
Quintus Antonius Diripio



After a short youth in Rome, Diripio served in the Mithridatic war alongside his father, Gaius Antonius Hybrida, legate and cavalry commander in Sulla's legions. Upon the conclusion of the war, Sulla returned to Rome. Diripio's father was ordered to remain in Macedonia and tasked with keeping the peace and maintaining Roman law throughout the region. Diripio remained by his father's side and acted as his right-hand man.

It was during these times that father and son received their respective cognomen, Hybrida (Half-beast) and Diripio (Pillage), owed to the harsh methods they employed in enforcing Rome's authority throughout the region. Under orders of his father, Diripio and his troop of Roman cavalry plundered and ransacked countless villages and religious sites. Anyone who dared to resist, was brutally slaughtered, and countless others were sold to join the ranks of the Republic's numerous slaves.

Gaius Antonius Hybrida would always continue to claim that these punitive missions were vital, however, there is no denying that he accumulated great wealth during his years in Macedonia.

As word of his actions reached the Senate, Hybrida was called back to Rome. There he was accused of committing atrocities and establishing a reign of terror in Macedonia. Though it has to be said, many senators were probably just annoyed they didn't get a piece of the Macedonian pie. Employing his new-found wealth, Hybrida was able to avoid punishment for him and his son from the senate itself. However, the censors stripped Hybrida of his senatorial rank.

As his father has retired from politics, it is now up to Quintus Antonius Diripio to represent the family in Rome. Hailing from a rich and powerful family and with a taste for blood, Diripio is man whose ambition might just leave a couple of corpses in its wake.