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Thread: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

  1. #1
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    The Ormellen residence is a large manse visible from several miles away, a large black and white building adorned with golden statues, enclosed by a great bronze fence and a vast garden featuring many exotic plants and stone fountains, and actually enhanced by the massive Red Temple to R'hollor sitting on the hill opposite to it, their contrasting colors making both stand out against each other's backdrop. Mail-clad guards wearing the Ormellen colors of black, white and blue march to and fro along the fence and inside the great courtyard, occasionally waving their spears and shields threateningly at unwelcome passers-by or stopping to boast about their exploits (real, exaggerated or made up) at comely ladies.

    (OOC: Closed to Rose)

  2. #2

    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    A small group of at least fifteen men escorting two cloaked figures arrive at the Ormellian Manor. Among the guard are all thirteen of Rhaenys's Black Guard, named so for the black armor they have adorned themselves in contrast the Westeros Kingsguard, and consist of Targaryen loyalists who fought in the breakout from King's Landing and have since served as Rhaenys's personal guard, selected for their loyalty to House Targaryen and skill in combat. Rhaenys occassionally looks around from behind the mask she wears to cover her appearence while Prince Maegor, her younger brother wears the attire of sellsword under the cloak to keep with his disguise of being a Tyrosh sellsword.

  3. #3
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    The gate guard, a tall middle-aged man with a weathered face whose only hand is tightly gripping a spear, smacks the butt of his weapon into the ground and cries out,

    "Stop right there! Do you have any business with the Master today?"

  4. #4

    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    Maegor walks forward, while Rhaenys remains behind several of the Blackguard. "Hailm good ser. We were invited here by Prince Ormellen to discuss a agreement between our two houses..this is his address, correct?" He shows the guard the piece of paper Eladon gave Rhaenys.

  5. #5
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    The gate guard looked long and hard at the paper, then nods.

    "That is correct. Prince Eladon has informed us that we were to expect certain guests, and to escort them to his solar immediately. Of course, I can't do that if you still have your arms on you..." He whistles for another pair of guards. "Your weapons, fair lady? And good sers?"

  6. #6

    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    Several guards had over spears and short swords, while the Blackguard hand over a variety of weapons. Rhaenys leaves two daggers that have slight curves to them, and Maegor has a single blade. The group then wait to be led into the Manor.
    Last edited by Xion; April 25, 2012 at 09:05 PM.

  7. #7
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    The guards nod, and escort the Targaryen party into the manse. Rhaenys and her company are led past the splendid Ormellen gardens, the halls adorned with carvings and paintings of the Lysene Goddess of Love and of R'hollor's Red Priests both, and the pair of magnificent glass stairs past a golden indoor fountain up to the floor on which the Ormellens lived.

    The guards halt outside a great mahogany door, and Rhaenys can hear Eladon audibly arguing with someone about something. "Does Mopatis take me for a fool?! To think I'd believe a story like that - "

    "He says it is true, Your Highness, that - "

    "Of course he would! But he is a fool if he thinks I would believe him immediately without even seeing - "

    "He further stated that you would have such an opportunity as soon as the Lysene situation has been stabilized, but no sooner - "

    "Ugh, fine! I'll hold him to that. And I swear, if the 'Gift' isn't a genuine article, I'll throttle his fat neck with my own two hands, I'll hire the Bloody Mummers and send them after his family! Nobody gets to - "

    " - make a fool of the Ormellens, yes, sir. If I have your leave?"

    "You have it! Go now, and don't mince words with Mopatis. Tell him all that I've said, and that I mean every word!"

    A servant hurried out of the room, and Eladon himself stepped forward, still visibly highly irritated about something. His look softens upon finding Rhaenys and her company, however. "Lady Rhaenys! I confess I had not expected you to come so early. How are you finding Lys?"

  8. #8

    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "Yes, Lord Eladon..I did not intend to but my guards say the Watch have been around a bit more, although they believe it is to intimidate some political opponents instead of finding anymore Targaryens to sell to the Usurper, for now. Other than that, the city has been rather pleasant to be in." She makes a mental note to remember what she overheard for a later time.

  9. #9
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "Indeed? I am glad to hear that nothing has befallen you nor your companions. Come in, there is much I've to tell you."

    All but two guards, standing on the right and left of the door, depart, and Prince Eladon heads inside the solar. Maps of Lys, the Free Cities and the Disputed Lands are strewn here and there, with the Free Cities of Pentos, Myr and Tyrosh circled in blue and Lys in red. A painting of a man who appears much like Eladon, but older, gaunter and with a harsher expression, imperiously glares down on everyone who passes through the door. And lastly, a cyvasse table sits to the side, though in addition to the usual ten pieces there are pieces shaped like a flower, a stag, a leaping trout, an eagle, a snake, a direwolf, a squid and a three-headed dragon...

  10. #10

    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "Of course.." Rhaenys removes her hood and so does Maegor, while the Blackguard and several other guards follow Rhaenys. She then stares over the maps. "Interesting..has the situation between Lys and Tyrosh that we spoke of before worsen due to the Fists?"

  11. #11
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "Unfortunately, yes. There have been several border clashes on the Disputed Lands already, and both the Fists and the Tyroshi government are pointing their fingers at the other while insisting that they're not to blame. The Fists have recently gone so far as to demand reparations for the deaths of six of our soldiers in such a skirmish...R'hollor knows they were probably sent to their doom by the Fists, looking for some cause for war," Eladon grumbles.

