By order of the Pro-Consul, Lucius Libanus, the entire province was to undergo a wave of Romanization that would help the subjugated Spanish tribes to rise above their uncivilized roots and experience the benefits of Roman rule. It would begin in each of the individual regions of the province. With sizable investments already set aside, the major cities and towns of the Province were outfitted with shrines to Roman deities, forums, courts, sewers and other basic structures that would further bring law and Roman order to the province. These projects were overseen by competent architects, foremen, and employed many impoverished non-citizens for labor. The general feeling towards these improvements was one of jubilation.

(-19,200 denarii for improvement of Tarroconensis I-XII to tier 1 and Baetica I-IV to tier 1)

Simultaneously, special crews sent from Rome began surveying the Spanish lands, preparing to build roads. Workers were brought in from all over the peninsula to begin the project. The cost for the roads would be 17,000 denarii, but this investment would be repaid very quickly as good and materials flowed directly into the towns from the countryside directly to ports.

The construction would take the rest of the year, but once completed Spain was sure to become second in beauty only to Rome and Italy itself.

Total spent (36,200)