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Thread: Greco-Roman Empire

  1. #1
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Feb 2010

    Default Greco-Roman Empire

    Factional Overview

    Government: Autocracy
    Religion: Eastern Orthodox Christianity
    Population: 10,000,000
    Current Ruler: Alexius I Comnenus
    Capital: Constantinople

    Royal Family:
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    Early History of the Roman Empire

    The Roman army succeeded in conquering a vast collection of territories covering the entire Mediterranean region and much of Western Europe. These territories consisted of many different cultural groups, ranging from primitive to highly sophisticated. Generally speaking, the eastern Mediterranean provinces were more urbanized and socially developed, having previously been united under the Macedonian Empire and Hellenized by the influence of Greek culture. In contrast, the western regions had mostly remained independent from any single cultural or political authority, and were still largely rural and less developed. This distinction between the established Hellenized East and the younger Latinized West persisted and became increasingly important in later centuries.

    Division of the Roman Empire

    In 293, Diocletian created a new administrative system, (the tetrarchy). He associated himself with a co-emperor, or Augustus. Each Augustus was then to adopt a young colleague given the title of Caesar, to share in their rule and eventually to succeed the senior partner. After the abdication of Diocletian and Maximian, however, the tetrarchy collapsed, and Constantine I replaced it with the dynastic principle of hereditary succession.

    Constantine moved the seat of the Empire and introduced important changes into its civil and religious constitution. In 330, he founded Constantinople as a second Rome on the site of Byzantium, which was well-positioned astride the trade routes that passed through the Baltic and the Mediterranean, linking the East and the West.

    Constantine built upon the administrative reforms introduced by Diocletian. He stabilized the coinage (the gold Solidus that he introduced became a highly prized and stable currency), and made changes to the structure of the army. Under Constantine, the Empire had recovered much of its military strength and enjoyed a period of stability and prosperity.

    Under Constantine, Christianity did not become the exclusive religion of the state, but enjoyed imperial preference, because The Emporer supported it with generous privileges. Constantine established the principle that emperors should not settle questions of doctrine, but should summon general ecclesiastical councils for that purpose. The Synod of Arles was convened by Constantine, and the First Council of Nicaea showcased his claim to be head of the Church.

    The state of the Empire in 395 may be described in terms of the outcome of Constantine's work. The dynastic principle was established so firmly that the emperor who died in that year, Theodosius I, bequeathed the imperial office jointly to his sons: Arcadius in the East and Honorius in the West. Theodosius was the last emperor to rule over the undivided empire.

    The Eastern Empire was largely spared the difficulties faced by the West in the 3rd and 4th centuries, due in part to a more established urban culture and greater financial resources which allowed it to placate invaders with tribute and pay foreign mercenaries. Theodosius II further fortified the walls od Constantinople, leaving the city impervious to most attacks. The walls were not breached until 1204. In order to fend off the Huns, Theodosius paid a tribute (purportedly 300 kg (661.39 lb) of gold).

    His successor, Marcian, refused to continue to pay this exorbitant sum. Fortunately Atilla had already diverted his attention to the Western Roman Empire. After he died in 453, the Hunnic Empire collapsed; many of the remaining Huns were often hired as mercenaries by Constantinople.

    After the fall of Attila, the Eastern Empire enjoyed a period of peace, while the Western Empire collapsed (its end is usually dated in 476 when the Germanic Roman general Odoacer deposed the titular Western Emperor Romulus Augustulus).

    To recover Italy, Emperor Zeno negotiated with the invading Ostrogoths, who had settled in Moesia. He sent the Gothic King Theodoric to Italy as magister militum per Italiam ("commander in chief for Italy") in order to depose Odoacer. By urging Theodoric into conquering Italy, Zeno rid the Eastern Empire of an unruly subordinate and gained at least a nominal form of supremacy over Italy. After Odoacer's defeat in 493, Theodoric ruled Italy on his own.

    In 491, Anastasius I, an aged civil officer of Roman origin, became Emperor, but it was not until 498 that the forces of the new emperor effectively took the measure of Isaurian resistance. Anastasius revealed himself to be an energetic reformer and an able administrator. He perfected Constantine I's coinage system by definitively setting the weight of the copper follis, the coin used in most everyday transactions. He also reformed the tax system and permanently abolished the chrysargyron tax. The State Treasury contained the enormous sum of 320,000 lbs (145,150 kg) of gold when Anastasius died in 518.

    Reconquest of the Western provinces

    Justinian I, who assumed the throne in 527, oversaw a period of recovery of former territories. Justinian, the son of an Illyrian peasant, may already have exerted effective control during the reign of his uncle, Justin I (518–527). In 532, attempting to secure his eastern frontier, Justinian signed a peace treaty with Khosrau I of Persia agreeing to pay a large annual tribute to the Sassanids. In the same year, Justinian survived a revolt in Constantinople (the Nika riots) which ended with the deaths of a reported 30,000 to 35,000 rioters, on his orders. This victory solidified Justinian's power. Pope Agapets I was sent to Constantinople by the Ostrogothic king Theodahad, but failed in his mission to sign a peace with Justinian. However, he succeeded in having the Monophysite Patriarch Anthimus I of Constantinople denounced, despite Empress Theodora's support.

    The western conquests began in 533, as Justinian sent his general Belisarius to reclaim the former province of Africa from the Vandals who had been in control since 429 with their capital at Carthage. Their success came with surprising ease, but it was not until 548 that the major local tribes were subdued. In Ostrogothic Italy, the deaths of Theodoric the great, his nephew and heir Athalaric, and his daughter Amalasuntha had left her murderer Theodahad on the throne despite his weakened authority. In 535, a small Greco-Roman expedition to Sicily was met with easy success, but the Goths soon stiffened their resistance, and victory did not come until 540, when Belisarius captured Ravenna, after successful sieges of Naples and Rome.

    The Ostrogoths were united under the command of King Totila and captured Rome on 17 December 546. Justinian eventually called back Belisarius to Constantinople in early 549 from Ravenna. The arrival of the Armenian eunuch Narses in Italy (late 551) with an army of some 35,000 men marked another shift in Gothic fortunes. Totila was defeated at the Battle of Busta Gallorum and his successor, Teia, was defeated at the Battle of Mons Lactarius (October 552). Despite continuing resistance from a few Gothic garrisons and two subsequent invasions by the Franks and Alamanni, the war for the Italian peninsula was at an end. In 551, Athanagild, a noble from Visigothic Hispania, sought Justinian's help in a rebellion against the king, and the emperor dispatched a force under Liberius, a successful military commander. The Empire held on to a small slice of the Iberian Peninsul coast until the reign of Heraclius.

