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Thread: King Gustav IV the Great (A First-Person Swedish AAR)

  1. #1

    Default King Gustav IV the Great (A First-Person Swedish AAR)

    Hello everyone, in this AAR I will attempt to make all battles and narration soley in First-person, I hope you will enjoy it. I will be playing Sweden on VH/VH. My first Goal is to unite Scandinavia and I'll move from there. And without further ado, I present you,

    King Gustav IV the Great
    A first-person Swedish AAR

    "Your first priority should be to use your strong standing army and navy to secure the Baltic Sea Coast, obstructing Hostile Russia..." The young, female Advisor's voice said into my ears.

    "We have the common enemy, the French. I dare not think the Ruskies would want to take us out now, if Napoleon is still at large." I thought to myself. However, the pretty, brunette was not done talking, so as an Enlightened Despot, I allowed the broad to finish.

    "...[Once the Baltic Sea Coast is secured] We must, under all rights, unite Scandinavia under Swedish power!"

    "Heh, the bastards won't even expect it! I want all armies to move to the Danish and Norwegian border immediately! "

    After 3 months of Marching, all of the Armies reach their destinations. General Sven Hogquist, supplied from Schwerin, Mcklenburg, will strike at Hamburg and move through Mainland Denmark to Copenhagen. General Erland Branch is guarding Goteborg, only miles from Christiana, Norway. 2 Light-Infantry regiments guard Malmo Port.

  2. #2

    Default Re: King Gustav IV the Great (A First-Person Swedish AAR)

    Swedo-Danish War

    I have been issuing spies to Denmark, to establish spy networks in the region and for acts of saboteur. General Kaustrop was reported there late April, and I ordered my spy Jacob to kill him.

    Public opinion took a turn for the worst after the assassination of their prized general.

    Christain VII of Denmark personally sent me a letter urging for the terrorist acts to cease, or there will be a war.

    I ignored his mail.

    A month later, the King declared war on my Kingdom. We both agreed that our allies should not get involved.

    The foolish king actually thinks he can topple the Swedish Crown.

    In early June, I made the first move. I sent General Hogquist's men through-out mainland Denmark. My spies reported that a large Naval Fleet was spotted near Malmo Port.

    The Strategic Situation 2 weeks within the war.

    The Danish Fleet will be a large obstacle in this war, but hopefully their Naval Superiority will mean nothing if my armies can destroy theirs anyway.

    I just hope my forces don't get cut off from supply.

  3. #3

    Default Re: King Gustav IV the Great (A First-Person Swedish AAR)

    Since you haven't updated for a while now, Here's what I think happened to you:

    I think the Danish fleet landed it's army near the undefended Stockholm and wiped out the citizens defending their homes, and thereby putting you in a very hard position since your troops are very few and spread out...
    So you where forced to make a very dishonoring peace treaty with them.
    Then when you were very weak after you war with Denmark the ruskies saw there opportunity to strike and wipe you out completely!

    Carl XII

  4. #4
    Holman's Avatar Semisalis
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Texas, United state

    Default Re: King Gustav IV the Great (A First-Person Swedish AAR)

    If what Carl XII said actually happen. Then you might as well be one of the worst leader ever :/

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