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Thread: Manually Fixing Artillery Size in DBE

  1. #1

    Default Manually Fixing Artillery Size in DBE

    Searched for why the x2 Artillery option wasn't working, and apparently that's not supported anymore.

    However, when I load all the DMUC .pack files in DBE, they properly say 8 # of Artillery

    Why isn't this working right in-game? If I look at the details of an Artillery regiment on the campaign map, it says 8 Guns, but once I get onto the battlemap there's only 4.

    Am I looking in the wrong place?

    EDIT: That was in aggregate the base .pack for DMUC, they're still 4. Sounds like the load order is off. I'll just x2 the # of Artillery in the base .pack and hope that works out.
    Last edited by Kolaris8472; April 16, 2012 at 09:12 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Manually Fixing Artillery Size in DBE

    Did you fix it?

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