    In the east, the Roman-Persian Wars continued until 561 when Justinian's and Khosrau's envoys agreed on a 50-year peace. By the mid-550s, Justinian had won victories in most theaters of operation, with the notable exception of the Balkans, which were subjected to repeated incursions from the Slavs. In 559, the Empire faced a great invasion of Kutrigurs and Sciaveni. Justinian called Belisarius out of retirement and defeated the new Hunnish threat. The strengthening of the Danube fleet caused the Kutrigur Huns to withdraw and they agreed to a treaty which allowed them safe passage back across the Danube.

    In 529, a ten-man commission chaired by Tribonian revised the ancient Roman legal code and created the new Codex Justinianus, a condensed version of previous legal texts. In 534, the Codex Justinianus was updated and reorganized into the system of law used for the rest of the Greco-Roman era. These legal reforms, along with the many other changes to the law became known as the Corpus Juris Civilis.

    During the 6th century, the traditional Greco-Roman cultur was still influential in the Eastern empire with prominent representatives such as the natural philosopher John Philoponus. Nevertheless, Christian philosophy and culture were dominant and began to replace the older culture. Hymns written by Romanos the Melodist marked the development of the Divine Liturgy, while architects and builders worked to complete the new Church of the Holy Wisdom, Hagia Sophi, which was designed to replace an older church destroyed during the Nika Revolt. The Hagia Sophia stands today as one of the major monuments of Greco-Roman architectural history. During the 6th and 7th centuries, the Empire was struck by a series if epidemics, which greatly devastated the population and contributed to a significant economic decline and a weakening of the Empire.

    After Justinian died in 565, his successor, Justtin II refused to pay the large tribute to the Persians. Meanwhile, the Germanic Lombards invaded Italy; by the end of the century only a third of Italy was in Greco-Roman hands. Justin's successor, Tiberius II, choosing between his enemies, awarded subsidies to the Avars while taking military action against the Persians. Though Tiberius' general, Maurice, led an effective campaign on the eastern frontier, subsidies failed to restrain the Avars. They captured the Balkan fortress of Sirmium in 582, while the Slavs began to make inroads across the Danube. Maurice, who meanwhile succeeded Tiberius, intervened in a Persian civil war, placed the legitimate Khosrau II back on the throne and married his daughter to him. Maurice's treaty with his new brother-in-law brought a new status-quo to the east territorially, enlarged to an extent never before achieved by the Empire in its six century history, and much cheaper to defend during this new perpetual peace – millions of solidi were saved by the remission of tribute to the Persians alone. After his victory on the eastern frontier, Maurice was free to focus on the Balkans, and by 602 after a series of successful campaigns he had pushed the Avars and Slavs back across the Danube.

    The shrinking borders

    Heraclian dynasty

    After Maurice's murder by Phocas, Khosrau used the pretext to reconquer the Roman province of Mesopotamia. Phocas, an unpopular ruler who was invariably described in Greco-Roman sources as a "tyrant", was the target of a number of Senate-led plots. He was eventually deposed in 610 by Heraclius, who sailed to Constantinople from Carthage with an icon affixed to the prow of his ship. Following the ascension of Heraclius, the Sassanid advance pushed deep into Asia Minor, also occupying Damascus and Jerusalem and removing the True Cross to Ctesiphon. The counter-offensive of Heraclius took on the character of a holy war, and an acheiropoietos image of Christ was carried as a military standard. (similarly, when Constantinople was saved from an Avar siege in 626, the victory was attributed to the icons of the Virgin which were led in procession by Patriarch Sergius about the walls of the city). The main Sassanid force was destroyed at Nineveh in 627, and in 629 Heraclius restored the True Cross to Jerusalem in a majestic ceremony. The war had exhausted both the Greco-Roman and Sassanid Empire, and left them extremely vulnerable to the Arab Muslim forces which emerged in the following years. The romans suffered a crushing defeat by the Arabs at the Battle of Yarmuk in 636, and Ctesiphon fell in 634.

    The Arabs, now firmly in control of Syria and the Levant, sent frequent raiding parties deep into Anatolia, and between 674 and 678 laid siege to Constantinople itself. The Arab fleet was finally repulsed through the use of Greek fire, and a thirty-years' truce was signed between the Empire and Ummayyad Caliphate. The Anatolian raids continued unabated, and accelerated the demise of classical urban culture, with the inhabitants of many cities either refortifying much smaller areas within the old city walls, or relocating entirely to nearby fortresses. Constantinople itself dropped substantially in size, from 500,000 inhabitants to just 40,000–70,000, as the city lost the free grain shipments in 618 after the loss of Egypt to the Persians (province was regained in 629, but lost to Arab invaders in 642). The void left by the disappearance of the old semi-autonomous civic institutions was filled by the theme system, which entailed the division of Anatolia into "provinces" occupied by distinct armies which assumed civil authority and answered directly to the imperial administration. This system may have had its roots in certain ad hoc measures taken by Heraclius, but over the course of the 7th century it developed into an entirely new system of Imperial governance.

    The withdrawal of large numbers of troops from the Balkans to combat the Persians and then the Arabs in the east opened the door for the gradual southward expansion of Slavic peoples into the peninsula, and, as in Anatolia, many cities shrank to small fortified settlements. In the 670s, the Bulgarians were pushed south of the Danube by the arrival of the Khazars, and in 680 Greco-Roman forces which had been sent to disperse these new settlements were defeated. In the next year, Constantine IV signed a treaty with the Bulgarian khan Asparukh, and the new Bulgarian state assumed sovereignty over a number of Slavic tribes which had previously, at least in name, recognized Greco-Roman rule. In 687–688, the emperor Justinian II led an expedition against the Slavs and Bulgarians which made significant gains, although the fact that he had to fight his way from Thrace to Macedonia demonstrates the degree to which Greco-Roman power in the north Balkans had declined.

    The final Heraclian emperor, Justinian II, attempted to break the power of the urban aristocracy through severe taxation and the appointment of "outsiders" to administrative posts. He was driven from power in 695, and took shelter first with the Khazars and then with the Bulgarians. In 705, he returned to Constantinople with the armies of the Bulgarian khan Tervel, retook the throne, and instituted a reign of terror against his enemies. With his final overthrow in 711, supported once more by the urban aristocracy, the Heraclian dynasty came to an end.

    Isaurian dynasty to the ascension of Basil I

    Leo III the Isaurian turned back the Muslim assault in 718, and achieved victory with the major help of the Bulgarian khan Tervel, who killed 32,000 Arabs with his army. He also addressed himself to the task of reorganizing and consolidating the themes in Asia Minor. His successor, Constantine V, won noteworthy victories in northern Syria, and thoroughly undermined Bulgar strength.

