I am playing as the Greeks. I have been trying to take Amphipolis for some time now but every time i take the city it crashes. I have tried to take it by going in with soldiers. The battle itself is no problem but when I have won the game crashes instead of the menu about what I want to do with the city comes up. I have tried waiting until they give it over but it still crashes. I have tried auto-resolve but is still crashes. It is the last city the Makedons have before they are crushed. I do not know if it has a problem because of the Macedons are crushed 255 BC but it does not have any problems with the others.

I do not remember exactly the install options I used. Is there a way to find this?

I have (The only version I have installed.)
XGM version 5.9.21

with the RedFox extras.

Thanks for the help