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Thread: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

  1. #61
    Badger-dude's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    The Kingdom of Storm and Shore (and Sand... and Rivers and Fields...)

    Chapter 6 - Turn 12

    Turn 12:

    The Reach:

    With Gardener forces in full flight from the Eastern and Southern parts of the Reach, Kingdom forces seize the castles of Ashford and Cider Hall in short but brutal assaults.

    The arrival of the Young Storm - Prince Gulian - commanding Legion II, and Lord Stokeworth in command of the IIIth legion meant that Kingdom forces has complete local superiority over their Gardener foes.

    Completely outnumbered, the Gardener and Rowan forces left as rearguard units could put up only token resistance before being overwhelmed.

    Following these victories, to consolidate their victories, Kingdom forces commenced the construction of a series of fortifications along the border with Gardener territory.

    With Gardener forces on the run, Lord Stokeworth was recalled to the Shorelands to take command a newly raised Legion XII (Stokeworth). His son Renly, only aged 15, had already proved himself as being of sound strategic mind and as such had already been assigned to the command position of the XIth provincial Legion (Duskendale). As such, command of the IVth legion passed to Ser Buckley, a capable but otherwise non-descript Knight.

    The victories in the Reach and the arrival of two more Legions meant that Kingdom forces now consisted of 6 Legions. Kingdom scholars of the age estimated that House Gardener, who already had been struggling to maintain her armies prior to Kingdom intervention, would now be forced to tear their own Kingdom apart to fund their war machine. Gardener strength in the Reach was estimated as being somewhere in the region of three Legions worth, yet so far the men of the Reach had proven no match for the Stormland military.

    The Council of Ashford:

    In what would be known as the Council of Ashford, the principle commanders of the Stormland forces held a war council in the great hall of Ashford Keep.

    Notably absent were Lord Stokeworth, recalled by royal decree to the Shorelands, and Lord Wylde, whose legions were already commencing naval operations alongside the Third and Fourth Fleets against Dorne.

    In attendance were the following:

    * Prince Gulian Durranian, the Young Storm - OC, Legion II - 5,000 Men)
    * Lord Richard Fell - (OC - Legion III - 5,000 Men)
    * Ser Buckley - (2IC - Legion IV - 5,000 Men) -
    * Lord Trant - (OC - Legion V - 5,000 Men)
    * Lord Dondarion (OC - Legion VI - 5,000 Men)
    * Lord Selwyn Swann (OC - Legion VII - 5,000 Men)

    The council was to decide the future strategy of the Kingdom's war against Gardener.

    As is customary, the commanders were seated at a round table.

    Prince Gulian represented the Stormking. During his father's campaign in the Riverlands, Gulian had not been afforded many opportunities to prove himself as a serious military commander. Instead, he had ridden apart from the rest of his legion, on special missons from his father. As such, others had claimed some of the glory that Gulian felt should have been his own. As such,Gulian was seekingto proove himself.

    Lord Fell, commanding the Third Legion, had seen action during the initial invasion of the reach, riding ahead through the mountains with the advance forces to invest Tumbleton.

    Ser Buckley, freshly appointed to command the IV legion, had served for many years in the Kingdom military. He was a sound commander, but in the company of the Prince and his Lords, Ser Buckley kept his tongue.

    Lord Trant, freshly raised to Lordship, was considered a rising star in the Kingdom military. Having subdued the King of the Waters in the name of the Kingdom, and having led the main body of Kingdom forces in the invasion of the Reach, Lord Trant had attracted considerable acclaim for his skills as a military leader. This made him particularly unpopular with Prince Gulian, who considered his appointment as a slight.

    Lord Dondarrion, having commanded the Kingdom forces in the Dornish marches for many years now, was the other major commander at the council. Under his leadership, 5 new legions had been raised over the course of the last year, and prior to Trant and Gulian's arirval he had been considered the supreme commander of the Southern Legions. Prince Gulian's journal shows that if anything , the Prince admired Dondarrion - but in the same breathe he also admitted feared the Lighting Lord's influence over the Southern Stormlords. Ever since Alesander's reforms, it had been an unspoken rule that one man should not control multiple Legions.

    Lord Swann, who was ostensibly the commander of VII Legion, had served with Lord Dondarrion for many years in the marcher campaigns. While a capable commander, his recent health deteriorations meant that he deferred to Lord Dondarrion on the campaign, and their Legions were currently encamped together under Dondarrion's overall command.

