets that may lie therein.
    11. New roleplayers should attempt to create characters that will fit within the context of a Hyrule: Total War / Legend of Zelda roleplay, as well as the individual plots ongoing at the time of the character's creation. Newbies are to begin with characters that do not possess overblown unique characteristics, and are to refrain from creating overpowered and unrealistic (with respect to the setting) characters. Greater creative freedom will be given after the GMs are sure a roleplayer -- this includes any roleplayer, regardless of seniority -- can demonstrate due restraint and can give proper attention to the necessary internal qualities of his or her creation.

    *An example of this would be the repeal of the law against "character death without consent" during an instance of PvP. Such a repeal would only go into effect for your character after the fight's conclusion. This is based off an actual U.S. law.
    Last edited by Avatar of the Ice Wolf; June 23, 2014 at 10:25 PM.

    West: Foranar- Azurita - The Redeemer - Sinteiria - Sakotae the Guardian (Tavia) - Saleria
    East: Nerise - Kiril

  4. #4
    Avatar of the Ice Wolf's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception

    The following is the skeleton that is to be used for character profiles.

    HTML Code:
    [img](Optional picture of your character here)[/img]
    [b] Name:[/b]
    [b] Age:[/b]
    [b] Race:[/b][/FONT]
    [b] Abilities/Special Training:[/b](Be Reasonable)
    [b] Weapon(s):[/b]
    [b] Personality:[/b]
    [b] History:[/b][/FONT]
    [b]Theme:[/b] ( You have your wish Diddly.)
    [b] Other:[/b] 
    Last edited by Avatar of the Ice Wolf; January 11, 2013 at 12:17 PM.

    West: Foranar- Azurita - The Redeemer - Sinteiria - Sakotae the Guardian (Tavia) - Saleria
    East: Nerise - Kiril

  5. #5
    Avatar of the Ice Wolf's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception

    Fate of the Nations

    -Losing the Tempest War and the summoning of Majora irreparably ruptured Goron Society. Those that remained followed elders, who were previously shunned by Erithranos, deep into subterranean lairs, isolated from the surface world. Those that remained on the surface were claimed either by Majora or the Endless Winter. None have seen or heard from the Gorons since their departure.

    -Though the winners of the Tempest War, the Zora Dominion was still in desperate straits. The Winter grew worse, causing a mass migration from outlying cities and villages to flock to Domain Prime for shelter and food. Since their resources and funds were all but spent on the war, it was all the Dominion could do to provide even the most basic food with whatever money they had left. Eventually, Domain Prime itself was frozen over, infested by ice-based monsters such as Freezards and Chillfos. None know what became of the Zora, as they have not been seen since their capital city was turned into large spires of ice. Speculation has led to the belief that either the cold or the monsters claimed every last one of them.

    -The wealth of Lanayru Province did not allow them a better fate than any other nation. Though the hybrids and humans were better off than their Zora counterparts, even they were affected negatively by both the Tempest War and the Eternal Winter. This left them vulnerable to raids by River Zora, who targeted the province for their vast Rupee mines and wealth. Freezing and defenseless, the Lanayru were left at the mercy of the Zola invaders, who were far from merciful. Those that escaped to the south were turned away by the Hylians, who were already dealing with a massive influx of refugees during a time of food shortage. The Keaton Inquisition eliminated any hybrid or Zora that managed to slip past the guard. Lanayru is (rightfully) considered to be extinct.

    -At first, the Labrynna Regime seemed to experiencing a golden age at a time where most empires were fallen. A new resource was brought to the attention of Queen Ambi that caused her empire to prosper. A certain Duke had figured out how to harness Majora's darkness as an energy source. This allowed them to create a nation eons technologically ahead of other nations. Unfortunately, upon full integration of this resource into the core of Labrynnan society, Majora resumes control of the darkness and causes it to tear apart Labrynnan society. Refugees attempted to flee to Hylian lands, but were turned away. Many perished as a result, with the few that remained working as slaves to criminal organizations who use them for their gunsmith talents.

    -With the chaos surrounding the outside world, the Fairies of Tarm were recalled to their sacred forest by the Fairy Queen herself. Done with the folly of the mortal nations, and seeking to protect her children and servants, the Fairy Queen withdrew all her fairies from the outside world and gathered them within Tarm and its forests.

    -The Gohma successfully used the darkness to their advantage, spreading into neighboring lands and launching a full-scale assault into Kokiri territory. Though the damage they dealt was severe, the fact that the Kokiri still exist as a nation implies that the Gohma were unsuccessful in this endeavor. The Zola were also successful in evicting the Gohma from territories once held by Lanayru, and the Hylians removed them from their lands. However, they still fight a war on a massive scale to retain control of Gerudo territory.

    -The Kokiri were doing relatively well for themselves until the Gohma invasion. During said invasion, they lost the Great Deku Tree and many of the new towns established over the past few decades. They were, however, able to halt the Gohma assault and begin reconstruction. With Saria in the Forest Temple, the Great Deku Tree gone, and the Great Deku Sprout still in its infant stages, the Kokiri are currently experiencing a leadership vacuum that many in their own nation are trying to exploit. Wild Gohma still prowl the forests, and the Kokiri way of life may be forever changed.

    -Greater Hylian lockdown has caused more trouble for the Gerudo race, who were now experiencing their lowest birth rate in decades. Gohma expansion into their lands made things all the worse. Moblins raiders had even begun attacking their southern fronts, causing massive devastation. In exchange for protection, the Gerudo became vassals of the Darknut Legion. Now, they use their superior speed and skill at horseback and archery to complement the melee-heavy Darknut ranks in an effort to regain their lands and secure a future for their race.

    -The Darknut Legion has gained much influence with the arrival of the darkness. By setting up simple forts alongside mountainous borders, the bestial Moblins were kept at bay. All the while, the Legion accepted into their ranks a new vassal - the Gerudo empire. With their new allies, they fight the never-ending tides of Gohma to the north and keep an eye on the Moblins to the south. While a stalemate at this time, a Darknut victory could spell the rise of a new superpower in the west.

    -The Moblins had devolved into little more than beasts with a desire to pummel everything in sight. Their previous society has ceased to exist, in favor of raid groups that venture into Gerudo and Ordona territories, always a nuisance and an ever-present threat, but their lack of organization has all but diminished any hope of a Moblin army. As such, any land the Moblins take is quickly taken back again. With resources and opportunities diminishing, the Moblin people may cause their own demise due to a lack of any coherent social structure. Even now, Ordona has laid claim to most lands previously held by the Moblins. In response, Moblins scattered themselves throughout the world. To this day, tribes can be found almost anywhere, causing trouble for any of the more civilized races living nearby.

    -The Lizalfos had suffered a similar fate to the Moblins. Their society devolved until the Lizalfos people were little more than beasts who launched raids from the Faron Woods into territories held by Ordona, the Kokiri, and the Deku Tribes. In response, the Kokiri, mostly led by groups of Mudmen of Faron, struck at the Lizalfos in their disorganized state, effectively removing the influence they once held over the land. As such, the Lizalfos followed the example of the Moblins, becoming spread throughout the world. The last bastion of Lizalfos society is found in recluse of Death Mountain. Led by a Song-Sayer, an Aerolfos, and a certain Hylian, these Lizalfos retained their sentience and are the last voices of reason amongst a now-savage people.

    -After the darkness came into being, the Twili and Gerudo of the New Dawn Republic opened a portal back into the realm of Twilight, where they retreated to avoid Majora's wrath. The many other races that lived within the Republic were not accepted into the Twili realm. Since many were criminals, these stragglers formed bandit groups and moved closer to Hylian territory so they may prey on passerby and caravan alike.

    -The Deku Tribes, who were already largely scattered and relatively defenseless, were dealt a debilitating blow by the Lizalfos raids that followed the arrival of the darkness. The subsequent exile of the Lizalfos from the Faron Woods at the hands of the Kokiri made the problem worse for a time being, as many Lizalfos bands set up camp in Deku territory. It took a united effort by all the various scrub tribes, all answering the call of a new Deku Queen, to drive the Lizalfos from their lands. Even now, they continue to pick of the pieces of their fractured society.

    -With the worship of Majora now commonplace, the Kingdom of Ikana has been summoned into the material plane by Majora himself. They have reclaimed their ancestral homeland, and now they seek to destroy those who defy the will of their god.

    -The River Zora have left their secluded coves, seeing the darkness and the weakness left by the Tempest War as a great opportunity to pillage the lands of their more civilized cousins. They arrived in Dominion Zora lands to find their cousins gone and their lands consumed in ice. With no resistance, they looted all they could from the outlying cities and villages. However, when they came to Domain Prime itself, they found that the city itself was encased in ice, and thus inaccessible. Attempts to enter the city to break the ice barriers have met with fierce resistance from Chillfos, Freezards, White Wolfos, and Ice Keese, who now called the city their home. Seeing Domain Prime as a waste of manpower, they overlooked it. On the Lanayru front, the Zola found exactly what they were expecting -- a weakened people with lands ripe for pillaging. They pressed their advantage, taking over all of Lanayru in a bloody genocide. With the wealth found there, Princess Sokuuf was able to realize her goal and establish a permanent settlement on the surface where she could outlast all other River Zora kings. The Zola that lived throughout the Zola Golden Age under Sokuuf saw their society change from savage looters to various tribes strung together by a common loyalty. They evolved in a way that was the polar opposite of the devolution found in Moblin and Lizalfos societies.

    -Ordona Province has been thrown into an increasingly dire situation since the darkness arose. The Kingdom of Hyrule could no longer protect them, and as such the farmers of Ordona were left to fend for themselves against savage Moblins and Lizalfos, as well as Gerudo raids. Worse, the Kingdom kept demanding more food and cavalry from their southern neighbors in order to keep their people fed and continue raids against Majora-worshipping nations -- which had grown to just about everyone. At this rate, Ordona was either going to sacrifice itself to sustain Hyrule, or it was going to rebel. The provincial leaders chose to cut ties with the Kingdom. At first, this was to be done peacefully, but things took a turn for the worse in what was supposed to be a diplomatic meeting to draw borderlines. War was declared between the two nations, a war that ended in a stalemate with neither able to sustain military operations against the other. However, Ordona had another woe to concern itself with -- the rise of Ikana. Those who returned from the Lost Kingdom offered Ordona an ultimatum, "Accept Majora or accept destruction." Even if Ordona could take on Ikana, it would mean that they would be open to Hylian attack. Although it was with a heavy heart that the noble Ordonians turned on the Three, they needed to preserve the freedom of the plains. Refusal would either result in death by Ikana or enslavement and eventual destruction at the hands of Hyrule. Now, the Ordonians are trying to recover from the wars and ensure the continuation of Ordona as a nation.

    -The Kingdom of Hyrule was the one nation not to turn to Majora worship at this time. The Hylians were a proud and stubborn people, and would rather die than abandon their birthright as the "closest to the Goddesses." Immediately, the Keaton Inquisition was renewed. Any who turned, or were suspected of turning, to Majora worship were purged in holy fire. As the greatest remaining servants of the Three, the Hylians took it upon themselves to stamp out heresy within all nations. With Ordona providing food and military support within Kingdom boundaries, the Hylians were able to send expeditions into foreign lands, with the objective of killing any worshippers of the Mad God -- which meant everyone non-Hylian they met. Ordona itself, however, eventually rebelled against Hyrule and against the Three themselves. Now surrounded by enemies on all sides, the only thing the Kingdom can do is keep its boundaries secure. No refugees are accepted, strict curfew is enforced, and travel is severely restricted. Lands outside the cities are virtually lawless. Attacks against Hyrule are constant. If things continue to move in the direction they have been heading, it is only a matter of time before the Kingdom falls.

    -The Order of the Wizzrobe, led by Nostrum and Carrock, has been at the head of a resurgence campaign to bring the Three back to power by conducting a massive conversion campaign they call the "Resurrection Movement." They have devoted their preaching efforts to bring the masses back to the worship of the Three, gaining many converts across multiple nations. Though religious unrest is great because of it, the spread of Majora worship has been significantly slowed and the movement has showed signs of early success. With their magic still in a state of flux, the powerful Order mages have mainly been conducting a shadow campaign alongside the Sheikah Cadre since they have not the power to carry out all their required deeds alone.

    -The Sheikah Cadre has been at the forefront of combating against the worship of Majora. They strive to preserve the truth, spreading sacred texts and documents to those who wish to carry the divine mantle -- especially those outside of Hyrule who have been converted by the Wizzrobes -- while also eliminating key personages tied to Majora. It is through the work of the Cadre that the Kingdom of Hyrule has yet to collapse. However, the Hylians have been showing themselves to be increasingly incapable of protecting that which the Three entrusted them to guard. With Hyrule in the desperate situation it is in, Agahnim has been seriously contemplating the switch to Death Stance and assuming direct control. Time will tell if the Sheikah will need to resort to such measures to keep the Kingdom alive

    -The naturalistic farmers of Horon have changed with the shift in regional power. With the absences of Lnbyrnna in the east and the deku tribe raids all but ceased, Horon had grown into a real power in the east. Labyrnnian refuges have forgone their technology in return for acceptance into Horonian society. Long have the people of Horon worshiped nature at the Temple of Seasons. With the rise of darkness and the coming of Majora in the south, the temple has been a beacon of light in the darkness. Nature itself has protected Horon for generations, and is now the only thing protecting the east from becoming totally under Majora's control. Horonians and Labrynnian converts have been taught ancient magics inside the Temple to help combat any enemy, the Templars of Seasons were created. These Templars are the elite fighting force in the newly created Horon nation, with faithful militia's and the remaining Fairies supplementing their forces.

    From within the Temple of Seasons, the Mystics commune with Nature but with other powers as well. Though the Fairies recede back into Tarm, they maintain a relationship with their long time allies in the world. Fairies from Tarm have boosted the power of nature emitted from the Temple of Seasons, which in turn increases the power of the Mystics and the templars trained at the temple. With the Labrynna gone as a power, Deku tribes receding into the forests and the Fairies empowering them; Horon is now the new power and the last bastion against Majora in the east.

    -The return of Ikana has also unleashed their oldest enemy, The Garo. An old culture, on one but the Garo know of their origins. No longer cursed, from their Stone tower they seek to rebuild there network of information. Garo spies have been rumored to be seen from the Cliffs in the west to the Forests of the east. but no one can say for sure. There is never a survivor or a body to say for sure.... Whispers of secret magic, duels in silence and glowing eyes watching from the darkness have been their only calling cards.

    The biggest effect of their return has been their direct competition with the Shiekah. Both lords of espionage, both are masters of their trade. The have been sending their spies all over, gathering any information. From the secrets a boy might tell his best friend or the secrets of the royal family, the Garo gather anything. Where this interferes with the Shiekah is that the Garo have been gathering information on them. The Garo have stolen secrets from the mouths of the Sheikah's contacts and whenever they can the Shiekah themselves. No one has been able to gather any real information on the Garo so far, and therefore no one knows what plans the Garo have for their new homeland......

    Special Cases:

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    A Poisoned Chalice

    For the first few years of the Endless Winter, Labrynna was isolated from many of its issues and well placed to capitalise on the waning strengths of the classical nations of Hyrule. Sited a safe distance from unfriendly factions and a long way from Death Mountain the further rule of Queen Ambi was one of technological, political and military growth.

    The appearance of Lachrima technology, rumoured despite all evidence to have originated in secret in the factories of the Yoribri family, was at first a tremendous gift to the Regime. A glowing blue-white fluid flecked with pruple, it was quickly found to give off a harsh light when placed under pressure. Lachrima found use as a power source as well, forming a potent cathode, and so brought electrical goods to every Labrynnan home within a generation. The fluid became a signature weapon of the Gunner Posts, who developed high-calibre explosive ammunition, sophisticated detection systems and even perfected the military Tesla coil. The old vein of martial technology, having barely introduced metal cartridges for gunpowder muskets, became a plaything of the rich and a last resort of criminals.

    After around 35 years from it's appearance near the end of the Tempest War, however, the secret of Lachrima was catastrophically revealed. Majora, who had created the fluid to infiltrate and infest the innovative heart of Labrynna Regime's sodiety, sprung his trap. All pressurised Lachrima for lighting purposes exploded violently, all electrical systems simply stopped working, any person who was in contact with the previously harmless substance fell into spectacularly violent insanity and thousands of souls were plunged into Termina as Labrynna collapsed. The remaining populations fled their ruined cities, still haunted by the bloodlust and hideous laughter of the damned.

    Some refugees did escape in worthwhile numbers, however, heading north to join a simpler life in Horon or west to the Kingdom of Hyrule or Ordona. The escape of the refugees has since passed into legend, caravans of survivors battling starvation and constant attrition from the weather even while they were preyed on by increasingly bestial Lizalfos, fiercely opportunistic Deku Scrub communities and the enigmatic threat of Kokiri protecting their homes. Of the few refugees taken in, the majority have either dissolved into society at the fringes of Hylian territory or enslaved by criminal organisations who would not turn down the chance for a gunpowder firearm. Flintlock muskets have since flooded the Kingdom's underground, even as the prevailing habit of keeping an antique fowling piece has begun to take the interest of the wider Hylian nobility.

    Of the true properties and potential of Lachrima, however, only the Mad God knows for certain, and to date none of his acolytes or servants have been seen using it in the manner once harnessed in the cities of the East.

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    The Devsirme Program
    With the Darknut Empire ever growing in strength, adding more and more vassals to their mighty armies, the Darknuts were soon to face challenges outside of the battlefield. Internal challenges. Due to the nearly unquestionable code of ethics and honour that rules and organizes Darknut society, it comes as no surprise that the Cliff Lord society works quite different from the society’s they have assimilated into their empire. While doing their best to integrate their own believes and honour codes into the lives of their new subjects, many Darknuts are simply not able to deal with the deceptions, backstabbing and fragile alliances that rule other nations politics. As such the Cliff Lords had a hard time quelling corruption and the occasional resistance in their new territories, often being outwitted and played.
    Furthermore, aside from being too honourable to make good politicians, there is also the problem that most darknuts, while nigh unstoppable towers of death on the battlefield, make lousy scouts, spies, or assassins. A lack that had left them quite vulnerable against the deadly effective machinery of the Sheikah, and recently also the Garo networks, both of whom were able to quickly set up information networks in the Darknut empire and even order assassinations of some Cliff Lord leaders.

    Frustrated with these honourless enemies who would attack from behind rather than face their enemy head on, the Cliff Lords went to the Gerudo, those of their newest subjects who were the most suited to help the Darknuts fight the fights they couldn’t.

    Due to the circumstances that relations between the Cliff Lords and Gerudo had been relatively good even before they became vassals, as well as being far to dependant at them now, the Cliff Lords allowed the Gerudo leaders free reign in how to develop a solution for the problem. Under the condition of course that in the end, the Gerudo still had to answer to them, and that it would be the Cliff Lords who had the last say in how to wield their new weapon once it was forged.

    Now the Gerudo, due to their own population alarmingly decreasing, and most able warriors needed on the northern front, the desert dwellers was in desperate needs of fresh blood to fight their battles. Specifically, battles that could protect their lightly guarded southern and eastern borders (with most warriors being in the north) and stem against the threat of Sheikah and Garo alike. To do that and fulfil their service to the Cliff Lords, the Devsirme program was created.

    It started to gather children, females of Hylian, Ordonian, and in some rare cases even Kokiri or Labrynnian descent. All female. Mostly “recruiting” orphans, street urchins and the like, between the ages of five to fifteen. People nobody would miss, and with the state the world was in, those were a plenty.

    All those girls, while given all the comforts and luxuries the Gerudo had to offer, underwent rigorous training and indoctrination, re-educating them in believes and purpose in live.
    Now, the actual number of “recruits” were not nearly enough to effectively bolster any army, and indeed they were never meant for service against the Gohma to begin with. Instead, the Devi, as they were called, were employed as assassins, spies and infiltrators. According to the Darknuts demands, most of them were employed inside the Darknut empire, enabling the Cliff Lord to have loyal Devis investigate potential troublemakers, search, find and destroy rebel organisations, or assassinate powerful people who threatened the unity of the empire.

    Also, many were trained as a direct countermeasure against the Sheikah and Garo menaces, to have agents just as effective who could defend the Darknut Empire against knives in the dark with their own knives, root out enemy spy rings, expose traitors and plots against the empire.
    Now, since it is in its early stages, the devsirme program doesn’t have nearly enough members to actually pose a threat to the Sheikah and Garo, less openly oppose/rival them. Nor do the Gerudo have the resources to expand it much further, and so far all their actions are restricted to the Darknut empire, with no current plans to establish a foothold in other nations, focusing all their efforts on defense and internal stability. Never the less, while naturally having many a blunder, the program has produced a small generation of indoctrinated women fiercely loyal to the Darknut empire, and even more so to the Gerudo people, even more loyal than some actually born one. A generation that has since its birth been locked in a constant shadow war against overwhelming odds. And while their work may be but like a child trying to stop a grown man, only the slight possibility of surviving until adulthood allowing hope of victory, the Devi’s have done many an important act to punish enemies of the Cliff Lords and ensure the safety of the Darknut empire.

    Kingdom of Hyrule:
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    A Kingdom Divided
    The lockdown required to adequately defend Hylian cities has had the side effect of isolating many Hylian settlements from the main Kingdom authority. Many of these city-states have taken up relative sovereignty from themselves, though they still swear fealty to the central government. Over time, only the regions of Vigjaro, Kakariko, and Hyrule Proper have remained explicitly governed by Kingdom authority. Collectively, these three regions became known as "Northern Hyrule" despite the fact that regions further north, such as Snowpeak Province, have no place within this group. The loose coalition of city-states have become known as "Southern Hyrule."