    Taking advantage of the empire's weakness after the revolt of Thomas the Slav in the early 820s, the Arabs captured Crete, and successfully attacked Sicily, but on 3 September 863, general Petronus gained a huge victory against Umar al-Aqta, the emir of Melitene. Under the leadership of Bulgarian Emperor Krum, the Bulgarian threat also reemerged, but in 814 Krum's son, Omortag, arranged a peace with the Greco-Roman Empire.

    The 8th and 9th centuries were also dominated by controversy and religious division over Iconoclasm. Icons were banned by Leo and Constantine, leading to revolts by Iconodules (supporters of icons) throughout the empire. After the efforts of Empress Irene, the Second Council of Nicaea met in 787, and affirmed that icons could be venerated but not worshipped. Irene is said to have endeavored to negotiate a marriage between herself and Charlemagne, but, according to Theophanes the Confessor, the scheme was frustrated by Aetios, one of her favourites. In 813, Leo V the Armenian restored the policy of iconoclasm, but in 843 Empress Theodora restored the veneration of the icons with the help of Patriarch Methodios.

    Iconoclasm played its part in the further alienation of East from West, which worsened during the so-called Photian Schism, when Pope Nicholas I challenged Photios' elevation to the patriarchate.

    Wars against the Muslims

    By 867, the Empire had re-stabilised its position in both the east and the west, and the efficiency of its defensive military structure enabled its emperors to begin planning wars of reconquest in the east.

    The process of reconquest began with mixed fortunes. The temporary reconquest of Crete (843) was followed by a crushing Greco-Roman defeat on the Bosporus, while the emperors were unable to prevent the ongoing Muslim conquest of Sicily (827–902). Using present day Tunisia as their launching pad, the Muslims conquered Palermo in 831, Messina in 842, Enna in 859, Syracuse in 878, Catania in 900 and the final Greco-Roman stronghold, the fortress of Taormina, in 902.

    These drawbacks were later counterbalanced by a victorious expedition against Damietta in Egypt (856), the defeat of the Emir o Melitenf (863), the confirmation of the imperial authority over Dalmatia (867), and Basil I's offensives towards the Euphrates (870s). Unlike the deteriorating situation in Sicily, Basil I handled the situation in southern Italy well enough and the province would remain in Greco-Roman hands for the next 200 years.

    In 904, disaster struck the Empire when its second city, Thessaloniki, was sacked by an Arab fleet led by the Grco-Roman renegade Leo of Tripoli. The Greco-Roman military responded by destroying an Arab fleet in 908, and sacking the city of Laodicea in Syria two years later. Despite this revenge, the Greco-Romans were still unable to strike a decisive blow against the Muslims, who inflicted a crushing defeat on the imperial forces when they attempted to regain Crete in 911.

    The situation on the border with the Arab territories remained fluid, with the Greco-Romans alternatively on the offensive or defensive. The Varangians, who attacked Constantinople for the first time in 860, constituted another new challenge. In 941, they appeared on the Asian shore of the Bosporus, but this time they were crushed, showing the improvements in the Greco-Roman military position after 907, when only diplomacy had been able to push back the invaders. The vanquisher of the Varangians was the famous general John Kourkouas, who continued the offensive with other noteworthy victories in Mesopotamia (943): these culminated in the reconquest of Edessa (944), which was especially celebrated for the return to Constantinople of the venerated Mandylion.

    The soldier-emperors Nikephoros II Phokas (reigned 963–969) and John I Tzimiskes (969–976) expanded the empire well into Syria, defeating the emirs of north-west Iraq and reconquering Crete and Cyprus. At one point under John, the Empire's armies even threatened Jerusalem, far to the south. The emirate of Aleppo and its neighbours became vassals of the Empire in the east, where the greatest threat to the empire was the Fatimid caliphate. After much campaigning, the last Arab threat to Constantinople was defeated when Basil II rapidly drew 40,000 mounted soldiers to relieve Roman Syria. With a surplus of resources and victories thanks to the Bulgar and Syrian campaigns, Basil II planned an expedition against Sicily to re-take it from the Arabs there. After his death in 1025, the expedition set off in the 1040s and was met with initial, but stunted success.

    Wars against the Bulgarian Empire

    The traditional struggle with the See of Rome continued, spurred by the question of religious supremacy over the newly Christianized Bulgaria. This prompted an invasion by the powerful Tsar Simeom I in 894, but this was pushed back by Greco-Roman diplomacy, which called on the help of the Hungarians. The Greco-Romans were in turn defeated, however, at the Battle of Bulgarophygon (896), and obliged to pay annual subsides to the Bulgarians. Later (912), Simeon even had the Greco-Romans grant him the crown of basileus (emperor) of Bulgaria and had the young emperor Constantine VII marry one of his daughters. When a revolt in Constantinople halted his dynastic project, he again invaded Thrace and conquered Adrianople.

    A great imperial expedition under Leo Phocas and Romanos Lekapenos ended again with a crushing Greco-Roman defeat at the Battle of Acheloos (917), and the following year the Bulgarians were free to ravage northern Greece as far as Corinth. Adrianople was captured again in 923 and in 924 a Bulgarian army laid siege to Constantinople. The situation in the Balkans improved only after Simeon's death in 927. In 968, Bulgaria was overrun by the Rus' under Sviatoslav I of Kiev, but three years later, the emperor John I Tzimiskes defeated the Rus' and re-incorporated eastern Bulgaria into the Empire.

    Bulgarian resistance revived under the rule of the Cometopuli dynasty, but the new emperor Basil II (reigned 976–1025) made the submission of the Bulgarians his primary goal. Basil's first expedition against Bulgaria, however, resulted in a humiliating defeat at the Gates of Trajan. For the next few years, the emperor would be preoccupied with internal revolts in Anatolia, while the Bulgarians expanded their realm in the Balkans. The war was to drag on for nearly twenty years. The Greco-Roman victories of Spercheios and Skopje decisively weakened the Bulgarian army, and in annual campaigns, Basil methodically reduced the Bulgarian strongholds. Eventually, at the Battle of Kleidion in 1014 the Bulgarians were completely defeated. The Bulgarian army was captured, and it is said that 99 out of every 100 men were blinded, with the remaining hundredth man left with one eye so as to lead his compatriots home. When Tsar Samuil saw the broken remains of his once gallant army, he died of shock. By 1018, the last Bulgarian strongholds had surrendered, and the country became part of the Empire. This victory restored the Danube frontier, which had not been held since the days of the emperor Heraclius.

    Relations with the Kievan Rus'

    Between 850 and 1100, the Empire developed a mixed relationship with a new state that emerged to the north across the Black Sea, that of the Kievan Rus'. This relationship would have long-lasting repercussions in the history of the East Slavs. The Empire quickly became the main trading and cultural partner for Kiev, but relations were not always friendly. The most serious conflict between the two powers was the war of 968-971 in Bulgaria, but several Rus' raiding expeditions against the Greco-Roman cities of the Black Sea coast and Constantinople itself are also recorded. Although most were repulsed, they were concluded by trade treaties that were generally favourable to the Rus'.