    Three strategies were suggested:

    Gulian, swayed by his passage through Lannister lands, and having first heard of the Ironborn's betrayal of the Lion, advocated a march in force West to aid House Lannister against a potential counter attack by Martyn gardener against the lands seized by Lord Reyne, whose Host had been smashed by the Gardener Prince. Gulian was alone in support of this move, with Lord Stokeworth - the other advocate of such a plan - absent. Ser Buckley tacitly agreed with such a plan, yet failed to voice his opinion as such, intimidated by the status ofthe Lords around him.

    The Second Strategy, advocated by Lord Trant, was a swift forced march through the open plains of the Reach towards Highgarden. With 6 Legions marching in close formation, supported by a strike from the North by the Lannister's, Trant believed that even with a potential third Gardener army waiting for them, the Green Hand could not hope to achieve victory against so many Legions. Highgarden was, after all, a mere fortnight's march away, and Cider Hall was the last bastion of resistance in the Eastern Reach.

    Lord Dondarrion, perhaps swayed by the Tyrell forces encamped in the boneway, advocated a lighting march South to Dorne to draw Gardener forces away from the last bastions of House Martell resistance in Dorne.

    Lord Fell sought a compromise between the three strategies, a solution which suited none of the commanders.

    The talks soon broke down, with Dondarrion and Trant, the senior commanders, being completely opposed on which course of action to take. Both, however, rejected the inexperienced Gulian's plan on the grounds that this would place Kingdom forces on the wrong side of the river, and would force an assault across a defended riverbank against Martyn Gardener's force, who had already proved themselves against the battle with Lord Reyne.

    Finally, the commander's retired, weary from a night of disagreement. At sunrise, Gulian, accompanied by Lord Fell and the officers of Legions II and III rode back to rejoin their respective legions.

    With the Young Storm gone, Dondarrion and Trant met and continued their discussion. Dondarrion having been swayed by Fell to avoid a march to Dorne. The Prince's Pass would prove a frustrating speed bump to Kingdom forces, whereas Highgarden, a mere fotnight's march away, was a better prize for the Kingdom.

    While the legions were brought backup to campaign strength, forward elements of each legion were sent forth to construct a barrier of fortification to neuter any attempt by Gardener to counterattack until a deal was reached.


    With Sunspear blockaded by the 5th Battle Fleet, the Sea of Dorne was now clear for the main elements of the Stormland Fleet to begin amphibious landings along the Northern Shore of Dorne.

    Under the command of Lord Wylde, a dashing young commander with much to prove, four fleets sailed from the Stormlands, carrying forward Legions VIII and IX. Joined by specialist marines from the 4th Battle Fleet, the two legions anchored off Ghaston Grey to anticipate Gardener's next move. Elements of the Second Fleet returned to the Stormlands to carry reinforcements from Storm's End - the newly activated Xth legion, to the battlefield

    Meanwhile, Gardener, having recovered from the surprise Kingdom intervention, had began to construct defences in the Boneway. A force led by Lord Tyrell had encamped itself North of Yronwood. With the prospect of a Tyrell strike against the marcher regions, new forces were raised to defend the pass independent of Lord Wylde's forces.

    The Riverlands & The Shorelands:

    With the Southern campaign progressing well, Legion I settled in to Garrison duty to renew their numbers after their long campaign in the Riverlands. New men were recruited and the order of battle was reorganised to bring the Legion back up to Campaign Strength.

    After a short meeting with the newly raised young Lord of Darry Keep, Renly Stokeworth was raised to the Rank of Lord Paramount of the Shorelands and ordered to continue the process of assembling Legions XI and XII, using funds from the recent victories in the Reach.

    The Kingdom now sought to strengthen her interior, and orders were relayed across the Kingdom for all provinces to raise new men for defence purposes.

    A digression - On the Military Culture of the Kingdom of Storm and Shore:

    The Kingdom of the Stormlands was a proud and ancient Kingdom, forged through constant war over the scarce areas of fertile land. the Pretty Stormkings of old were divided, and lurked in their mountain fastnesses, waging petty war against their neighbours.

    The coming of the andals changed this. With the Darklyn kingsof the Shore sending missionaries south, the Stormlords soon began to convert.

    Armed with their newfaith, the Stormlords united behind their own King, and waged war against the ancient Kingdom of Grandview.

