Hey All!

First off - I've been lurking around these forums for some time, coming to and fro dependent on my TW-modding needs.
And this community is so inspiring - easily one of the best on the interwebs. And the things you guys are doing with the games is very, very ambitious and extremely impressive!

So I've been inspired. And I've started building a Danish site for gamedesign collaborations. The basic idea is that people with ideas and/or skills in gamemaking can get together and collaborate on small productions. My ambition is to find some kind of funding for these projects and help the best games get published. I have a passion for games, but I've begun to realise that maybe I'm not comfortable in the role of a designer. I'm more of a facilitator kind of guy - and it is to this end, that I'm creating Spilcafeen.dk

Alas, I haven't really got any experience with these kind of things, so I turn to TWCenter in the hope that someone could enlighten me or just point me in the right direction. The most immediate question I have is how you guys manage your collaborative projects. I imagine that it isn't very easy as I'm assuming that you guys only have contact through TWCenter (and of course email, chat, etc). Do you use some kind of file-sharing service? Which?

I'm keen to learn more, and would appreciate any info you can give me. If it was somehow possible for me to join one of the projectteams in some kind of observer rule, that would be awesome!

Best Regard
Kristian from Spilcafeen.dk

PS: user 'My Little Pony' proposed I reposted in a mod-forum, so here goes