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Thread: Borissomeone's Tales.

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    Borissomeone's Avatar Citizen
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    Mar 2009

    Default Borissomeone's Tales.


    I've been writing FF for a while now. I have one main story on the Thera forum. The Tale now has 29 parts and is still going.

    Below (in the spoiler) is the cast of my tale, hopefully it will give you some idea of the scope of my long running story.

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    Cast of Characters.

    The Characters of Thera.

    Maximus - Legionarii, Second in command of the Fifth Legion (battle field promotion)
    Spurius – Legionarri, Commander of the Fifth Legion (battle field promotion)
    Anthony – Legionarri, Decurion of the Fifth Legion (battle field promotion) New Commander of the Equites Lanciarii
    Domitius – Commander of the Equites Lanciarii, Sword Master and legendary fighter
    Muckus – Former commander of the Fifth Legion
    Attius – Legionarii of the Fifth Legion, Muckus shadow
    Hilarius – Commander of the Legionarii Arcebusarii

    Bassus – Muckus’s father
    Cita – Muckus’s mother
    The Little Man – Head of the Assassins Guild

    Toke One Eye – Commander of the Men of Demos
    Cerberus Hades – Faction Leader of the Uruk Dominion
    Spartacus Hades – General of the Uruk Dominion

    Callisto – Dark Goddess, and generally unpleasant.

    Otto – Commander of the Great Pagan Hunt, Teutonic Order
    Gerhard – Second in command, Teutonic Order
    Darren- Bodyguard to Otto, Teutonic Order
    Johann – Commander of the Second Coming, Teutonic Order, and Otto’s brother
    Eve – Vampyres – Dracule faction.

    Aaryn – Lao Che Khanate
    Chenghei – Lao Che Khanate, brother to Aaryn, Warlord of the Lao Che
    The Pilgrim - Lao Che Khanate, unknown factor.

    The Characters of the Borr Empire

    Dama – Highest ranked general of the empire
    Teleri – Devotee of the blade

    Here is the link that will have all the links to all parts (if that makes sense)

    Please come and have a read and let me know what you think.

    Some short stories from Call of War-hammer.

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    I can feel the soft breeze as it lightly passes me, the smell of blood and emptied bowels thick in the air as my men die around me. My sweat is cooled by the wind as I ready myself to die, my thick armour a comfort upon my wide shoulders as I grip my war hammer, again ready to end more foul lives. We were but three hundred men on our way to the capital, Middenheim, when we were set upon by a hoard of Beastmen their ugly faces twisted in rage and hate as they poured out of the thick forest. A sigh leaves my lips, turning into a fine mist in the coolness of the morning, nothing to do but fight and hope to take as many of these disease ridden curs to the grave with us.

    My men, their distinctive armour and wolfs cloaks, fight like they have never before, perhaps the knowledge that they will all die no matter what gives them strength on this cold morning. I move forward back into the main battle line, landing my war hammer upon the chest of a large Beastman, its animal eyes widen in shock as its life is crushed from it, spinning I plant my next blow cleanly into the side of another’s head, grey matter sprays from its cracked skull as it drops the gore laden forest floor.

    I feel the rumble before seeing the Knights of Ulric, again, come crashing into the massed ranks of the Beastmen, their bleats of terror warm my heart as their crushed under the mighty war horse’s of the Knights, and those that still stand are quickly smashed to the ground by the frenzied Knights as they also try and take as many with them into the after life. It won’t be long now, only a few still stand. The Knights of Ulric are slowly over whelmed by sheer numbers, men pulled from their steads and hacked apart, their blood feeding the already soaked ground. I take a heavy blow and stumble back, my heart is like thunder in my ears, several massive brutes come at me large axes at the ready and death in their eyes.

    I look over the battle field as my end draws near, the bodies of the Teutogen Guard litter the battle ground, horrible wounds gaping back at me, I smile, I know an odd time to let a smile creep across my face, but we have died well today more than eight hundred foul enemy have given their lives to our war hammers, and now I will try to add a few more to that tally. The first dies quickly, as savage blow to its face, as another tries to land a blow upon me, turning and moving to the side it misses me, I knock it from its feet, finishing it with a powerful blow, it squeals as it dies. Suddenly my breath is taken from me as I’m hit from behind; I drop to one knee as I struggle to regain my feet, my long hair hangs over my face hiding the wide smile that paints it. Another blow removes my head; a great fountain of blood announces my death. Now I’m just another ghost of the many battle fields that cover his land of mine.

