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Thread: Resupply train / supplies

  1. #1

    Default Resupply train / supplies


    Fisrt of all, i would like to congratulate the Dots team for their unwavering commitment to historical accuracy.
    The following is an idea regarding one of the most important issues to a successful army (nd campaign)and that is to say: logistics (precisely supplies). Sega didnt take in account the importancy of supplies for an army and thus severely undermined the accuracy of military campaings especially in hostile territory.

    A) Supply as a general trait.

    As you know, mods like BYG grim reality use supply as a general trait (A.1 See note) and most importantly BYG created more than one supply trait level (A.2 ), a general could easily lose its full supply trait while in a hostile territory especially if commanding a numerous army and a general could have his supply trait upgraded by fortyfing in friendly territories as well as embarking on ships (A.3), but to have his trait upgraded he would have to spend money since he would be buying supplies (A.4). The entire system of supply traits can be worked out to match Dots standards.
    At this moment, i have an important question: is it possible to lose troops by traits, for instance the trait poor supplies would make some of your troops to defect or even die?
    If the answer is negative, its still possible to work around it but it would be more direct and realistic if the answer is positive.

    Notes for A:
    (A.1): EB1 had a supply trait that affected moral, as we can see the supply feature was taken in account by the EB team albeit their efforts were hampered by engine limitation.
    (A.2): Full supply, half Supply and so on, also the consumption rate of the supply trait is affected by the size of the army.
    (A.3): Embarking on ships is a very important feature.
    (A.4): Certainly every campaign had to be supplied and spent money in doing so, one of the reasons why war is so expensive.

    B) Resupply train

    BYG mod created an ancillary known as the resupply train (B.1). The resupply train main effect would be that of allowing a given general to reach full supply status. For instance, the supply traits would range from A to E, where "A" is no supplies and "E" is full supplies; a general that has the resupply ancillary would be able to reach the "E" status while a general that do not hold the resupply train can only reach "C" status. (B.2).
    Therefore, before embarking on a campaign a given general (B.3) would have to get in a friendly city and buy supplies. Please refer to (B.4) as another interesting idea if possible. I will address acquiring supplies in another chapter.

    B1) Assigning the resupply train.
    There are certainly a number of ways to assign the resupply train. My thinking goes in the following line:
    Take the Roman republic as an example, the resupply train could be assigned whenever a senator is elect as consul or praetor. Here, i have another question: is it possible to lose an ancillary? If possible, when the character is no longer proconsul or propraetor he would automatically loose the resupply train.
    If the answer is negative, it will be a minor setback that will be dealt with in the acquiring supplies chapter.
    Another option is assigning a resupply train for every general. I am well aware that this option would have some in game issues that will be dealt with in the acquiring supplies section as well as the in game issues section.

    Notes for B:
    (B.1): In BYG the resupply train make it easier to acquire supplies as well as maintaining them, in my idea the resupply train would have further effects. In BYG, there`s only one resupply train per faction which is not a good idea for Dots (my belief).
    (B.2): Such idea linking the resupply train to a given trait is probably feasible if we take in account the professional staff feature of BYG.
    (B.3): Taken that he has the permission to embark on a military campaing against a foreign kingdom. I, for one, believe that the Dots team will use a feature that allows only a certain number of generals to do it (a roman emperor for instance) since this has already been proved possible by other mods.
    (B.4): Let's say that the supply trait grade goes from "1" to "8", "8" being full supplies and "1" no supplies. The average speed that you could purchase supplies would be "1 notch trait" per turn, so if your trait is 3 you would need 5 turn to get to "8" but if we can link the average speed on which we can purchase supplies to the level of agricultural development of a given region, in a developed region we would be able to purchase "2" per turn. This would certainly add another level of strategy to the game.

    C) Acquiring supplies.

    First of all, i need to make some considerations regarding the supply trait system.

    C1) Adopting system where only some general shave the resupply train.
    In this system every general (that doesnt have supplies at level 4) would automatically purchase supplies until it reach level "4" and the expenses would be paid by the treasury.
    Generals with the resupply train would purchase their supplies from "4" onwards and the expenses will be paid by the treasury.

    C1.1) Where to purchase supplies.

    Its possible to purchase supplies when fortified in a friendly territory (C.1), in a city or in a supply ship. (All these features have been proven possible by BYG)
    Purchasing in cities (please refer to B.4) should cost X gold.
    Purchasing in homeland forts should cost 1,5X gold.
    Purchasing in naval units should cost 2X gold. (C.2)

    Resupplying (to some degree) by defeating an enemy army ( capturing the camp) or taking an enemy city by assault.

    Notes for chapter C.1.1:
    (note C.1): Concept of friendly territory.
    The sea is considered neutral (afaik). Our own territories are obviously friendly. The question is: is it possible to resupply when fortified in allied territories?
    If the answer is positive, allied states will be very useful. Imagine the following situation, you are the romans and you want to attack mesopotamia, you could establish an alliance with the crusader states take two generals and estabilish a fort in their territory. One of the generals will campaign in mesopotamia while the other will keep stocking supplies when the general campaigning sees his supplies low the other general can relieve him. Other possibility is to retreat for the crusader states territory and resupply there in case you take a single general.
    ( note C.2) The idea is to introduce another strategic factor.
    As we know, its possible to resupply in naval units, this situation alone is very important strategically since naval superiority will allow the player to resupply his armies nd in case you dont have naval superiority will be very difficult o conduct far away sea invasions.
    Nevertheless, since the costs of resupply at sea (2x) could propel the player to take Cyprus and use it as a base to resupply or maybe ally himself to the romans and resupply in a fort there.