    Rus'-Greco-Roman relations became closer following the marriage of the porphyrogenita Anna to Vladimir the Great, and the subsequent Christianization of the Rus': Greco-Roman priests, architects and artists were invited to work on numerous cathedrals and churches around Rus', expanding Greco-Roman cultural influence even further. Numerous Rus' served in the Greco-Roman army as mercenaries, most notably as the famous Varangian Guard.

    The apex

    The Greco-Roman Empire then stretched from Armenia in the east to Calabria in Southern Italy in the west. Many successes had been achieved, ranging from the conquest of Bulgaria, to the annexation of parts of Georgia and Armenia, to the total annihilation of an invading force of Egyptians outside Antioch. Yet even these victories were not enough; Basil considered the continued Arab occupation of Sicily to be an outrage. Accordingly, he planned to reconquer the island, which had belonged to the Roman world since the First Punic War. However, his death in 1025 put an end to the project.

    The 11th century was also momentous for its religious events. In 1054, relations between the Eastern and Western traditions within the Christian Church reached a terminal crisis. Although there was a formal declaration of institutional separation, on July 16, when three papal legates entered the Hagia Sophia during Divine Liturgy on a Saturday afternoon and placed a bull of excommunication on the altar, the so-called Great Schism was actually the culmination of centuries of gradual separation.

    Crisis and fragmentation

    The Empire soon fell into a period of difficulties, caused to a large extent by the undermining of the theme system and the neglect of the military. Nikephoros II (reigned 963–969), John Tzimiskes and Basil II changed the military divisions (τάγματα, tagmata) from a rapid response, primarily defensive, citizen army into a professional, campaigning army increasingly manned by mercenaries. Mercenaries, however, were expensive and as the threat of invasion receded in the 10th century, so did the need for maintaining large garrisons and expensive fortifications. Basil II left a burgeoning treasury upon his death, but neglected to plan for his succession. None of his immediate successors had any particular military or political talent and the administration of the Empire increasingly fell into the hands of the civil service. Efforts to revive the Greco-Roman economy only resulted in inflation and a debased gold coinage. The army was now seen as both an unnecessary expense and a political threat. Therefore, native troops were cashiered and replaced by foreign mercenaries on specific contract.

    At the same time, the Empire was faced with new enemies. Provinces in southern Italy faced the Normans, who arrived in Italy at the beginning of the 11th century. During a period of strife between Constantinople and Rome which ended in the East-West Schism of 1054, the Normans began to advance, slowly but steadily, into Greco-Roman Italy. Reggio, the capital of the tagma of Calabria, was captured in 1060 by Robert Guiscard, followed by Otranto in 1068. Bari, the main Greco-Roman stronghold in Apulia, fell in 1071. The Greco-Romans also lost their influence over the Dalmatian coastal cities to Peter Krešimir IV of Croatia in 1069.

    It was in Asia Minor, however, that the greatest disaster would take place. The Seljuq Turks
    made their first explorations across the Greco-Roman frontier into Armenia in 1065 and in 1067. The emergency lent weight to the military aristocracy in Anatolia who, in 1068, secured the election of one of their own, Romanos Diogenes, as emperor. In the summer of 1071, Romanos undertook a massive eastern campaign to draw the Seljuks into a general engagement with the Greco-Roman army. At Manzikert, Romanos not only suffered a surprise defeat at the hands of Sultan Alp Arslan, but was also captured. Alp Arslan treated him with respect, and imposed no harsh terms on the Byzantines. In Constantinople, however, a coup took place in favor of Micheal Doukas, who soon faced the opposition of Nikephoros Bryennios and Nikephoros Botaneiates. By 1081, the Seljuks expanded their rule over virtually the entire Anatolian plateau from Armenia in the east to Bithynia in the west and founded their capital at Nicaea, just 90 km from Constantinople.

    Wars against the Normans, Pechenegs and Tzachas

    Alexios' long reign of nearly thirty-seven years was full of struggle. At the very outset, he had to meet the formidable attack of the Normans (led by Robert Guiscard and his son Bohemund), who took Dyyrhachium and Corfu, and laid siege to Larissa in Thessaly. Alexios suffered several defeats before being able to strike back with success. He enhanced this by bribing the German king Henry IV with 360,000 gold pieces to attack the Normans in Italy, which forced the Normans to concentrate on their defenses at home in 1083–1084. He also secured the alliance of Henry, Count of Monte Sant'Angelo, who controlled the Gargano Peninsula and dated his charters by Alexios' reign. Henry's allegiance was to be the last example of Greco-Roman political control on peninsular Italy. The Norman danger ended for the time being with Robert Guiscard's death in 1085, and the Greco-Romans recovered most of their losses.

    Next, Alexios had to deal with disturbances in Thrace, where the heretical sects of the Bogomils and the Paulicians revolted and made common cause with the Pechenegs from beyond the Danube. Paulician soldiers in imperial service likewise deserted during Alexios' battles with the Normans. As soon as the Norman threat had passed, Alexios set out to punish the rebels and deserters, confiscating their lands. This led to a further revolt near Phillippopolis, and the commander of the field army in the west, Gregory Pakourianos, was defeated and killed in the ensuing battle. In 1087 the Pechenegs raided into Thrace and Alexios crossed into Moesia to retaliate but failed to take Dorostolon (Silistra). During his retreat, the emperor was surrounded and worn down by the Pechenegs, who forced him to sign a truce and pay protection money. In 1090 the Pechenegs invaded Thrace again, while Tzachas, the brother-in-law of the Sultan of Rum, launched a fleet and attempted to arrange a joint siege of Constantinople with the Pechenegs. Alexios overcame this crisis by entering into an alliance with a horde of 40,000 Cumans, with whose help he crushed the Pechenegs at Levounion in Thrace on 29 April 1091.

    This put an end to the Pecheneg threat, but in 1094 the Cumans began to raid the imperial territories in the Balkans. Led by a pretender claiming to be Constantine Diogenes, a long-dead son of the Emperor Romanos IV, the Cumans crossed the mountains and raided into eastern Thrace until their leader was eliminated at Adrianople. With the Balkans more or less pacified, Alexios could now turn his attention to Asia Minor, which had been almost completely overrun by the Seljuq Turks.