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    'Death of a Salesmen'

    I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I claw my way up the broken ground, my fingers are a bloody mess and my face streaked by my tears as I run for my life. I can still hear my sister’s screams as they impaled her with their swords and spilled her steaming insides across the ground. Such a sweet girl, I should have never convinced her to come along, but greed and the thoughts that she would be rich after this compelled her more than I ever could. I start to cry again, great sobs wreak my body as I again wish I had never thought to trade up into the border regions of the Empire, I had hope to make a quick profit selling cheap ale, foolish I am.

    The first few nights had gone well, my sister with her wide smile and big eyes had made an excellent sales person the men and women couldn’t resist her easy manner, as our purses grew heavy and plans were made to do this again. I dreamed of the day when we no longer needed to travel and could chose where we wanted to live. All was well until I lost our map.

    One wrong turn and our lives changed for the worst, we didn’t even realize what we had done. The night had started as any other night; the fire lit our little camp with its bright flickering light dancing across our faces as we spoke quietly about the next trip we would make, my sister looked beautiful, her eyes bright in the fire light, but not so beautiful now with her insides tangled in the grass. The first we knew of any trouble was the strange smell that wafted in the air, the next thing I knew Chaos knights came striding into our camp, their armour groaning with each dreadful step. My sister turned and screamed, her face twisted by fear and then they cut her down, now I run for my life.

    I have no idea where I am, everything looks the same, coming around stand of trees I stumble back into our camp, the stench of death thick in the air. The horses have been hacked apart and my poor sister’s head now sits roasting on the fire. Falling to my knees I claw at my face, pulling skin away, I sit and wish that this nightmare would end. A creak of armour and I look up see a chaos knight standing before me, a blow to my head and then blackness.

    I awake to find myself pinned to the ground, spread-eagle, a knight standing over me its hideous sword drawn the blade painted in blood. The first swing removes my left arm, the next my right leg, my screams echo into the night. The knight turns and walks away into the night leaving me there, a terrible laugh and it’s gone. It’s a funny thing dying, I thought it would hurt more as I lay there crying waiting for the end.

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    The Song of War

    The song of war plays around me, the constant drone of weapon on weapon, the screams of man and beast as they are cut apart, ah how the song of war makes my heart sing. The wind adds it song to the one that roars around me, it moans and sweeps around us as we struggle. A new note is added to the song, a horn blares over us, almost drowning out the mantra of war; we move forward twin blades drawn and ready.

    Fire flares and adds a ruddy glow to the battle, the crackle of the burning house adding its own tune as sparks fly and swirl into the night. A man once a man, but now twisted by Chaos comes at me, his two mouths open a constant scream flows forth, a quick blow adds a third mouth, the foul spawn of Chaos’s part in the song now over. I spin, a dance in time with the beats of death, bringing down another tainted one, my swords, the twins as I like to think of them weave in time with the main chorus as it plays around me, a smile, ah how I love the song of war.

    The twins dip and rise as they seek yet another death, my opponent tries to stop the twins dance, I think to myself, surly if I had four arms I would be a better fighter, soon one arm is departed from its host and then a second, foul blood adding its own colour to the already soaked ground, and yet the misshapen man still comes. An axe grazes my chest; this thing now seems to have taken a disliking to me, my grunt of pain adds yet another note to the song. First one twin and then the other bite deep into its chest, a brief struggle and it topples down. The song is getting a little wild.

    A rumble, the sound thunder makes after a distant lightning strike and the Winged Lancers crash into the chaos’s flank. A great moan bubbles forth from the bloodied army of Chaos, is this the end of the song? I cast my eyes over the battle field, thick smoke billows here and there, pleas for help caress my ears, the twins are still eager to sing. Ah but it seems the forces of Chaos no longer want to be part of this fine choir as they break and run, it does not matter for tomorrow I’m sure we will start to sing again.

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    Shame, I have brought shame to my clan, I have humiliated myself before my fellow Dwarfs. One slip, that’s all it took for this shame to be brought upon me, one slip and a surprise attack upon the dirty Orc’s come undone; many a Dwarf died that day. Now I have taken the oath, the Slayers Oath, now I seek redemption. My hair stands proud, thick with pigs grease, as I stand on this path, fog thick around me it’s chill fingers caress my skin, I can hear them, Orc’s, how many it does not matter for I seek an end to this shame.