    The city-states' wide variety of governors have at one point held steady relations with the monarchy and central military structure. They enjoyed both sovereignty and protection, so long as they would provide troops and supplies to carry out the many crusades. This, however, was only due to the fact that the burden on the city-states was light. Ordona had been providing much of the necessary supplies, leaving the south with only the bare minimum of obligations. After Ordona's rebellion, the burden on the South increased ten fold. Political tensions inevitably arose.

    Now serving as the North's primary supplier of troops, food, and arms, the South became increasingly alarmed at the extent of the crusades' costs and demands. Furthermore, losing Ordona removed the South's buffer from invasion. Hostilities ever increase, and the North cannot expend the resources to shore up the defenses. Many of the city-states feel abandoned by their Kingdom counterparts. Only two things kept the South from outright rebellion: the Kingdom's military might, and the inescapable wrath of the Sheikah Cadre.

    To solidify their position in the event of Kingdom aggression, the governors of the various city-states formed loose military alliances, promising to protect one another in the case of assault. With the Kingdom losing more and more bargaining power, the South has threatened to pull resources. The Sheikah have expressly told the Kingdom government that this cannot come to pass, and to use whatever they had at their disposal to keep their Southern brethren in line. With risk of rebellion rising by the day, the prospect of a Hylian Civil War draws ever closer to reality.

    Dark Fairies:
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    The Dark Swarm:

    Dezaia’s dethroning through the being now only known as the fairy queen was a surprising turn of events for the entire fairy race. While it was true that the majority of them was unhappy with Dezaia’s rule, few were unhappy enough to go so far as demanding a change in government, and even fewer even believed such a feat could be done. And while Dezaia may have been a tyrant who loved “playing” with the so called “lesser races” as much as she liked playing with her own people, most of her immoral behaviour stemmed from a firm belief that the fairies, due to their magical nature, where the superior being on the world and all other creatures were only there to serve for their amusement. And while, according to her logic, she was the most superior of all, thus being entitled to treat EVERYONE like she damn well pleased, she also left her subjects the freedom to do whatever they wanted. No rules, no laws, no prisons, no taxes. Just the risk of falling victim to the games of a more powerful fairy at any given time.

    And since fairies are as close to being immortal as most beings on Hyrule can get, such were accepted facts of life. Still, a majority of the fairies longed for change. Most preferred, as by their nature, to heal members of the other races instead of doing harm, like Dezaia and her followers did. And even some who saw the other races as toys longed for more order, cleared laws and a society that seemed to work so well for the lesser races.

    Still, it threw everyone for a loop when the fairy queen, one of the few people with an ego just as big as Dezaia’s, overthrew the tyrant and made her own personal puppet.

    Since anything resembling actual social structures had pretty much been non-existent in the fairy race, the whole ordeal didn’t cause that much chaos, just left most lost and confused. But soon, many fairies rejoiced, seeing the fairy queen as a far better alternative to Dezaia.

    Naturally, there were those who objected. A minority, but not one to be underestimated. Consisting of fairies who shared Dezaia’s ideology about being the superior species and above all others, as well as those who liked the anarchic structure under her rule, fearing the coming rules under the fairy queen, these fairies were determined to hold on to the old ways. Many of them gathered, and prepared to swiftly strike against the ursupator, dethroning her right away.

    However, this didn’t happen. Nebuzia, one of Dezaia’s most trusted companion and firmest supporters, convinced most of the rebels to forfeit that plan and go for another.

    For just as Nebuza predicted, the fairy queen herself had predicted the violent opposition against her coup. Already she had surrounded herself with masses of loyal followers, the now enthralled Dezaia at her side, as she patiently waited for the counter revolutionaries to come to her, lure them into an ambush and destroy any kind of opposition right of the bat. And some attackers, those who didn’t listen to Nebuza, too convinced of their own immortality, came to bring the fight to her.

    Most of them ended up dying for real, captured, or, if old enough, being turned Korrigan.

    Unfortunately for her, the fairy queen soon realised that there was something wrong with the low numbers of the attackers. Most of the rebels had been convinced by Nebuza that they didn’t have much of a chance against the one who had defeated Dezaia herself, less against the rest of the pro–queen mas of fairykind. So they went for another prize instead.

    The Essence of Tarm. While a few delusional conservatives unknowingly distracted the fairy queen, thousands of wisps, pixies and spriets, together with hundreds of humanoid constructs, descended upon the very heart of Tarm, attacking the Essence itself.

    Many perished that day. Angry strikes of pure magic, channelled by the Essence like typhoons, tore through the attackers, burning fairies no matter the size. Powerful burst of powers send legions of them hurling through the sky, swatting them aside like flies.

    But the fight was far from one-sided. The rebels had individuals among them who were almost as old as Tarm itself, and they knew all there was to know about its powers, for it flowed within them. They also knew how to shield themselves from it.

    And as powerful as it was, not even the Essence had eyes in the back of its head, and it was just one against an overwhelming number of enemies. Enemies who easily flew past its wild magic surges and attacked from all sides.

    Now the important thing is, it was never the intent of the rebels to destroy the Essence of Tarm. They knew full well where their powers came from, and where it would return to if the Essence was to be destroyed. They were fully aware that they needed Tarm to survive. Yet at the same time, they refused to live in Tarm under the rule of the fairy queen.

    So Nebuza had proposed to simply leave the realm of the new fairy queen and take a part of Tarm with them.

    And so it happened, in this titanic battle of magical elements, that ancient fairies faced off against the essence, channelling their energies into devastating attacks or combined it into protective barriers to shield them from its retaliation, thus keeping it occupied. While lesser fairies of all sizes slipped through its guard and attacked it from up close. With such ferocity and raw magic powers that they eventually succeeded. They split the Essence’s form. Breaking a house sized chunk of from the main body. Coupled with thousands of tiny pebbles the hand sized fairies managed to scrape of, or claim from the splinters when the main part was broken off.

    Their prize won, the rebels immediately blew the retreat, fleeing Tarm and dragging their very own part of Tarm with them. Just as this happened, the fairy queen and her troops arrived, having finished of their own attackers and naturally been attracted by the grand lightshow.

    It is important to know, the fairy Queen and the Essence of Tarm were close allies. Much is shrouded in mystery even among the fairies, but shortly after its arrival and their creation, Tarm pretty much ignored its creations, leading to Dezaia’s free reign of terror. Later however, the fairy queen approached the Essence of Tarm and convinced it to give her power, that she could unify the fairies and then help it to further its own goals, namely a return to the stars.

    As a result, not only was the fairy queen very powerful, she was much more attuned with Tarm’s powers than any other of her kind.

    On that fateful day, when she saw the retreating rebels, she chose not to pursue and kill them. Not outright Mayhap it was cruelty, mayhap it was respect, something different entirely, nobody knows but herself. She didn’t go after them. Instead, with the Essence’s help, she shot a stream of ancient magic at the stolen pieces of Tarm. At first, it didn’t show any effects, and the worried rebels rejoiced, laughing about the usurper’s failure. Something that would soon change…

    The Long Walk South:

    After the successful theft and escape, the rebels had many things to figure out. First and foremost, where to go, before the fairy queen had established her rule and new laws firmly enough to send troops after them, or even come herself. There were some mild scuffles, as was to be expected of a band of people to only bonded together to preserve a state of anarchy, and were now forced to remain together because they all depended on their stolen piece form the essence of Tarm to survive. Their numbers where soon bolstered by some latecomers who were also unhappy with the queens new rule, but had been indecisive about taking action until getting word of the successful theft, as in, actual chance of surviving without Tarm. Which added even more conflicting ideas to the mass.

    Soon, however, that became a secondary problem. For the spell the fairy queen had cast on the stolen pieces, the one that was thought to have failed, went into effect. As a curse. A curse that caused every fairy who had laid hands on the Essence of Tarm when they stole parts of its body to permanently lose her wings.

    For an outsider such a loss might not seem that bad for a race of shapeshifters. What one needs to understand however is that a fairies wings are a body part just as important as a leg is to a human. Like fingerprints, each setoff wings is unique. And while they can be vanished when transforming, the essence, the genetic marker of her wings always stays within a fairy. Also, it is the wings which enable one of the most basic powers of any fairy. The power of flight.

    And thus, Tarms revenge was done. Aside from the most ancient fairies under them, those who were preoccupied with keeping the Essence’s attention focused, as well as the late comers, every fairy who touched the Essence of Tarm in the attack, who had a hand in stealing parts of its body, little fairies and elders alike, the vast majority of the rebels, was without wings. Without the ability to fly.

    And that was not all. Now official enemies of the fairy queen and Tarm itself, they didn’t receive any more power from Tarm. The ancient fairies still managed to successfully enable them all to draw energy from the stolen pieces instead before their original reserves ran out, but that process didn’t go entirely smoothly. They would survive, yes, but as it was, with the new and unusual way of sustaining themselves, all their powers were diminished. Ancient fairies were lost centuries of abilities, and the younger ones were reduced to weak magic fire, shapeshifting that was limited to shapes that had pretty much the same amount of mass and size as the original, and slow flight if they were lucky enough to have wings still.

    In this condition, the rebels started their long journey, heading south, towards the relatively uninhabited space between the eastern and western cultures, begrudgingly accepting that at the moment they were in no condition to take on empires. They were searching for unknown, unclaimed lands, or at least inhabited by weak races who could be enslaved easily.

    Despite caution to avoid engagements with potential enemies, it was a hard trek. Constant attacks from wild animals, monsters, deku, Lizalfos, bandits, and occasionally overconfident loyalist fairies who sought to make a name for themselves by taking on the rebels. Coupled with the fact that they still had to get used to their diminished powers, and most of them to long distance walks. The fortune of them being unable to starve as long as they stayed near their Tarm piece was a small comfort.

    One would think that such hazardous experiences, where teamwork and safety in numbers was crucial for continued survival, would practically force them to forge strong bonds, pull them closer together and make them a true unit. And in a sense, it did, but not in the best of ways. In the end, the fact that most of them were in this position was due to oversized egos, the need for independence, superiority complexes and selfishness.

    So even as they did grow close, they also grew apart. Groups formed. There where the ancient fairies, still possessing their wings and convinced that their age and power entitled them to be the rulers. The still winged latecomers, who sort of agreed with that, and felt superior themselves because they could fly. And the wingless fairies who felt the others owed them respect and servitude because it was them who got the stone, them who made the big sacrifice.

    And even in these three groups, true unity was an illusion. Above all, these fairies were individuals before all else, pressed together by necessity.

    Thralls Hiding in the Dark:

    During their journey/flight, the rebels soon began traveling at night and hiding during the day. That alone not being enough to successfully conceal themselves from external threats of all sorts, they soon took to extinguishing the glow fairies usual emit (helped by their diminished power) and change their skin tones to darker colours to blend into the night more easily. As a result the inhabitants of the lands they passed soon came to dub those mysterious wandered as “Dark fairies”.

    All reasons for that title, however, where not purely aesthetical in nature. For, the dark fairies sense of entitlement, coupled with the hardship even for creatures like them to be dragging a house sized piece of magic rock around everywhere, and loss of former luxuries in life due to being on the run as well as loss of power, it didn’t take long for the craving for better living standards developed. And the best way to get that was deemed to be the acquiring of servants. Or, to be more accurate, slaves.

    Even with limited magic, and threatened by new enemies outside of their old lands, they were still dark FAIRIES, and thusly a force to be reckoned with, handicapped or not handicapped. In fact, many attacks on the dark fairies during their journey were rather justified. For, the desire for slaves coupled with the need to vent out frustration over their defeat back home, led to them attacking many settlements during their journey. Sometimes burning the whole thing down, sometimes leaving everything intact but taking all the inhabitants, sometimes just a quick raid, for various reasons, from the actual gathering of resources to boredom. In any case, it left the natives very angry and/or scared.

    When slave hunting, the dark fairies usually relied on their seductive magic (which is likely pheromone based). At their current state, an ancient fairy could easily turn half a dozen people into docile, non-feeling puppets. Lesser fairies on the other hand usually had to work in two person teams to achieve the same result with just one person, often sharing their new servants. Just like it took a swarm of smaller fairies to enthral one victim.

    Not being careful with their new “property” by any stretch, the dark fairies went through a lot of slaves, and only a few of those firstly acquired made it to the end of the journey. Usual victims included Horonians, Geru, kokiri, deku monkey’s, Labrynnians, Lizalfos, Tokay and a few River Zora. For a race of shape shifters, there weren’t many aesthetic preferences.

    Usage of the slaves varied as well, going from a form of amusement to mundane things like being tired of walking and letting themselves be carried, to employing them as disposable cannon fodder.

    Almost there Tokay:

    The journey seemed to be at an end when the dark fairies reached the southern sea, and thusly Tokay lands. After finding out how the natives form of government worked, the dark fairies agreed on a little experiment.

    Approaching a large Tokay settlement at the borders of their territory, they used their magic of shapeshifting to look like ordinary fairies with the most over the top, ridiculously frilly clothes they could possibly think of, covering every part of their bodies aside from the eyes. And sometimes even them.

    And it actual worked. Calling them “the avatars of cloth”, the Tokay were convinced to be visited by the very embodiment of royalty, and wasted no time in declaring them gods.

    Both highly amused and happy, but at the same time quite contemptuous, the trek of the dark fairies settled down for a bit, living the live with willing servants/salves fulfilling their every whim, not even needing encouragement to spread the news and bring more eager followers on pilgrimages to serve those-who-are-clothes.

    Fortunately before this could have a lasting impact on Tokay history, namely the message spreading far enough to be considered more than rumours, things went downhill for the dark fairies. Aside from sightings of scouts from the fairy queen increasing, making it obvious that the usurper knew where they were, presenting the threat of her coming to finish the job, the decadent lifestyle of most dark fairies was enough to make even Tokay question the wisdom of letting themselves be ruled by such abusive lords because of clothing. Then a few Tokay too many caught some fairies in the act of shifting out of their clothed forms and soon the now called unclothed-who-only-claim-to-wear-clothes-while-actually-not-having-any-actual-clothes had a full blown rebellion on their hands, pitchforks and everything to punish the nudists who dared to pretend otherwise.

    Now, it was only one (admittedly big) town the dark fairies held dominion over, not counting a few small farms and villages. And when the Tokay rebelled, all of them were killed. All of them. The entire place razed from the earth.

    However, the fairies sustained losses as well. Not substantial enough to put them on the endangered list, but far more than they’d thought possible. They were now confronted with the reality that so far on their journey, they had only fought people they had taken by surprise and the advantage of numbers on their side, or were attacked by small bands hoping on revenge or possible new sources of food that didn’t know what to expect. This time on the other hand, they were faced with a very numerous force of people very enthusiastic about fighting them and no afraid of dying if it meant to punish the heretics. The fact that the Tokay had knowledge about most of their abilities from their time in servitude.

    So, while them being fairies and them being Tokay still tipped the odds in the dark fairies favour, it made them realise that they simply didn’t have the numbers to fight a war of attrition with any of the civilised races of Hyrule. Leading to any plans of taking over the Tokay or other races being dropped like a smouldering iron.

    Into the Depths:

    Fortunately, while many dark fairies spent most of their time as overlords to abuse, torture and otherwise hassle the Tokay population, others, especially Nebuza and the other ancient fairies, along with a few other more level header individuals, were not so idle. They instead used the rest to study, experiment, learned how to best use their most prized possession, the stolen Tarm piece. They figured out how to better draw energy from it, bringing their power level closer to its original height. When the Tokay rebellion happened and it was decided that imminent relocation was necessary, they used that power. Channelling all their power, sending it through the rock instead of just drawing it out, they managed to levitate it, and then, combined and with a force that would do a goddess proud, they used their united magic to throw Tarm piece towards the southern horizon. The force behind the throw was so great, the rock flew all the way over the Tokay Half-island, and passed many miles before it finally sunk into the ocean.

    Having taken care of that, secured by the ancient fairies having created magical bonds to the Tarm piece to feel its location and guide them, the dark fairies prepared for a wholly different journey. While it displeased many having to cull all their non-amphibious slaves, in light of possible attacks from the fairy queen, guaranteed attacks from angry natives on land, and the majority of them being wingless, the dark fairies now took to the depth of the southern sea.

    While such a thing might seem extreme, it wasn’t really, at least not for fairies. As mentioned before, they were a race of shapeshifter. More, they were beings of magical energy without need for food or even air like most lesser races. So while in the beginning it may have been uncomfortable, but they quickly adjusted to the conditions underwater. Really, considering that before they had used to travel by night, they were already used to the dark, most of their colours already fittingly dark themselves. Also, as a major plus for the de-winged fairies, swimming underwater was as close an experience one could have to flying.

    Additionally, the gift of shapeshifting was soon employed to be more fitting for live underwater. Nobody knew the true form of fairies, but generally they went with what they preferred and/or what was the most convenient. Back in Tarm that had been the form of a humanoid female with insect wings. Now, it were the form of a humanoid female with various appendages of aquatic live, ranging from simple fins to octopus tentacles. For some reason, especially the older fairies, like Nebuzia, who by now had pretty much become the unofficial leader of the dark fairies due to being the most powerful and most used to commanding others, preferred tentacles.

    The journey was long and comparably uneventful. Aside from occasional attacks from sea predators who were quickly repelled (or used to gain ne thralls), not much haltered their progress. The only danger laid in not reaching the thrown Tarm rock before their energies ran out (they could still draw them from the distance, but in very limited amounts). But their calculations being mostly correct, they reached the rock before that became a real inconvenience.

    The City of Corals:

    As if guided by destiny, the Tarm rock had landed near an underwater mountain. Well, mainly underwater, enough of its tip pointed through the surface to create a little maze of cliffs deadly to any ship, surrounding some dry land that didn’t have any form of vegetation aside from algae and shells, but flat enough to live on it. The lower part was perforated with underwater caves and caverns.

    So all in all, the perfect place for the dark fairies to settle down at long last.

    The prospect of having an actual home only belonging to them was enough even to spur fairies, who had for their entire live thought themselves to be above those things, into actual, earnest and hard physical labour. Cleansing the mountain from all the creatures already living there was one thing that could relatively easy be accomplished with magical aid. To extend the already existing caves, joining some together, adjusting their interior and exterior appearance to their special needs, to then later fill them with waterproof furniture and other luxury items, that forced just about everyone to lend a hand.

    The mountain was big, and even for a large group of fairies it was a monumental task. But immortals have nothing if not time. It took years upon years, but down here, far away from Tarm and other civilisation, hidden by the never-ending blue of the southern sea, they were undisturbed in their endeavour. And finally, the fruit of their labour, the pearl of all their efforts, the biggest pride of the dark fairies stood proud: Tamrazi des Naziru, Hive city of the dark swarm.

    New Minions for the Swarm:

    Now proud owners of their own “City state”, if one were to call it that, and after settling down in its comfortable homes, there were many things the dark fairies still desired. Among things like enjoyment, revenge, power, one of the most prominent was servants. And once more not only for the amusement of bossing other creatures around, but also as soldiers, to ward of potential attack without losses to the fairy population, or for military actions of their own.

    Already individuals had started to domesticate various sea creatures, who no doubt had their uses. But none of them were of an evolutionary level high enough to provide long time amusement. The few Lizalfos and Geru that had been taken with the dark fairies during their descent into the sea had died of long ago, this ocean had no deep seas Zora, and they lived to far in the southeast for many River Zora to accidentally stray near their home.

    Again the solution lay in the fairies ability to shapeshift. On a level even deeper than cellular. As a result of this, fairies, from a certain point of maturity, size and skill, were potentially able to reproduce with other species. Something that had been a common practice under Dezaia’s true follower, most of the time for the sick, perverted satisfaction of it. For the process of mating with a fairy, member of a species that didn’t even reproduce that way themselves, is a painful, draining and often lethal experience for the donator. One that didn’t even need to involve actual sex, donation was enough.

    At that time, under the carefree rule of Dezaia, it was simply a game for immortals looking for new ways to pass the time. The offspring was usually deformed abominations unfit for life, immediately disposed of after the failed to provide amusement in their pain.

    Now however, old fairies who had practiced it before, took actual care to produce healthy and strong offspring. Using the power that enabled them to change their own appearances, they played with the genetics of the foetuses, and after many failures finally succeeded in inventing ways that allowed them to breed stable, useful offspring with other races.

    The preferred donators were river Zora caught by expeditions sent out with the sole purpose of capturing donators. Since the original purpose of these hybrids was meant to serve and protect Tamrazi, River Zora where an obvious choice. Individual dark fairies who also had their own agendas concerning the mainland often used abducted Labrynnians, sometimes Tokay.
    All those hybrids shared certain characteristics:

    They were infertile. They were all female. If their “parents” didn’t have wings, neither did they If they had, they too used to be born with butterfly wings, but the sizes varied greatly, and none were actually enabling them to fly, for that the magic was missing. Speaking of, while their fairy blood enhanced the natural strength and toughness of the other races donators, allowing them to perform extraordinary acts of strength when matured, as well as prolonging their live greatly, at the same time slowing the aging process for the body, they were not able to do actual fairy magic of any kind. Unless being able to see in the dark was considered to be magic.

    Going Native:

    While Tamrazi was the new, main home of the dark fairies, and a pretty safe one at that, nobody was actually forced to live there, and most fairies were self-centred individuals at heart still. Self-centred individuals who saw the world as their personal playground. And were pretty much immortal.

    So despite all its wonders and advantages, Tamrazi could t some point become boring for a fairy, especially the older ones. Fortunately there are many ways for fairies to entertain themselves, especially dark ones. And the most popular outside of the Hive City was the following:

    Leave the ocean and go back to the mainland. Pick any civilisation that is far enough to life in homes. Or huts if you are into that. Assume the form of a member of the race in question. Then join said race. Preferably as someone with wealth and power, either by claiming to be someone who had the good fortune of stumbling over something valuable, or first spy on an already wealthy and powerful individual, kill it and dispose of it, then assume its form and position.

