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Thread: When Does a Soldier Die?

  1. #1

    Default When Does a Soldier Die?

    I am watching the duels between the units. They make a move to attack, the other one reacts (defends or counter-attacks or even attacks at the same time). I am assuming some number crunching happens and the outcome is simulated in the animations.

    Yet, when does a soldier die? Is it random with certain probabilities that one or the other one dies?

    In that perspective, the entries in kv_rules (like melee_armor_penetration/piercing_divisor) or melee attack/armor/defense values play some role that is obscure to me.

    If someone knows what they mean, please tell us or point us to a relevant source.

    Thanks in advance

    Note: I changed the melee_armor_penetration_divisor from 4 to 40 and I observed little difference, if any, towards deadlier melee fights between two Katana Samurai units.

  2. #2

    Default Re: When Does a Soldier Die?

    Correct if I'm wrong but I'd say the armor penetration has less to do with melee vs melee deaths than say melee defense. I've been under the impression that armor mostly relates towards defense from missile attacks.

  3. #3

    Default Re: When Does a Soldier Die?

    Well, sorry for missing this one Has been a while.

    There are four entries for armor in kv_rules.. the melee_armor_penetration/piercing_divisor and the missile_armor_penetration/piercing_divisor. The missile one seems to make more sense, although my trials gave no big results.

    I have seen some mods (Hedge Knight's Universal AI) for example change these values (all to 1) but to what effect and why, no clue.

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