    Moving forward, just another shadow in the fog, I come across my first Orc. Its ugly face twists into surprise as my axe relives its head from its body, even before the Orc hits the ground I’m moving forward. The second dies just as quickly, the third doesn’t even know I’m there until my axe bits deep, dropping it without a sound, a slight breeze causes the fog to shift about me, shapes and shadows dance about. The forth is ready, the crude weapon swings wide, a grin on my face pulls the tattoos into new shapes as my blow catches him in the groin, a squeal, black blood and it falls away swallowed by the fog. Moving along the broken ground I seek more to kill and perhaps end my search for redemption.

    The fifth and sixth come at me together, rolling between them I come up behind, the fifth stumbles losing balance, the sixth I slice into its thick green legs, toppling and yelling it falls, I plant my axe in its head; grey matter and blood come out as I pull the weapon free and turn to face the fifth. Several clumsy blows tried to breach my defenses, a lighting attack and the Orc falls back now trying to stem the flow of black blood from the gaping wound in its neck. The wind picks up, the fog now flows around me, it seems as if someone has pulled the plug on this mountain path as the fog quickly leaves a last few touches from it clammy fingers and it’s gone.

    Behind me lay the broken bodies of the Orc’s I have slain, black blood paints the path, yellow grass now caked in the foul fluid. The Sun lights the sky a brilliant red and gold colour as the breeze pulls at my beard. Before me stands hundreds of Orc’s. An even wider grin splits my face; my stubby fingers tighten around my gore covered axe as I start to move forward. The Orc’s stand dumfounded as I charge; some turn and run, but more than a few heft their weapons and charge. A mighty cry is ripped from my lips, it echoes over the mountains, as we meet and I start to kill each Orc I slay I repeat my cry, redemption, over and over.

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    The moon cast dappled light over the forest as shadows moved and danced in time with the slow and lazy wind as it wanders through the forest. This was the third such night we have spent in the lands of the human Empire, before us another nameless village, only a few homes showed smoke twisting its way into the night sky. It won’t be long before the slaughter starts, more rolls of human skin collected and slaves added destine for the dark temples of Khaine. Already the Black Ark we'd arrived on is full of human slaves, but tonight is the last night for such endeavors so we hoped to capture many and the ones not fit to be slaves are to be skinned, their pelts used for armour among other things.

    A dog wanders out of the village, its black nose tilted to the wind trying to catch a scent of something, before it can lower its head an arrow streaks out of the gloom taking the beast in the throat, the dog drops without a sound. We move in, darker shadows flowing out of the night towards the village, the long grass barely makes a sound as I run to the first home, my long blade at the ready. Before I can make my way into the small home the door is flung back and a human warrior steps out his face set in rage as he swings his sword at me, a lightning parry and his blade is knocked aside, his mouth opens as he bellows at me, my blade its edge serrated enters his mouth, I find great pleasure in seeing his pale blue eyes open wide as death takes him.

    The of sound battle is now around us, the humans must have found the last blood soaked village and set to hunting us, mounted humans thunder through the village, their long blades slashing down at my fellow Druchii as more armoured men pour out of the village buildings. Another human falls to my blade, turning we start to fall back into the shadows and gloom of the surrounding forest. A volley of arrows fly past taking down more humans, but its not enough to stop them as it seems the entire human empire has turned up this night. A horn rings out as we Druchii run back into the forest. Arrows start to land amongst us as we flee back towards our camp, Druchii are struck down their pale skin perfect in death as their long black hair flows about the fallen bodies of my kin, their hair adding to the darkness on the already shaded ground. Running, I reach down and grab a bow from a fallen Druchii, twisting as I run I send a shaft back at the pursuing figures, my arrow downing a human as he closed on another of my kin, humans and horses are thick throughout the forest, like lice on a dog.

    Torches flare, bright ruddy light adds thick shadows and dancing beams of light to the already confusing chase. Turning again I send my shafts back, humans drop, short grunts of pain greet each arrow as it ends another life, a smile crawls its way over my face, we may have failed in getting more slaves but at least we added souls to Khaines ever hungry maw. Soon I find myself separated, the main battle having somehow passed me, the forest is quite expect for the quite groaning of the trees in the wind that comes and goes as I stand casting my senses out. I’m now alone; quickly I head back to the village all is quite there as lights blaze in the windows as the foolish humans think they are safe. A few village men stand about clutching axes and farming tools, their eyes straining trying to catch movement in the night. My first arrow drops a large human, as the others stand dumbfounded at the sudden attack. The night spews me out as my sword takes more lives, tonight I murder for Khiane; blood starts to paint the village as screams echo into the night.

