I've been looking around for quite a while to figure out whether something was wrong with this particular unit, but the web is deceptively quiet about it except for a lone thread I found on another forum...

So the Kishu Ninja--the regular ones--have 3 morale.
I wasn't initially aware of this at first, but in an interesting incident I came to realize that something is wrong with the stats of this unit.

After attaining victory in my very first domination campaign of Shogun 2 as the Shimazu, unifying all of Japan save for a handful of provinces in the Tohoku region, I continued to play because I wanted to finish the arts tree and see some of the units that I haven't had the chance to see, such as the aforementioned Kishu Ninja unit.
So I recruited six of them and brought them all the way up to Fukushima, where a lone Stronghold stood, cut off from reinforcements by my armies, and threw them at the castle. Only a garrison of Yari Ashigaru and a handful of retainers were there to face them, and the initial numbers--270 of them against the defending 165--made it seem like the odds were clearly in my favor.
Avoiding the eyes of the defenders, my ninjas successfully climbed up the walls somehow undetected in a corner, despite their conspicuous black garments... anyway, the defenders soon found my men and they began to close. Confident in my numbers, I tossed a volley of flash grenades at the approaching enemies, which blew up a good third of their men and disoriented them. So I used stealth and then charged, a swarm of black engulfing the feeble defenders. I was expecting to hear my adjutant cry out in that same horrible accent that has been bothering me throughout the game, "My lord! A glorious victory will soon be yours!"
But something completely unexpected happened. As the defenders counter-charged into my mob of ninjas, I saw all but one of their banners go flashing. Before I even had the time to say, "WHAT THE FRONT LAWN?" my adjutant was crying out, "Our men are running from the battlefield! Shameful display!"
About fifteen seconds after the melee was joined, the battle was over. All my ninjas, mostly at 90% strength, had fled in the face of a vastly inferior enemies... and a Crushing Defeat.

It just left me speechless. I checked the stats of one unit that managed to not get wiped out in the battle, and found out they had 3 morale. 3 morale? That's worse than Ashigaru troops. I've had more experiences with the unit over the course of several campaigns since then. Every time I attempt to use the unit, their wobbly morale gives way if the enemy just shoots them a powerful glare, and they go running across the battlefield, usually into the enemy lines, and then die. It's as if the unit is made up of the most cowardly men you could find in all of Japan. I've also had issues with their clan-special variants. They have 12 morale, so they could perform even if the enemies gave them the best hard look they could. They don't break from a volley of arrows or two, and they can actually defeat a handful of Ashigaru in melee after they're shaken and confused from two volleys of bombs. And here's another problem: the special variants of the Kishu Ninja only have 2 ammunition(regular ones have 11 or 12...).

Summary of the post:
Does anybody else find Kishu Ninja stats strange? Or is this the way this unit is supposed to be?