Gudday all,

This is something that's been bothering me for some time, especially when you're using an awesome mod like:

Anyway, chances are, no matter the difficulty or how many turns it takes to make a year, everyone's had to deal with the reality that an AI daimyo's life expectancy is pretty awful. That's unless you're a diabolical mastermind and use a ninja to sabotage his advances into enemy territory for many years, keeping him and his army at bay in hope that maybe somewhere down the track you'll have the chance to strengthen your friendship with his clan through seeing one of your sons marrying a daughter of his that finally came of age. (Which is lame, if you ask me. You shouldn't have to be forced to commit espionage against them, just to keep their family around long enough to prove fruitful to yours.)

That... can be almost impossible, depending on the clan. We've seen how even the great clans can fall early on, ruining their family bloodlines without the chance of reality saving the deceased daimyo's children from obscurity. So I'm wondering if it's possible to rewrite the code for when a clan is revived, either from an uprising or being made a vassal to your clan, that aside from a random new daimyo, an heir and general, there is also a randomly named daughter of marriageable age that spawns with them? That way it gives you an additional option to further strengthen your friendship with that clan immediately, and if you're an RP styled gamer who values certain clans, it's a great imaginative way to bring back their bloodlines that otherwise may never return in the time you're playing a campaign.

Take for instance the old tale of a clan (yours) aiding an exiled mother and or her children regain their honour by reviving their husband/father's clan, for the glory and promise of a daughter's hand in marriage, because of your loyalty during their darkest times. Thus the two families' bloodlines finally become entwined for whatever fate awaits them, etc.

So... there's my idea anyway. Hope it's interesting enough to pursue. =)