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    Hatred, rage and a certain darkness coursed through Anton Von Carstein, he stood upon the brink of his sprawling, if dilapidated estate, the moon cast it cold gaze over him, its weak light painting the land around him in washed out colours, which suited his current mood as he clutched a piece of parchment in one hand. The Haunted hills rolled off into the distance as Anton now found himself in an unusual situation; the tax man was coming and soon, taxes how he hated taxes and the foul Empire that was coming for them. Did they not know he was to be feared? Was he not part of the dread Von Carstein family, a lesser member but that did not matter, another scream of rage echoed over the hills, the word taxes bounced off the hills.

    ‘Master, what shall we do?’ asked Alfred his loyal and ghoulish servant, Anton turned and faced his servant, Anton’s face twisted through several emotions before he answered.
    ‘What shall we do…what shall I do’ a pause as Anton struggled to speak below a scream ‘why Alfred this is what I shall do, I will unleash an army of undead upon this Imperial Tax collector. That is what I shall do, now which direction do they approach from?’
    ‘Master, they travel along the Hilltop road and I believe they will turn before reaching Vanhalhenschlosse ruins.’
    ‘Good this is where we shall take them.’ An evil smile now rode on Anton’s face as he turned and strode back to the main building of his estate, visions in his head of undead ripping apart the Imperial Tax collector.

    Bruno Platter rode at the head of the column, new to the job he had found old records that showed this Anton Von Carstein had not paid his taxes in a long time, he had sent word ahead so the man could ready what was owned and now he rode to collect and hopefully gain recognition from his superiors for a job well done. With him rode twenty of his most trusted and burly men, each man armed with sword or axe and clad in heavy mail armour their tabards showing the crest of the Imperial Tax collectors. A rather drab land, he thought to himself, as they rode through the so called Haunted hills, the only sound made was the creaking of the wagons wheels and the men talking quietly amongst themselves as the cold moon shone down.

    ‘Master it will only be a few hours before they come, should you not start the rising of the dead?’ asked Alfred, wringing his hands together, causing dead flesh to rain down around his feet.
    ‘Enough with the wringing of your foul hands, I hate finding bits of you everywhere. And yes I’m well aware it is time for the dead to rise, watch my stinking servant and behold my power.’ Anton flung his arms into the air as waves of dark power rolled from him and off into the hills.

    Bruno felt a sudden chill flow past him, he felt as if someone had just drawn ice down his spine, his hand reaching for his sword as each man suddenly went quite, shields were raised and weapons gripped as the men searched for the sudden feeling of danger. At first nothing and then the dead started to struggle from the very ground they stood upon, curses were shouted as swords and axes crushed skulls and sent dead limbs spinning into the night. The hills now filled with the sounds of battle and the moaning of the dead. Grinning skeletons and reeking ghouls attacked as the men fought off the undead, the battle went well only two men down, one man pulled from his horse and quickly set upon by hungry ghouls, his blood soon covered their faces as they feasted on his flesh. The other took a rusted spear in the side, he had stumbled out from the protective ring of his fellow warriors taking more blows as he finally fell to the ground, Bruno thought to himself he would need to remember to collect the death tax from the fallen men’s families, ah work never ceases.

    The sounds of fighting drew closer to Anton’s estate, a worried frown now on his face.
    ‘Master, shall I sally forth and meet the enemy at the gates?’ Alfred asked a pot on his head and a large rusty knife clutched in one flaky hand.
    ‘Why not my diseased servant, off with you.’ Anton said giving the ghoul a shove in the direction of the sounds of battle. Alfred shambled out the gate, shortly after his head rolled back through, a sorrowful expression on his face. Armed men covered in blood rushed in spreading out as the man he presumed to be the tax collector walked in sword drawn.
    ‘Ah, you must be Anton Von Carstein. I believe we have many things to discuss, one being your outstanding taxes. Mr Von Carstein you of all people should know there is one thing more constant than death in life’ a broad smile on his face ‘its taxes good sir.’ Anton’s scream of rage rose to the heavens.

    It is said that if you listen carefully when travelling through the Haunted hills you’ll still hear whispered on the wind the mutterings and ravings of Anton and hatred of taxes.