    Starting Treasury: 7,976,200

    Tax Income: 10,000,000

    Land Trade: 0

    Sea Trade: 3,000,000
    Switzerland: 500,000
    Regnum Britannia: 500,000
    Beyazi Khanate: 400,000
    Portugal: 400,000
    Nabudis: 400,000
    The Khaganate of Khazaria: 300,000
    Crusader States: 300,000
    Sultanate of Morroco: 200,000

    Protectorate Tax:

    Total Income: 13,000,000

    Army Upkeep: 16,174,000

    Naval Upkeep: 3,400,000

    Golden Company Upkeep: 1,300,000

    Fortress Upkeep: 0

    Total Upkeep: 20,874,000

    Fortress Purchases: 0

    Total Expenditures: 0

    Profit: -7,874,000

    End of Turn Treasury: 102,200



    Portugal: Mutual Defence Pact
    Serbian Empire: Mutual Defence Pact, Royal Marriage
    Crusader States: Mutual Defence Pact

    Once a year a trade convoy will leave Constantinople, head to Spain to drop off/pick up supplies, sail through the Straits of Gibraltar, go north around Portugal to England where they will offload supplies, pick some up sand return all the way back to Constantinople before starting again.

    To: gold, meat, iron, crhsitan religious texts, deer meat
    From: beer, wood, jewels, limestone, horses

    Sultanate of Morroco:
    To: textiles, spices
    From: camels, lead

    To: christian religious texts, greco-roman weapons/armour, celtic art, medicine, silk
    From: cork, rubber, rhubies, silver, portuguese art

    The Beyazi Khanate:
    To: perfumes, olive oil, wine, wax
    From: leopardfs, hunting dogs, ancient baktrian texts, peaches

    The Khaganate of Khazaria:
    To: silk, medicine, gold
    From: greek relics

    To: oil, gold, silk, ceramics
    From: weapons+armour, horses, spices, artwork

    Mamluk Sultanate:
    To: Timber
    From: Fur

    Crusader States:
    To: linen, spices and silk
    From: cotton, herbs, religious texts

    Regnum Britannia:
    To: wine, marble, spices, weapons, Salt
    From: tin, copper, celtic art, honey'd mead

    To: salt, spices, gold
    From: medicine, bronce, iron

    silk, olive oil, wine, salt fish, meat, vegetables, salt, timber, wax, ceramics, linen, wooden cloth, perfumes, spices, textiles, gold, weapons and iron

    At War:


    Starting Military Recruitment

    Legio I Auxilia
    Legio II Auxilia
    Legio III Auxilia
    Legio IV Auxilia
    Legio I Constantinople
    Legio II Constantinople
    Legio III Constantinople

    Auxilliary Region Units:
    Limitanei Spearmen (Professional Spearmen) = 20,000 per 1,000

    Limitanei Swordsmen (Professional Medium Infantry) = 40,000 per 1,000

    Limitanei Archers (Professional Archers) = 40,000 per 1,000

    Limitanei Horse Archers (Professional Horse Archers) = 180,000 per 1,000

    Limitanei Cavalry (Professional Light Cavalry) = 120,000 per 1,000

    Constantinople Legion Units:
    Comitatensis Infantry (Veteran Heavy Infantry) = 72,000 per 1,000

    Comitatensis Spearmen (Veteran Spearmen) = 24,000 per 1,000

    Siphōnophoroi Comitatensis (Veteran Medium Infantry) = 48,000 per 1,000

    Comitatensis Archers (Veteran Archer-Infantry Hybrid) = 72,000 per 1,000

    Greek Cavalry (Veteran Light Cavalry) = 144,000 per 1,000

    Eastern Horse Archers (Veteran Horse Archers) 216,000 per 1,000

    Eastern Cataphracts (Veteran Heavy Cavalry) = 336,000 per 1,000

    Legion Setups:
    Frontier Legion = 860,700
    2,000 Limitanei Spearmen = 40,000
    4,000 Limitanei Infantry = 160,000
    1,000 Limitanei Archers = 40,000
    2,000 Limitanei Light Cavalry = 240,000
    2,000 Limitanei Horse archers = 360,000
    20 Scorpions = 7,200
    10 Trebuchet = 13,500

    Inner Legion = 1,553,400
    2,000 Comitatensis Spearmen = 48,000
    4,000 Comitatensis Infantry = 288,000
    1,000 Comitantensis Siphōnoroi = 48,000
    1,000 Comitatensis Archers = 72,000
    2,000 Greek Cavalry = 288,000
    2,000 Eastern Horse Archers = 432,000
    1,000 Eastern Cataphracts = 336,000
    40 Scorpions = 14,400
    20 Trebuchet = 27,000

    Future Legion Recruitments

    Auxilliary Legion units:
    Limitanei Spearmen (Recruit Spearmen) = 10,000 per 1,000

    Limitanei Swordsmen (Recruit Medium Infantry) = 20,000 per 1,000

    Limitanei Archers (Recruit Archers) = 20,000 per 1,000

    Limitanei Horse Archers (Recruit Horse Archers) = 90,000 per 1,000

    Limitanei Cavalry (Recruit Light Cavalry) = 60,000 per 1,000

    Inner Legion Units:
    Comitatensis Infantry (Soldier Heavy Infantry) = 42,000 per 1,000

    Comitatensis Spearmen (Soldier Spearmen) = 14,000 per 1,000

    Siphōnophoroi Comitatensis (Soldier Medium Infantry) = 28,000 per 1,000

    Comitatensis Archers (Soldier Archer-Infantry Hybrid) = 42,000 per 1,000

    Greek Cavalry (Soldier Light Cavalry) = 84,000 per 1,000

    Eastern Horse Archers (Soldier Horse Archers) 126,000 per 1,000

    Eastern Cataphracts (Soldier Heavy Cavalry) = 196,000 per 1,000

    Constantine Guard Units:
    Palatinae Infantry (Elite Heavy Infantry) = 108,000 per 1,000

    Palatinae Cavalry (Elite Heavy Cavalry) = 404,000 per 1,000

    Artillery Units:
    Scorpion (Elite Light Artillery) = 7,200 per 10

    Trebuchet (Elite Heavy Artillery) = 13,500 per 10

    Naval Units:
    Ousiakon Dromones (Light Veteran Warship) = 3,000 per ship

    Siphōnophoroi Dromones (Medium Veteran Warship) = 12,000 per ship

    Pamphylos Dromones (Heavy Reinforced Veteran Warship) = 40,000 per ship

    Legion Setups:
    Frontier Legion = 440,700
    2,000 Limitanei Spearmen = 20,000
    4,000 Limitanei Infantry = 80,000
    1,000 Limitanei Archers = 20,000
    2,000 Limitanei Light Cavalry = 120,000
    2,000 Limitanei Horse archers = 180,000
    20 Scorpions = 7,200
    10 Trebuchet = 13,500