    The founding ofHosue Durranion is a tale known by many, and with the construction of Storm's End, Durranion began to assert themselves over their rival Kingdoms.

    Alesander implemented many reforms, and created a warmachine that would advance north, and subjugate the petty Kingdoms which had formed in the SHorelands. Unable to stand against Alesdande, the Darklyn Kings knelt.

    The last bastion of resistance onthe mainland was the Crab King, who was roasted alive in his towerhosue when he refused to face the Stormking in battle.

    The Kingdom Military is uneiq, in that there is a constant supply of fresh, trained men ready for servie. In times of peace, a force of approximatly two thousand men is always ready for deployment. When called upon, these men form the Provincial Forces of the Kingdom. As such, the Kingdom differs to other Kingdoms, who rely mostly upon hastily raised Militias and levied Peasantry.

    From the age of 11, Boys in the Kingdom begin their military education. At this age they are taught basic military drill, proper marching order, and how to build temporary fortifications.

    Aged 14, combat training begins. Each boy is taught first to form ranks. Heavy wooden weapons and shields, twice the weight of their real counterparts, are used to build up each boy's strength and endurance.

    Boys who are too sickly for such duties are trained in the art of ranged warfare. Those who show little aptitude for this,are either relegated to Town Militia regiments, or are assigned non-combative duties.

    Aged 16, these boys are returned to their families as men of the Stormlands. Those from noble families are often offered Lord Ships or command positions, whereas the common men return to their place of work. A standing force is kept in each province, usually between one and two thousand men. These unit are rotated every 6 months, so in their lifetimes most men of the Stormlands serve at least two stints in a provincial legion - more in times of war.

    During times of war, the best soldiers of the provincial legions are formed into the battle legions of the Kingdom.

    These legions are referred to as the First through Tenth legions, although these units are often split, merged, or divided based on operational requirements. A man might leave as part of the Tenth legion, and return as part of the Third Legion, despite fighting in the same battlefields as his Tenth Legion counterparts. As such, legionary designations are fluid, and are usually tied to the commander and the size of each force.

    A Battle Strength Legion consists of roughly 10,000 men, and is considered the minimum force for battlefield action. Larger forces, up to 20,000 men, are considered campaign Legions. These legions move and fight as one body, but can be divided for garrison duty, or split into two battle legions in unusual circumstances, such as a multi-front assault by an enemy.

    Cavalry are a rarity in the Kingdom, and Knighthood is uncommon. As such, the forces of the Kingdom are primarilly formed of Infantry. Spearmen make up the bulk of the legions, while specialist heavy infantry forces are employed as linebreakers.

    The recent strength of the Kingdom means that she has in the past been willing to use attrition tactics, as the unique military system means that losses can be recovered swiftly.

    After a campaign, Legionaries are granted land in conquered territory. As such, the Kingdom tends to occupy new lands, rather than withdraw home.

    Current Kingdom Order of Battle (Turn 12)

    * King Alesander Durranion - the Stormking (OC - Legion I - 10,000 Men) - The Riverlands
    * Lord Orys Morrigen (Lord Commander of the Stormguard)

    * Prince Gulian Durranian, the Young Storm - (OC, Legion II - 5,000 Men) - The Reach
    * Lord Richard Fell - (OC - Legion III - 5,000 Men) - The Reach
    * Ser Buckley - (2IC - Legion IV - 5,000 Men) - The Reach - The Reach
    * Lord Trant - (OC - Legion V - 5,000 Men) - The Reach
    * Lord Dondarion (OC - Legion VI - 5,000 Men) - The Reach
    * Lord Selwyn Swann (OC - Legion VII - 5,000 Men) - The Reach
    * Lord Gladden Wylde (OC - Supreme Commander - Southern Expeditionary Force - 15,000 Men)
    * Second Fleet - Legion VI
    * Third Fleet - Legion VII
    * Fourth Battle Fleet (~150 Warships) - Currently engaged
    * Marine Landing Troops (2,000 Men) - Currently seconded to Legion VI

    * Fifth Fleet - Legion X (Awaiting deployment)

    * Lord Renly Stokeworth (OC - Legion XI [Rook's Rest] 5,000 men) - The Shorelands
    * Lord Darklyn Snr.
    * Darklyn Jr.
    * First and Sixth Battle Fleets - [200 Ships]

    * Lord XXX Stokeworth (OC - Legion XII [Stokeworth] 5,000 men) - The Shorelands
    * Lord Steffon Bukley (2ic)

    * Lord Connington (OC - Legion XIII - [Storm's End] ~5,000 men] - TheStormlands


  2. #62
    Badger-dude's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    Not my best writing. I ran out of time.