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    'The Mouth'

    The rain drums against the window as I lay next to my wife, her hair some say looks like spun honey and her skin is like fine china, I feel restless this night. My eyes stare up at the ceiling, I glance across at my sleeping wife, ah how I love her, she will leave you, a voice whispers in my mind, kill the , what, I sit up and look around startled, the room awash in shadows I can see no one. My wife stirs and turns to look at me her eyes shine in the dark.
    ‘What is it my love? Another nightmare?’ Concern written on her face, as she tries to see my face in the darkness.
    ‘Its nothing go back to sleep.’ As I speak the voice talks to me, she does not care can you not see she hates you? I don’t sleep for the rest of the night.

    The next day comes as the sun tries to break through the clouds as they race over the town of Winsen, my chest hurts for some reason it feels as if something is trying to eat its way out. I feel dirty as I sit with my family around our dining table as we eat breakfast, the fitful sunlight making my eyes hurt. My daughter sits talking about childish things, my wife chats to her a smile on her face, kill them, no, do it I know you want to, leave me be, I mutter. My wife has stopped talking to my daughter I can feel the sweat running down my face as my chest feels like it will explode, her head is tilted to the side as she looks to me a question in her blue eyes, see the thick vein in her neck. I want you to slice it open, I want you to drink her blood…do it, I stand and scream out, leave me be, my chest is killing me clutching at my shirt I rip it open.

    There sitting in the centre of my chest sits a small mouth, its lips blood red, my wife sees it and stands dragging my daughter to her arms, worry on her face.
    ‘Husband what is going on?’ the mouth speaks, aloud; see the disgust on her face. Pick up that knife and slice her head off, do it, both my hands grip the table edge, I’m afraid to let go, the mouth sticks it long tongue out licking at its lips as it drools down my chest.
    ‘Leave wife do it now, please just go I don’t want to hurt you.’ My right hand is slowing releasing its grip on the table, against my wishes, kill them I want blood, the mouth gibbers. My right hand now has the knife in its grip, I release the table and grab my right hand as I start to fight myself, the mouth trying to bite my left arm as I try and stop myself, blood, blood I want blood, the mouth sings. My daughter is now crying as I stagger about the room knocking furnishings over.
    ‘Leave.’ I scream at my wife, she flees the room. Now I fight myself. With my wife gone the mouth turns on me, my right hand breaks free and slams into my face, stunned I fall back, bbblloood, the mouth hisses at me as the knife plunges into my chest and starts to cut away.

    With its host dead the small daemon emerges from the slashed flesh, Ah now where did his wife go? Its red lips parting in hunger.

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    The sun is bright in my eyes, the grass green, wild flowers sway in the slow lazy breeze, the forest off to my right is full of shadows and dancing beams of light, the tress sing their song as the wind pulls branches this way and that. I stand and watch as bees wing their way from flower to flower, unconcerned with the worries of man, I ponder if that will change soon, the breeze brings the scents of summer to my nose, I breathe the sweet smells in, my lungs fill with life, it feels as if summer flows through my veins. Soon things will change, gone will the sweet smells be. I wonder if it’s the time to be thinking about such things, my mind wanders again like one of the many bees that flirt with the flowers before me

    A grumbling and a muttering intrude on my musings, my eyes focus on the men around me, armour bright in the sun, sweat dripping into the lush grass, weapons held at the ready, blades dazzling in the sun, flashes of light blinding me. Now stars dance before my eyes it reminds of the long nights that I spent staring at the night sky with my father, the stars go and the world comes back before me, my father gone from my mind. The grass is like a river of green that flows off into the hills around us, the forests must be inlands in this sea of green, a smile as I think of myself as a fish in this ocean of emerald water, this time the sounds of horns break my musings.

    Banners appear over the hills moving in time with the new sea of green that roars over the hills towards us, up and down they go, marching and at mercy of those who hold them, the breeze decides its time to grow stronger, the banner near me snaps to attention as the wind now pulls at it, it reminds me of the time I went sailing, is it my imagination or can I smell the sea, oh, no it’s the man next to me who has that fishy smell I remember. The new sea of green is near now, gone are the bees as the flowers they so love a crushed, men near me start to pray as spear and sword are made ready for this onslaught that is coming our way.

    Man and Orc crash together, screaming, crying, the clash of weapon on weapon and soon quite as the sea of green rage moves on. I lay there in the now trampled grass, blood dripping and limbs rendered, my eyes focus one last time on a bee as it lands on a broken flower, oh look how the light glistens on its wings.