    As a result, many (not nearly enough to cause too big of a problem though, usually) dark fairies are living all over the continents disguised as members of the most successful races, enjoying the life of the rich and powerful, finding distraction in the always intriguing ways of those funny mortals. Sometimes, if the dark fairy in question has some personal problems with specific races, if only for a centuries old minor affront, they’ll use their powers to sow mischief, sabotaging or even attempting to cause wars. Fortunately those are acts of lone individuals, and most other incognito fairies are contend with having some simple fun and not going over anything more extreme than local crimes involving kidnapping, extortion, theft and various perverted actions that tend to draw lynch mobs when revealed.

    But in general no dark fairy ever passes up a chance to discredit or frame the fairies of Tarm if they have the chance, and if it’s only flying through the woods in their original fairy form to make people afraid of Tarm fairies.


    While as of now, Tamrazi des Naziru has no defined ruler, not even something like a council, there are clear pecking orders, usually based on strength. At the bottom are young fairies still limited in their size to that of a human hand. To compensate for that, they usually life together in numerous groups, seeking strength in numbers. They tend to live outside the actual mountain, sometimes in caves, but often without any kind of home. Just the swarm. Surviving the various sea predators tends to harden them up and quickly make them understand how unforgiving nature tends to be.

    On the top are the ancient fairies, unmatched in power and life experience by others of their kind. Their homes usually are deep within the mountain. Should Tamrazi ever actually be attacked, their homes would be the last to be invaded.

    Between those, various other groups fight for dominance. There are matured fairies who have reached human size, but are far from powerful enough to challenge ancient fairies. Then there are wingless fairies, who still thinks the history behind their loss entitles them (as well as the fact that they still are a majority), while those with wings think the mere fact that they DO have wings entitles them. Then there are the hybrids, who refuse to let the fact that one of their parents was of lesser blood bring them down.

    Now, pretty much the entire mountain that is Tamrazi has been undermined. There are hundreds of places that make for comfortable quarters, thousands of tunnels, hidden entrances, hideouts, only the immortal will ever live long enough to remember it all. On the outside, at the bottom, the mountain is surrounded by something akin to suburbs, a ring of actual underwater houses or natural caves.

    Since the survival of the fittest is in full effect, and fairies don’t practice something like “inheritance”, the places where a member of the dark swarm lives can change any day. It’s simple “want it, take it”. Should an individual desire a specific part of Tamrazi that is already inhabited, nobody will bat an eye if she were to walk in and throw the former owner out by force. If one can’t keep oneself in a place, you don’t deserve it. In that case the victim must either search for someone weaker to throw out of another part of the mountain, or move out and set up camp in the outer ring.

    That might sound cruel, but it keeps life interesting, a constant challenge. Also, while young, small fairies are usually going around in groups, the older and more powerful they become the smaller the groups grow, constant back stabbing driving them apart. Once a fairy manages to survive to become ancient, a VERY long process, she is usually alone, with maybe allies, but not actual close friends. And at that point, she is usually strong enough to conquer a nice place in the deepest part of Tamrazi for herself, her power then making her untouchable for everyone aside from the other ancients.

    So basically, the more powerful the fairy, the smaller the circles she lives in. If that is ignored, all of the swarm suddenly ceases their quarrels to bring the hammer down on those stubborn fools who refuse to split apart, looking like they want to use numbers to take over.

    An exception from that are the hybrids. While held in disdain by many dark fairies, often even their makers, the basic philosophy of the dark swarm demands people to be judged by their abilities and power (well, people with fairy blood at least). And given that hybrids tend to be weaker than the average fairy who has reached human size, it is accepted for them to stay in bigger groups.
    And as long as no one is killed, all is fine. If one were actually to die, well, ancient fairies have many ways to get true answers out of people….

    Concerning the fairies living in foreign lands in disguise, they have usually matured to human size, or are ancient already They are tired of Tamrazi and go to the surface to find new pleasures. When at some point they return, they usually do so with many new experiences, skills and powerful items, making it easy to get back up high on the social ladder.


    The political structure of the dark fairies is a complicated matter. At some point, it used to be easier. During their journey south, they were much like every other band of refuges, aside from all the destructive magic. When going into the sea and founding their hive city, they even had a leader. Nebuza, former close companion of Dezaia, oldest of the dark fairies. The one who came up with the ides of stealing a part of the Essence of Tarm, to travel south the way they did, to throw the rock to there they wanted to go instead of dragging it around, and to move into the ocean in the first place (okay, the last part hadn’t been her idea, but she had brainwashed the lesser fairy who had originally come up with it and told her, so that didn’t really matter).

    Point is, those credential (as well as being the most powerful of them all, making everyone to afraid to challenge her) enabled her to declare herself a supreme queen in her own right, as well as sole ruler of Tamrazi once it was founded. And for a few years, that worked. However, Nebuzia made some severe miscalculations. After seeing Dezaia being overthrown by the fairy queen, she was afraid of the same thing happening to her if she was to soft. As a result, she became a bigger tyrant than Dezaia had been, brutally supressing her subjects.

    Which was the exact wrong thing to do. What Nebuzia failed to understand was that Dezaia had been overthrown by fairies who didn’t agree with her cruel perversions and longed for more stability brought by laws. The dark fairies who had fled Tarm however did so because they wanted to be able to continue being as perverted and decadent as they damn well pleased, without laws holding them in place. Most would have been completely fine with Nebuza simply declaring herself queen and leaving it at that, having her own fun and having her subjects have theirs. Occasional and coincidental cruelty to individual citizens acceptable. Repressing the masses however, that made most dark fairies think they had just traded one repressive ruler for another.

    And so, feeling save in the face of her superior power and accomplishments, Nebuzia was pretty surprised when an entire army of conspirators successfully ambushed and overpowered her in her own personal quarters, shattering her body. This didn’t kill her, as is the case with any great fairy her body was just separated into dozens of small fairies. However, the magical forces behind the shattering blow had been so extreme that it would take Nebuzia years to regain her old form and power.

    And when, after years, she was back to normal, there was no way for her to go back to power. Her assassins had set up their own “political” system. Inscribed into the Tarm rock positioned in the deepest, darkest cave within the mountain that was the city, it now sported three rules, translatable in:

    “No one shall ever rule over the hive city of the dark swarm”

    “No member of the dark swarm shall kill another member of the dark swarm”

    “All who break these laws are to die of death”

    The thought behind that was the following: The dark fairies didn’t want anyone to rule over them and force them to obey rules. But if they simply lived without rules, one of them might take them over by force. So they relented to let themselves be governed by three rules only, who would cause that if anyone of them tried to take over, she would have EVERYONE else against her. Also, the dark fairies had, in comparison to other empires, never been all that numerous to begin with, hence one city being enough (even though it was a really big one), so it was actually necessary to avoid death through infighting.

    However, this does not mean that things are peaceful and friendly in Tmrazi. Quite the opposite. While there is a rule against killing, nothing is said about fighting, stealing, kidnapping, beating, torture, imprisonment and the likes. Dar fairies like their fun, and are firm believers in the survival of the fittest. So if some old fairy beats up some lesser fairy and turns her into her own personal punching back, it’s the lesser fairies fault for not being strong enough/smart enough to have avoided that, and if she wants to gain freedom, she’ll have to figure out on her own how to escape.

    Nebuzia was also happy with that. As nice as the feeling of having been a queen was, it also caused far too much stress and responsibility. With her restored powers, she was pretty safe from most other dark fairies, and as long as she didn’t try to get a new crown, she could have fun like before with nobody bothering her about it.


    Once again this is a special case with the dark fairies. As immortals with no need for trivial things such as food, and many deeming the other races to be as far removed from being equal as possible, there isn’t much economics, or even trade, to be had. Luxury items can be formed by magical means or taken by force. It is true that hybrids need food, but pretty much all of them are carnivorous, and the sea provides more than enough food in that regard. And if they can’t even hunt for themselves, they didn’t deserve to exist in the first place.

    So mainly, “economics” could be summed up with “sinking the vessel of every unlucky sod who got too close to their home, or doing some raiding to get nice things/food”.

    What is held in value however, other than power, is magic. Or magical objects, to be more precise. For, the amounts of energy that can be drawn from the stolen pieces from the Essence of Tarm is infinite. The number of fairies it can sustain, however, is very much finite. Which is also why it is a good thing that hybrids are infertile, so that their numbers can easily be held in check.

    Anyway, especially the ancient fairies, and some younger ones, are constantly trying to find new ways to gain more powers than the Tarm piece can give, or other ways to obtain power. As such, magical artefacts are valued items, and one can be rewarded highly if she manages to bring such an object to an ancient fairy (and be smart enough to actually get paid instead of robbed). If compatible, those magical items are then added to the Tarm piece, making it possible for the swarm to grow.

    And once more concerning the fairies on the surface, searching for such objects is one of the reasons to go there in the first place (and that most of those objects are holy to the savages just means more fun). Also, magical artefacts, along with the many, many pebble sized rocks that small dark fairies once knocked out of the Essence of Tarm, are the very things that sustain fairies traveling to the surface in the first place, often disguised as a kind of jewellery or hidden carefully in their homes.

    Those fairies also like to, when knowing that their time of hiding between the mortals is coming to an end, conclude the experience by planning an expedition of the southern seas, so that when they leave, ships have already set sail to the south. All that is needed to do then is bringing notice to Tamrazi, assemble a small band, and much fun is to be had while sinking some ships and getting treasure/food. Sometimes works outside the water as well.


    In many ways, dark fairies see themselves as gods. True, young fairies are small and can easily be killed, but the fact that a bolt of their magic can still kill being ten times their size does wonders for the ego. And seeing how powerful they can become if they get old enough, they see their youth as a rite of passage they have to endure before descending into godhood. Or demi-godhood at least. As far as their dark fairies are concerned, they are the most worthy species of all, and all of Hyrule is their personal playground where they are entitled to treat all creatures as they please. Hylians, Gerudo, Zora, Gorons, Darknuts, Lizalfos, these and all the others are only there for their amusement.

    As for hybrids, they are considered to be beneath true fairies, but still above all others. And the fairies of Tarm, those weaklings refuse to embrace their own power, in some aspects making them worse than the lesser races. They are traitors to the glory of the fairy race.

    Now, the dark fairies are, despite all that, aware of the existence of the actual gods. They know Majora, the goddesses, the fierce deity, they are all there. And the dark fairies loathe them. It feels so very wrong to them that there are beings who actually surpass them in power.

    And while they hate the gods for that, they also begrudgingly accept it. As arrogant as they may be, even most dark fairies think twice before angering someone who holds dominion over water. The thing most of them live in.

    Many are, however, willing to risk antagonizing them by torturing their chosen races or stealing artefacts of theirs.


    The dark swarm has no standing military. Their numbers are very limited in comparison to other races, and while all the inhabitants of Tamrazi des Naziru could bond together to be one of the most powerful armies to ever walk the earth, it would be but one army against thousand others. As such, the dark fairies have no interest in going to war with anyone, contend to play with the lesser races instead of ruling them.

    But even though wars are not done, one should never think that makes the dark swarm less dangerous. At some points in live, pretty much every immortal gets thirsty for some bloodshed, and in these instances, a powerful fairy is quick to assemble a small war band around her to go and pillage/burn/raid villages or even small towns. Fortunately in such vast distances concerning time and land that it doesn’t have too much of a negative effect on the unfortunate nation of whatever lesser race the dark fairies felt like screwing with.

    Dark fairy war bands can include:

    Small fairies, matured fairies, ancient fairies, hybrids, ad a variety of sea creatures who have been domesticated and reformed to help guard Tamrazi. Those sea creatures come in various sizes, from piranhas to giant sharks.

    In rare occurrences, they can also resort to enthralling members of the lesser races.

    In addition to that, the dark fairies living in disguise under the lesser races are usually in a position that makes it easy to acquire native soldiers and make them think they are fighting for someone of their own kind.
    Furthermore, using such a position to spark conflicts between the lesser races is grad amusement. Also, as far as the dark fairies are concerned, it is perfectly fine for one of them to walk up to one of the lesser races and offer to help them fight their enemies (kills time just as well). As long as they don’t reveal the location of Tamrazi, the fact that they can shape shift, can and do disguise themselves as members of their race, and in the end shift all the blame to the fairies of Tarm, its completely acceptable.

    All in all, when it comes to matters of war, or rather, should the dark swarm ever be drawn into one, they might not have the numbers to fight it for long, but would be more than willing to punish the offenders. Relying on their awesome powers, their biggest weakness aside from low numbers would be a lack in discipline and little to no tactical knowledge, starting with how to stand and march/swim/fly in a straight line. In that regard, their best weapons are the hybrids, which compensate the lack of serious magic with large groups and tactical thinking.

    And in the end, who would want to go to war with someone whose main base is in the ocean, and can send members of other races against you under false pretences? Or shapeshift and thus easily infiltrate your camp? Really, if a war were to come, hit and run tactics if deployed correctly by the dark swarm would be devastating.

    Recent History:

    In the endless winter, some dark fairies died due to the wild magic, but all in all, they were pretty save due to their Tarm piece at home and the smaller pieces those on the surface had with them. And hybrids weren’t effected at all, some very few exceptions notwithstanding. Majora’s descend and the goddesses fall also had no grave consequences at first. While undoubtedly powerful, Majora had no direct cause to go after them, for they didn’t serve the goddesses, had no interest to oppose him as long as they were left alone, and they caused chaos and pain to the goddesses creations in their own ways, even though it were comparably small occurrences.

    However, all the grand developments on the surface didn’t leave the ocean untouched. Picking up their game, the dark fairies spent more energy in strengthening the old and finding new defences for Tamrazi, fearful of something similar to the land of the Zora freezing over. And realizing that if Majora intended to come after them, well, unlike other armies, water alone would not stop the troops of Ikana.

    In addition to the bolstering of their defences, the dark swarm also set up two new outposts. One in the most life-threatening parts of the swamps in Labrynna’s south, east of the Tokay half-island. To an it, aside from regular fairies, they created more hybrids, and this time mainly with Labrynnians and Lizalfos, to get fighters that were specialised on fighting on land only.

    The second was in the west, before the coast near Ikana, manned by fairies and Zora hybrids, to keep a closer eye on new developments there. So far both outposts have remained undetected. Or perhaps Majora knows of them, and simply doesn’t care.

    As a positive development (well, positive for the dark fairies), the overall chaos/madness all over Hyrule naturally produced many refugees. And especially in the southern parts of the west, and Labrynna, many people tried to escape Majora’s wrath by unintentionally mirroring the dark fairies journey and traveling south in search of new lands building ships and setting sail.

    Sufficient to say, it was a long and joyous feast for the dark swarm.

    The home front aside, the dark fairies on the surface were effected as well, naturally. With all the fighting and fleeing going on everywhere, most had to abandon their old identities. Fortunately, the chaos made it very easy to assume new ones with nobody suspecting anything (or any more than they already suspected Majora influences everywhere).

    Now, the dark fairies on the surface usually had a very different take on hybrids than those in Tamrazia. There, they were just tools created for fun or out of necessity. On the surface however, the fairies in disguise were influenced by the races they hid in than they were willing to admit. Living with them, watching them, many dark fairies wondered what it would be to experience the joys of parenthood.

    While under the sea fairies who reproduced with other species often had a fairly big litter (it was dependant on the pain tolerance of the individual, but hybrids could be produced in huge numbers), dark fairies living on the surface, if reproducing with other species, usually went with one or two, trying to actually raise them as their real children (and quite often screwing that up in some regards, and if it was only secrecy). Those hybrids had a farm more intimate and emotional binding to the true blooded fairies, and due to the usual lack of gills were completely removed from Tamrazi.

    With all the Majora madness, some surface dark fairies however thought it would be better to bolster their own “special forces” with some more hybrids (since again, no gills, so no ability to go to Tamrazi, there were no set limits for how many hybrids were acceptable), or in other regards step up their game and gain more influence under the locals, should a storm break lose.

    However, all these plans and actions are hindered/slowed by two things. One, fairies age for a long time, and so do fairy hybrids, so bolstering those forces takes time. At the moment, domesticated beasts and thralls have to do for emergency soldiers. Two, the dark swarm has no real leader, and Tamrazi is still filled with voices loudly arguing about what actions to take and not take, if something like a war council should be created, and if yes, who should be in it. All in all, the dark swarm is preparing to be prepared for a war, and at the moment not nearly as prepared as they could be.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Early history-

    In a land now known as Termina, which is now associated with eternal suffering at the hands of a mad god, there was one great civilization. Their civilization was a blessed one from the beginning. Hardly any wars or famine which gave rise to the great cities and sciences. The people had names for their cities, had their own cultures and ways of life. The people were strong and resilient, and very inquisitive. One order of particularly bright researchers built great Stone Towers, places of worship and study, like the colleges we know of in Hyrule, these researchers were known as the Garo. These men and women would study everything within these towers: metallurgy, magic, philosophy, even the existence of God or gods. These masters of
    knowledge learned much, they advised rulers and kings, able to dissuade the cities from warring with one another through their insight and knowledge. The students, garbed in a brown cloak of their towers order, would gather information about other kingdoms to give to the Towers. This information helped to avoid war, and thus the art of secret gathering started. All seemed well, until the gods cast their unfavored son amongst them.

    When Majora came to Termina, he came with a rage of a inconsolable adolescent child, kicking and screaming. The light from the sky would no longer grace that world when the sky turned black from Majora's form, a storm came, the thunder his cries and the lighting strikes his tears. The land was bombarded with energy, chaotic and unforgiving. The cities burned, and the people fled the forests and wild places. This continued for hundreds of years, the towers still stood however protected by the magic the Garo possessed. The people and the Garo adapted to the darkness, their eyes and bodies changed and darkness held no difference than light for them. But one day the tears of Majora stopped and the child finally noticed his inmates of his
    prison. His hate for his siblings and father was turned toward the people. Torment, he filled the world with his darkness, creatures of nightmare swallowed people whole, driving them from their hiding places into the light cast from the glowing eyes of Majora, the only light the world knew ever again. One by one he subjected the people to unspeakable horrors, while the Garo could only look on in fear. They grieved for the victims but they knew it was only a matter of time before Majora would turn his attentions to the bright eyes coming from the towers. The Garo decided , which so far were protected by the magic surrounding the towers, decided to do something. The students, the Garo, clad in their cloaks and wielding blades of power they
    made went out into the world, using their aptitude in stealth to hide from Majora himself. If these students were caught by Majora or about to be devoured by one of his beasts, the Sigils would activate and burn them in an instant to spare them from his wrath and make sure he did not know who was working against him. These students would gather information about new plagues or monsters unleashed by Majora and report back to the Master of the Order, who orchestrated this resistance to the genocide. They succeeded in killing many of Majora's pets, rescued hundreds. Many came to live in the Towers, and soon the meager student population within the Towers exploded to that of a small town. The Towers of learning became refugee
    centers and eventually a new people. They adopted the knowledge and ways of the order, they became Garo themselves. While Majora's initial grieving took hundreds of years, it only took a few years for him to be done with the general populace. The interventions of the Garo did not go totally unnoticed, when the time came to finally bring an end to their interventions he brought to bear his full power....and Anger. The towers fell, one by one. Unrelenting dark energy overloaded the Sigils, which could only take so much. The dozens of Stone Towers that dotted the landscape where scorched off the land. One Tower was left eventually, Majora overloaded the Sigils, then stopped. Majora, his avatar my preciously, came before the last Master of
    the last Tower. He gave him a choice, do his biding and live or defy him and life to be his playthings for eternity. What choice did they have.....

    When the first Garo crossed the veil into Hyrule, they almost screamed in pain. The sun burned their eyes, being bereft of light from any other source aside from majora's eyes caused them to adapt to darkness. They were grateful for their cloaks, but they had to bandage their skin from the burns they instantly received from the sun. It took them a day to adapt, but it only took minutes to find their objective. Ikana, the great empire of Hyrule, in all of it's grandeur....Their task to bring it to it's knees, The Garo had come. They put their old ways into practice once again, but this time from out of plain sight and any that found them had to die. Once tools used for protection were now used to cause war on a massive scale but it was all protect their
    existence. It took days plan, it took weeks to prepare, within months they were whispering to and murdering the right people. Planting evidence, using people's ambitions to goad them and then whispering their worst fears into the ears of leaders around the empire, finally lead to the greatest catastrophe of the Ikana. The great civil war, bloody and brutal. Provinces rebelled constantly, alliances broke everyday, the Garo kept themselves busy by making sure no progress was ever made. By the time mass graves were common place, the goddesses finally intervened themselves. They were angered at all of Ikana, for letting this civil war wage in the first place and for so long. The suffering caused by the greedy kings and the deeds the Garo
    committed lead the Goddesses to lay the ultimate curse down upon the once great empire. The goddesses banished not just the Empire and all of its inhabitance to Termina, knowing it was already barren due to Majora, they filled it once more with the lands and sky of Ikana itself! They laid them there, and cursed them to relieve the worst days of the war, three days to be specific. A time curse curtsey of the goddess of wisdom, mercy and time herself, Nayru. The Garo were stuck in this war they
    created, bound to spy on the same people and battle in the same duels for thousands of years....


    When Majora came and darkened the sky permanently for hundreds of years, the people of Termina eventually adapted to the darkness, causing their eyes to appear to glow.. Their children grew up in this darkness , they played in the towers jumping from the high cliffs faces within, making this twisted architecture their play place. By the time they come of age they can run full sprint and bound across ravines in the darkness like they were outside at midday. Years of fighting a shadow war against Majora's agents and beasts made them expert trackers and masters of stealth . At their teenage years is when they would receive their first Sigil Cloak. The mothers and fathers or the original Garo's themselves would teach the young the secrets of
    spying. Shadows already being their life, the children and adolescents would use the crooks, crannies and secret passageways to spy on others as practice. When they came of age, they would go before the Garo master and the Elders (the original Garo) and would be tested. Only by passing would they become a true Garo, worthy of having blades of their own and learning the Brujeria.