    A Song of Quills and Swords - Turn 13

    The below is an alternative history, as the battle of the Tor turned out to be bugged.
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    The Riverlands I:

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    There had been rain for three days and three nights. This was not the torrential rain that would come with a great Storm to batter Shipbreaker bay, but rather this was the pitter-patter of drizzle which ensured that the river Trident and her tributaries never ran dry, even in the height of a scorching summer.

    King Alesandar cursed the rain, and saw this as a sign of the Seven's punishment on the barbarians who had infested these halls before the defeat of House Mudd. the Stormking just wished that the Gods would pay attention, as a brand new Sept had been established in every village, holdfast, and castle South of the trident.

    "Boy!" boomed the Stormking, stalking from the window to the manequin upon which his armour hung. There would be a feast tonight, but it would be unbecoming if the King was seen without his characteristic armour. It was rumoured that King Alesandar's armour was the heaviest in Westeros, thick andal steel, its breast was quartered and inlaid with the seven-pointed star of his faith and the symbol of his house - the rampant stag. Considering their recent conquests, the King would soon order a new set of armour to bear the symbols of his recent victories.

    "Boy!" he roared again. King Alesandar had adopted the andal custom of having a young paege to squire for him, but good young men were few and far between these days.

    A knock came at the Door

    "Well don't just stand there, come in!" the King roared, striding towards the doorway and throwing the heavy oak door open with a mighty crash.
    "My king" the young man at the door bowed, his muddied cloak dripping on the flagstones.
    It was not the boy he had expected. Lord Renly Stokeworth may be young, but he had proven himself a capable warrior during his service against House Mudd, and he was a capable commander.

    A capable commander, indeed, but one who was several hundred leagues away from where he should be - commanding the newly raised Shoreland legions alongside his father.

    "What is the meaning of this!" the King boomed, eyeing up the newly raised Commander. The young man was armoured in plate, rather than mail as one would expect of a man who was attending a feast.

    "My King" Renly knelt, a behavior Alesandar would have to drill out of the boy. No Stormlord was t okneel, not even in front of their King. Other than the implications, practically, kneeling allowed one to draw a concealed weapon more easily. King Alesandar had fought off more assasins than most Kings, and one eventually grew wary of even the slightest gesture.

    The Young Lord arose at his King's gesture, and he proffered a scroll.

    "What is this?"

    "My Liege, I was instructed that this was for your eyes only. It was passed by a rider sworn to House Serrett, who intercepted my party and I at Maidenpool. Lord Darklyn believed I should ride to you immediately to deliver it in person."

    More likely, Lord Darklyn had not wanted to surrender his command to a man half his age, especially when his own son - Lord Renly's age - had just been raised to Lordhood and the command of the Xth legion.

    "Would a Raven not have sufficed, Lord Renly?"

    "Lord Darklyn advised that no bird could be trusted. Not with... not with enemies all around us?"


    Lord Renly have no reply. The King turned his eyes to the message. The message bore the seal of House Lannister.

    King Alesandar,
    Hoare has betrayed us. Longships have been spotted across the entire coast and Ironborn warriors raid our coastline with impunity.
    They have rejected your offer of peace

    King Lancel,

    King of the Rock.

    Red descended upon the room, and with a mighty roar the Stormking flung the letter into the fire.

    "My armour, Lord Renly".

    Without a word, the young Lord obeyed. The boy had squired for his father from a young age, and while the senior Stokeworth was not a serious warrior, his son had learnt his craft well. In the absense of his own squire, Lord Renly did a more than capable job.

    "Send for Lord Commander Morrigen."

    Dorne I:

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    The red waters of the sea of Dorne lapped at the bow of the War Galley 'Stormbreaker' as she sailed through the dead of night. The night was cloudy, but a thin ray of moon light had slipped from the clouds and offered a faint guide for the fleet to follow.
    Strombreaker bore a single lantern at her Stern, but otherwise Lord Wylde had commanded that all other lights be extinguished, lest their foes had placed scouts along the shore line.