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    The ranks of Chaos stand before us, a mass of evil squatting on the opposite side of the valley, the weak sun light adds nothing to the day, and a feeble wind does naught to wash away the stench of Chaos from our noses. The ranks of the Empire stand proud and gleaming awaiting the battle that will surely come this day. Concern ripples through me as I make ready to draw power, our commander is untested, and barely a whisker graces his chin, does this matter? More than likely, but now horns wail and the command is given to march upon the forces of Chaos. I can taste the fire, the white hot sweetness; soon I’ll unleash my power as my wild red hair starts to move with a life of its own. I walk within a circle, an area no one is willing to cross as the men stand clear, for I too am untested, I’ll show them soon they have nothing to fear.

    We march now, ranks of halberdiers present their weapons to Chaos, the blades bristle out as arrows fly above and plunge down into the waiting enemy. The army of Chaos starts to move, slowly at first, but gaining speed as the dread Knights lumber forward, suddenly the enemy forces split apart, and like some foul beast giving birth they vomit out charging Knights of Chaos. Men form up into tight ranks as this wave of death rides ever closer; the crack of the cannon can now be heard over the battlefield, the heavy shots land amongst the tide of evil, pillars of earth and blood bloom as Knights of Chaos are torn apart. The two forces collide, men are flung back as the Knights crash into the first ranks, men are impaled, slashed and hacked apart, and I believe its time to act.

    The front ranks are in threat of collapsing as men die by the score, I’m spotted by the enemy as several Knights peel off and charge, my arms ignite as I’m filled with power, quick flicks of my wrists send bright balls of flames at the charging Knights, waves of heat and the reek of burnt corrupted flesh wash over me as Chaos Knights die, now they shall witness my power as I save this day. Striding forward I draw more power, I fling balls of fire about with wild abandon, Knights of Chaos die in balls of greasy fire and smoke, drawing more power I’m engulfed in flames, now witness my power.

    The enemy fall back from, as men and Chaos burn bright, wait those swords men of the Empire shouldn’t have been burnt, the power consumes me now as I become a pillar of living flame all control lost. Flames run wild as now both armies flee the battle field and me, more power floods into me as I run down the path of conflagration with no regard, brighter I burn as the landscape around melts and dies, brighter than the sun, witness my power as the world buckles beneath me. With one final breath I suck in all that I can. The explosion adds a second sun to the sky as all within miles die, witness my power fools.

    Last edited by Borissomeone; May 01, 2011 at 10:25 PM.

    Under the Patronage of TheFirstONeill.

  2. #2
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze's Avatar Let's Get After It
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    Default Re: Borissomeone's Tales.


    Welcome welcome, We are most honored to have your tales displayed here. Many will now get to see the wondrous world of Thera...

    This place of Tales is now listed in the Gallery index.....+Rep
    A Lion serves in Winter, then perhaps a Unicorn for the Spring.

    If you cannot stand behind what you say.... then do not speak. If your words are taken out of context,
    then the weight of the evidence will still fall in your favor and carry the day

    The Casual Tortoise: Mega's Guide to Fast Turtling

  3. #3
    Borissomeone's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Borissomeone's Tales.

    Thank your sir, hopefully more people will discover the true beauty that is Thera...oh and read my tale.

    Under the Patronage of TheFirstONeill.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    wowbanger's Avatar Decanus
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    Default Re: Borissomeone's Tales.

    Ok, so I have only read the first chapter so far but I liked it. Have some rep for your efforts. Now I'm off to read some more, if you don't see me for a while that's where I'll be.

    "Some writers never know what's to be written until they see it on the page...." Some words of wisdom from my good friend, Mega Tortas de Bodemloze

  6. #6
    Borissomeone's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Borissomeone's Tales.

    Quote Originally Posted by wowbanger View Post
    Ok, so I have only read the first chapter so far but I liked it. Have some rep for your efforts. Now I'm off to read some more, if you don't see me for a while that's where I'll be.
    Thank you, please let me know what you think when you can. update the first post with short stories from COW.

    Under the Patronage of TheFirstONeill.

  7. #7
    Over the hills...
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    Default Re: Borissomeone's Tales.

    Very nice!! I havent had a proper read yet because I have been busy but I really like your stuff

  8. #8
    Borissomeone's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Borissomeone's Tales.

    Quote Originally Posted by E.K View Post
    Very nice!! I havent had a proper read yet because I have been busy but I really like your stuff

    Thanks mate! It's such a good idea doing this. I like to see the different writing styles that grace these fine halls, so much good reading. + rep

    Under the Patronage of TheFirstONeill.

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