    C.2) Scutage tax and buy supplies.

    In BYG the order to tax the nobles was tied to the king, if possible, we could tie the order of buying supplies (for the general holding resupply train) and we could stop buying the supplies with that given general by clicking once again. Buying supplies represent the preparations before embarking on a campaign.

    C.3) Time to resupply.

    One notch per turn in cities. (See note B.4)
    One notch every two turns in forts and ships.

    D) Consumption rate

    Factors that affect the consumption rate:
    Army size.
    Time (D.1)
    I believe that supplies should not be consumed while in home territory (D.2) and fortified in friendly territories (D.3) but should be consumed when on ships.
    Notes for chapter D:
    (D.1): Applied only in situation when the supplies are consumed. Time represents that supplies are not eternal (food goes bad).
    Could be something like that:
    Consumption rate for turn 1: X
    Turn 2: X
    Turn 3: 1,25X
    Turn 4: 1,25X
    Turn 5: 1,5X
    Turn 6: 1,5X
    Turn 7: 1,5X
    Turn 8: 1,5X
    Turn 9: 1,75X
    Turn 10: 1,75X
    Turn 11: 2X
    Turn 12: 2X

    One of the reasons for this feature is to make the idea of supplying in a city in Spain (and 1x cost) for invade Syria without having Cyprus (or maybe an alliance with the romans) less tempting since your supplies will be being consumed on the seas and your costs to supply on the ship soar. If you take Cyprus, you will have a far more solid and economical base to the invasion of Syria.
    D.2) If and only if your home territory have a certain order, in a way that you wont conquer an enemy city and immediately be able to resupply or at least resupply in much slower pace.

    E) Supply effects.

    Depends on the answer for the question of chapter A.
    Nevertheless, what is certain is that being low on supplies should bring terrible effects. I case the answer for the question raised in chapter is negative a way to work around it is:
    Grade 1 to 8, "1" is no supplies and "8" full suplies.

    8: -0 moral
    7: -0
    6: -0
    5: -0
    4: -0
    3: -2 (increase chance of rebelling)
    2: -6 (increase chance of rebelling)
    1: -10 (increase chance of rebelling)

    The consequences of being low on supplies must be drastic because thats what happened in history.

    F) In game issues:

    First, the AI should not be affected by these features for obvious reasons.

    Second, it regards the system to assign the supply trains as well as paying for the supplies nd being able to decide the amount of supplies purchased.

    Last edited by Lucio Domicio Aureliano; January 29, 2012 at 08:53 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Resupply train / supplies

    First of all, you may have confused the forums around here. This is not Europa Barbarorum (I nor II) nor we have anything to do with that team other than being encouraged that the mod of our scope is actually possible.

    This forum is of Dominion of the Sword (DotS).

    Secondly the traits/ancillaries systems are nice but have one fatal flaw - are restricted to generals only. Once you take the general out of the picture, your army will never suffer from attrition etc. Common way how to get around it is to keep your generals garrisoned somewhere nearby and bring them to your stack only for battle. That is micromanagement which is neither realistic nor fun.

    In DotS we make use of a special unit - supply cart - that represents army's supplies. At the start of every battle the army will receive the morale penalty if this unit is not present in the stack which is both lightweight and independent from the general. More importantly this allows us to make this possible also for the AI by influencing its recruitment policy and stack management and if we find out in testing it is viable the supply system will be universal for both AI and player in the release.

    Mod Leader, Mapper & Bohemian Researcher

  3. #3

    Default Re: Resupply train / supplies

    Quote Originally Posted by Resurrection View Post
    First of all, you may have confused the forums around here. This is not Europa Barbarorum (I nor II) nor we have anything to do with that team other than being encouraged that the mod of our scope is actually possible.

    This forum is of Dominion of the Sword (DotS).

    Secondly the traits/ancillaries systems are nice but have one fatal flaw - are restricted to generals only. Once you take the general out of the picture, your army will never suffer from attrition etc. Common way how to get around it is to keep your generals garrisoned somewhere nearby and bring them to your stack only for battle. That is micromanagement which is neither realistic nor fun.

    In DotS we make use of a special unit - supply cart - that represents army's supplies. At the start of every battle the army will receive the morale penalty if this unit is not present in the stack which is both lightweight and independent from the general. More importantly this allows us to make this possible also for the AI by influencing its recruitment policy and stack management and if we find out in testing it is viable the supply system will be universal for both AI and player in the release.

    Please, excuse me. It was very late when i posted this thread. Neverteless, both EB and the Dots team have an unwavering commitment to historical accurancy.