    In the darkness, the vast armada had struggled to stay together. Of the Kingdom's navy, three fleets numbering three score ships each had been despatched to ferry the Might of the Southern Stormlands to the sea of Dorne.

    Although between King Alesander's levy, and the second Levy by Lord Dondarrion to fight the wars in the West, the Stormlords had managed to raise another three legions from the men remaining in the Stormlands. Combined with several hundred marines that had been seconded from the 4th Battle Fleet, currently blockading the city of Sunspear, Lord Wylde had sole command of one of the greatest forces the Stormlands had ever fielded. Many of the men who filled the decks of the Stormbreaker and her sister ships were Lord Wylde's own men, although Lord Swann's castellan had also released his levies for the liberation of Dorne.

    There would be no great riches to be found in Dorne - The Greenhand had already greedily taken as much as was possible from the sons of the Rhoyne. This would not be a war where men would gain riches, but it would be the salvation of the Red Sun of House Martell.
    The fleet edges ever closer to the Dornish coastline. House Gardener controlled the port of Yronwood, but no ships had been spotted - it was rumoured that the Greenhand was too poor to afford to raise new ships, and had resorted to defiling the sept of Oldtown to finance her desperate defence of the reach.

    Lord Wylde swore that he would put his blade through the chest of those who defiled the holiest city of Westeros to fund their greed. Axell Gardener, rather than protecting his city, had led the holiest order of Knights in Westeros into a war of conquest. In doing so they had broken their holy vows, and dammed themselves in the light of the seven. Lord Wylde swore to himself that he would seek our Axell Gardener and bring him to justice.

    Lights were clearly visible now from camp fires. The siege lines that Lord Osgrey had established around the castle of the Tor had been established with little concern for the coastline. Osgrey had clearly gambled that the Stormlords were bluffing. This night they would teach House Gardener that the Stormlord never bluff when it comes to war.

    The Riverlands II:
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    The Ironborn emissary arrived at Morrigen Keep with a small retinue, soaked from the constant drizle. Unlike most Ironborn, this man rode a horse, although it was a small palfrey, dwarfed by King Alesandar's giuant black Charger. Life as an emissary was not seen as a task for a true Ironborn, and the raiders who guarded him seemed to be bored. Peace was boring for the Ironborn, and this was perhaps why the Hoare prince was slaying his own kin in the West.

    "What is the meaning of this, Stagking" called the Ironborn emissary, lowering his hood to reveal a pale, wind-battered fact.

    One eye was covered with an eye-patch and a long scar ran from brow to cheek. This man had once been a warrior, but old age and infirmity had left him barely able to ride. The sending of such a man to treat with the King was an insult, but the Ironborn were not known for their diplomacy.

    "You are here to answer for the crimes of your people, heathen" Called Lord Morrigen, sitting beside his King on a great white desterier.

    "Heathan you call me? Aye, to you perhaps. But my god is just as good as yours, mainlander scum. What crimes are these you speak of?"

    "Your Prince has defiled his marriage and slays his own kin. This is to stop. Now." Morrigen spoke for the King.

    "Oh does he now? Well, that is no concern of mine, is it? I serve Lord Dagmar. Now, Stormlord, here are my commands. Your men are to quit the castle of Raventree and are to return to their wine and thralls in the South. That is what I command, and what my King commands."

    "You dare command your betters?"

    "Aye, that I do. What authority do you try to command me under, eh?"

    Lord Morrigen kicked his spurs to his horsesflanks and trotted forward, his hand moving to his sword hilt. The Ironborn was nonplussed, but his small retinue grasped their axes even tighter.

    King Alesandar did nothing.

    Lord Morrigen advanced closer, until he was level with the Ironborn emissary.

    "These are your King's words?"

    "Aye, that they are. The King offers you 2,000 of Lannister's Golden Lion coins to quit his lands. And he'll even throw King Lancel's severed head into a nice gold bag for you."

    Lord Morrigen turned to his King and raised his eyebrow. A shrug was the reply.

    "You would offer us gold and threats in return for us to depart and leave our allies to death and destruction at your hands, Ironborn?"

    "Aye, that we would. What say you?"

    Lord Morrigen's blade was in his hand before the emissary could blink. In the distance, a boom of thunder rolled across the hills, covering the sound of the emisarry's gargled scream as the blade pierced his throat. The second blow - a thurs - pierced his lungs and silenced the scream.
    The warriors bellowed out a war cry and charged, axes held aloft, but King Alesander spurred his horse forward and his Stormguard followed.