    Men and women are indistinguishable beneath the cloaks, but they share the same day to day duties. Children are nurtured by the mother until they can walk properly, then they are let loose in tower to be supervised by the elders and the older kids. When they come of age and pass the trials, the Elders teach them the Brujería and the Way, while the father teaches them swordsmanship.

    The 'Brujería'-

    The Garo practice a magic no one in Hyrule or Ikana has ever been able to identify. From the beginning of their culture, they have practiced the magic, or Brujería in the Garo. This magic came in many forms that the normal Garo uses everyday: the flame rings, the Sigils in their blades, the Sigils on their cloaks (Which upon death activate and cause the flames that burn everything including the tools of the garo). This magic is used by most Garo but only a few elder Garo can perform the rituals needed to make the Sigils,
    the greatest and most distinguishing of the Garo Brujería.

    The brujería seems to be the only thing resembling a religion the Garo have. The Garo have no love of Majora but serve him to keep their way of life. Their knowledge is the only thing left they have of their former glory, of their bright history. Once a fount of knowledge who taught people freely; Now they would rather burn themselves with their own magic to keep it away from other.

    The 'Espada'-

    The special blades (Or Espada as they are called by the Garo) crafted by the Garo are each unique. The weapons are forged by the elders but when the Sigils are placed on the blade, the owner must be present. The power of their life force is interwoven into the blade, which in turn is sealed and enhanced by the power of the Sigils. They each have powers which exemplify the soul of the user. When the owner dies, the blades die with him and rust away in an instant.

    The Master-

    The Garo Master, the strongest and smartest of the Garo. The center of the web of shadows the Garo weave, the Garo Master knows all the secrets of the Valley and a Mastery of the Magic. But the biggest secrets of the Garo Master is his succession. Originally the Master would pass down his Cloak to a successor of his choosing when he died. But hundreds of years of warfare in the darkness have changed the once peaceful Garo wisemen and women into hardened killers. When a Garo feels his is able to lead the people better or is a better in general, he will challenge the Master in secret. This secret duel takes place when and wherever the challenger chooses, but if the Master loses only his body is destroyed and the Cloak remains. When the
    Garo victor dawns the cloak, he takes the shape and size of the original Master, and receives all of the knowledge of the previous Masters. Therefore no one knows when a new master is made and therefore the facade of immortality empowers the image of the Master. The Garo Master's cloak can only be worn by the Garo, and if anyone other than a Garo beats the Master, then it is seen as the defeat of the entire Garo people and to preserve that knowledge would destroy itself. The strongest Sigils are placed on this cloak, boasting all of his senses and even enhancing all of his reflexes. These Sigils were made by the grandest of Masters, back in the days of Light in termina. Since then the ability to recreate those same sigils is all but impossible
    without the abundance of technology and material available to the Garo in the Golden Age.
    Last edited by Avatar of the Ice Wolf; February 09, 2014 at 05:03 PM.

    West: Foranar- Azurita - The Redeemer - Sinteiria - Sakotae the Guardian (Tavia) - Saleria
    East: Nerise - Kiril

  6. #6
    Avatar of the Ice Wolf's Avatar Praeses
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Between the 3rd and 4th Dimensions

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception

    Arc 5 Profiles:

    Avatar's GMPC:
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    Username: Attaxer
    Name: Hilda
    Age: 16
    Race: Hylian
    Abilities/Special Training:Knows the basics on how to fight with a sword. Is a decent ranchers hand, she's learned over the past few months exactly what it takes to run a ranch, and to work on a farm. She's skilled in milking cows, as well as making The local favorite Minish Milk, a special recipe for making Lon Lon Milk used only at the Minish Ranch. The secret recipe is that it's minted.
    Weapon(s):She was whisked away from her previous home with a weapon that was to be presented to her on her sixteenth birthday. A sword that has been passed through her family through generations.
    Personality: Calm and collected, paranoid. Terrified of the Sheikah, though willing to face her fears. She would be perfectly content being a ranchers hand for the rest of her days, but the haunts of her previous place of residence continue to haunt her. She doesn't know how much longer she can stay in Lon Lon, and it brings her much distress. She's not one to kill needlessly and has never spilled blood before, though she's no stranger to the sight.
    History:Her history is something that I do not currently wish to disclose, and the people that need to know do.
    Other: She can't sleep by herself. She currently sleeps with the ranchers daughter who is two years her senior.


    Kriam Vaern
    The Demonic Sword of The Mad God
    Soul is over 200 years old, body is 45 and no longer aging
    Unknown (Body is of a Hylian Male but the original race of the soul is unknown)
    Abilities/Special Training:
    Knows all abilities of the man whose body was taken, combat experience spanning centuries due to Kriam's personal Termina. Anybody killed by Kriam is doomed to Termina
    Customized Two-Handed blade made by eastern swordsmiths, made to be a hybrid of a katana and claymore, Two standard Hylian Steel Longswords.
    Light steel chestplate covered with a layer of black leather, two arm bracers on each arm, black leather boots with steel soles, Red hooded cape covering his red leather coat and mask hiding his face but showing his demonic eyes.
    Cold, calculating and insane, Kriam will not hesitate to strike down any in his path of destruction to please his master Majora. No one is safe from the Demonic Sword of the Mad God.
    Kriam's origins are surrounded in mystery. No one knows what race he was or what he was when he was among mortal men. What is known is that Kriam died around 200 years ago around the time of the conflict known as The Tempest War. His soul was condemned to Termina where his version of the hellish place was he had to fight all the people he ever knew, be they friend or foe, for three days straight, till Kriam killed them all and committed suicide to end the torment of killing his precious people, or till he was slain by his attackers to which he would be revived and forced to do it all over again. After two centuries of pain and anguish the man that Kriam once was was destroyed and Kriam was born. Swearing to serve Majora for all eternity, Kriam was resurrected as a wandering soul due to his body being destroyed long ago. This is when the revived warrior came upon a fatally wounded Vincent Aurion. Kriam offered to heal Vincent in exchange for being able to share Vincent's body. The bounty hunter agreed unknowingly that he just signed a deal with Majora. The demonic warrior consumed Vincent's soul and stole his body. Now Kriam is free to do his master's bidding, and bring an end to all life in the mortal realm of Hyrule.
    The Demonic Sword of The Mad God Walks Among Us, The Wrath of The Sword, Your Time Has Come Prepare for Eternal Suffering
    “The End has begun, Termina Cometh.” -Kriam Vaern

    Username: Bastard Feudalism
    Name: Kargothin (AKA "Kargo")
    Age: Some few decades
    Race: Forest Blin
    Abilities/Special Training: A warrior of halberds, spears, axes, and two-handed blades.
    His tribe, the Tarkaroth, were once known for semi-blinding themselves in battle so they would not fear any foe.
    Weapon(s): A traditional Blin weapon, the glaive, bound with carvings along the haft and a red cloth tied at the base of the blade.
    Personality: Kargothin, or Kargo as they call him, is proud and ignorant.
    He is young yet, and does not remember the Beastly Days when tribes slaughtered each other like mere animals, even his.
    History: The tribe of Tarkaroth, once known as the "pale guardians of the Northern Forests" between the Moblin Kingdom and Ordona, were turned to savage animals like all others once Majora brought more chaos to the world.

    Before this, before the collapse of the Moblin Kingdom, the Tarkarothin were proud Blins; their leader, Tarkaroth himself, was believed to be one of the oldest Blins alive, aged enough to be considered a creature of the ancient world. It is said that Tarkaroth was given ward over the northern forests by Demise himself! Regardless of the truth of this, the Tarkarothin are a unique breed, pale and built like the ancient Forest Blins rather than the Moblins of Demise or the Blins of the plains. For a great long time, the tribe lived on the forested northern borders, tormenting Ordonian settlers for near eternity.
    Their leader became wise in his old age (by Blin standards), and the Tarkarothin, in their own proud arrogance, believed themselves more intelligent than their counterparts. Above all, the Pale-Blins of Tarkaroth became known for their blind charges - the more eager, bloodlustful among them would inhibit their vision, whether through physical obscurement or mind-altering substance, so that they would fear no foe, no matter the size.

    The Beastly Days ruined them, however, like all other Blins.
    Intelligence was lost, and pre-historic behavior seemed to return; Savagery, cannibalism..
    Only King Ganon's grace did the Tarkarothin return to conscientiousness, to intelligence.
    When they awoke, they found themselves small in numbers, with their great leader a great skeleton at the heart of their forest.
    The Tarkarothin are proud still, and though small in numbers and wary of this, seek to regain what they believe was their "greatness."

    Kargothin, son of Chieftain Irgoroth, was born after the Beastly Days. He does not remember the shame and humiliation himself, and is a proud, ignorant Blin, believing his tribal kin to be as lofty as ever.

    War has come, and the Tarkarothin have learned of it.
    They now send the best of their warriors to fight against the Human-Thieves and against the Chaos-Bringers, feeling strong enough to spare the manpower.

    Username: Bastard Feudalism
    Name: Prince Dalamud "Narmal" of the Old Kingdom
    Age: At least 2,000
    Race: Ancient Gerudo (Iron Knuckle)
    Abilities/Special Training: As a great warrior in life and an Iron Knuckle now, Dalamud can wield any large melee weapons with ease, from swords to axes to flails. The magic that puts together an Iron Knuckle makes them equal with the most indomitable of Darknuts and highly powerful, though slow-moving.
    Weapon(s): Usually hefts a large battleaxe or sword.
    Personality: Dalamud in-life was a headstrong, stubborn, and ironfisted individual, as were many other individuals of the Old Kingdom's dynasty. In the afterlife, he is just as steely, though he has been tempered by the wisdom of an eternity in the spirit plane. A determined soul, he will do what he considers needs doing, all for his tribe and for himself, even if it goes against the will of allies.
    Prince Dalamud is remembered into the AG years solely for two legacies:
    A song written about his death, and a detailed wall mural showing the battle that gave him his epithet, the Battle of Narmal.

    Together, they tell a tale of an ancient war, where the Cliff Lords, the Gerudo Old Kingdom, and the early Hylians were engaged in a three-sided struggle over an object lost to history.

    Dalamud, 7th son of Great Queen Nevalat, and Olimat, 3rd son of Great Queen Nevalat, led the Gerudo into battle somewhere in the desert at a place called 'Narmal.' The Legion and Hylians may have been led by many different historical figures, but the song and the mural names them as "Korphit" and "Ssaldu" respectively, the latter possibly being one of the innumerable Zeldas of the Hylian Kingdom.

    Olimat led the Gerudo in battle from a horse, safe behind the lines of battle, while Dalamud charged into the heat of the clash alongside the warriors of the Gerudo tribe.

    The mural prominently features a large figure, made giant to emphasize his importance in the story, hefting a large sword-like weapon, surrounded by spear-armed enemies, shying away. Many figures lay at the giant's feet.
    Underneath the giant are the words "Dalamud Death".

    The hymn of Dalamud, however, tells of how his brother, Olimat, abandoned Dalamud to die so that his throne would be less contested, even when the victory over the Hylians and the Darknuts was due to the heroic achievement of Prince Dalamud.
    The hymn closes by crying that Great Queen Nevalat named him Dalamud 'Narmal', and executed her third son, Olimat, for his treachery, as well as herself.

    Whatever the validity or truth of any of this, Dalamud is a mysterious figure, surely significant in ancient Gerudo history.

    Theme: "Dalamud's Hymn" Orchestrated

    Username: Bastard Feudalism
    Name: ‘Res’ Agila of the Olive Tree
    Age: Early 20’s
    Race: Nihylite (Dark Worlder)
    Abilities/Special Training: Agila is a jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-none.. except for thievery of course; it’s what he does.
    Anything from stealing food to gold to women’s lingerie, Agila and the Ressa na’Leava have done it! If forced onto a battlefield, Agila would be a heavy footsoldier, a swordsman.
    He can ride a horse, but rather has difficulty using weapons on a horse.
    Weapon(s): A random assortment of swords. Short, long, you name it. Just nothing ridiculous, uncommon, absurdly heavy.
    Personality: Naive and childish, cynically critical, and yet feasibly charismatic, Agila is a somewhat self-destructive individual, but only means well in the end.
    While his behavior has often led to only juvenile scenarios in the past, he now stands as a pragmatic misfit of an adult with dark humor and a shred of hopeful naivety.
    History: Agila was born in a village in the shadow of the Great Pyramid, and, raised without a father, became a wild child, leading bands of children to fight each other in brawls and pulling pranks and tricks on his entire village.
    At the age of 17, he was cast out of the village, having been declared an intolerable misfit.

    He wandered Nihylia as a mercenary and a hired thug… until, Nihylia was destroyed.
    Under the service of Mars, Agila entered through a portal, escaping the warp of time and space.
    But since then, Agila, and many others, have left Mars’ rule and service, finding serious issue with his general behavior and tyranny. Others were discharged, and even more were forcibly exiled, lest they lose their heads.

    Agila is now the leader of the “Ressa na’Leava” (literally, the Knights of the Olive Tree), a self-titled band of Nihylite outcasts turned to glorified banditry, naive thievery, and highly liberal morality. They consider themselves heroes in the making, underdogs on the rise, but they have only proven to be humorous misfits so far.

    Theme:Comedic Action,” “Humorously Casual,” “Serious Action,” and “Dark Action.”
    "Casual Thoughts," "Heavy Thoughts," and “Heroism.”
    Other: Anyone care to join me in the Knights of the Olive Tree?

    Username: Bastard Feudalism
    Name: Tantalís, son of Eraia, daughter of Azra, son of Vayala
    Age: 20
    Race: Sheikah
    Abilities/Special Training: Tantalís is a magi; a student of the Shadow Temple, of the Old Ones, the wise and malicious spirits in the dark.
    A Blood Wizard, as they're called. While their witchcraft requires the magical threads of the Shadow Plane to tap into the magical properties of blood, it is the blood of sentient beings itself that forms the basis of a Blood mage's power. The most powerful blood is that of the pure Hylians; that is, Sheikah themselves. Degrading from there, the weakest blood would be that of Blins and mere rodents. Naturally, because of this and its convenience, Blood Wizards mostly use their own blood or of their comrades, leaving them generally fragile and reserved. Using their powers can lead to a self-inflicted death in many cases. Beyond this, Tantalís also wields the 'regular' magic of the Shadow Temple, changing the shapes of things and bending the darkness to his will. He also has an Eldin Falcon (also known as Sheikah Tails) named Marno, which he uses for many purposes, such as scouting and seeing far distances, and to hunt if needed.

    Blood Magic is, by the simplest account, defined as "..first and foremost, the practice of using blood—life itself—as a potent fuel for wielding sorcery and curses. This life may be supplied by either the mage or sacrifices, whether willing or unwilling. As such, the use of blood magic often allows the mage to go beyond their own abilities. Secondly and more infamously, historic accounts of Blood Magic have described the summoning of spirits and ghosts from the Shadow Plane, similar to normal Shadow sorcery. The more blood spilled, the more powerful and critical the effect."

    This, though powerful, is a glass canon; not only is Vazra simply a mage raised in a sedentary, cloistered environment, but he also relies on his own blood, often, to power his magic. As such, he is incredibly fragile at times, and has little physical energy.

    Weapon(s): A small ceremonial dagger of sorts, only the length of a finger-and-a-half. He also carries a saber, but isn't suited to actually using it unless forced to. Not weapons, but he is actually covered in runes, jewelry, and trinkets that actually serve magical purposes, such as hexes and augments.
    Personality: There was never a need to use the Eye of Truth on Tantalís, Agahnim might say.
    Indeed, Tantalís was brainwashed just by living his life in the concealed tomb-like halls of the Shadow Temple, with only religious, magical, and Sheikah texts to learn from. While he understands now that the world is much more complex than he once believed, his mind is that of a colored telescope.
    While the killing of King Harkanian is highly questionable, Tantalís avoids that crisis of faith and duty and simply and truly feels that the world will fall into the hands of Majora and other Duthulidi if the Sheikah do not bring order, no matter how cruel and harsh that order may be.

    Tantalís is desensitized. Slaughter and massacre can be necessary, though almost never.
    Yet there is an untouched compassion and naivety in him, and when confronted with a manipulating situation, he will falter and choose not to kill those he is supposed to. He lives a very meditative life, reserved and tempered, like all Sheikah. Being a fragile human due to the nature of his life, he can and often spends many hours simply resting, observing, or meditating, keeping his powerful mind into a controllable state.

    He believes and understands that the royal bloodline of Hyrule is a near imperative to keeping the kingdom afloat, but believes them extinct, and that Harkanian was supposedly sick-in-the-mind and leading Hyrule into oblivion. (that is what is said, anyways.)

    History: Tantalís was born from the womb of Eraia, a distant cousin of Lord Agahnim.
    Because of the dwindling bloodlines and the breeding laws of the tribe, Tantalís' parents are most definitely close relatives, and his grandparents likewise. As such, he was born to one of the "purest" houses of the Sheikah.

    But, at an early age, perhaps even still an infant, it was discovered that the boy was a vessel of sorcery, which is traditionally recognized by strange, seizure-like fits that occur in the first few years of a Sheikah mage's life. The ability is different from other magic, instead coming from the purity of their blood, being close to ancient status. The more fits the child has and the stronger the intensity, the more power.
    Tantalís had these nightmares daily. He was ripped from the paths of the rest of the Sheikah, whose lives are planned out and rigidly coded into place before they are even born. Taken to the Shadow Temple and deep into its shadows to spend his childhood, he was then taught and parented by elderly Blood Wizards who were cloistered there. This would likely have been Tantalís' fate as well.

    While the Sheikah Cadre does still harbor and even enforce the use of the remaining Sheikah with magical abilities in their veins, Blood magic itself is considered a terrible art, a taboo against all that is sacred and acceptable, even among the Sheikah themselves.
    Thus, Tantalís has been secluded for much of his life, meditating and maintaining the Shadow Temple along with his few peers.
    He has studied and lived by the ancient practices, the old codes, the draconian beliefs of his tribe for his entire life.

    When Agahnim killed King Harkanian and seized power, ordering the Death Stance into place across the Cadre, things obviously changed.
    Many Blood Mages were removed from the Shadow Temple, their abilities to be tapped and used by Agahnim and his new agenda.
    To defend and serve the Temple directly was now less important than keeping the kingdom afloat and defending the goddesses.

    Tantalís has seen more things of the world in the past weeks than in all of his life, curious of the world before him.
    However, his rigid Sheikah mind has only seen disorder and chaos, and a need to bring order and control.

    He has served with a unit in the vicinity of central Hyrule, around Lon Lon, and has been indirectly involved in the fighting there, but now departs to receive new orders from the Cadre.

    Theme: "A people dangerously close to the dark, yet climbing downwards, seeking the light.."
    Other: Can speak Ancient Hylian and its related literary cousin "Eldinic", commonly called "Shadespeech", which is used today by a few Sheikah for magical and religious purpose. Most people would look at it, find it familiar, but not be able to read it, like the way a Latin Alphabet user would typically look at the old Greek alphabet and not know how to use it.
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    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Username: Svenrir

    Name: Gilead Strombane

    Age: 48

    Race: Hylian

    Abilities/ Special Training: Master in the art of ball and chain with tower shield tactics. He has seen many tricks and tactics varying from battle formations to sneaky tricks. He knows about magic and how it works but has no skill in it. He has participated in many skirmishes and small wars. Also he has some good experience in the bow and Bastard sword.

    Weapons: His main weapon is a ball and chain that he can wield effectively in one hand. He also has a Bastard sword and a massive composite longbow. He also has a dagger just in case he needs to cut his way out of a dangerous situation.

    Personality: Laid back and friendly when with his fellow comrades out of combat. When he gets into combat he gets more focused and calm almost silent at times as he begins to analyze the battlefield. Very rarely he will have a temper when backed into a corner showing that he will never give up.

    History: While being from Hyrule, he mostly traveled the world for mercenary work. He has traveled as far as the Darknut capital and worked with them for awhile. Eventually he grew tired of working for them and ventured home for work in Hyrule and found himself loving it once more. Gilead was born into a noble family but grew tired of the pampered life and found himself work in a small time sellsword group. During their first mission he found out that he had some skill with the ball and chain and quickly took up himself the nickname "Strombane the Indomitable Warrior". He left the group in search of more reliable brethren and eventually formed his own mercenary group known as "The Crimson Dawn". To this day no one has given him a worthy challenge....

    Battle Theme


    Gilead has a tattoo of the Triforce on his lower abdomen which is always concealed by some form of clothing. His faith gives him the strength to endure any fight or torture. It is well known that Gilead is very kind and caring especially when it comes to kids and orphans. His small mercenary group will follow him to the ends of the known world and give their lives to protect him. He is willing to do the same in return.

    Username: DiddlyDark




    Abilities/Special Training:
    Harkan is competent enough in the use of his crossbow to consistently strike targets, but not much more than that. He is vastly better suited to matters of trade, weaponsmithing, and, on rare occasions, architecture.

    Weapon(s): Zuna Crossbow.

    Harkan is best described as a relaxed and patient fellow, preferring to handle situations at a slow, comfortable pace.

    Harkan is, very much like the majority of Zuna, a merchant. But, rather than confine himself to selling goods and services exclusively to the Darknut Empire, Harkan chose to walk a road less travelled. In the hopes of expanding his people's influence over the mercantile world, he set out to establish a business in Central Hyrule. Or, he would have, if not for a slight problem associated with Harkan's navigational capabilities.

    Ambient and Combat.

