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Thread: Polish-Lithuanian Techtree

  1. #1
    cegorach's Avatar Artifex
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Polish-Lithuanian Techtree

    This is the thread which I hope will be useful to get more ideas for specific structures for Polish-Lithuanian state.
    Enemy of 'illiberal democracies', member of the B.A.L.T.S.
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    under the patronage of the mighty ASTERIX

  2. #2

    Default Re: Polish-Lithuanian Techtree


    Techtree should ofcourse deppend on type of recruitment: domestic or foreign (narodowy i cudzoziemski autorament - nie wiem jak to inaczej napisac po angielsku..). Most of cavalry units in The Nobleman's Republic were created in a traditional way, where each soldier (comerade) equipped himself from his own pocket.

    I dont think if you should need any structures to create units in the domestic way of recruitment.

    It would be great to see something quite different in OIM, than in other TW series/mods.
    Is it possible to create firearms, and other weppons, as a resourse neaded to recruit new units? After building
    "Rusznikarnia" (anybody knows an english word for rusznikarnia???), where you produce firearms (arquebuses, musketts, pistols) a resourse "Firearms" (just like elephants in TW) could appear (dont know if its possible to do)

    To create units of foreign type (infantry, cavalry, dragoons) a player could have the choice of either to equippe his soldiers with homemade weapons (cheaper way, good for economy of the country) or those imported from other states (better quality for a higher price).

    Buildings typical for Poland - Lithuania:

    Catholic churches. A player should not be allowed to build temples of any other religion then his country's. In some provinces, of other then the national religion, churches of those types of religion should exist, but once destroyed, cannot be rebuild any more.
    Other buildings like "stanica" - steppe forts coul be build by generals on the campaing map just as well as fortified army camps.

    Teraz cos po Polsku, bo nie chce sie wiecej kompromitowac moja zalosna angielszczyzna:original:.

    Budynki gospodarcze takie jak przystan dla promow splawiajacych zboze. Moze budynek siedziby kompanii handlowej - utworzyl taka Wladyslaw IV we wspolpracy z Gdanszczaninem Hewlem niestety nic z tego nie wyszlo

    Moze "struktura" decydujacy o rodzaju uprawy lub hodowli (hodowla bydla, owiec) w odniesieniu do dobr krolewskich. Ciezko byloby przelozyc na mechanike gry obecnosc rodzin magnackich, chyba ze tak jak tworcy planuja obecnosc Kozakow (o ile dobrze ich zrozumialem). Poszczegolne rody mialyby prywatne wojska ktorymi gracz moglby sie posluzyc w razie wojny? To nie miejsce na dyskusje o tym wiec dalej.
    Sejmu w grze nie bedzie, wiec moze budynek symbolizujacy sejmiki??? Tyle ze w zalozeniu mod ma byc historyczny, wiec moze dajmy temu spokoj.
    Za to trybunaly (budynki sadowe) juz jak najbardziej!
    Inne budowle ktore mi przychodza na mysl to jakies Ludwisarnie, huty - ale to nic charakterystycznego tylko dla naszego kraju, wiec dalej.:original:
    Stadniny moglyby dawac konie:original: jako surowiec, tak jak to opisalem w przypadku rusznikarni. Jesli jednak nie da sie tego zrobic to.. ech
    Moze wystarczy. Jak mi przyjdzie do glowy cos naprawde madrego to sie odezwe nieco zwiezlej

    Ufff. It took much more space then i predicted. sorry.
    Those are only my suggestions and if anyone doesn't like it just don't pay any attention.
    Last edited by Wojniłłowicz; July 07, 2006 at 04:34 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Polish-Lithuanian Techtree

    hey! Maybe OiM team is going to make historic landmark buildings in mod?

  4. #4
    cegorach's Avatar Artifex
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: Polish-Lithuanian Techtree

    I think it will happen with most obvious choices e.g. Kremlin or Sech, but the rest is not the priority for sure.
    Enemy of 'illiberal democracies', member of the B.A.L.T.S.
    VISIT Pike and Musket forums VISIT the amazing site about PLC
    under the patronage of the mighty ASTERIX

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