How to use this thread
This thread is here for you to use for making requests for things such as userbars, avatars, signatures, and other art for your personal use here on TWC. (Requests relating to art for mods should be posted on the Modding Service Graphic Requests Thread.)
Art Staff are free to refuse any request at all - they're volunteers, and they have a limited amount of spare time to spend here, so it may not be possible for them to accept every request. Requests for art that will be used on TWC (in your signature, or in an AAR, for example) are likely to be accepted unless Art Staff are too busy to carry out your request. Requests for art that will be used somewhere other than TWC are less likely to be accepted. Please don't make requests for works that will earn money or solicit funds.
When you're posting a request, please give as much information as you can, like the theme, the text, the dimensions, your favored stock photos/pictures, etc.
Also please specify what use will be made of this art. (Is this external or internal to TWC? Will it be a sigbar, or a banner for an AAR, or an avatar, or something else?)
More about signatures:
How to add an image to your signature:
First of all, you need the URL of the image you want to use. Right click on the image that was made and go to properties. You should see the URL of the image. It should say, e.g.
Now you need to add the image to your signature, using that URL. To do that, click on 'My Account' at the top of the page. Then click on 'Edit Signature', which is on the left-hand side of the page. There are two ways of adding an image to your signature.
The first way is to click on the image button: You will be prompted to add the URL, and then your image should be added to your signature. Click save once you're happy with the way it looks in the preview.
The second way is by adding the code manually This is very easy, and very similar to the way you can change the colour of text or quote someone manually. The image tags are [IMG] and [/IMG]. Now, all you need to do is copy the URL of the image you want to use and put the image tags around it, e.g.
Again, click save once you're happy with the way it looks in the preview.
Important notice: Please do not upload signatures via attachments. If you do that, and then use the attachment's URL in your signature, TWC's bandwidth is used to download the image every time someone views a thread where you've posted. This can lead to slower loading times for TWC's pages.