    Inner Legion = 923,400
    4,000 Comitatensis Infantry = 168,000
    2,000 Comitatensis Spearmen = 28,000
    1,000 Comitantensis Siphōnoroi = 28,000
    1,000 Comitatensis Archers = 42,000
    2,000 Greek Cavalry = 168,000
    2,000 Eastern Horse Archers = 252,000
    1,000 Eastern Cataphracts = 196,000
    40 Scorpions = 14,400
    20 Trebuchet = 27,000

    Starting Military

    The Emperor has ordered the reorganization of the Greco-Roman military and the rebuilding of Constantinoples defences. This military reformation will be known as the Komnenian Restoration

    Starting Citadel at Constantinople = 0
    Cost = 0

    Auxilliary Legions:
    Legio I Auxilia = 860,700
    2,000 Limitanei Spearmen (Professional Spearmen)
    4,000 Limitanei Infantry (Professional Medium Infantry)
    1,000 Limitanei Archers (Professional Archers)
    2,000 Limitanei Light Cavalry (Professional Light Cavalry)
    2,000 Limitanei Horse archers (Professional Horse Archers)
    20 Scorpions (Elite Light Artillery)
    10 Trebuchet (Elite Heavy Artillery)

    Legio II Auxilia = 860,700
    2,000 Limitanei Spearmen (Professional Spearmen)
    4,000 Limitanei Infantry (Professional Medium Infantry)
    1,000 Limitanei Archers (Professional Archers)
    2,000 Limitanei Light Cavalry (Professional Light Cavalry)
    2,000 Limitanei Horse archers (Professional Horse Archers)
    20 Scorpions (Elite Light Artillery)
    10 Trebuchet (Elite Heavy Artillery)

    Legio III Auxilia = 860,700
    2,000 Limitanei Spearmen (Professional Spearmen)
    4,000 Limitanei Infantry (Professional Medium Infantry)
    1,000 Limitanei Archers (Professional Archers)
    2,000 Limitanei Light Cavalry (Professional Light Cavalry)
    2,000 Limitanei Horse archers (Professional Horse Archers)
    20 Scorpions (Elite Light Artillery)
    10 Trebuchet (Elite Heavy Artillery)

    Legio IV Auxilia = 860,700
    2,000 Limitanei Spearmen (Professional Spearmen)
    4,000 Limitanei Infantry (Professional Medium Infantry)
    1,000 Limitanei Archers (Professional Archers)
    2,000 Limitanei Light Cavalry (Professional Light Cavalry)
    2,000 Limitanei Horse archers (Professional Horse Archers)
    20 Scorpions (Elite Light Artillery)
    10 Trebuchet (Elite Heavy Artillery)

    Constantinople Legions:
    Legio I Constantinople = 1,553,400
    2,000 Comitatensis Spearmen (Veteran Spearmen)
    4,000 Comitatensis Infantry (Veteran Heavy Infantry)
    1,000 Comitantensis Siphōnoroi (Veteran Medium Infantry)
    1,000 Comitatensis Archers (Veteran Archer-Infantry Hybrid)
    2,000 Greek Cavalry (Veteran Light Cavalry)
    2,000 Eastern Horse Archers (Veteran Horse Archers)
    1,000 Eastern Cataphracts (Veteran Heavy Cavalry)
    40 Scorpions (Elite Light Artillery)
    20 Trebuchet (Elite Heavy Artillery)

    Legio II Constantinople = 1,553,400
    2,000 Comitatensis Spearmen (Veteran Spearmen)
    4,000 Comitatensis Infantry (Veteran Heavy Infantry)
    1,000 Comitantensis Siphōnoroi (Veteran Medium Infantry)
    1,000 Comitatensis Archers (Veteran Archer-Infantry Hybrid)
    2,000 Greek Cavalry (Veteran Light Cavalry)
    2,000 Eastern Horse Archers (Veteran Horse Archers)
    1,000 Eastern Cataphracts (Veteran Heavy Cavalry)
    40 Scorpions (Elite Light Artillery)
    20 Trebuchet (Elite Heavy Artillery)

    Legio III Constantinople = 1,553,400
    2,000 Comitatensis Spearmen (Veteran Spearmen)
    4,000 Comitatensis Infantry (Veteran Heavy Infantry)
    1,000 Comitantensis Siphōnoroi (Veteran Medium Infantry)
    1,000 Comitatensis Archers (Veteran Archer-Infantry Hybrid)
    2,000 Greek Cavalry (Veteran Light Cavalry)
    2,000 Eastern Horse Archers (Veteran Horse Archers)
    1,000 Eastern Cataphracts (Veteran Heavy Cavalry)
    40 Scorpions (Elite Light Artillery)
    20 Trebuchet (Elite Heavy Artillery)

    Emperor's Guard = 620,000
    2,000 Palatinae Infantry (Elite Heavy Infantry)
    1,000 Palatinae Cavalry (Elite Heavy Cavalry)

    Cost = 8,723,000

    Western Navy = 1,670,000
    20 Pamphylos Dromones (Heavy Reinforced Veteran Warship)
    50 Siphōnophoroi Dromones (Medium Veteran Warship)
    90 Ousiakon Dromones (Light Veteran Warship)

    Eastern Navy = 1,670,000
    20 Pamphylos Dromones (Heavy Reinforced Veteran Warship)
    50 Siphōnophoroi Dromones (Medium Veteran Warship)
    90 Ousiakon Dromones (Light Veteran Warship)

    Trade Convoy = 60,000
    20 Ousiakon Dromones (Light Veteran Warship)

    Cost = 3,400,000

    Total Cost = 12,123,000

    Destroyed Legions

    Legio II Auxilia
    Legio III Auxilia
    Legio I Constantinople
    Legio II Constantinople
    Legio III Constantinople

    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; October 31, 2011 at 06:23 AM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  2. #2
    Bjorn's Avatar Praefectus
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Portugal sends a diplomat to see the Emperor. The man sent was Dom Rogério Soares de Brito, Senhor of Brito. He asked a valet to introduce him to the court as Sir Rogério de Brito, Senhor of Brito, from Portugal.

    He comes to the Emperor and kisses his finger-ring in respect, with a bow. Your Majesty. He says in french, the tongue of diplomacy.

  3. #3
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    OOC: I am pretty sure that Latin was the tongue of diplomacy at this time and that french only started becoming so in the 13th century although I may be wronh Also, it is not a good idea to touch the emperor.

    The emperor greets Dom Rogério Soares de Brito in french.

    "Welcome messenger, what is it that you wish to speak to me about?"
    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; September 23, 2011 at 03:16 PM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  4. #4
    Watercress's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Amir Zahir Al-Dawood arrived into the Byzantine court, requesting an audience with the Imperial government.
    Last edited by Watercress; September 22, 2011 at 03:04 PM.

    "Only Connect!...Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer."

  5. #5
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    OOC: The messenger is forced to wait two hours before being led into the Chrysotriklinos to meet the emperor.