    One of Harkan's prized possessions is a white orb, roughly the size of an egg. It shines brightly enough to serve as a portable torch, with no other discernible function.
    Username: SilverLich
    Name: Yurak the Ancient
    Age: 236
    Race: Aeralfos
    Weapons: crimsonine forged blade and shield, claws
    Abilities/Special training: flight, two centuries of expirience in both combat and command
    Personality: One might assume that Yurak is someone who could be described as world weary, but he would reply that it is simply his age. He has watched the two he called comrades die of old age, and the one who assisted him in the building of their bastion die at the hands of the beasts of the mountains, along with several of their descendants, and his sorrow at outliving them all has far outshined the joy he still feels at finally returning to the Lizalfos ancestral home. Living as long as he has in a world that seems to be out to destroy the very identity of his people has made him wary of others not of his people, and with what little information he has gleaned about the current state of the world, he has all the more reason to hate them. Still, when he gets in a fight, he feels as young as he was before the exodus was even a thought.
    History: Before the exodus, he was but a high ranking warrior, following two of his brethren on a war path against the gorons that no other was willing to take, for a cause that he could die for with content. By the end of it, he had taken part in the greatest battles of his life, witnessed the greatest clashes mortals could ever find themselves in, and lead his people to the first glimmer of hope they had since their exile. The next few decades involved clearing out the location they chose for their settlement, stripping goron towns, villages, and the occasional city of anything useful that they could find, even the very buildings at times. At the same time, they discovered that they were the last 'true' lizalfos, the majority of their brethren having descended into a feral state due to the curse placed upon them by Majora. Gilliak personally led the forces that scouted the forest for even the smallest pockets of those who retained their sanity, but he could not save them all.

    By the time the settlement was prepared for anything the current inhabitants of the mountains could throw at them, the realization that they were alone finally set in. The world didn't even know they existed, and would very well destroy them if they did, and Aran was getting on in years. Despite this, the sole hylian that he could call friend helped stabalize their people, set up the current way of life, and did his best to drill into them some discipline and skills that would be useful. When he did die, it seemed to set the standard for how the next two would: Thresta rebuilt the song sayers to their former glory before she passed, and Barria died during the first attempt at reclaiming the mountains from the beasts.

    He saw the children of the song sayer and matriarch grow, their grandchildren, and all he could do was pray that this curse was lifted, their glory restored, and wonder just how he would compare to his friends on his death bed. When Rail came to him, he couldn't help but wonder if this was a sign that the world was prepared for it's next change. Even as he prepared for his duel with the dodongo king, he wondered what it would be this time, what would happen, how would the world be affected.

    With the battle over, and their expansion assured, and believing that the his people will be fine without him, Yurak prepares himself for what may well be his final war path. He will make himself worthy of joining his friends, wherever they are, he will make the world remember what the lizalfos really are, and will show the world, and Majora the greatest flaw the dark god possess: depsite all of his power, he will never claim all of them.

    Other: Hates being compared or associated with the fallen lizalfos in any way. His wounds from his duel with the Dodongo, while not fresh, still cause him some of amount of pain, and he tries to keep his armor from clinging too much to keep them from becoming too irritating.


    Knight Farln Lowen



    Abilities/Special Training:
    Previously a Guard Captain in a very dangerous city, he has since taken up the name of his disgraced ancestor Lowen, and become a sworn knight of Hyrule. To rid himself and his name of this stigma, he has taken on the role of Knight-Instructor to the reforming Ordona military forces. He is a competent combatant, although not amazing.

    Provided with a military scythe - a scythe with the blade rotated in line with the shaft - made of Elder Goat Horn. A short sword at all other times

    Lacks respect. He is very competent, but his attitude causes him to clash with many.

    From an old Hylian family, he fought for respect in Hyrule, as well as his home town of Vigjaro, before settling on the only role that truly suited him - the seedy and disreputable position of guardsman in Audorn. Early on he discovered that when people at least pretend to obey the law, life becomes much easier. This view caused him to take extreme measures to maintain peace, resulting in his inevitable promotion, despite his lack of appropriate attitude. He ran afoul of a powerful being, who marked the man with the symbol of Majora on his chest. While the Goddesses don't mean much to him, Farln was forced to flee Audorn, and after a period of introspection, decided to stop hiding from his ancestor's crimes, and face them. To this end, he has become possibly the least knightly Knight in the history of Hyrule.

    Ambient: Train Them
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    Battle:Fields of Danger
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    Name: Sub-Officer Caiml Corlean

    Age: 29

    Race: Ordonian

    Abilities/Special Training: A former guardsman, trained in sword and bow, although not well experienced.

    Weapon(s): Short sword, short bow, Ordonian shield. Leather armour and blue longcoat

    Personality: Willing to do anything to achieve his objective, regardless of cost. A somewhat dirty fighter.

    History: he volunteered for the military as soon as it was formed after the uprising in Mesu Ordona. A veteran of the combat in that area.

    Ambient: Fluid Fight
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    Battle:Engaged Soldier
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    Username: PhilAO
    Name: Sepkinor Alkakon
    Age: Late 20s
    Race: Hylian.
    Abilities/Special Training:Keen observer and has an in-depth understanding of politics and intrigue. Reasonably skilled at breaking and entering, and sneaking when necessary. Knowledge of many foreign languages and alphabets. Talented if not gifted at fighting with knives and sling.
    Weapon(s): Two long curved knives. Sling. Has leather breast plate and bascinet helmet.
    Personality: He carries out his duties, with little distraction. Very much a job-first kind of guy. He does have a natural curiosity, which has flourished in his role as a spy.
    History: Sepkinor's past is shrouded in mystery, and if in anyone in Hyrule knows it they have not made it common knowledge. All that is known is that he serves a mysterious master in Hyrule, and is constantly observing and noting major events, wandering between important places in the Kingdom. He is a spy, and if anything of importance is occuring in Hyrule, one can be sure he will not be far behind, and that he will be ready to dig even deeper.
    Other: He's a bit short, and wiry. His features are mostly non-assuming, except for his very bright green eyes.

    Abilities/Special Training: A songsayer, but since she is isolated from her m ore sane brethren, she has not been able t fine tuen her chanting and singing very well.
    Weapon(s): Well worn Songsayer Dagger, and broadsword that she is learning to use
    Personality: Very cold and harsh to those she does not trust, or meets for the first time. She is open and very friendly to only her closest friends, which are very rare.
    History: Having been Raised in Faron woods, Sierra seeks to reclaim a home for her small band of Lizalfos.Savage Raiders had destroyed the village she had been raised in, and now her small group of roughly 100 Lizalfos struggle for survival, suffering attacks from these warbands on a daily basis. She had originally planned to go to Death mountain to seek safety with the last city of Civilized Lizalfos, but with the rate of the attacks increasing, she has run out of options.She decides to attack Ukshulut and take it from the Savages and occupy it...a village would provide safety, hopefully food, and shelter for her battered people. With the help of an unlikely friend, she began to plan the attack.
    After making the deal with Sakotae and saving Ukshulute, she went to Death Mountain, and trained her singing and combat skills with the other Songsayers there. Soon, Sakotae contacted Sierra. She traveled to Audorn with Rail, as part of the deal. There, she got involved in the fight against the Dark World. Upon its destruction, she went home to Death Mountain to seek out Yurak and his advice with Rail.
    Theme: A Survivor, she simply seeks safety, and to preserve what little manner of Sanity her people still have left, and to hopefulyl raise her shattered people into a society that would one day be accepted by others, not as savages, but a friendly, non-hostile Neighbor.
    Other:She can speak the tongue of other races due to her "Friend", but chooses to not associate with them much out of distrust...after all, it was the outsiders that brought her people to ruin, at least in her eyes.

    Abilities/Special Training: A Professional Spy.He excels at Parkour(Or freerunning) and relies on it to get into hard to reach areas..Is trained in the use of a sword, and various one-handed weapons.
    Weapon(s): Thin Falchion, 4 Daggers, and a Gauntlet mounted Warblade
    Personality:generally likes Diplomacy over Violence, Rail can be a bit of a wise guy, but overall likes to joke with friends and have fun.Once a fun sport, his Free-running has become a vital Part of his work, allowing him access into enemy Locations without giving himself away.He tends to get angry when woken while sleeping, or Training his skills, as he hates being interrupted.
    History: He enlisted for the Military at the age of 16, but soon found out he was lousy at following orders and even worse at fighting while wearing armor.When he was caught free running in his spare time, the military thought to train him as a spy... something he excelled at.he was good at remaining undetected, and much better at combat with little to no armor, often besting foes who wore full protective gear.He is often sent on scouting missions where he is needed, and on one such missions, he met a Lizalfos songsayer, Sierra.After a brief but vicious fight, the two called a truce.He has been following her, trying to aid her with her problems, whatever they may be.
    After being branded traitor, he went and won some trust with the Lizalfos,saving and helping the Lizalfos reclaim the town of Ukshulute with the aid of the man, Sakotae. He also knows the secret of Sakotae, and how he really is, and that he started the War between Hyrule and the Kokiri, yet has not had time to inform anyone of this. Rail began to try and figure out how to sort out his life, and where he should go, his loyalties torn. Eventually. Sakotae called i nthe favor he was owned, forcing Rail to travel to Audorn, where he became entangled in the fight to stop the Dark world from invading Hyrule. After the battle, Rail returned to Death Mountain to rest and recuperate.
    Other: He generally doesn't mind getting along with other races, and enjoys examining how they live differently from Hylians.

    Username: Athreon

    Name: Athreon

    Age: 24

    Race: Darknut

    Abilities/special training: Has trained under the Legion and received all the trained that comes with being an initiate. Being an exile for six years has taught him other skills as well, one of the most notable being able to use either hand to effectively wield a sword. Other skills include hand to hand combat, wilderness survival, and some talent in leadership.

    Weapons/equipment: At the beginning of this story, Athreon carries only the Darknut initiate’s sword. He always wears his Initiate’s armor, and also a large cloak that was a gift to him. Also carries basic wilderness survival gear.

    Personality: Fairly friendly most of the time, though can be roused to anger if his honor or his friends are threatened. Dislikes criminals and pretty much any other dishonorable peoples. finds the living dead distasteful.

    History: Athreon began his life much as any other Darknut. He was born into a reputable family living in the southern mountains of the Legion, and grew up with the many adventures and lessons that every child experiences. Come his fifth birthday, however, and his life as a soldier began. But it was not until more than decade later that his life's adventure truly began.

    He and 11 other initiates were instructed to guard a Zuna caravan of newly crafted swords and shields for the Legion. This escort was routine, but the increase in pirate activity called for more guards than usual. The initiates reached the city the caravan was leaving from, and everything proceeded as planned. Nonetheless, Athreon was on edge, and made sure the other initiates and the Zuna were prepared for battle. His fear was well founded. Half way to the Darknut city of Onalon, the caravan was ambushed by the same notorious bandit gang that caused the increase of guards. Athreon leapt into action and rallied the shocked trainees and Zuna. Soon Athreon lead them to victory against the pirates and slew the leader himself, unfortunatly receiving a wound from his right ear down to his neck, later turning the fur that grew there white. When he returned, his commanding officers were amazed to learn what he had accomplished. After much deliberation, it was agreed that, despite his young age (only eighteen years old), he would be promoted to the rank of Adept. On his way home to deliver the happy news to his family, Athreon ran into a local scholar, who was studying some newly discovered texts by a Zora seer whom had visited the Legion many years before. The soldier and Scholar greeted each other and Athreon told him the news of his promotion. After congratulating him the scholar turned to leave, tripping on the trail and dropping his papers. Athreon stooped to help the scholar with his papers, but the older Darknut was lost in deep thought, leaving the soldier to gather his things. After realizing that Athreon was handing him his things, the scholar apologized and left, obviously in a hurry. Athreon returned home and told his parents about his promotion, and they all were overjoyed. Their celebrations were cut short, however, by a sharp knock at the door. Athreon's father answered it to discover the same scholar that the young Darknut had encountered earlier. He was very excited, and asked if he could speak with Athreon and his father alone. After joining them alone in a room, he went on to explain how his meeting with Athreon earlier had reminded him of an event written about by the Zora seer. After investigating further, he discovered that the meeting on the road had been prophesied exactly by the seer, down to the scholar dropping his papers. The father was confused, asking how all this was important. The scholar quickly explained that this was only part of a larger prophesy, and that Athreon was the focus of the rest of it. The foretelling spoke of one who would become a mighty warrior, whom some would love and others would fear. Now, this sounds all well and good, but the final part of the prophesy shocked them both to silence. It ended by saying he would spill Zalunbar's blood. There was silence in the room until Athreon leaped up, drew his sword, and pressed it against his stomach. Before he could go through with it, however, his father pulled the sword from his grasp. Athreon tried to retrieve his blade, claiming that he would rather die than be a threat to the Legion. His father refused to release the sword, arguing that they could not be certain that the prophesy was truly speaking of him. The scholar, who had been thinking while the father and son argued, interjected here that there was no way that the prophesy could refer to anyone else. not only had it described the meeting between them, but it also described something else: Athreon's scar. He added quickly though that there was another choice for Athreon, more honorable than suicide. Both of the men looked expectantly at the Scholar, and he spoke a single word. Exile.

    Since then Athreon has traveled far and wide, earning his keep as a bodyguard and soldier. He has seen many things and met many people, honing his battle skills but losing the single-mindedness of the Legion, though he has remained loyal. He has also been studying many religions, and has declared war on Majora, deciding that he would remain a servant of good, despite the life of freedom now before him.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    regular theme

    Battle theme

    Username: Athreon

    Name: Mariel

    Age: 20 (Appears and acts about 10)

    Race: Kokiri

    Ailities\special training: An extremely adept thief. If she gets caught, it is usually when she is impaired in some way or when she wants them to catch her. Comparable, if not equal to, a Sheika. Also is a decent shot with a slingshot.

    Weapons: A slingshot and a shortsword.

    Personality: Despite her thieving habits, she is actually a kind-hearted person. This is often covered by a cocky and self assured act when she is comfortable with a situation. However, should she be in danger, she often breaks down, as she is still a child. She desires to be a good person, but her talents are often directed in the wrong direction, though she may try to justify it to herself.

    History: Her life in the forest before leaving is unknown to all but a few.

    Other: Is excellent at playing her flute, and carries it wherever she goes.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    Username: Dragus

    Name: Lord Andromalius Dragos

    Age: 22

    Race: Hylian

    Abilities/Special Training:
    -Has a strong affinity for using magic
    -Skilled in the use of shadow magic, spirit magic, and various dark arts
    -Highly intelligent and an excellent planner

    Weapon(s): Has little skill with traditional weaponry, and carries none except for a small concealed dagger.

    Appearance: He is a tall, lean, pale-complected being. He is always seen wearing unexpectedly well-kept and fine-looking black robes. These have ornate and curved pauldrons covering the shoulders as well as a dark purple trim and three gems of the same shade. His hair is as black as his robes and Andromalius’ eyes are a deep purple with a narrow, piercing gaze.

    Personality: Andromalius Dragos is rather a contemplative and quiet individual at first glance. In some cases this is to an almost ominous extent. His eerily grim silence and rather shady appearance is offset however by his surprisingly polite and elaborate mannerisms. When addressing his superiors or those he is cooperating with, the cloaked sorcerer is very courteous and well-spoken.

    Dragos is a deep thinker. His methods and schemes are often very elaborate and usually planned far in advance. When dealing with his enemies or those that would threaten his ambitions Andromalius is cold, merciless, and if particularly angered can also be quite sadistic, making his foes suffer terribly.

    Above all else, Andromalius Dragos is a seeker of knowledge and magic. He hungers for power, both in the realm of the arcane and in the realm of the mundane. In his spare time he has shown an interest in the study of politics and history.

    History: Little is known about the exact origins of Andromalius Dragos. He has not spoken much of his young life to anyone. It is presumed his family (if he knew them) have long since passed away, killed at an early age. This inference is made logical by the fact that those who have seen the dark-cloaked sorcerer have always seen him traveling alone.

    From a young age Andromalius has refined his grasp of magic, honing his talents. Within some of the lesser-known circles of the land’s dark underbelly, he has held a reputation as a competent, reliable, and ruthless agent. It’s clear however that Dragos prefers anonymity and that the true extent of his ambitions is unknown.

    In more recent times he has become lord of Audorn. Much of his past and background in underworld activities remains unknown to most, but in large part it has proven to be beneficial experience. The rise of Andromalius Dragos as the governor of Audorn and lord of Bandit's Cove was sudden, immediately following the defeat of the criminals previously controlling the city and a darkworlder invasion from another dimension. Common knowledge among those living in the area is that Lord Dragos is a skilled statesman and accountant, makes use of a thorough network of information as well as harbors a firm stance against Majora and the enemies of Hyrule.

    Theme Song
    Theme Song (When in Battle)


    A little known fact is that Andromalius holds a musical hobby and can proficiently play the organ.

    He owns a floating wine tray enchanted to follow the owner around.

    User Name: Zectorman
    Name: Saul
    Age : ?? Presumably in his late 20s
    Race: Ordonan
    Abilities/Training: Irregular fighting methods; being trained in various techniques from Ordonan Rangers to even a Moblin (or so he says). His marital art skills he employees aren’t supposed to be fancy or honorable, but to be the most effective way to kill or neutralize an opponent. His weapon specializations are most notably the bow (An Ordonan main stay) and an arrangement of small arm, mostly anything sharp will do. Though he has been known to use a bar stool once or twice.
    Weapons: Composite bow. Various daggers hidden in his jack and one in his boot.
    Personality: While not adventurous at heart, life keeps throwing obstacles for him to overcome. He has a hardened heart from seeing the deaths of many people, both friend and foe. He can be quick to anger, then quick to blow it off; never really getting invested in anything to seriously. He has a neutral attitude towards moblins, but has a begrudging allegiance to his own people. His own people are always in some sort of peril that he feels obligated to assist with. From border frictions with Moblins to hiding people from the Ikanan occupiers, he always has something to keep himself busy. While not “working” Saul spends his time in taverns and bars; trying to forget some of the things he has seen and douse the pain from all the bumps and bruises from the day.
    History: He was raised on the borderlands, the frontier of Ordona and the Old moblin kingdom. That alone would tell any Ordonan much about who Saul is and what he would be like. Someone who has seen the blasted lands and its terrors cross over from them into his home. Blood, fire and tribulations. Some years where better than other of course. Some days the borders was miles away, others thee border was suddenly moved well behind his home, which left him in moblin territory. It was one of those days when the borders suddenly shifted that he lost his mother. Bulbins, bokoblins, miniblins : all tearing up the fields and scaring the livestock off. She was a former Ranger who settled down when she became pregnant with Saul, his father some dead farmer or rider, Saul doesn’t really remember or care, he was never there. He was not even ten when they came, his mother fought long and hard, taking many of them down. Even out of practice she was worth more than several dozen of them.
    She could not take them all, the story of the Ordona in and of itself, and he was taken. Slavery was Saul’s life well into the teens. Feeding the boars, learning the language of the blins, his demeanor went from loving son and ordonan farm boy to scared manic slave, eventually to quiet and solemn. He was forced to fight for their amusement, take care of their mounts, and cook from time to time. Sometimes fight animals he had grown attached too, evil beasts, or other Ordonans. He learned how to kill, kill like a moblin, kill like a savage moblin. He was more moblin by the time he was found. Eventually he was rescued by Rangers, finding him in one of their many camps, the borders pushed back yet again. They took him in; he was too old to be given to a new family. So he learned what it meant to be Ordonan again, relearned his mother’s tongue and remembered who she had been before him.
    For some years Saul rode with the Rangers, learning the bow and how to ride properly. He killed many of his former captures, fought off ikanans, sometimes a Gerudo on the odd occasion (Though he got into a bad habit of not “fighting” gerudo after a while). Eventually he picked up a number of bad habits from drinking to picking fights with other riders and rangers. Until one day he woke up in camp to find they had moved on without him. He took the hint. He moved back into the borderlands for a few years.
    Some say he found his old home and buried his mother, and others say he went back into the Old Kingdom and killed scores of moblins in a blind rage. Others say he rode with Moblins instead. All these theories are backed up in one way or another but none can be confirmed. A mystery to his own people, he isn’t entirely trusted by anyone. Though Ordona is a land filled with numerous troubles, that the Rangers or anyone can handle alone. Saul has been known to assist many of those that slip through the cracks the Rangers just don’t have time for. With a boar for a mount, and the stubbornness of one, Saul is a Hero to some but a threat to many.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Name: Nzingar
    Age: 34
    Race: Gerudo
    Abilities/Special Training: A veteran fighter, though her style is different from that usually employed by most Gerudo. While those tend to rely on speed, grace and flowing motions, she prefers to hack things apart with extreme prejudice, and overall her fighting style resembles that of an exceptionally talented bar-brawler.
    Weapons: One broadsword, one Labrynnian rifle, two kukris, plus two indestructible (as far as she knows) claw-gauntlets.
    Personality: Been there, done that, seen that before, so let’s try to avoid any past mistakes, okay?
    History: In her early teens, what she now thinks of at adolescent foolishness, Nzingar along with several of her friends, deserted the Gerudo nation and the Darknut Empire to join up with a band of Gerudo pirates, seeking adventure and riches. While both desirables were found, the next few years soon took the illusion of “fun” or “grand” adventures from most of them.
    At some point, Nzingar left her crew for a while to instead become a part of a ragtag bunch of misfits. Said bunch found an ancient temple in some location not marked on any map. Inside, they didn’t find treasure, but an equally ancient creature of tremendous powers which intended to take over the world.
    Since nobody else knows about this, it obviously didn’t succeed, but Nzingar’s group was drastically reduced in numbers as it finally got out of the temple. The experience left Nzingar scarred, not only on the outside. Additionally, she now also has claw-gauntlets on her hands which she cannot remove.
    She later joined her old crew again. With the gained experience, she became a valued asset, and if it wasn’t for one specific scar left by her temple experience, she might have even gotten a position of leadership. Truth is, after seeing most of her former group die or have worse things happen to them, she’s glad about that.
    Recently, the pirate crew she’s a part of could be convinced to serve the Gerudo nation once again, even if that means serving side by side with Ordonians. Truthfully, Nzingar doesn’t care either way, as long as she gets paid.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Nzingar, what are you looking for?

