Is there a lesser fort option for generals that can be used in Kingdoms? Like a "camp"? Or can the old ones be restored for the player?

I prefer the perma stone forts over the player created wooden ones because of their potential to take the place of real castles/cities on the campaign map but very much miss the ability to make camp somewhere -- especially for the purposes of defending a pass, bridge or other strongpoint on the map. Armenia and KoJ survival strategy depended on reliable vanguards who were not at risk of desertion a the rear of main armies which were defending choke points on the map so that they could not be attacked from both sides at once. The AI, I've found is good at surrouning you when stack spam mode kicks in with a mid/late game superpower, even if it means walking a long way around a river to hit you from both sides of a bridge.

Are there other defensive players miss them too?