    "Now why would an enemy of the empire want to speak with me
    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; September 23, 2011 at 03:11 PM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  6. #6
    Watercress's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    'Greetings, Alrwman. I bring a proposal from my lord, the Amir al-Umara in Baghdad. Though our peoples have fought in the past, the geopolitical situation in these lands have changed. We would like to propose some sort of military pact; to curb the power of the rampant crusaders.'

    "Only Connect!...Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer."

  7. #7
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    OOC: in case you did not know, it was the very emperor you are talking to that caused the crusades to happen.

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade (1096–1099) was a military expedition by Western Christianity to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquest of the Levant, ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem. It was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II with the primary goal of responding to an appeal from Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, who requested that western volunteers come to his aid and help to repel the invading Seljuq Turks from Anatolia. An additional goal soon became the principal objective—the Christian reconquest of the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and the freeing of the Eastern Christians from Islamic rule.

    During the crusade, knights and peasants from many nations of Western Europe travelled over land and by sea, first to Constantinople and then on towards Jerusalem, as crusaders; the peasants greatly outnumbered the knights. Peasants and knights were split into separate armies; however, because the peasants were not as well-trained in combat as the knights, their army failed to reach Jerusalem. Once the knights arrived at Jerusalem, they launched an assault on the city, capturing it in July 1099 and establishing the crusader states of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the County of Tripoli, the Principality of Antioch, and the County of Edessa.

    Because the First Crusade was largely concerned with Jerusalem, a city which had not been under Christian dominion for 461 years, and the crusader army refused to return the land to the control of the Byzantine Empire, the status of the First Crusade as defensive or as aggressive in nature remains controversial.

    The First Crusade was part of the Christian response to the Muslim conquests, and was followed by the Second Crusade to the Ninth Crusade, but the gains made lasted for less than 200 years. It was also the first major step towards reopening international trade in the West since the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

    "The crusaders are doing our work for us, we see no need to stop them from destroying you. The fact that you come begging to your enemies for help just shows how poor your position is in this war. Begone before I have your head placed on a pike outside my palace."
    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; September 23, 2011 at 03:10 PM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  8. #8
    Bjorn's Avatar Praefectus
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    São Paulo, Brazil

    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by martin616 View Post
    OOC: I am pretty sure that Latin was the tongue of diplomacy at this time and that french only started becoming so in the 13th century although I may be wrong Also, it is not a good idea to touch the emperor.

    The emperor greets
    Dom Rogério Soares de Brito in French.

    "Welcome messenger, what is it that you wish to speak to me about?"
    ooc: scratch that then Latin it is. And aye, it is bothering how the Kings in different lands had to be treated differently, each place had its etiquette

    Portugal greets Your Majesty with his most sinceare respect. Said Brito with a bow. It has been to the knowledge of His Majesty, John I, that the Bizantine Empire has proeminent power over the Mediterranium. His Majesty wishes to make a trade agreement with the Emperor. The Amber of Scandinavia and the Tin of Brittania are aluring to the heart of many, but the perils that live between the Light of Your Majesty's Empire and those distant shores are numberless and full of risks to the cargo and to the people onboard the ships. For that I wish to unite the embassadores of Scandinavia and Brittania in Constantinopla and make us an agreement that would benefit all three of us. The Britains and Scandinavians would trade to Portugal their wares, and from Portugal we would sell to Your Majesty's Empire. The literal price of the comodity would be slightly higher then usual, but it would compencate in the long run for its greater security in return. But what else could we offer, your Majesty might ask? We would make it that we would not sell these two products to any Kingdom, Empire or Principad of Asia, making them yours for your majesty to trade these wares with. He then lowered his head, awaiting the Emperor to speak

  9. #9
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    *We have a different idea. once a year a large trade convoy leaves Constantinople full of Serbian and Roman goods heading west, on their way to and from Briton they make several stops to pick up and drop off supplies/goods before returning back to Constantinople to start again. We would consider allowing Portuguese traders to join this convoy so long as they are willing to donate ships to its defence (both me and Serbia have donated 20 ships). This convoy would allow you to trade with Regnum Britannica, Nabudis, Serbia and the Greco-Roman Empire with minimal danger to your ships."
    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; September 23, 2011 at 03:08 PM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  10. #10
    Bjorn's Avatar Praefectus
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    São Paulo, Brazil

    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by martin616 View Post
    *We have a differentidea. once a year a large trade convoy leaves Constantinople full of Serbian and Roman goods heading west, on their way to and from Briton they make several stops to pick up and drop off supplies/goods before returning back to Constantinople to start again. We would consider allowing Portuguese traders to join this convoy so long as they are willing to donate ships to its defence (both me and Serbia have donated 20 ships). This convoy would allow you to trade with Regnum Britannica, Nabudis, Serbia and the Greco-Roman Empire with minimal danger to your ships."
    A proposal worthy of the light of Greece. Said Brito with a smile and a bow. His Majesty also wished to propose a Military Alliance between Portugal and the Empire. The Portuguese has always been proud for its Navy, and with that in mind we would be more then willing to provide your men with ships whenever you be at war. And in exchange, the Greco-Roman Empire would help Portugal in what it lacks, Soldiers.

  11. #11
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by Bjorn View Post
    A proposal worthy of the light of Greece. Said Brito with a smile and a bow. His Majesty also wished to propose a Military Alliance between Portugal and the Empire. The Portuguese has always been proud for its Navy, and with that in mind we would be more then willing to provide your men with ships whenever you be at war. And in exchange, the Greco-Roman Empire would help Portugal in what it lacks, Soldiers.
    OOC: You should really read my faction threas because ships is not something I lack
    "A military alliance would be welcome to the Greco-Roman Empire. In return for securing the straits of Gibraltar from the Moorish navy we will send military aid to help defend Portugal from moorish invaders. Now onto the trade agreement, what is it that you have to trade?"
    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; September 23, 2011 at 03:08 PM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  12. #12
    Bjorn's Avatar Praefectus
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by martin616 View Post
    OOC: you should really check out my faction thread because ships is not something I lack
    100 Siphōnophoroi Dromones, 200 Ousiakon Dromones, 40 Siphōnophoroi Dromones

    "A military alliance would be welcome to the Greco-Roman Empire. In return for securing the straits of Gibraltar from the Moorish navy we will send military aid to help defend Portugal from any invaders. Now onto the trade agreement, what is it that you have to trade?"
    ooc: Lol, I still don't know how much is what. Hell, I don't even know how much money I start with (can't understand that damn tutorial) nor how many things I can sell, and what they would be worth.