    The journey with no destiantion

    The pirate with the silver claws


    Username: VictorAYorke

    Name: Kesaris (sometimes Kesaris The Red, but primarily in her own head)

    Age: (Assumed to be around 28)

    Race: Lizalfos - Res Sakis (Tree-Hopper)

    Abilities/Special Training:
    -Practices a rough mixture of Tree-Hopper, Finder and Neck-Slicer doctrines that owes itself to ambush tactics and vertical combat.
    -Capable infiltrator and moderately experienced thief.
    -Capable of and inclined towards puzzle-solving.

    -Short spear, modified Hylian issue, with shoulder strap.
    -Telescope, originally issued to a Nardu-era Lizalfos Finder but extensively repaired during the intervening generations.
    -One stolen tripwire-activated flintlock weapon (designed to take paper-wrapped cartridges of the sort used by the Hylian criminal underground)
    -Small number of spring-loaded traps (tripwire- or occasionally pressure-activated device which launches a fan of small razor blades tied together by thin wire, designed to strike at ankle height).

    A dedicated idealist. Kesaris is violently opposed to privilege and almost any form of feudal authority. She feels a strong kinship with the common, 'suppressed' peoples of almost any race, although the opinions and attitudes of said commoners isn't something she takes into account. Intrinsic to this oppression is a set of observations somewhat close to those made by the (real-life) philosopher Friedrich Engels in 1844, that the conditions the poor are forced to live in are terrible and that sooner or later, something will have to give.

    Should the workers be allowed to rule themselves, Kesaris reasons, the wasteful uppermost section of society can be disposed of and their squandered resources freed used for bettering the lives of all. The crippling flaw in her ideals, however, is that such thinking is not naturally assumed by the peasants, and she is ever bewildered by their apparent pacifism. Kesaris lacks an oratorical side to her beliefs, thankfully, and her preference for working in the shadows prevents her ideas from reaching any form of circulation. With no formal education to draw upon she would have trouble forming her ideals into concrete philosophies at all, let alone win any sort of debate regarding their legitimacy.

    Personally, Kesaris is reserved and prefers solitude. The conditions of her childhood have placed a strong emphasis on the effectiveness of intelligent thought over mindless violence, and so she'll never act without first dedicating some time to the situation. She understands that desperate circumstances call for concessions, and so if in a deep enough crisis will offer a truce to other races, normally hostile creatures or even nobles without outward complaint. With very little experience in social contact she fears discussion and revealing her personality almost as much as being caught.

    Kesaris has one profession and enduring hobby, which is stealing from the rich. She has developed a fair talent for assessing the quality, attributes and flaws of a given security system, moving through (or more likely over) obstructions or guards, and finally breaking open locks with the minimum of time or evidence. Since uncovering a small number of tripwire-operated traps from the belongings of a successful poacher near Kakariko (plus one tripwire-operated flintlock from a certain bedsit in Audorn) she has tried her hand at assassinating (in the most foolproof and hands-off ways available) certain tyrants and poor-quality leaders whose (in)actions were impoverishing the already poor plebeians.

    While in a combat situation Kesaris is a lot of wasted potential. Her infiltration-centric skillset allows her to manoeuvre around prepared enemies and quickly set up ambushes in unexpected locations, but with limited skills when it comes to open combat or duels she cannot be relied upon to fight personally. Kesaris tends to view a battlefield as a puzzle, and aims to 'solve' a confrontation in the least number of discrete actions. This generally means she can be said to have done almost nothing in a skirmish, with only the concealed bodies of the enemy's sentries, couriers or even tacticians to show. If cornered she becomes a desperate if rather poor spear wielder and easy prey for an armoured opponent.

    Hatched and (initially) raised among the only known tribe of still-sapient Lizalfos in the Faron Woods, Kesaris was by virtue of her subspecies earmarked as an out-runner and scout for her tentatively surviving group. Her early life was not uneventful, and surviving among the very last remnants of Lizalfos society taught her the virtues and pitfalls of both self-reliance and teamwork. Kesaris quickly found her role as a Finder, scouting for threats and ambushes from organised parties of every stripe. She continued quite happily in this role for a number of years.

    Kesaris was, while attempting to break open and disrupt a small but well-arranged Deku Scrub ambush at around the age of twenty, discovered and knocked unconscious by a ballistic seed. Her fellows completed the task of ruining the ambush and her tribe passed by safely, but she was not found or recovered and (assumed to have died) was finally abandoned in the north-western portion of the Faron Woods. After regaining consciousness and discovering what had happened, Kesaris started wandering west in search of her band. She did not find them, but eventually bore upon the edge of Hyrule Field and an entirely new way of life.

    From her first sight of a Hylian settlement (an insignificant market town), Kesaris was surviving on other peoples' property. She at first treated the Hylians as a more architecture-receptive equivalent to the naturalistic Deku Tribes, but as she began studying them to find the better food sources she found their civilised society fascinating. The more she learned about the Kingdom of Hyrule, however, the more she discovered which seemed outright inefficient when compared with her desperately careful tribal existence. As she found villagers starving while the more affluent members of society ate well, she decided that being rich must somehow be a sign of poor morality. From this initial assessment, she began to draw conclusions and find reaffirming situations which eventually led to her current beliefs.

    While Kesaris prefers to avoid bloodshed (this is however more to do with leaving identifiable bodies than it does real altruism) she has in more recent times started to kill those she finds too tyrannical to live. Her assassination tactics are over-cautious, taking hours or even days to gain access to a single unguarded bedroom or study, and she always takes pains to conceal the body, so that she can escape and have left the settlement in question long before any alarm is raised.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Downtime - voix de l'abaisse

    Combat - Hiding, watching


    Username: Avatar of the Ice Wolf

    Name: Sinteiria Atherin

    Age: 24

    Race: Ordonian - Ranger

    Abilities/Special Training: Family military tradition, trained alongside peers as a ranger, basic riding capabilities, proficient with a bow while on foot and mounted, can use daggers and shortswords in close combat but has no knowledge of larger blades. An opponent that has superior reach in melee combat would give her substantial problems.

    Weapons: Composite bow, family shortsword, two auxiliary daggers.

    Personality: Though she consciously attempts to be as disciplined and professional as possible, she has a nasty temper that will show when she is pushed beyond her breaking point. She values discipline, respect, and tradition. Due to her family's history of military service, the greatest offense to her would be disrespect toward Ordona's armed men and women (or her family in particular). As a Ranger, her single-minded objective is a safe and free Ordona. She has little idea of how to interact toward civilians or how to manage peace-time situations in general.

    History: Coming from a family in which every known member served as Horsemen, Lumbermen, and Rangers for more than seven generations, living during the Ikanian occupation was difficult. Still as prideful as ever, the very thought of submitting to the skeletal army was disgraceful. They continued their tradition in secret, training in the dark of night in secluded areas. Despite their best attempts, every now and then one branch of the family was discovered and would be forced to flee until things died down. Such was the fate of Sinteiria's family when she was twenty.

    Ikanian forces had been tipped off that the Atherins were dissenters and rebels. "Proof" was not exactly considered a necessity, and so the Ikanians stormed the home in the middle of the night, only to find that the family was not present. Naturally, they were out practicing as they did every night. This tradition saved them from being caught on the spot, but Majora's forces were not going to simply leave. The Ikanians remained at the house, waiting for the family to return. Close to dawn, they did, and the skeletal warriors sprang into action.

    Caught off-guard but not unprepared, Sinteiria, her brother, and her parents fled from the house and began to run from the village. They fought on the outskirts, knowing that the undead were tireless and would catch them eventually if they continued to run. Unfortunately, they quickly realized that they were outnumbered and outmatched. As the Ikanians closed in, the father made a decision on behalf of the family. He would stay behind and draw off as many of the Ikanians as he could, allowing the rest time to escape. Even if a few of the skeletons pursued, the rest of the family could beat back those stragglers.

    For the most part, the plan worked. The mother, daughter, and son escaped, not looking back to know what befell the father. It is reasonably assumed that he was cut down in combat, an end fit for an Atherin. The next four years were spent on the outskirts of Ordonafawn, their daily life rather unchanged. The survivors honored the father as a fallen comrade, though this outward display only partially covered up the deeper hurt they all felt. When word of rebellion against Ikana hit, all three of them quickly moved to join whatever division they could. The son, Teiml, quickly fell in as a Lumberman. Sinteiria, meanwhile, was sent to the other side of Ordona as a Ranger sent to combat the Lizalfos harrassing a designated supply area. Though not fighting the Ikanians directly yet, she was still satisfied in her role, understanding that it was important for the war effort.

    Username: niveksirrah
    Name: Jackal
    Age: 19
    Race: Looks Ordonian
    Abilities/training: Intensive training with the Blades and the art of blade dancing. Well Versed in hand to hand and Wrestling. Good Archer and has training with Wind magic. Has a stolen tome on Dark magic. Long lessons of history and warfare.

    Wepaons: Dual swords, bow, dagger and books.

    Personality: Haughty, Arrogant, prideful. But also with a sense of freedom and fairness, suffering of others does not sit well with him, but he won’t hesitate to mention how amazing he thinks he is. Often gets himself into trouble with his boasts but in some cases can back up his words, or think of ways to get out of the situation he got himself into. Has a Strong dislike for slaves and even more for slavers. Sees most gods and people who follow them as fools and sheep. also, as of late has taken to being a slight womanizer.

    History: He grew up in a harsh and unforgiving land, under harsh a harsh and unforgiving mother and a line of teachers and watchers. Every moment of his life he had been watched, taught and judged for every mistake and error. His morning filled with lessons, afternoons with practice and evening with being told where he was failing and needed to try harder.
    One day, late into the night he had finished planning, putting everything he had learned to the test. He slipped his handlers and fled from his home, the only place he had ever known out into the world. But the world was a hard place, but he had learned well and quickly adapted. He Traveled for more than a year, his captors always nipping at his heels, but two steps behind him every time. Having lost them by traveling through the war torn lands of Hyrule, he made his way south the Ordona, to see more, learn more and experience his freedom. But he would also keep an eye out for those who seek to take it away.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    User Name: niveksirrah

    Name: Cole Mac’tire

    Age : 25

    Race: Ordonan

    Abilities/Training: Was born with a mark of din on his left shoulder, granting him greater physical strength. Versed in Self-taught boxing and wrestling. Basic sword and shield skills from time in the Militia. Taught to shoot by his sister Naria.

    Weapons: Ordon Longsword, Ordon Shield, Hatchet. His sisters recurve bow, Dagger boomerang and sling shot.

    Personality: Often a quiet and reserved man but tends to have a few anger problems when it comes to someone messing with his family. Tries to be friendly when he can. While he would like to see the good in everyone he tends to treat those he meets with skepticism due to pains of the past. A devout follower of the three. Also tends to have an aversion to women, being shy around them to the point of hardly speaking.

    (Note, goes through wild mood swings when intoxicated)

    History: Cole grew up on a farm with his family in the north west area of Ordon, a place his family thought was far enough from the center and close enough to Hyrule that they thought they would be spared the trials that faced their country. Most of the time the only problems they had to worry about was bad harvest, Gerudo messing about their village or trouble makers running amok.

    A lot of this changed soon after Cole’s second sister, Iona, was born. When he was seventeen A group of Majora worshipers incited a group of bandits to attack the farm. Both of Cole’s parents died in the attack, the only ones left were him and his sisters. Cole had been old enough at that point to hang onto the farm. With some help from Friends of the family and his uncle they rebuilt the farm, a true sign to Ordon tenacity.

    The next eight years were full of hard work. They got help when they could but for the most part it was just the three siblings. At first his sisters could barley help. The older sister, Naria, mainly took care of Iona while Cole tried to keep food on the table for them. A few times Cole took to afterhours brawling in the Local Tavern to earn some extra coin. Coles sheer strength overpowered most (but not all) the fighters he came up against, and he became quite good at it. Seeing the use of his strength he did what any (and all) Ordonians do, trained with the Local Militia branch. The Naria even joined the Rangers to help put food on the table and rupees into their pockets when she turned eighteen, leaving the care of Iona to their aunt and uncle for a time.

    The Farm was growing, recovering slowly but surely. However, fate was far from done with this family. Once again their farm fell prey to a Bandit attack, this time however they were met with sword and bow. From Cole, Naria, as well as others who had come to their aid. Seeing that they were not going to have the easy pickings of food and rupees as they did last time, they took something else, Iona.

    The Naria ran ahead to try and rescue Iona, but was caught off guard. With nothing but the promise of long, painful lives as slaves the bandits fled into the night by the cover of burning wheat fields. It took Cole some time to figure out what had happened, by that time the bandits had a large head start on him. But he would not let his family be taken from him again. Leaving his farm in the hands of his Uncle, Cole took off after the bandits, Catching one or two of their small scout camps he fell on them as they slept. Always leaving one alive so they could tell him where the larger group went. After weeks of searching and tracking, as well as picking up a few nifty trinkets along the way, his path had gotten close, the path had led him to Hyrule Marine.

    Fate still had more twists for him though.

    Other gear: Bronze gauntlets, chain mail, Arrows, deku seeds, deku nuts, fishing rod, Lantern, one glass bottle filled with red Potion. Steel chain with a bronze ring hanging at the end, ring is inlaid with a silver triforce.
    Map of Ordon, map of Hyrule, Compass. Pack with assorted camping and survival gear: Rope, tent, bed roll, stakes, canteen, flint and tinder box, Oil, Travel cloak, blanket, Rags, whetstone. Travel Rations, mostly dried meet and fruit with some fresh apples.

    Always seems to have a piece of wheat to chew on.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    Username: Wolf Link

    Name: Delryn Ineden

    Age: 24

    Race: Ordonian

    Abilities/Special Training: Quick on his feet, can run fairly long distances with little rest.

    Weapons: A dagger and crossbow.

    Personality: Is not content with the farming lifestyle of Ordona, and is always looking for new exciting things to make his life more interesting. Despite this he is rather introverted, and prefers to be alone then surrounded by people.

    History: Raised as an orphan in a small Ordonian village, Delryn’s childhood was rather uneventful, as his village was isolated from most of the bigger cities in Ordona and had little contact with most of the outside world. When Delryn turned 17, he decided to leave the village due to his boredom with the slow life of Ordonian farmers, and began to travel around other parts of Hyrule in search of a more exciting life than the one he was accustomed to. Delryn spent the next few years of his life as a postman delivering messages all around the Kingdom of Hyrule, using his job as an opportunity to discover the many different exciting places in the Kingdom. When the rebellion began in Mesu Ordona, Delryn was contacted by Ordonian agents to use his position as a Postman to act as a courier for the rebels’, and though he was enjoying traveling across Hyrule, Delryn felt he owed it to his homeland to help the rebel cause in any way he could. Delryn is currently traveling through Ordona passing information between the rebel controlled towns in the hope that the war will soon be over so he can return to his life in Hyrule.

    Username: Agent
    Name: Chief (Real name: Koop Da Wala Mo so La Makata Woop Nal Rup Dup)*
    Age: 32
    Race: Royal Scrub
    Abilities/Special Training: A proficient warrior with his Longspear and Shield, he is nonetheless, most deadly when at range. Which is not really saying much.
    Weapon: Deku Nuts. Deku Shield. Deku stick-Spear.*
    Personality: A Deku Warrior, which is an odd thing to say. He straddles a fine line between courageous and coward, as while he may fight to the death a foe he may actually be able to beat, if he sees there is no hope to win, he will not hesitate to flee the scene of battle. He enjoys having a "Gruff Soldier" image, but it is somewhat counteracted by his small stature and weak skill.
    History: A Veteran of the Lizalfon Aggression War, Chief is the leader of a shattered people. His kind, once a mighty and proud tribe, were ambushed on route to reinforce a garrison in Up Al Wee. His people were massacred, and he has since exiled himself in shame. Naturally, he blames not himself for this failure, but the General he served under. He finds it odd that he was told to march through the woods (to save time he was told), instead of using the roads that were installed. He has since talked regularly, using a system of messenger birds, with a small cell of Royal allies who seek to coup the General. Chief has since gone adventuring, to help pay for this endeavor.
    Theme: N/A
    Other: Will run from a heavily armored opponent on sight.




    Abilities/Special Training:*With centuries of experience now under his belt, and a colossal growth in strength and stature, Hando has become a leader of Blin like no other. He has also developed an impromptu doctorate in Eugenics, and has learned the ideals of specialized breeding.

    Weapon(s): He bears both a Spear and Sword that are appropriately sized, with each having been made by an enslaved Zuna craftsman with the sword taking one's entire natural life. The sword is also decorated and appears almost like a Darknauts, though made of a blood crimson with leather-covered handles.

    Personality:*Hando is almost a Grandfather in nature now, a grim man when dealing with business, but kindhearted and loving to his children. Not his actual biological children mind you, as only about 3/4ths of his children are worth his love (see the Sons.) He is also prideful of the Moblin name, and has developed a huge hatred for the Goat Lords and Mayors of Ordona, for laying claim to Blin lands despite the Warchief's assistance in Kakariko. He has named them "Khai'o'to" for this offense, which in the Moblin tongue means "Riders of Betrayal."* He seeks worthy allies to his cause, and welcomes any who would rally underneath him.

    History: Born in the Moblin Kingdom, Hando was long under the leadership of a Moblin named Mazagog. Ever since he was just a little 'let, Mazagog had been there to command him. Mazagog was an arrogant sort, and one night in a drunken stupor, he made a bet that he and a few of his mates, Hando included, could sack capital of Hyrule. Even after sobering up Mazagog knew he couldn't quit, he had proclaimed for everyone to hear that he was on this mission, and his pride would force him to die before he would give up. So he set out, somehow making it all the way through Ordona province and into Hyrule proper. But when they got to the city, they found the city gates already opened, and the sky perpetually darkened. Moblins aren't the sharpest tools, so they didn't think anything was wrong when they saw this. They saw it as an opportunity, a chance to make it inside the city, where no walls could save the Hylians from their wrath. But as they cheered and made it into the walls, where they expected a group of fleeing villagers, they instead found a horde of Twili Shadow Messengers. The Moblins were quickly ripped apart, Mazagog himself managed to hold off for a few seconds before being shredded into bits by the horde of Twili. Seeing the death of his master drove Hando into a panic, he managed to crush his way out of the horde and into the city, hiding in a few abandoned buildings until it was safe enough to come out.

    After the events of Kakariko, Hando wandered his way back home, braving the Long Winter by his lonesome. Along the way, he became the Alpha of a Yook Tribe, and took wives from the choices. From this he got his Sons, and from that, Hando's Kingdom began.

    It took him years to get back home once more, and he lived peacefully for a time. He even became Patriarch to a Bigblin clan, and from there the Yookin and Blinook were born. Cross breeds of Bigblin and Yook, bred for battle and to survive the now-harsh land. (See “Notes” at Bottom)

    Hando fled to a wooded glade on the boundaries of his territory, which was technically Ordonian. And there the Tribe settled, it is here that they heard news of the Moblins total dissolution, and the apparent betrayal from the Ordonians.

    Hando snapped that day. And any kind feelings he once felt for the Khai'o'to vanished. Now was the time to rebuild and take vengeance.

    For a decade he planned, all the while having his tribesmen steal food from the Ordonians. And not just fresh crops or dead horses. He demanded live goats, old and young, and seeds instead of produce. And tools as well, and soon the tribe was outfitted as well as any Ordonian farm.

    And then he launched his plans into action.

    Mass kidnappings took place, ranging from Ordona and Hyrule proper to the Gerudo Desert, and even the Zuna homelands. Dark tales even tell of him personally stealing Darknaut pups. Mostly children under the age of 3, though others still were captured. And soon enough, the Blins soon had children of the Human races all being cared for and nurtured. All tutored in classes taught by Hando himself, where he adored them as if they were his own.

    He told them of the heroic Blins who saved Kakariko, and of mighty King Ganon. And of the Ordonian betrayers. He indoctrinated them daily, and soon enough he became their Papa Hando, and they were his Children. He named them the Blinkin. For they were Blin in soul, and they key to the return of their Kingdom. They would grow, and become his spies and scouts, his proxy merchants and diplomats. The Zuna however, were turned to smithing, instructed by captured Blacksmiths whose services were bought, either with Rupees or swordpoints. Their forges were fueled by the Blin's new secret industry of mining. For the Glade held an old and forgotten mine, which was found to still be very much rich in Iron, Copper, and rich red Rupees.

    After 20 years of that, Hando began constructing his warriors. The Zuna forges rang with the sound of armor making and weapon forging. And the Blins began to breed Boars and Goats of even stronger kinds than before. He even enlisted the help of other anti-Ordonian figures, such as a veteran Gerudo Scout by the name of Sargooru, who trained the more individualistic members of the Tribe in the ways of Bow, Sword, and Riding.

    Hando has spent the last 100 odd years plotting his war on Ordona, and he has seen the time inching ever so closer as of late.

    Notes: The Yookin, the result of a Yook father and a Bigblin mother, are smaller than their kin, but strong and lean, and quicker of wit than either of their parents. They also managed to bred true, and have become a budding sub-species of Blin. The Blinook, restricted to Hando's Sons only, are Monsters to the truest degree. Ravenous and titanic in size, and near-legendary in their scarcity. Hando keeps his Sons chained for most their lives, living in pits and cages, though fed well and kept fit with ritual combat with another.