    No Ironborn survived.

    The bodies were laid in a flooded pit and left for the crows or the fishes, whoever got to them first. The Stormking cared not.

    "Order the advance" he bellowed to Lord Morrigen, who raised his blood stained blade.

    The trumpet echoes across the Riverlands.

    Through the mud they came. Two legions, hastily summoned from the Shorelands and the Riverlands at Lord Renly's command.
    The mud would slow their advance, but not for long. For even as the thunder echoed across the land, this was not the Storm that house Hoare should fear.

    "Send a raven to Lord Trant and Lord Dondarrion. Order the Legions to commence offensive action in the reach against House Gardener.

    "All of them."

    There was silence as the message was scribed under the cover of a cloak. Within minutes, the birds had been dispatched.
    "Who is it who holds the command in the Stormlands?"

    "Lord Wylde, my Liege."

    "Order his fleet to commence their landing operations against Dorne. Save House Martell. Their spears shall be needed soon."

    "But, my King, he only has half his force assembled?"

    "Send the raven. Tell him to send one of his legions to relieve the Tor. One should be enough. The other two are to prepare for the next stage of the invasion"

    "By your command, my Liege."

    Dorne II

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    The trebuchets aboard Stormbreaker were the first to fire, raining incendiary missiles down upon the Gardener positions. As the fleet drew closer, the mangonels on the smaller ships began to fire, their projectiles raining death upon the Gardener positions.

    The Greenhand had already ordered the castle of the Tor be stormed, and as the sun rose above the castle pillars of black smoke could be seen billowing from the towers of the castle. Ladders and siege towers were already at the walls and as the fleet drew closer, Lord Wylde could see men clad in the white and green of House Gardener on the ramparts.

    Yet the Sun of House Martell still flew proudly from the central keep. They were not too late.

    "Order the marines to commence landing operations. Secure a beachhead! Sound the drums!"

    The large warships of the Kingdom could not land on the Shore, so men rushed to the smaller boats.

    The battle was short yet bloody. Kingdom forces landed upon the coastline of Dorne. After the surprise of the artillery assault, Gardener forces had taken up positions along the beach, and as the first wave of droops landed they were met with heavy resistance.

    Yet, as more and more Kingdom forces landed, the Gardener forces were forced from the beach itself. Some men fled into the castle of The Tor itself, while those who were smarter fled West to Yronwood.

    Osgrey and Axell Gardener's hots consisted of a mix of Warrior's Sons and levied infantry and Knights, but against the fury of the Stormlands they could inflict little damage.

    Osgrey retreated West, while Axell retreated South. As the midday sun rose, the battle was over, and the Tor had been liberated.

    The few towns people who had survived, and a handful of Martell warriors, greeted the Stormlords as they triumphantly entered the city.

    Unlike in the reach, there would be no looting. No raping. No violence. The Stormlords were here as liberators. And the festivities began.
    At Nightfall - Lord Wylde and his men departed the city to hunt down the remaining Gardener and Osgrey forces. Lord Axell was located cowering in a small holdfast, which Lord Wylde invested.

    The Warriors Sons had been annihilated as a military Order. Lord Wylde hoped that in time, the Order could be rebuilt under the Stormking's leadership.

    Thus ended a bloody day, but this would be a turning point in the History of both Dorne and the Kingdom of Storm and Shore.

    Last edited by Badger-dude; April 21, 2013 at 08:01 AM.

  3. #63
    Badger-dude's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    Anyone still reading these?

  4. #64

  5. #65
    zburanuki's Avatar Ducenarius
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    count me also!

  6. #66
    Badger-dude's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    The Kingdom of Storm and Shore

    With the liberation of Sunspear, the Kingdom has achieved poeace with House Gardener, who agreed that more bloodshed between the followers of the Seven would be foolish.

    King Alesandar has issued a general recall order for all Legions.

    Legions II (Gulian), III (Fell), IV (Gower), and V (Trant) are hereby recalled to the Riverlands.

    Legions VI (Dondarrion) and VII (Swann) are to garrison the Reach to prevent future treaty violations

    Legions VIII and XI (Wylde) are to withdraw along with the third and fifth fleets)

    Legion X (Connington) and is to withdraw with the 4th and 7th fleets

    Legions XI (Stokeworth) and XII (Darklyn) are to return to the Shorelands

    Most troublingly,. the Kingdom has heard that the so-called Dragon King, Aegon, has constructed a mighty fortress off the coast of the Shorelands.