    Portugal is the world's largest producer of Cork, streight from the lands of Alentejo. Said Brito with a smile. We also have a good harvest of wine and a good production of rubber. We can watch the outside of the straits, but the staits itself are not of Portugal, but of (insert name here)

    ooc: This part in the bottom is only if the said country that controls the straits is muslim, if not disconsider it:

    We can still do the work of securing the Western side of the Straits, but I would propose that a meeting be done between the Emperor and a War Council of Portugal and we plan to take the Straits themselves. If done so, the gates to the Mediterranium will be in our hands to keep watchful eye. What say you, noble ally?

  13. #13
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    OOC: It is in the hands of the moors. You get 1 coin per cityizen (5,000,000 population = 5,000,000 coins from tax) anf you get 100,000 for each item you export to another country,

    "will will trade cork and rubber (that is 200k for you) for any of these items greek relics, spanish weapons/armour, spanish horses, spanish artwork, medicine, obsidian, beer, cotton, herbs, christian religious texts, tin, copper, celtic art, honey'd mead, silk, oil, wine, salt fish, meat, vegetables, salt, timber, wax, ceramics, linen, wooden cloth, perfumes, spices, textiles, gold, greco-roman weapons/armour and iron. As for the Straits, our fleet is currently occupied with the Fatimid navy but when it is finished rest assured its next stop is the straits. I can not meet with your war councel though for I will be personally overseeing the invasion of Egypt, I will however send my son John II Komemnos who will treat on behalf of the Greco-Roman Empire."
    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; September 24, 2011 at 01:43 PM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  14. #14
    Watercress's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by martin616 View Post

    OOC: In case you did not know, it was the Greco-Romans that called for the first crusade. On a side note it was very same emperor you are speaking to that caused the crusade to happen.

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade (1096–1099) was a military expedition by Western Christianity to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquest of the Levant, ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem. It was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II with the primary goal of responding to an appeal from Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, who requested that western volunteers come to his aid and help to repel the invading Seljuq Turks from Anatolia. An additional goal soon became the principal objective—the Christian reconquest of the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and the freeing of the Eastern Christians from Islamic rule.

    During the crusade, knights and peasants from many nations of Western Europe travelled over land and by sea, first to Constantinople and then on towards Jerusalem, as crusaders; the peasants greatly outnumbered the knights. Peasants and knights were split into separate armies; however, because the peasants were not as well-trained in combat as the knights, their army failed to reach Jerusalem. Once the knights arrived at Jerusalem, they launched an assault on the city, capturing it in July 1099 and establishing the crusader states of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the County of Tripoli, the Principality of Antioch, and the County of Edessa.

    Because the First Crusade was largely concerned with Jerusalem, a city which had not been under Christian dominion for 461 years, and the crusader army refused to return the land to the control of the Byzantine Empire, the status of the First Crusade as defensive or as aggressive in nature remains controversial.

    The First Crusade was part of the Christian response to the Muslim conquests, and was followed by the Second Crusade to the Ninth Crusade, but the gains made lasted for less than 200 years. It was also the first major step towards reopening international trade in the West since the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

    "The crusaders are doing our work for us, we see no need to stop them from destroying you. The fact that you come begging to your enemies for help just shows how poor your position is in this war. Begone before I have your head placed on a pike outside my palace."

    'Did not those Crusaders promise fealty to you directly, to aid you in your conflicts with the Turk? They have forsaken their promises to you, to go rampant across the Levant. They do not answer to you, only their Pope.'

    "Only Connect!...Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer."

  15. #15
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Amir is forced to his knees by the emperors guards.

    "You failed to heed my warning and now you will pay with your life, guards have this man executed immediately."

    The Guards drag the diplomat outside the palace to be beheaded.
    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; September 23, 2011 at 03:06 PM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  16. #16
    Bjorn's Avatar Praefectus
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    São Paulo, Brazil

    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by martin616 View Post
    OOC: It is in the hands of the moors, you get 1 coin per citizen (5,00,000 population = 5,000,000 coins from tax) and you get 100k for each item you export to another country.

    "will will trade cork and rubber (that is 200k for you) for any of these items greek relics, spanish weapons/armour, spanish horses, spanish artwork, medicine, obsidian, beer, cotton, herbs, christian religious texts, tin, copper, celtic art, honey'd mead, silk, oil, wine, salt fish, meat, vegetables, salt, timber, wax, ceramics, linen, wooden cloth, perfumes, spices, textiles, gold, greco-roman weapons/armour and iron. As for the Straits, our fleet is currently occupied with the Fatimid navy but when it is finished rest assured its next stop is the straits. I can not meet with your war councel though for I will be personally overseeing the invasion of Egypt, I will however send my son John II Komemnos who will treat on behalf of the Greco-Roman Empire."
    Portugal hungers for more knowledge and instruction. It is only by the light of Christ that Portugal will gain piety, and only by piety and hunger for the arts and knowledges can a country boast itself civilized, would you agree, great Emperor? Said Brito. Besides that, we need to equip our soldiers with better equipment. Trade with Nabudis is close to nothing at the moment, and we are in need of better war-instruments. For that we would trade with you the armours and weapons of the Greeks....

    The Council will be made in a few weeks, the Kingdom will be more then honored to have your son.
    Brito bowed. The theme of the discussion will be the discussion of how the invasion of the Straits shall be done, and the terms of the Empire's help in this conquest.

    If this is all, I would like to ask that Your Majesty permited the Kingdom of Portugal to set an Embassy in Constantinople, for there to be perminent contact between our two people.

  17. #17
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    OOC: So you will want christian religious texts, greco-roman weapons/armour, celtic art and medicine?

    "An embassy within the palace would be acceptable. you will be allowed 6 of your own guards but that is all."
    Last edited by Pinkie Pie; September 23, 2011 at 03:06 PM.
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  18. #18
    Bjorn's Avatar Praefectus
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    May 2011
    São Paulo, Brazil

    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by martin616 View Post
    OOC: So you will want christian religious texts, greco-roman weapons/armour, celtic art and medicine?

    "An embassy within the palace would be acceptable. you will be allowed 6 of your own guards but that is all."
    Then it is settled.Long live the Kingdom of Portugal and the Greco-Roman Empire! Said the diplomat, and he left with a bow.

    ooc: Yes I'll need some more things to sell later on And Im also gonna have to go now to see my GF so I'll just make a quick post on the expedition, ok?

  19. #19
    Pinkie Pie's Avatar Comes Limitis
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    OOC: Tell your gf that some things are more important than love, like World Realism
    "I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess!"
    "Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruinness? Ruinette?"
    "She's ahead of the litter all right. The pick of the litter. The cat's pajamas. Oh wait. Why would Applejack take some poor kitty's pj's? That's not very sporting of her."
    "More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!"
    "Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!"

  20. #20

    Default Re: Greco-Roman Empire

    A diplomat from Scandinvia reaches GR palace and wishs to speak with someone with power.

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