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Thread: Where Are Your Gods Now? A Greyjoy AAR

  1. #1
    achudnow's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Where Are Your Gods Now? A Greyjoy AAR

    (This is using the improved "0.60" version, Cpt.'s sub-mod. This is the last of my three AARs for now.)

    Chapter 1: Born of Iron

    Balon Greyjoy, King of the Iron Islands, King of Salt and Rock and Lord Reaper of Pyke gazed dispassionately at Lord Rodrik Harlaw and his nephew and heir Ser Harras Harlaw. The other men in the dark and dreary room, Lord Baelor Blacktyde and Lord Gorold Goodbrother were spared his stare, barely mantaining expressions of polite boredom.

    "Forgive my old age, but I must have misheard you," Balon said slowly, his gaze never wavering from the two squirming noblemen.

    "Your Majesty, you did not. My assault on the Banefort failed. A Lannister force under Ser Stafford arrived to reinforce the castle, I could not hold against the two forces," Lord Rodrik spoke nervously, not many men would risk Lord Balon's wrath.

    "My King, I bring better news from Faircastle. I took the stronghold not a week ago, it provides us with a point from which to assault Lannisport and the Rock itself... once the Banefort and the Crag have fallen, that is," Ser Harras quickly put in, saving his father from further embarassment.

    "I see. At least one of you was not a miserable failure. Lord Rodrik, I will only say this once, try again. I will give you access to a larger force and fleet, if you fail to take the Banefort again I will take exception," Lord Balon commanded, his eyes hard.

    "As you say, My King," Lord Rodrik replied, relieved.

    The Harlaws left the room, and King Balon turned to Lord Baelor Blacktyde, "I require more funds. What few traders that arrive in Lordsport are too few. (Assuming that the income from Pyke would come from Lordsport) If we can take Lannisport and the Rock, then our problems will end on that score," Balon said, his eyes growing thoughtful.

    "I will see the necessary men mustered to take Lannisport, but the Rock will be far more difficult, even with the weakened defenders," Lord Blacktyde pointed out, also looking thoughtful.

    "Find a way. Also where is my son, Theon?" Lord Balon asked.

    Theon woke not long after dawn.

    Theon got out of the bed and started preparing himself for the day, thinking hard about the next few weeks. He was to take an Ironborn force to Flint's Finger and take it for King Balon. Theon had bigger plans. He intended to take not only Flint's Finger, but Torhen's Square and Barrowtown as well, eventually gathering enough men to take Winterfell.

    There came a knock at his chamber door, followed by a rough shouting; "Prince Theon, your Father sends word that you are to leave a week sooner than he originally planned."

    Good, thought Theon, he could implement his plan all the faster.

    Chapter 2: The Banefort

    Lord Rodrik Harlaw stood about a quarter of a mile from the gates of the Banefort. The Lannister host that occupied it had been taken by surprise at the renewed assault of the castle, and Lord Harlaw's archers had quickly forced the enemy to abandon the parapets. Even now his eyes followed the ram as it rambled up to the gate.

    The problem, me mused, was not numbers. Lord Harlaw's forces outnumbered the Lannister force two to one. The problem was that the Ironborn had little experience taking castles. They were best at raiding towns and cities, striking quickly then vanishing into the sea. Prolonged sieges and assaults were not the forte of the Ironborn.

    A shout from the defenders alerted Lord Harlaw to now-breached gate. A few minutes of bloody fighting ensued, ending with the death or capture of every Lannister soldier.

    Moments later, Lord Harlaw stood in the courtyard of the Banefort, glaring at one of the many Walder Freys.

    "What kind of forces do the Lannisters have in the Crag and the Rock? Answer quickly, and you may yet live," Lord Rodrik spat, his expression menacing.

    The unfortunate Frey raised his head wearily, and replied; "The Crag has little more than two-hundred men defending it. Stafford Lannister did not anticipate you attacking again. Not a mistake Lord Tywin would have made, I reckon. Of Casterly Rock, I know but little. Over one-thousand soldiers garrison it.

    Lord Harlaw thought for a moment, then nodded to himself, "Behead the wretch. I wish I could see the look on Lord Edmure's face when he realizes the Freys are fighting for the Lannisters," he ordered, turning heel and entering the keep.

    Chapter 3: The Old Way

    Victarion Greyjoy, Admiral of the Iron Fleet and Lord of Hammerhorn stood upon the deck of his mighty Iron Victory, surveying Lannisport before him. His brother, King Balon, had commanded him to sack Lannisport, to weaken the finances of House Lannister and boost the coffers of Pyke, which were nigh on empty.

    Mermaid and Carnage were the ships beside Iron Victory, and the three were the first to enter Lannisport. The Ironborn quickly disembarked their ships, to meet the few Lannister soldiers guarding Lannisport. Victarion himself was one of the first in the battle, and he quickly slew several Lannister soldiers. It took but minutes to butcher the garrison, a personal record for the Iron Captain.

    "Sack this wretched city of green-landers," Victarion ordered, "throw any who resist into the harbor as a gift for the Drowned God, and take any valuables. After we are done, burn the city to the ground."

    "Aye, Captain."

    Three hours later, at Flint's Finger,

    Theon reveled in the cries of triumph from his Ironborn as the castle fell, a first in many conquests to come. He had already destroyed the garrison, and all without his wretched uncle Euron Crow's Eye. Soon he would depart for Torhen's Square, to take the castle as well, then he would move on Winterfell. Bran and Rickon Stark remained in Winterfell, with only a hundred or so soldiers. It would be child's play to take.
    Last edited by achudnow; October 26, 2011 at 06:42 PM.

  2. #2
    achudnow's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Where Are Your Gods Now? A Greyjoy AAR

    Character pictures
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Heroes: (theres alot of them)

    Balon Greyjoy, King of Salt and Rock and Lord Reaper of Pyke

    Theon Greyjoy, Heir to Pyke and the Iron Islands
    "There's nothing half so mortal as a grey goose feather"

    Victarion Greyjoy, Admiral of the Iron Fleet

    Euron Greyjoy, Dread Pirate
    "Who knows more of gods than I?"

    Aeron Damphair, Priest of the Drowned God
    "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."

    Asha Greyjoy, Warrior Princess of the Iron Isles

    Rodrik Harlaw, Lord of Ten Towers

    Damn that was a mouthful, alot of epic Greyjoys to find pictures for >.>


    Robb Stark, Lord of Winterfell, King in the North, the Young Wolf
    "I've won every battle, yet somehow I'm losing the war."

    Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort, the Leech Lord
    "Don't make me rue the day I raped your mother."

    Rickard Karstark, Lord of the Karhold
    (Ugh, the only cool pictures were either way to small or way too large)

    Greatjon Umber, Lord of Last Hearth

    I love Robb's picture, not so sure about Roose's. If you don't like it, tell me.
    Last edited by achudnow; October 16, 2011 at 01:29 AM.

  3. #3
    achudnow's Avatar Semisalis
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    Wrightwood, CA

    Default Re: Where Are Your Gods Now? A Greyjoy AAR

    And I have finally updated this one. Yayz!

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