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Thread: Changing DMUC battle music?

  1. #1

    Default Changing DMUC battle music?

    Hi. I have small problem. I really enjoy Classical Music Mod used in DMUC and with these classical tracks Campaign map experience is great. But... I think battles should be more epicnesss so I decided to change battle music in DMUC_Music.pack. I'm amatour, not modder, so I read first this topic: and I used Pack File Manager to change battle tracks. Everything looks great and battle experience is now more epic than before but loops are annoying... Is any way to remove loops in DMUC Music pack? I mean: the track has for example 3:50 and it stops at 1:43, then it plays again from 0:00 to 1:43. And I want make the game to play whole my track I would be grateful for any advices

  2. #2

    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    I think it's (propably) possible to remove loops in DMUC but modified sound_events_music.csv & sound_events data doesn't work with actuall Empire patch. Do new versions of these modified files exist?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    From what I've been able to find, the only copy of the sound_events file around here is for patch 1.4, after 1.4 that file was changed drastically. I've seen that there is a mod on another website that says to have a sound_events file which is compatible with the final ETW patch, unfortunately the file alone isn't available for d/l.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Quote Originally Posted by Officerpuppy View Post
    From what I've been able to find, the only copy of the sound_events file around here is for patch 1.4, after 1.4 that file was changed drastically. I've seen that there is a mod on another website that says to have a sound_events file which is compatible with the final ETW patch, unfortunately the file alone isn't available for d/l.
    Where and which mod? Maybe it's possible to extract sound_events file from that mod, so we could use it to remove loops in our music packages.

  5. #5

  6. #6

    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Quote Originally Posted by Officerpuppy View Post
    Thanks for that link! There is the cure for our problem Here is the link from that site: (I think you must create an acconunt on 4shared first to download it). It's their package with working sounds events file You have to extract that file with Pack File Menager and use in your own music package. I have just tested in-game and annoying loops finally are defeated! But...
    Here is part of the description of that music mod translated from spanish: " Also, I removed the loop ("loops") that Empire used to repeat the themes over and over again, only I have left those belonging to the three original songs that I have not replaced."
    So... Three loops still will be somewhere in 3 tracks... But only 3 And by the way it's strange that on twcenter no one have added this new sounds events file for patch 5.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Quote Originally Posted by TesalionLortus View Post
    And by the way it's strange that on twcenter no one have added this new sounds events file for patch 5.
    Not many people still playing ETW I suppose, and fewer still who mod it.

    I just d/l it myself, I look forward to trying it out later and hoping those three tracks don't effect me, heh heh.
    Last edited by Officerpuppy; March 24, 2012 at 04:18 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Quote Originally Posted by Officerpuppy View Post
    Not many people still playing ETW I suppose, and fewer still who mod it.
    Yeah. Propably empire isn't so popular now. For sure Medieval II and Rome have more players (I'm saying of course about Rome and Medieval with mods ) I think more players like very much ancient/medieval times than 18/19 century- I for example ;0 Truly I have just started my 'mod-adventure' with empire.

  9. #9
    Dago Red's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Hey guys. Looks like you did a lot of work figuring out exactly what I have been trying to figure out on my own.

    Am I right in reading that this original fix -- [Released] Battle Music Changer no longer works due to later CA patches to ETW?
    If so, can you upload this file you found here on TWC? It seems no one else has yet! I can probably figure the rest out after that

    Or is it that the battle music changer procedure still works with the file Brenil provided, but the issue you're having is just that the loops remain? If the loops are the only problem couldn't you cut the song you want to hear in battle down into separate shorter tracks that correspond to the vanilla time codes -- that will then work in the vanilla looping system? Not ideal, and you would need a sound editing program (which I have), but would that work?

    I am not looking to change the music in DMUC, but making a music submod of my own to replace anyone's music pack file. If any of this specific to the way DMUC puts the sounds_music.pack together let me know, since that won't apply to me, and perhaps others!

  10. #10
    Bundy88's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    I dont really trust signing up to websites I dont know, and have been trying to make my own music mod but due to this new patch everything I've tried has been an epic fail. Could someone please upload or post this sound events file to this site, I would greatly appreciate it.

  11. #11
    Bran Mac Born's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Here is that file. Add it to the the Darth Mod Music pack file. It works. I have 25 minute battle cues in my music mod and they play all the way!
    Attached Files Attached Files

  12. #12
    Bran Mac Born's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Here is the file. Add it to your music mod. It works
    Attached Files Attached Files

  13. #13
    Bundy88's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Thanks Bran Mac Born your the man!!!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Big thanks Bran Mac!!!!!!!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Ok sorry its no working (( I use your sounds_packed + my sound_events_music and this no working ((I tried loop ign CA.

  16. #16
    Mr_Nygren's Avatar Berserkir
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    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bran Mac Born View Post
    Here is that file. Add it to the the Darth Mod Music pack file. It works. I have 25 minute battle cues in my music mod and they play all the way!
    I did download the pack file manager.

    I don't know how to add this file to the music file? It isn't a package file and can't be read by the manager. At least it doesn't show among the files i can open.

    How do i do this?
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  17. #17

    Default Re: Changing DMUC battle music?

    try to look on your downloads. for me any music will do, i dont mind either

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