    "We must move quickly. If war breaks out between our cities before we Palms manage to seize power, it will allow the Fists to rally the masses around them and brand us Palms as seditious allies of the Tyroshi, seeking to undermine Lyseni unity in this crisis or something along those lines. At present, we have only three targets to knock down..."

    Eladon points to three cyvasse pieces - a spearman, a heavy horseman and an elephant. "First there's the Captain of the Lys City Guard, Tregar Sathmantes. He's widely known to be in the Fists' pocket, but only because he's thick enough to swallow their propaganda...I think that if we can show him how the Fists are running this place into the ground, some undeniable proof that they're corrupt beyond redemption, along the lines of their raping the daughters of Palm-affiliated princes or actively orchestrating the war with Tyrosh or stealing from the city treasury, he'll turn cloak. Aside from him, there are the captains of the Ragged Standards and the Second Sons, Ronnel Rivers and Ben Plumm. Both have contracts with the Fists, but being actual sellswords they can be turned aside more easily, I'd imagine. Once these three are gone, their forces won't be present to save the Fists once we Palms spring our little surprise for them..."

  12. #12

    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    " once Tyrosh denies the reparations demanded by the Fists, as they probably will, then that will justify the Fist's story of Tyrosh killing their men and denying it, causing war. Yes, time is slipping away..we probably have until the Tyrosh reply to their demand arrives, most likely with a refusal to pay for their warmongering." She stares at the three pieces. "Yes, that could work..and if it does not, perhaps use that against him to get him replaced, stating he did nothing to resolve these issues of corruption as his position should. The Sellswords will be far easier, just either have to promise them a more lucrative offer than what the Fists are.."

  13. #13
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "Exactly. I am not certain whether Sathmantes will value his personal honor - he is, in some way I suppose you could say, like those knights of yours back on Westeros, or at least the version we hear about in fairytales - over his duty to his paymasters, but there is no better time to test him than now."

    "As for the sellsword captains. I can deal with one at this time, but my commitments and the fact that I have to keep the more...excitable, shall we say, Palms from initiating a riot ahead of schedule, on a tight leash means that I will not have the time to book appointments for the second captain."

    "So, who will you be going after first, Captain Sathmantes or one of the sellsword captains?...and in the case it's the latter, which will you approach first, Ronnel Rivers of the Ragged Standards or Ben Plumm of the Second Sons?"

  14. #14

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    "Going for any of three would be rather risky, espicially Sathmantes, if I fail to convince him..he could just simply arrest me and deliver me to the Fists...perhaps I should take some precautions. But how many men are part of the Guard, compared to the Mercenaries? Also, what do you know of the Captains, if anything?"

  15. #15
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "Hmm, you are correct...Captain Sathmantes isn't known for being reckless or flamboyantly bold, quite the opposite really. You should scrounge up some solid evidence before seeing him, that way he'll really have no reason to lock you up once you do meet him face-to-face."

    "The captains...let's see. Rivers is a pretty hotheaded fellow and he loves fighting...getting him to stand down shouldn't be that hard if you can convince him to fight a duel with one of your allies, and smack him down. He respects brute strength more than anything, so that would be the cheapest plan to get him out of the way if you ask me. As for the other...Plumm is scum, it's plain as day, he's Ser 'There are old sellswords and bold sellswords but there are no old, bold Sellswords' after all. He'll kill - he has killed babies without a second thought, as long as the money's right, but he's also a coward of the worst degree...if money doesn't get him off our backs, then if you can somehow convince him that even his twelve thousand thugs can't stand up to the wrath of the Lyseni people, he'll still back off like the maggot he truly is."

  16. #16

    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "Hm..sound easy enough to deal with the mercenaries..but for the captain, do we have any hard evidence I can present, or shall I start searching?"

  17. #17
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "I'd advise starting to search. Let's see, where could one start with this...well, there's Salladhor Maar. Bald bastard with a hooked nose and eyes like ice, oh and he's huge too, you can't miss him. Comes from Qohor, and decorates his manse like he's still living there. He frequents the temple of our Love Goddess, but you can find his manse on the other side of the city, in the Fists' Square." Eladon practically spits the next few sentences. "They say he's been 'praying' with the boys and girls of Palm nobility, especially those sworn to R'hollor, and that he eats them when he's done 'playing' so the City Guard can't find evidence of any of this. 'Course, him and his friends in the Fists deny it all. If you could prove those allegations...well, let's just say Captain Sathmantes doesn't take kindly to cannibals, child murderers and rapists, much less someone who's all three at once, or anyone who protects them."

  18. #18

    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "Yes..if I could get evidence on him the captain would have no choice really but to realize the Fists are dragging Lys to ruin..perhaps disguise myself as a Priestess of R'hollor..? Hm...disguise my guard as sellswords and perhaps "enter" his service to get evidence..maybe.." She continues to occassionally speak some ideas.

  19. #19
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: [Closed RP] Consolidating Power

    "Yes...I will leave the Captain to you, then. In addition, before we part ways this time - which of the mercenary captains will you be trying to subdue, whether by blade, by coin or by word?"

  20. #20

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    "Probably Rivers..I believe one of my guards could prove a match for him. If not, well, there is always the coin option.."

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