    Ty for repplying to my post. Regarding the problem of traits nd ancillaries being restricted to generals, the way to work around this is problem goes in line of BYG system ( BYG system allow only some generals to conducted far away missions. Armies without a general in a hostile territory will almost immediatly rebel).

    Lets see the following situation: you are Venice and you to attack Croatia, in this case you could place your army at the frontier (but in your home territory) and would not consume supplies (therefore there would be no need to micromanage in the way that you post). Now, you attack and conquer Zagreb, you would be consuming supplies but most importantly Zagreb is a region with low order and separating your army from the general would dramatically increase the chance of rebellions ( even if the troops are garriosoned in the city or in a fort) ---

    Second example: your are invading Syria from the Spain, if the armies are setted to rebel when an army doesnt have a general (with permission to conduct foreign missions). It would be very diffuclt to avoid army consumption because your are far away from your home territories and separating your army from the general would lead them to rebel.
    Instead you could use two general with the supply train ancillary set one in Cyprus - an ally territory for instance - have him buy supplies there and then supply the campaigning army or have the campaigning army supply at a ship (control of the seas will be far more important since they will support your army with the supply line).

    Is it possible to lose soldiers by atrittion?

    The supply cart is interesting, but is it possible to buy supplies with the supply cart? or are we abe to quantify the amount of supplies left in cart?


    At last, please do not take my comments as criticism rather as ideas. i can only immagine how hard is to make a supermod especially one with the level of detailed as Dots.
    Last edited by Lucio Domicio Aureliano; January 29, 2012 at 05:08 AM.

  4. #4
    freakkriek's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: Resupply train / supplies

    Quote Originally Posted by Resurrection View Post
    In DotS we make use of a special unit - supply cart - that represents army's supplies. At the start of every battle the army will receive the morale penalty if this unit is not present in the stack which is both lightweight and independent from the general. More importantly this allows us to make this possible also for the AI by influencing its recruitment policy and stack management and if we find out in testing it is viable the supply system will be universal for both AI and player in the release.
    great idea, personnally i never liked the whole "general buys this much ressource and another one only this much" ! And giving the AI the same need to have this supply cart is just fantastic I mean ok the player is supposed to be smarter then the AI but when using BYG's submod every time an army not commanded by a general ends outside city walls they WILL desert and become rebels while it's possible for the ai to stack random small armies all over your territories dealing devastation without generals present.
    after a while it just .

    and just a little bumed after reading you still have to test this....
    kinda made myself believe the mod would just magically be finished any day now
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Resupply train / supplies

    Supplying system.

    I believe a supplying system should meet the following criterias.

    A) Acquiring supplies.

    Say that a Roman general is the commander of a given Theme and therefore may conduct foreign campaigns. Before embarking on a given campaign, he would have to buy/stock supplies (meaning the preparation phase --- entirelly realistic and historical). The obligation to buy supplies before entering a campaign represents the prohibitive costs of war as well as the logistics behind a sucessful army.

    One could argue that the costs of war are represented by the unit upkeep. To some degree this is true but upkeep costs do not make a difference between a mobilizated army and a stationary one (other than the free upkeep) nor it represents the difficult of waging war in far away lands.

    B) Consumption

    After the supplies are quantified that is to say the amount of supplies that you`re taking to your journey, consumption becomes a key element of the supply system. If your army doesnt consume supplies it means that no supplies system are in place meaning that you can campaign to the ends of the world without having to manage your supplies logistic.

    C) Where to acquire supplies

    It is an element of logistics.
    EX: Supplying on ships means that you need control of the seas since an army should be able to go from "1"supply to "8) in 1 turn. Creating a supply line using 2 general, for instance one general remains fortiyfied in Cyprus and acquires supplies, then he disembark in Syria and supply the army campaign there.

    D) Effects of being low on supplies

    Effects should be terrible since there has been no shortage of example when ar army is defeated for being low on supplies.

    If these criterias can be met, i think its safe to say that "habemus" supply system.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Resupply train / supplies

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucio Domicio Aureliano View Post
    Is it possible to lose soldiers by atrittion?
    Yes, but only at the level of entire units (using the destroy_unit command). We felt this wasn't realistic, so we decided not to include the loss of soldiers, but maybe we could use this on supply wagons instead.

    BTW, do you have any idea how BYG manages to make armies rebel? I have been trying to make armies rebel for a long time as a part of the civil wars scripts. I managed to get settlements to rebel, but never armies.

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Resupply train / supplies

    Quote Originally Posted by Azim View Post
    Yes, but only at the level of entire units (using the destroy_unit command). We felt this wasn't realistic, so we decided not to include the loss of soldiers, but maybe we could use this on supply wagons instead.

    BTW, do you have any idea how BYG manages to make armies rebel? I have been trying to make armies rebel for a long time as a part of the civil wars scripts. I managed to get settlements to rebel, but never armies.
    Ty for your reply.

    Unfortunately i dont know how manages it, i`ve been trying to find some tips in his posts about this issue but i found none. Anyway, i think its more random than the script for rebelling a city.
    Is it possible to disclose the abilities of the supply wagon or it is a surprise that will be released later? I dont wish to offend the team by asking it.


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