    All Kingdom naval forces in the South are to return North, and all legions are ordered to be ready for immediate redeployment to invade the island and end the reign of this pretender King.

  7. #67
    Louis XVI's Avatar Campidoctor
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    King Osgood Arryn has died at the age of 93, King Osgood ruled wisely over the kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale for 66 glorious years.
    The Old Falcon has died peacefully in his own bed in the Eyrie, accompanied by his family and his trusted lords.
    A shroud of morning lays over the kingdom, the fields are empty and the septs full as the people pray for their beloved king, all the Lords of the Vale have travelled to the Eyrie to pay their respects.

    The body of king Osgood will be interred in the Arryn royal crypts hidden in the Mountains of the Moon.

    But the Vale needs a King, the Vale needs an Arryn!

    Lord Belmore, lord Redfort, lord Hunter and lord Grafton have ridden from the Gates of the Moon. They reached prince Talon Arryn on the road to Greenfork Watch and have presented the silver crown of the Vale to him.

    Prince Talon kneeled in the mudd of the Riverlands and was crowned King Talon Arryn of the Mountain and the Vale by the local septon.

    King Talon's first decree will be heard all across Westeros:

    "We declare that all treaties made between Qhored Hoare and my honorable father King Osgood Arryn are invalid. Agreements with the Ironborn are not binding, they are not only heathens but also murderers, pillagers and rapers that have no place in Westeros. King Durrendon set the right example when he executed the Hoare diplomats. Every Andal kingdom should join the war against the darkness of the western seas,
    King Lancel Lannister, king Talon Arryn and King Alesander Durrendon hereby declare the alliance of the three crowns to drive Qhored back to his barren Islands!"

    The Arryn forces have crossed the Trident in force, King Talon leads the siege of Oldstones while his son Lyn Arryn and lord Royce have set up fortifications against a possible Hoare intervention.

    Last edited by Louis XVI; April 27, 2013 at 09:36 AM.

  8. #68
    Badger-dude's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    King Osgood was a good friend of King Alesandars and will be missed.

  9. #69

    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    I'm still reading as well!

  10. #70

    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    "The tides of war have begun yet again, my liege. There are reports from all the small folk around Ashford that soldiers of the Storm are raping and pillaging our lands. They claim that we have encroached upon their territory."

    "May I inquire as to where the honorable Alesander says we have encroached upon his lands?"

    "He claims Old Oak, my liege. Our most recent reports indicate that the Lannisters have bowed down to the Stormking."

    "Those mewling kittens. They are not the lions they claim to be. And why in Westeros does King Alesander wish for war so soon? Is he so foolish to think that he can conquer us? Call the banners. Send a raven to Martyn. He is to return with the greater portion of the army. A small contingent will remain behind to garrison Old Oak, if Alesander agrees to my pleas. Send another raven to Dorne. Tell them to prepare the fortifications. Ensure that my son is aware of the coming danger, and ensure that Ser Osgrey fortifies Western Dorne as well as he can. Inform Lord Redwyne to return to Highgarden.

    Lastly, send a raven to the High Septon. Ask him to request the help of the Warrior, to lend us strength in arms; the Smith, to instill our armor with newfound strength; the Crone, to grant wisdom to our generals; the Father, to ensure that our generals retain solid judgment, even in the heat of battle; the Maiden, to protect us, so we may protect our young and innocent; the Stranger, to grant our dead the honor and respect they deserve; and finally, the Mother, so she may spare us, and keep us safe, and allow us to live out our lives as old men."

    From the peaks of the Red Mountains, one could see dozens of dark wings, carrying dark words, flapping away from Highgarden. One could deduce that these words were most certainly tidings of war, terrible war, as one could also see the vast hosts of the Storm Kingdom, breaking the Treaty of Cider Hall. From the top, everything is so peaceful. The calm before the Storm, one might say. The calm before the Storm to end all Storms.

    The end of the line of Gardener is near. With the Westerlands, the Vale, the Riverlands, the Shorelands, the Stormlands, the Northern Reach, and Eastern Dorne firmly in his grasp, the Stormking now turns his attention to the Reach. The last bastion of freedom. The last bastion of Andals. The Last Bastion of the Seven. The Last Bastion. King Gyles efforts, while valiant and honorable, are futile. The Last Stand of the Kings of the Reach is beginning. May the bards sing of great deeds. Of the hopeful coming of the Warrior Incarnate. Of the Final Charge of the King that has lost half his Kingdom.