    Theme: Moblins March Again


    Username: Emrys
    Name: Beric Ador
    Race: Hylian
    Abilities/Special Training: Lifetime of training under his Arms Master and Aldrich, reading, writing, maths, most weapons (Especially his bastard sword), riding, and Religious teachings.
    Weapon(s): Bastard Sword, military dagger, round shield, hunting crossbow, boar spear.
    Personality: Beric is an idealist and quite naive, often viewing the world in blacks and whites. Everything is cut and dry. He has strong morals and he will stubbornly defend them unto death. He is also quite caring of those he views as friends or family. Beric, however, has an egotistical mindset and sees the world as his plaything. He does not care for menial tasks such as chopping fire wood or watering the horses. He has servants for that.
    History: Beric is the son of Prince Geldr who died soon after his birth and a noble woman of Snowpeak, Melinda. He was raised as any noble would with an emphasis on matters of state and martial training. His grandfather Aldrich and the castle arms master were his teachers in both, though he occasionally chafes under their guidance. Not much notable other than his impressive tournament record are of consequence.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Other: Is the next in line for the throne of Snowpeak.
    looks like a mixture of the two garbs
    Username: Dark Mewtwo

    Name: Naljarno/Argos Malcana

    Age: Was in mid 20s when he was cursed

    Race: Ikanian

    Abilities/Special Training: Warrior of two nations: he was trained by the Garo in the art of death dealing, later trained by the Ikanian elite knights in the art of sword and shield, is also very deadly in hand to hand imploying a nerve attacks his favorate being the Garo Death Touch made all the more deadly by his boney hand. Unnaturally strong: Argos has become unnaturally strong due to the fact he was forced to carry his cursed blade for so many years in Termina.

    Weapons: uses weapons best fit for a Garo and an Ikanian uses two retracible garo blades hidden under his cloak, carries a cursed blue metal blade and an Ikanian shield with a retracible spike in the middle.

    Personality: Bred for war: Argos was made to be a weapon which caused him to become cold and hard on the outside and at home in the dueling ring or on the battlefield, but deep down he cares for all, even those who have wronged him. Noble Blood: Argos has a great talent for speeches and debate due to his family history, time in the Ikanian court, time as a captain in the Ikanian army and training in speaking (so he would fit in amid the Nobles of Ikana) from his Garo masters. Personal insanity: his mind began to slip in termina making him metally insane. Once back in Hyrule, he overcame most of his problems but still has moments of mania. Unbreakable will: his will is near unbreakable due to it being tempered and forged in the depths of Termina. Once he sets his mind to something few things can sway it.

    History: Argos was born in an outer Ikanian boarder city to a noble family. Unknown to his family, a group of Garo led by a warrior named Ferno was planning on taking the city and sowing chaos in the region; but by the time Ferno and his men reached the town, they found it already burning. When they scouted out the city they found a group of wild Moblins feasting on the bounty of the Ikanian city. Outraged, the Garo picked off the brutes and clamed the city as thier own. Once within, a Garo brought a small Ikanian babe that the brutish pigs had missed to Ferno. Just before Ferno slew the babe, their eyes met, and Ferno saw great potential in the babe's eyes. Ferno gasped and dropped his sword. His men rushed to his side, but he waved them off. He then picked up the babe, named him Naljarno and swore to teach him the way of the Garo.

    He was raised in a normal Garo family till he reached the age of 3, then Garo masters at the Stone Tower took an intrest in his training, seeing him as an asset they could use. With this, they could have an Ikanian who had high standing in the court of Ikana serving as a spy. So he was taken to the Stone Tower to learn the ways of the Garo. The other children did not accept him as one of their own, save for one Garo boy named Tarnio. One day, when Tarnio and Argos were training on a cliff, unknown to Tarnio a large rock began falling towards him; but, Argos saw it and pushed Tarnio out of the way. This caused them to become even closer friends.

    When the time came for them to learn the way of the sword, suprisingly Argos outclassed the other children, although he was deemed unworthy of the Brujeria due to the fact he was Ikanian. At the age of 15, he had reached the rank of Adept earlier then any of the other Garo. Then, at the age of 17, he was ready to fulfil his purpose. So they told him the true nature of his birth and they told him of the wild moblins that killed his true family then they gave him his true name, Argos Malcana. He was then sent to spy on the royal court. Argos spent most of his time trying to build his standing in the court; until one meeting when a rebel tried to kill a Noblemen and Argos was forced to use his training to stop him. Seeing his skill with a blade, the King asked him to join his fighting force, and he was taught the ways of Ikanian swordplay. He became a champion in no time.

    Then one day in the court, a scout half starved limped into the court and told his story of the rising moblin armies in the west. Upon hearing this, memories flashed back to Argos of fire and death at the hands of wild blue monsters and he saw his parents die; whether this was a vision or a memory he did not know, but he knew he had to stop these pigs from spilling any more Ikanian blood. Using his powers in the court, he made a motion to declare war on these beasts. Argos gave a rousing speech and the Noblemen and the king agreed that they must be dealt with. Argos then was given the temporary title of captain due to his noble blood and impressive fighting history. He put together and trained an elite squad of Ikanians. Using ambush and flanking tatics, they took back many cities and defeated many Moblin armies with their much smaller fighting force. The wild pigs began to speak of the Ikanians as if they were ghosts that whisked armies away.

    The resolve of the moblins was breaking and the war seemed to be won, but a leader arose amid the moblins. Smart and cunning, his name was Brutarg, and he led the Ikanians into a trap. The battle seemed grim and nearly all of Argos' men were dead. His few men left began to get knocked out one by one, and then the moblins were met with the same fate; but instead of fists, they were met with daggers. Brutarg, sensing defeat, made one last charge with the last of his men. Argos parried the beast's blow and slew him. When Argos's men awoke they saw him standing on a pile of Moblins and with Brutarg's head in his hand. They were amazed that one man could kill so many. And while he did kill many, Argos knew the truth of what had happened. Upon looking to a cliff, he saw Tarnio and a legion of Garo drawing their swords in salute.

    When they returned to Ikana, unrest had begun to grow. Rebels and riots were not uncommon. One day in the court a new dancer was brought in. She was beautiful beyond anything Argos had ever seen. Her name was Dalia Moleeta. They began to get close and she taught him that there was more to life then war and fighting. They were soon married in secret.

    Then HE came with his mask and his evil aura and began poisoning the king's mind. Argos could see it, so he turned to his Garo masters, but they too were on the string. They told him to use his standing to kill the king, but keen is the eye of a woman and Dalia saw the deed in Argos's heart. She knew it would be the end of him if he tried to kill the king, so she told him that she was with child. Argos then forgot about the king and instead made it his mission to protect her. The Garo learned of this and, knowing that Argos would never kill the king with her around, sent the order to kill Dalia. They sent Tarnio. Sensing a trap, Argos stopped her from being killed from the shadows. Then Tarnio, with his cover blown, was forced to duel Argos. The battle was legendary and both had the upper hand at different parts of the fight, but it was Argos that disarmed his foe. Argos tried to talk him down, but Tarnio was to loyal to the masters and would not stop. He dived at Dalia. Argos was forced to stab him. The Ikanian fell to his knees and grabbed his old friend. Tarnio spoke some words in old Garo and put his hand on Argos's shoulder. As the life left Tarnio, his sigil activated and his body began to burn. Argos cried out and cursed the goddesses for making him kill his best friend.

    Even though the Garo had failed in killing Dalia, that was not the end of their bad luck. Majora learned that Argos had a plan to kill the king, so the Druthulidi told Igos that it was he who had stopped Argos's plans, but the criminal got away. Enraged by this, Igos ordered Argos to be executed at once. Just as the Ikanian knights made it to Argos's house, civil war broke out and Argos took advantage of the chaos to kill the knights. Now Argos had no side aside from protecting Dalia. He killed many Ikanians and Garo alike to get them out of the city. Then, sitting on a nearby hill outside the city he saw the sky open up and the Kingdom was cursed. And Dalia, the one thing he had left, became a ReDead, unable to see or speak. Her child, no larger then a bean, within was unable to grow or be born till the curse was lifted. This alone was enough to break his spirit; but in the depths of Termina, forced to relive the same three days of agony, his spirit was not only broken once but many times. His blade was similarly cursed to carry the weight of all the innocent people he was forced to kill.

    When he was finally unleashed from Termina, his mind was nearly gone; but seeing Dalia again no matter what form she was in was enough to return his spirit. He remembered who he was and what he must do: reverse this curse.

    Other: he carries a symbol of the old Ikana before Majora, a small carving of his own likeness that was made by Dalia as a symbol of thier love, a scrap of cloth from Tarnio's cloak and the tusk of Brutarg.

    Themes: fighting
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Username: Dark Mewtwo

    Name: High Priestess Yalrunu

    Age: Over 2,000

    Race: Ancient Gerudo/ReDead Mage

    Abilities/Special Training: Master Spiritmancer: She was trained in the art of Spiritmancy from birth and became such a powerful mage that she was appointed high priestess ship over the spirit temple, second only to the sage of Spirit. Brittle and frail: long years of decay have taken their toll on Yalrunu’s body. In a melee she would be more than useless. Arcane Knowledge: Yalrunu spends most of her time in books and is rarely even seen outside her study, because of this she has learned most every type of magic (only in theory however, as she rarely uses anything but spirit magic.)
    Weapon(s) Yalrunu carries nothing but a ceremonial mace which she has enchanted several times.
    Personality: Rather flighty: Yalrunu never could keep her attention on one thing for too long. (Unless it was a book. With good books it was quite the opposite, as it was nearly impossible to get her attention away.) Love for Teaching: Yalrunu never was very social, except when it came to teaching.
    History: Yalrunu was born into a Gerudo royal family. Even from childhood it was clear that she was different to the other Gerudo Princesses. While the others were being groomed for leadership and public speaking, Yalrunu was studying spirit magic, and with that magic she summoned up the long dead spirit of her great grandmother to speak on her behalf. After this, her parents began to take her interest in magic more seriously, and she was sent off to the spirit temple for formal education. Time passed and one of her sisters one was chosen to be queen. It was Yalrunu's sister Nevalat. Yalrunu (who had now become high priestess) returned to Ashinon to advise her sister, and train new Wind Witches. Before long Nevalat had many heirs to the throne, Yalrunu ordered for all of Nevalat’s sons to be brought before her so that she may judge them in spirit. After much meditation she chose Dalamud as she deemed him to have the strongest spirit, and she became his tutor. The rest of her history has faded into the blood stained sands. . .

    GM Note: Arc 4 profiles have been moved to a Word File due to length restrictions. I still have them -- don't worry -- and can provide them upon request.
    Last edited by Avatar of the Ice Wolf; September 29, 2015 at 07:35 PM.

    West: Foranar- Azurita - The Redeemer - Sinteiria - Sakotae the Guardian (Tavia) - Saleria
    East: Nerise - Kiril

  7. #7
    Avatar of the Ice Wolf's Avatar Praeses
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Between the 3rd and 4th Dimensions

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    7/18/2012- I Dream of Twilight- 1st Hyrule Total War RP established by Attaxer
    7/20/2012- I Dream of Twilight - Roleplay begins
    7/21/2012- Prologue complete
    7/22/2012- Gaiachild: Whitelisted for remarkable dependability and serving as a translator.
    8/07/2012- I Dream of Twilight: First Arc ends with all original members still posting regularly.
    9/04/2012- The Tempest War Part 1: Second Arc ends.
    1/09/2013 - The Tempest War Part 2: Third Arc ends.
    1/11/2013 - Veil of Deception: Fourth Arc and Second Arc Trilogy Beings.
    1/15/2014 - Veil of Deception: Fourth Arc ends.
    Last edited by Avatar of the Ice Wolf; January 22, 2014 at 12:49 PM.

  8. #8
    Avatar of the Ice Wolf's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception

    "When there's only one destination, survival is the only objective."


    West: Foranar- Azurita - The Redeemer - Sinteiria - Sakotae the Guardian (Tavia) - Saleria
    East: Nerise - Kiril

  9. #9
    Zectorman's Avatar Primicerius
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    ....It rained for the first time in Millennium. I stood in it for hours, rain, all but a memory to us who have been starting at the same sky for what seemed an eternity. I could not tell if i was crying or it was the rain itself going down my bandaged cheeks. Majora's voice, only a back drop to the fact that we were free. Free from the revenge of the goddesses, free from the never ending war....yet, still a slave. I looked around me, the fighting stopped in an instant when we.... reappeared? I looked at my best friends, my Espada Rey and Cazador, they too were susupicoius but relieved. We finally regained our thoughts after a time, and took our first steps out of the synchronized path we had been walking for thousands of years. My legs wobbled for a bit, each step thinking it would be my last before i was sent back into the cursed rhythms of my half life. Finally I reached home, the Stone Tower as it was now called, walking into the once beautiful center of my people. A few of us were already there, just as stunned and yet afraid as I. All doubts were swept away in an instant once The Master came before us. So long had it been since we had seen him, we fell to our knees on the spot. He spoke to us, saying that being the first to remember your duty to your people will be the first to leave this place. We were given a mission, there was no time to see old loved ones because they were just as threatened as all of the Garo in this new world. A new world meant new dangers, and seeing that Majora had all but let us off his leash, we were on our own to make our place in this new home of ours. We were honored of course, to be chosen to lead the first wave of us, to be the first in gathering new knowledge......New knowledge, things that could be so simple or complex, I thought I would never learn anything again trapped in that never ending war.

    We spread out in all directions, not caring were we ended up, as long as we took note of everything along the way. Everyone of us took notice of the first acts of Majora's new playthings, the old enemy. Ikana had returned with us, and their wrath and hate came with them. They sought to rebuild what they once had, a kingdom rebuilt on the bones of their foes. Rash and yet so like them, they were never a bright race. I watched on as they burned tracks of land, watched on as they butchered many a man woman and child. I did not lift a finger to help them, for one way or another it would not have stopped the coming storm. These were only the first casualties, thousands would follow in the wake of the undead empire. Maybe they were the lucky ones? Was it worse to die, having lived a life in relative peace from the new horrors? Or was it worse to live under the sadistic rule of the unforgiving dead and their dreaded master? The future generations would probably debate this, if there were any in the furture....

    I learned of many things just listening to the screams in the night and the mumbles of the fearful. Ordona was this green pasture land, a vassal of a place called Hyrule....From what they spoke of, Hyrule was the predominate force in this world, around it seemed since the absence of Ikana itself. Traveling by foot, with only my blades to accompany me I traveled, ahead of the cursed empire behind me. i listened through the doors of inns, heard legends of a boy in green, many a dark lord coming and going, and the mortality of their gods....If their was one act I was grateful of from majora, it was bringing them low. Long ago I gave up many emotions, seeing as they only drove me mad in the continuous cycle, I could not help but be driven to anger at the though of what they did to us. I quickly stamped it out, such thoughts got in the way of my objective, learn. They spoke of inquisitions, burnings, and heresey, which was quite amusing. For being the advanced society they play to be, they are not below playing on the baser fears of their subjects. Then i heard an interesting tale of the so called "Hidden Guardians"of the royal family.....These...Sheikah. From what I gathered, they were the hidden force in this world, who played at subterfuge. If there was a force in this world that had all the answers....It would be them. I made it a special note to avoid their gaze but to watch them instead when the chance arose....In time I made my way into Hyrule proper, seeing the disgusting excuse they call society....

    Sereno walked in the shadows of the night, keeping the fire light from the nearby village at a distance. He watched another burning of a so called Heretic. These shows were quite amusing. He was not sure if it was truly madness or idiocy that drove these burning. He stuck around to learn the names of the vitums and the identities of these...hunters. FOOL! You should stop this ridiculous act...if a man is to die it should be in a DUEL! cried Rey in his head. The Espada had a mind of their own, usually mimicking a personality within yourself. "Quite, it is not our problem or our place to do such a thing" Sereno whispered back. I myself have a respect for these...Hunters, if only they could kill them when they found them...I love the thrill of finding and tasting my prey... hissed Cazador, Reys brother. "Silence from you as well, I am sure there will be many a duel ahead of us and many people needing to be tracked in due time. I know you are both...excited to be free, but we are still Garo....and we do as we are ordered. We must not bring attention to our presence...

    Sereno sighed, he loved his friends, but they drove him mad some times.....He looked upon them, normal looking blades, but underneath those facades lie secret gifts only he knew of....Sereno watched on for a time, finaly satisfied he had learned enough about the hunters and their prey. He produced a piece of parchment and a brush with what seemed to be red paint. He started drawing a symbol, or Sigil to the Garo, upon it and then whispered unintelligible words to it as he drew. When it was finished he spoke to the Sigil as one would speak to a person, explaining what he saw and the knowledge previously unknown. When he finished he whispered some last words and threw the paper into the air. It folded itself midair into a paper Keese and flew back south. Another day....another secret.

    Sereno picked himself up and moved on, there was still a world full of new secrets to uncover..... FOOL! We should seek out these Shiekah and challenge.... QUIET!
    Last edited by Zectorman; February 22, 2013 at 05:25 PM.

    Ferdinand Von Terl, he knew how to RP before you could even Speak your name!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception

    Mr J. Cerwell

    Life was good today. He made a killing selling his last load of goods in the city. He made over Ten thousand Rupees just from Lizalfos skins alone.The amount of money some people would pay just to make clothing and bags from wild beasts had always astounded him.

    Now, he was no stranger to the peculier fashion sense of the stupidly rich, after all he was one. His cloak was made from the finest Moblin after all, but Lizard skin? That never made any sense. it does not keep you warm, nor does it even look good. But for some reason it always sold, and sold for a killing, so who was he to complain.

    Once he returned home he gathered up all his supplies in his wagon for his next trip to the next town over, kissed his wife and youngest son goodbye and went out to meet with his new associate.

    She had come with splendid credentials, and should make an excellent bussiness partner if what he had heard was true. He met her by the gates, and once she was safely aboard and comfortable, they began their journey to the next town over discussing prices and the availibility of the goods they would be buying.

    They were a couple of hours from town when it happened. A highwaymen. He appeared to be alone, but you could never tell just how many brigands were hiding in the trees these days.

    "Would you happen to be a Mr J. Cerwell by any chance?"

    His heart raced. Did one of his bussiness rivals stage this? Was it that bastard Palazzo? It didn't matter now, that man was here and he had to be dealt with.

    "And if i am?" He stammered. Not the best thing to say, but what else could he say? The Girl was shaking with fright. murmering under her breath and hiding behind him.

    "Well if you are, i don't have to wait here any longer. But alas, i know who you are Mr. Cerwell. I know what you do in the black of the night, and what evil rests in your soul."

    He knew? how? Nobody knew. He made sure of it. Did Palazzo find out? is he using it to ruin his reputation?

    "If this is one of Palazzo's attempts at intimidation, i'm not impressed." He managed to whimper out. his voice betraying his words.

    "Your eldest son Roland? He died 4 days ago as he attempted to infiltrate a town in Northern Hyrule. I understand he was shot in the back of the head as he fled for his life. Quite messy if you ask me."

    The words hit him like a ton of bricks. Roland dead? it couldn't be. He eldest, his heir? He had failed in his mission? Oh god, what would Delinda think? His wifes heart would break.

    But it was only the beginning of what was to come

    "Your daughter? Margaret, or if i remember right, she always loved it when her precious father called her his little Maggie. Her entire cell was trapped inside a Temple they were attempting to burn. They only managed to set fire to the cellar, where the guard trapped them in and they all burned to death. That was two weeks ago. I have her last letter here for you, but Alas, you do not have time to read it."

    As he said this the Highwayman threw the letter on the road.

    "It was quite touching if i may say so."

    But Mr. Cerwell didn't even hear the words as he watched the letter fall, and felt his heart break even more. Not his little Maggie. She was the most precious thing in the world to him. And she was gone......

    "Now, Mr Cerwell, that just leaves your wife Delinda and you youngest son Charles. If i remember his Birthday was..oh lets see now.....last friday? yes that was it. Roland was there before he left but Little Maggie was gone. How old is he now, 14? Well, he was." The Highwaymen pulled a watch out of his pocket by chain, and popped it open and glanced at it while never letting the pistol in his other hand waver. "lets see now, yes, they should have died 2 hours ago. A lantern in the study on the 2nd floor fell off a table and burned the whole house down. Nobody survived. Its a wonder how that happened, but, just between you and me now," And with that he popped the watch back in his pocket and montioned back and forth between himself and Mr Cerwell with his finger. "it was a Sheikah that did it."

    He had stopped listening at this point. He just stared forward, not even looking at the Highwayman anymore. His whole family dead......gone......all in the space of a few minutes........

    He had nothing.........

    What had he done to let his God allow this to happen to him? He had served him well, his whole family had. They brought terror and death to the followers of the False Three. They spread the name of the one true god Majora far and wide? Did they fail him? did HE fail him? Was this punishment? It had to be.

    "I say Mr Cerwell, i do believe you stopped listening to me. Thats very rude of you." As he spoke the highwaymen trotted forward on his horse, aproaching Mr Cerwell until he face face to face with him."

    "Please....... I have a family.......We just wanted to serve Him."

    "Why Mr Cerwell, weren't you listening? You had a Family. And Serving him is why you lost them."

    And then a shot rang out, and Mr. Cerwell was no more. But the shot did not come from the gun of the Highwayman, but from Mr Cerwell's would be bussiness partner.

    "Hello Beloved." She said as she rejoined her partner.
    Last edited by Mjolnr839; January 11, 2013 at 01:30 PM.

  11. #11
    ZeR0199X's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    Darkness had blanketed itself over the town, the glow of candle light illuminating small sections. Inside the government building, the biggest building in the small town, a man walked through the dark halls. He walked with the air of nobility, believing himself better than the commoners. The man approached a door, with two guards standing watch. They saw the man coming and one spoke, "Halt who goes there. State your business."

