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Thread: End

  1. #1
    TotalWarker's Avatar Ordinarius
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    North London

    Default End

    Hi all,

    Felt like I wanted to try out a bit of creative writing but dont have the time to do a full AAR. The title was meant to read 'End of a nameless clan' but apparently I'm a moron...

    Hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment etc, being an accountant my writing isn't often practised so please bear with me! If this is received well I may try a few other stories based around my latest campaign in this format. Let me know what you think


    The rain was pouring from the sky as if the gods themselves were weeping; every drop drumming its own tune on the sides of the tent. Pools of water gathered in the mud, gleaming like dark blood in the moonlight, and as he looked out across the amassed force of men his mood did not lighten. Battle and imminent death were just around the corner and many of those who sung bravely of victory and glory tonight would not make it through to see another. Braziers burnt strongly in spite of the relentless weather casting shadows all around, making shapes that were not there dance with dark life. Even their bright flames could not penetrate the gloom which grew both outside and in.

    “Death is here”, he said to no-one in particular, “and it mocks us”.

    Those closest to him kept their eyes averted, choosing to focus instead on the patterned floor or the disorganised maps cast on the central wooden table. They knew what it meant to interrupt him in his dark moods, and none could question the reason when inspecting the situation laid before them. The charts told a sorry tale, allies crushed in the field, their clan shrunk to a quarter of it’s military power in just 6 weeks, armies wiped from the face of the earth, sliced away piece by piece with sword and bow. And mortal enemies all around, closing their grip and squeezing.
    They were the last of their clan, and there was little hope. Bravery and honour carried you so far, but against odds this great, nobody felt confident of victory.

    “Does anyone here see another way?” he asked, knowing that there would be nothing. For half the day and night they had sat discussing, debating, arguing and threatening until all were empty. There was no alternative. His greatest minds could not foresee anything past defeat, and he had accepted his fate several hours ago.

    “It is the greatest honour to die for what you believe in and belong to”, murmured his most trusted general. He gently rested his hand on the man’s shoulder, showing more emotion in one moment than he had in 20 years.

    “It was the greatest honour to have such a loyal friend” he replied, looking into his eyes knowingly. This man would be next to him on the morrow. They would fight and die together, and it would all be for nothing.

    “Leave me, all of you, and enjoy this night for what you can”. He gestured towards the opening and they headed out to make their peace in their own way. His friend was the last to leave, a curt nod showing he fully understood and accepted.

    With the tent empty the flickering light seemed all the more energetic, shadows forming into men and living and dying on the walls. Visions of what had been and what would come flowed through his mind and he wondered what would become.

    He never saw the shadow move behind him unseen, blade in hand leaving one last shiny pool to form.
    Last edited by TotalWarker; January 20, 2012 at 05:11 AM.

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