  11. #71
    Riverknight's Avatar Last of the Romans
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    King Ryone Dayne peered out at the water, the way the waves just rocked back and forth, it was beautiful, in the distance he heard swords ringing, no doubt it was his son Edric training the new Knight’s of the Dawn, the Knights of Dawn... the finest Knights in the kingdom, without them Ryone would have never been able to keep his kingdom intact and he will need them to prepare the defenses in Hellot against the Martell King, who was terribly angry at him for being “annoying” and no doubt would want revenge.(If you do not understand this joke, check the hotseat thread, guy (the martell player) called me annoying) But that can wait, there was peace in the kingdom and peace was something the people of Starfall relish. Suddenly he heard shouting and running, he grabbed Dawn his massive greatsword, he was in a ready position to take on whoever would run through that door, suddenly his Maestar John ran through the door.

    What is it John! What has happened!?!

    Huff... John was too tired to talk he pointed at the scroll in his hand.

    Suddenly Edric, Ryone’s son ran through the door, Father what is in that message I heard talk of another war.

    The message is from Gyles, the King of the Reach, it says that the Storm king has broken the peace of Ashford and is now sending Legions to attack the Reach...

    Why would the storm king want another war... did he not offer the peace to the last one?

    The Storm king is a tyrant, he has the Riverlands and Stormlands behind him and I am sure he has puppet kings in the Westerlands, Vale and of course eastern Dorne ... this will be our end my son, our truly last stand... assemble the knights of Dawn, we will march to our death, may the warrior grant us courage and may the mother protect our women and children when we fall. Send a raven to Lewyn to create a series of forts North of Hellot.

    Wait, my lord there is more! The Storm king *HUFFF* Alesander he has requested your aid!

    What does Alesander want with me, I am a knight, not just any knight... a knight of the dawn, we are the warriors of the seven. We will ride against the Storm king for freedom and for the seven
    Send word to Gyles, that we will stand by him

    What shall I send King Alesander?

    Send him that we, the knights of Dawn, the warriors of freedom and the seven will stand up for freedom, even if it means our deaths.

    Yes, my lord.

    So it begins my son, the charge of the knights of dawn... the end of us, the end of our ways, although we may die, our tales will carry on in the words of bards and this my son, the sword of Dawn the very symbol of freedom, send this to my sister Ashara, tell her to give this to her son Arthur... he is now the Sword of the morning as I will die, tell him to be true sword of the morning, tell him to be true to the gods and true to himself... tell him my son.

  12. #72

    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    In the Riverlands...

    ...Winter is Coming, thought Beron Stark.

    It comes for us all.

  13. #73
    Badger-dude's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    In this thread - lies.

    Actually frustrates me.

  14. #74

    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Badger-dude View Post
    In this thread - lies.

    Actually frustrates me.

    Yes, all of your posts lie

    Anyways, more RP up later today. A deal has been reached. Let's see how long it takes for this one to break down and receive new terms

  15. #75
    Badger-dude's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    The original deal stands :-p

  16. #76
    Makrell's Avatar The first of all fish
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    is there any maps of the progress, a HS like this could use with maps on aturnly basis(maybe new map 2 turns after or something)

  17. #77
    Louis XVI's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Makrell View Post
    is there any maps of the progress, a HS like this could use with maps on aturnly basis(maybe new map 2 turns after or something)
    PM The Forgotten , I believe it has been asked before but Admins normally can't be bothered (including myself)

  18. #78
    Badger-dude's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    Here's a rough map, at least from my perspective (Turn 20)

    The bit missing is Arryn, who denies my repeated requests for map info

    The Westerlands may not be 100% accurate

  19. #79
    Louis XVI's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    yeah I gave you map info last turn I believe

  20. #80
    Uriyaca's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: [AAR] A Song of Quills and Swords (KoRaH)

    Well... The Stormkings are much weaker then I thought it seems xD. Most of the Riverlands are actually in Lannister and Arryn hands (well, th Stormkings have the same but Lann and Arryn hold Oldstones and Riverrun) , and the Stormkings only hold two settlements in the Reach and one in Dorne it seems

    The Gardeners are ever resiliant, go nooby!

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