    The man stepped out of the shadows and spoke, "Is that how you talk to superiors, knave? The men shook in fear, they had not recognized Captain Lucius Cousland, one of the Ironclad Elite, and the second in command to Lady Elizabeth Westcliffe, "Forgive us my lord, we did not expect anyone here at this time of night." Lucius watched as the two guards squirmed under his gaze. After getting enough satisfaction from their cowering he spoke, "I'll let this go for now. But be warned if it happens again, I will not hestiate to send you to the dungeons for insubordination understand me?" The guards stood at attention, "SIR!" they both spoke. "Now then, Lady Westcliffe requests my presence." One of the guards opened the door for the captain, and Lucius walked inside.

    He walked towards the roaring fireplace and the chair facing the flames. He kneeled towards the chair and spoke, "What is thy bidding, my lady?' He raised his head towards the chair, anticipating what she had planned for him.

    Marik Ravencroft-Cousland
    (Death by Ruby Guard) - Lyndis Cousland (Death by natural causes) - Selina Cousland (Retconned) - Lucius Cousland (Retconned)

    Thomas Horatio Rolfe (Retconned) - Vincent Aurion (Soul consumed by demonic warrior, body now possessed) - Kriam Vaern

    Pierre Lorraine
    (Death by natural causes)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    He awoke for the third time in the night, and the moon was still high in the sky. It had been at least two weeks since he had set out from Ikana, and he had yet to get used to being able to sleep without instinct kicking in and awakening in the middle of the night, always knowing one of his brethren would lose themselves to the paranoia many of them had succumbed to and attack the others, or a Garo assassin would slit their throats while they slept. It was hard to do that now, given the fact he was basically a skeleton now, but he had learned after the first few times it had happened to sleep more than nap, and while he had no intention of letting it go, Jakadan was not as paranoid, he still didn't like awakening in the middle of the night to discover it was mere instinct, and that he was still alone.

    Lonelieness, a feeling he thought he would never feel, yet now they were out of Termina, and his mission had yet to really start. He was almost out of Ordona at least, he could be thankful to Majora for that, then his mission would start in earnest. He would miss these plains though, Ordona had a beauty to it like Ikana once did, before the curse, before the eternal civil war. "They are now beginning to come to your side, lord Majora, save their lands as you saved us, and give your foes a chance of mercy, so we may allow them to know the kindness you offer" he said this prayer every day before he set off, and while the moon was still there, he figured he would try to put as much distance as he could into the night, besides, with the new kingdom that had arisen during his time in Termina, he figured they would be the first stop on his journey to investigate the world for his King and Lord Igos.

    They worshipped the three godesses, like he once had, and pitied them for it. "Perhaps we can make them see the truth, that they will be thrown aside as well one day, to be replaced like we were" he mused, making sure he was properly covered so as not to alert anyone to his true appearance. He had spied a village on the horizon earlier, and figured he may as well see what kind of information on Hyrule he could glean from them if possible. Once assured he was ready to move he lifted his halberd up off the gorund where it rested beside him, and began using the pole arm as walking stick, and began his trek towards the village.
    Last edited by SilverLich; January 11, 2013 at 04:47 PM.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Class: Hylian Knight/ Barbarian
    Total wounds: 6
    Race: Hylian
    Equipment: Chainmail, Darkhammer Helm, Hylian Sword, Gillack's Serrated Blade, Dagger
    Special bonuses:
    +2 attacks against Hylians
    +3 Endurance when at 6 wounds- Chain grade armor
    +2 Endurance when at 6 wounds when wearing helmet
    +5 initiative rolls - Lizaflos speed
    +10 attack when fighting someone who's insulted Gillack

    Class: Songsayer
    Total wounds: 6
    Race: Lizaflos
    Equipment: Lizaflos Scales ( Chain), Twin Serrated shortblades, Tail
    Special Bonuses:
    +2 attack when at 6 wounds
    +3 Endurance when at 6 wounds- Chain grade armor
    +5 initiative rolls- Lizaflos speed
    +1 attack roll per initiative order. *

    * Can attack with blades and tail in one turn.

    Class: Aeraflos (sp?)
    Total wounds: 6
    Race: Aeroflos ( sp?)
    Equipment: Same as Thresta.
    Special Bonuses:
    +2 attack when at 6 wounds
    +3 endurance when at 6 wounds- Chain grade armor
    +5 initiative rolls- Lizaflos speed
    +1 attack roll when attacking from the sky *

  13. #13
    Windrider37's Avatar Centenarius
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    In my cave at home.

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception

    Sierra sighed, sitting down on a fallen tree...It was beginning to look hopeless. The young songsayer was beginning to feel defeated.She had initially started on her own, trying to get to Death Mountain.She had heard there were still Civilized Lizalfos there...and with no home of Family, it seemed like the only Logical Place for her to go. As She traveled, she had stumbled upon several tiny villages on the outskirts of more than 100 at the most.Most were ragged and starving, being attacked by Savage Lizalfos on a daily basis.After explaining her Plan to the small group, they all agreed to travel to Death Mountain together.A group would provide Security at the least, as well as company.The warbands were persistent, and attacked the group[ at regular intervals, picking off the group little by little.Eventually, they had stumbled upon a Hylian Spy by the Name of Rail, who had been sent to check up on the state of the region, with Trade being virtually non existant due to the roving Raiders. As they traveled, Sierra never let the Hylian out of her sight, having an extreme distrust towards Hylaisn in general.He proved himself an ally when he helped fight back a Raiding party, and soon, they became uneasy friends.

    So now Sierra sat, feeling lost, and hopeless.They hadn't even made it halfway through Faron yet, and already, she was feeling like these folk were being led to their deaths.With the few fighters they DID have, it was a wonder that they were still alive at all...

    Rail frowned, thinking."Hrm...i don't know right now what we can do...We can't ditch them...yet it seems like progressing further could have dire consequences...what a predicament...." He huffed, staring at the sky as he though hard.
    Last edited by Windrider37; January 11, 2013 at 01:50 PM.

  14. #14
    Mattwensley's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception

    Cear Darrore

    There was sand in Cear's boot, but Fane didn't care. The bandit leader was hectic. This was his first raid on a Gerudo caravan, and Fane wanted it to go well.

    "This will work?" He spat at Cear. Disgruntled, the tactician wiped the man's spit from his face.

    "Of course. Save your breath, Fane."

    The horses of Gerudo desert pulled their caravans quickly. Here, there were sheer dunes of soft sand. Cear predicted that any group of wagons would have to slow down greatly, and would need to travel in single file or risk sinking into the sand. An advance scout skidded down one of the dunes, and hurried up to them, kicking up sand onto the hems of Cear's immaculate trousers. "4 wagons, scoutman?" The scout looked nervously from the visibly annoyed pale figure to Fane, where he received no aid. He looked back to the slight figure in his anomalously dark brown cloak. "3, Master Darrore."

    Cear looked up at the sun. Then he bent down, picked up a handful of sand, and allowed it to run through his fingers, watching it as it fell. "Of course," he said eventually, "Three days since the last rainfall." The other men looked at him in expectation, but he did not elaborate. Eventually, he remembered their existence. "Get to. I do not expect failure." The scout grabbed his crossbow and ran off to wait in the soft sand, watching for a shot.

    Cear noted that the crossbowman failed to scour the varnish from his weapon. This will increase visibility, meaning the ambush would have to strike earlier - roughly 50 feet further. Chance of hitting the driver's guard decreased by - the wind was blowing sand south at roughly 15 miles an hour - roughly 13%. Cear shook his head. Fane's men were supposed to be good. Fane himself had attested to this, the scars on his face evidence of his experience.

    Fane dragged the administrator behind a dune. They would not be seen until the ambush was sprung, and at that stage they would be the least of anyone's problems. Dust was rising from the west. The caravan was approaching. The scout and his second waited for the signal to take the first wagon's driver and guard.
    ~~Knowledge is power, and I do not like the feeling of weakness~~
    ~~If it's a million to one shot, I'll make sure I'm the one~~

  15. #15
    teixeira's Avatar Miles
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    Between genius and insanity.

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    Screams of torment echoed in darkness as reason and honor clashed, bound in deadlock. Innocent blood added detail to the ground; new patterns emerged with every death. A single figure stood over the shadow, decorated in the armor of a darknut deity. its massive weapon was pulled through crowds of men and women of every race, tearing through their bodies. The monster left no mercy in its wake. But with every swing of the massive blade, the beast's pace slowed. Its fiendish red eyes began to fade, slowly the beast was brought to a halt. A stroke of pain echoed through the realm, a spark of sorrow brought time to a halt. The creature let out a single roar, one which tore apart reality and continued through space without any signs of stopping. There was a pain in the back of his head, but Gaius had awoken.

    Shrill moonlight had caught steel in its path.

    Gaius sat motionless before it, staring at the remaining runes etched into his blade. A pattern of branches in shadow overcame the story of courage and deceit before him, it was even harder to make out than usual. His eyes began to wander with little more to see than the foliage that encompassed him. They returned to the lore every so often, strained by the shine. How many times has it been read, already? It must have been over ten thousand times that Gaius had skimmed over his blade, but he could never find a beginning, or an end. An uproar of critters scattered along the cold forest floor, drawing Gaius' attention for a moment, but none stopped to pay him a greeting. One after another they scampered under his hulking figure, paying him no mind as if he were just another tree in the forest. It wasn't long before he returned to the golden blade before him, leaning forwards and resting one hand on the hilt. He squinted his eyes as he examined the metal. It was cracked, barely distinguishable from a blade of lesser quality anymore. His hand simply dropped back down to rest upon one knee as if he had already known. A long sigh sent the birds nearby into a frenzy. Gaius closed his eyes for a brief moment before he finally stood up and pulled his broken blade from the ground. The joints of his armor rubbed against one another as he stretched his limbs and withdrew the golden sword. He was ready to start walking again. But as soon as he regained his composure, a thought struck him; Gaius still had no idea where he was.

    Without a doubt in his mind, Gaius traveled in the same direction he was headed earlier. He didn't know where the path would take him, but there was something that drew him in. Each one of his steps sunk into the ground while branches snapped against his armor. There was little to be lost when walking through thick forest. A few stray branches did tend to find their way into his joints, but it was mildly bothersome. Before long, Gaius made his way into another clearing. What he assumed to be another respite was a horror; kindness had been met with death as moblins feasted upon an innocent corpse. Gaius approached the two beasts, both of which fled at the sight of his stature to reveal the mangled corpse of an old Hylian man. It was the same man who offered guidance to Gaius the day he entered the woods. The darknut couldn't fathom why he would trudge so deep into the woods that he spoke ill of, only days ago. But there he was, dead. There was no way to confirm how he died, but the greater mystery remained. Gaius sat upon another stone and stuck his sword into the ground once more. The old man laid dead by his side, his body in a horrid condition. Gaius did not move as the smell began to attack his nose. He just sat there, hands on his thighs, and eyes on his sword. Perhaps he had shown concern for Gaius, and met his death because of it. If there was a man left in Hyrule capable of such a thing, there may have been hope for the lives of its people.

    As Gaius sat there, the thought of other possibilities ate away at his hope. It was too convenient of an explanation. Putting one's self in danger for the good of a darknut, it was a disgusting thought to him. And just as quickly as his confidence in the people of Hyrule was renewed, his mind sank back down into doubt. Once more, Gaius began to look over the old man's body. He didn't know what to think anymore.

  16. #16
    Emrys's Avatar Primicerius
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    Hither Thither and Yon

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    A vein pulsed with effort on the knights head. He was using all of his formidable strength but it was obvious, though, that he would soon fall. He surged with one last vestment only to be forced down with a crash. He had lost the struggle. The whole tavern burst into cheers and drinks began to flow, for the Hylans of Snowpeak have a notorious love for feats of strength and a even more notorious affection for the brew.

    The loser of the competition sat across from the boy whilst nursing his sore shoulder. He had been bested by a mere boy of seventeen years with nary a whisker on his chin. This wouldn't do, and as the boy rose from his bench to join in the revelry, the knight began thinking treacherous thoughts.

    Beric, for that was the boys name, was a strong, large, brute of a lad that loomed over most people he was found to take company with and it generally earned him either great respect or mockery. It wasn't his fault for his size, no training on his part (Though there was plenty of that) played a part of it. He was of the line of lords here in Snowpeak, and that line lent him strength and tenacity to rival most men on a bad day.

    Joining the rest of the patrons, Beric took and raised a pint singing along to old songs of glorious battle and heroic deeds. It was there he made his first mistake. Now in most cases, across Hyrule and beyond, knights are seen to be upholders of justice, and act chivalrous in all matters. Rythia, the losing knight, was an exception to this generalization. As Beric's broad back was turned, Rythia drew his belt dagger and approached the young noble.

    A shout from behind Beric warned him of the danger now approaching him. Despite his swift reaction, the dagger lacerated his left shoulder drawing a line of crimson across his white shirt. Unhindered, Beric moved fluidly, grabbing the knight's wrist and throwing him into an awaiting knee, knocking the air from his lungs. Beric let him get up and recover.

    Rythia rose to his feet and lunged forward with the dagger attempting to gut the younger warrior. His force was redirected with a slap to the wrist and he again almost fell to the ground. A quick jab to the throat ended the fight as quickly as it began treacherous knight slumped to the floor gurgling, drowning on his own blood.

    Immediately, Beric began to feel sick. You see, he had never killed a person before. Amidst the renewed cheers celebrating his victory, the boy fled and lost his supper behind the inn.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception

    Lady Captain Elizabeth Westcliffe
    The fire had risen until the flames began to lick the roof of the hearth. It would not need feeding for the remainder of the night, at least not until every stone in the town hall had warmed and it's closed rooms would be comfortable until dawn. No more wood would be needed, which given the sudden shortage of good lumber in the town was fortunate. Elizabeth Westcliffe shrugged and shuffled in her claimed armchair, tearing the upholstery until it moulded better to her armour. She felt around near her left leg until a glass pane met her fingers. She picked up the pane and the map next to it, first examining the map. It represented the town, surrounded by a sweeping line in deep red ink. The map was pressed onto the glass face-down, each corner spotted with hot wax, and when Elizabeth turned over the pane they had stuck together. On the pane, in ink or chalk, were marks representing stakes, platforms, a modest gatehouse, patrol routes and various other details. Close handwriting of more than one author formed annotations or outlined arguments. Elizabeth studied the annotated map once again.

    Voices, outside, some heated. Elizabeth took her hand away from her pistol as she heard Captain Lucius Cousland dressing down the guards again. Not long later the great doors were opened, cold air slicing in to undo the work of the overfed fire, and Lucius made himself known.
    "If you wish to provide punishment Lucius, you should remember Corporal LaGuire was alert enough to see and challenge you. The other guard," She glanced at the inside of her left gauntlet, where 'allies 35 Crossbow Battalion' had been scrawled in red ink, before continuing, "From our comrades in the 35th Crossbows, was not as capable." For Elizabeth, remembering the name and posting of every sentry for every night was a basic responsibility of a leader, while knowing with whom she shared a garrison was extraneous detail.

    The Lady Captain stood, placing the enhanced map on a low table, and faced her second-in-command.
    "Nevertheless, your arrival was timely and well appreciated. I would like to hear your opinion on the palisades. How have the ranks taken to working through the night? Are there any disturbances or issues? And will we be ready to repel a raiding force by dawn?"
    Taram Chalco - Elizabeth Westcliffe - Kesaris - Erika Homewood - Kalian Benton Galhansen

    --The Infinite Notebook of Perpetually Unfinished Squirrel Sketches--

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    Ft. Audorn. Never had a more wretched hive of scum and villainy been seen in Hyrule. Despite that, it was the closest thing the young spy had to a home. Frankly, for a spy in Hyrule their were few homes better

    Sepkinor cleaned his fingernails with his wickedly curved knife as he strolled down the paved but overgrown road, his thoughts already focused on his destination, despite it still being miles away. He used the largely lawless city as a base of operations, where his questionably legal trade would draw little attention, but Sepkinor planned to use his return to the best. Anytime people gathered, events of significance could occur, and Sepkinor planned to gather all the information he could during his stay. He had made more connections than usual in Audorn, and he'd made a mental schedule that would hopefully get him all the details he needed in within a day.

    Arriving in a city ruled by a bandit did not worry Sepkinor, but as he looked to the sky and saw the light fading, his brow did crease in anxiety. The land of Hyrule was not a safe place to travel, and he hadn't found a group to latch onto like usual for this journey. He had spent one night on the road already, and he knew his luck could only last for so long.

    Sepkinor briefly considered continuing to press on, but decided against it. He was even more vulnerable on the road, and he needed the rest. He sheathed his knife, his fingers now more than sufficiently cleaned, and began scanning the landscape for anywhere that would be easy to defend or conceal himself.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Class: Goron Monk
    Race: Goron
    Equipment: Spade, Goron Hide( Chain) , medicinal satchel
    Special Bonuses:
    +2 to attack against Zora
    +3 Endurance when at 6 wounds- Chain grade
    +4 attack when enraged
    +4 endurance when enraged

  19. #19

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    Trap. It was the word that went through Zaven's head as he approached the building. It was late at night here on the docks of Hyrule marine. He remembered the building he was in front of, it was the same one he had first been shown, the one that the merchant Dinx wanted. The same building that Zeven had 'convinced' the owner to give up so Dinx could buy it for almost nothing so he could move his contraband. He shrugged as he walked inside, seeing a table with a lantern glowing amidst the boxes. A man sat at the table and looked up as Zaven walked into the light.
    "I see you have settled in Dinx, now all that needs to be done is my payment and I shall be on my way.
    Dinx gave what he surely thought was his best smile, it wasn't very good. "I have been thinking on that Mr red eye, are you sure there is no way that I could convince you to join our little group? you would be well rewarded." eight... Zaven shook his head his hands behind his back."As I have told you, One job is all you get." Dinx looked a bit cross "One job for 14 gold rupees is a bit much is it not?" three high, five low Zaven shook his head again "you chose what that one job would be, and with this building you are free to move a large sum of product and more then make up for your loss."Dinx smiled "I could do that, or sense you know a lot about us and won't work for me anymore I shall just do this. Now boys" By this time they had there crossbows lined up on Zaven, and they fired, Filling his body full of bolts. Dinx laughed as his body hit the ground. "Heheh I told you! You should have worked for me fool! Tiln come down here and push his corpse into the water!"


    "Uh.. Boss!" A man cried
    "Oh what is it?" Dinx turned to look his guard after they had relit the lights.
    "He's gone."
    "What do you mean he is gone?" Dinx ran over to ware the corpse had been, but there was nothing, not even a blood pool. But he was sure he had seen the bolt his.
    "Arrgh!" the guard cried out, Dinx turned to see him, his throat torn open and....a monster standing next to him, it looked like the man they had just killed only...only his face was that of a huge yellow and red eye. Purple tenticals swarmed from the men back as the other cried out.
    "don't just sit there! Shoot him again!" Dinx called out. The two bravest of his men raised their crossbows and took aim. But before they could fire they were dead, the beast moved at a speed so fast their eye couldn't see him before their heads rolled to the ground. Two more tried to run as the lights went out again, all save for that one lamp on the table. Dinx watched and two more corpses were thrown back into the light of the lamp. The screams of others dying echoed around the building while Dinx cowered in the feeble light. The beast stepped forward and Dinx soiled himself as he wept, through his sobs he managed to utter afew words "w..w..what are you. Release
    The monster vanished, and Zaven strolled back into the light from the other end. He picked up the lantern and stood over Dinx, a swift kick broke the man's knee, but he couldn't even scream as he felt something stop him. Some magical force.
    "I am a Sheikah, and you are silenced." He dropped the lantern over Dinx, the glass shattered and covered him in oil that the flames spread over. He tried to scream again as he burned but all he could do was squirm in pain.
    Zaven Walked from the building, But not before stopping by a large bag, he pulled out 14 gold rupess and left the other 50 in the bag. Heading out into the black of night. Time to find a new town. Zaven thought to himself. Just not Hyrule prime.
    Last edited by niveksirrah; January 11, 2013 at 05:15 PM.
    Leon-(Died in battle)Zaven-(Vanished into the shadow temple)Xantear-west Rintaro-East

  20. #20
    TheHylianJuggalo's Avatar Senator
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    The Dark Carnival

    Default Re: Arc 4: Veil of Deception


    Things in the kingdom were never quite the same. Some say that the war had ended, that they were tricked, cursed, and damned by those watching above. Some, albeit a small few, still saw the war going on.

    And Igotaros was one of those few.

    Without much to his name, the Ikanian was left to his own devices, and here, he stood in the luscious Ordona plains. Despite the fact that he was a cursed man, he could still sense just as well as any other living creature. The cool, temprate air of the plains, the lively, fresh smell of the pansies and wheat, gently whisking in the slow gentle breeze. He looked down at his footing, which consisted of his prized chariot, his mount heading the device. It stood there with him, grazing for a few moments, and as Igotaros gazed over the calm horizon, memories of Ikana, long before the war, came back to him in a pleathora of nostalgic joy.

    Oh, how it once was.

    But that time was long and past. Now, he had places to be. Where? Well, that was up for interpetation. His mission had no specifics...


    ...but he would not let his king down.

    And with the taunt leather straps of his chariot's reins gently wrapped around his hands, Igotaros sped off.
    Last edited by TheHylianJuggalo; January 11, 2013 at 05:58 PM.
    Michael Scott Meisenhelter - 3/3/1963-11/4/2015
    -Lost, but not forgotten. Baptized by fire.-

    When I die,
    Show no pitty,
    Send my soul to Juggalo City.
    Dig my grave six feet deep,
    Put two matches by my feet,
    Put two hatchets on my chest,
    And tell my homies I did my best

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