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Thread: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

  1. #881

    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Well after a little bit of trying it seems that I finally understood that I dont need the attachments file of the original unit. Using the texture file and the attachments file of the basunit did the trick for me.
    Now I am stuck getting the units in game - I fear that I made a misstake for yesterday the archer unit worked but now my game crashes.
    Where can I find the modeldb checker?

  2. #882
    paleologos's Avatar You need burrito love!!
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    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Check the Text Editing and Scripting parts.

  3. #883

    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Hello again

    I wish to transfer the bow from one unit to the other. Both units look almost identical (and use the same 2 texture files) but I want to give the bow used by unit 2 to unit 1. It would be great if unit 1 afterwards also has the former bow of unit 2 on its back while fighting in melee.
    Is there any way to do such thinks in milkshade?

    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #884

    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Sorry for beeing annoying but I still got some questions around using milkshade.

    I have a unit (baseunit) using a bow and sword + shield. Upon opening their ms3d file in milkshade I cant find a way to remove their shild. For some reason it is linked to the units bow or sword. So in order to remove their shield I have to remove their bow and sword. The sword is not a problem for I can bring it back via merging. But the bow gives me pause - I really like the fact that the unit puts the bow on its back while beeing in melee or out of ammo. For that reason I dont want to delete the bow and bring it back via merging which would be possible at the price of the unit putting the bow on its back.
    So there are my questions:
    Can I remove the shield, but keep the sword and the bow (both at the left hand and the back)?
    And secondly how can I tell milkshade to put thinks like shields or bows at the back of units when these parts are not active?

    I would love if anyone could help me out with my struggle

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  5. #885
    paleologos's Avatar You need burrito love!!
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    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    I made a tutorial for you and I posted the link in your wall.
    (Here is the link again: [Tutorial] Collection of tutorials: "Learn-on-the-job", AKA "Holding a noob's hand", first post of the thread, 5th case)

    In it I clearly say that if two (also works for more than two) objects are grouped together and you need to delete one of them then you need to select the part you want to delete manually and hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
    The style and exhaustiveness of the tutorial are as they are for the sake of the absolute noob. Give it a browse and go through the steps if only for practice.
    Last edited by paleologos; October 24, 2018 at 03:59 PM.

  6. #886
    Khevsur's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Please update first posts links, I start learning
    Last edited by Khevsur; February 10, 2021 at 12:19 AM.

  7. #887

    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    hello, I'm new to the forums.
    Recently I've been trying to create a submod for Stainless Steel, adding a 1453 campaign with historically accurate factions, their borders, faction leaders and their heirs. One of the new factions or this era is going to be the Grand Duchy Moscow. Now I'm not trying to be overly ambitious as a noob, and I think other russian factions unit rosters are close to what Moscow had in real life, so I can mostly fill it with those units (and pehaps some units from vanilla). But there's one unit, that I thinks, needs to be added. And that's Streltsy. They were an iconic Muscovite unit from that era

    What I'm trying to do in order to add them is simple - I'm retexturing cossack musketeers. However one problem with that is that cossack musketeers use swords as their secondary weapons, while streltsy iconically used berdiches/two handed axes. And that's when my problem comes in. I followed the instructions from this tutorial as closely as I was able to, in order to swap swords with berdiches on cossack musketeers model. But the end result is an army of scarecrows:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Some of them are painted red, but that's just a result of my experiments in gimp, so ignore it.
    I also changed their meele animation entries in modeldb to two handed weapons, so it looks like this now
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    4 None
    18 MTW2_Fast_Arquebus
    11 MTW2_2H_Axe 1
    21 MTW2_Arquebus_Primary 1
    19 MTW2_2H_Axe_primary
    16 -0.090000004 0 0 -0.34999999 0.80000001 0.60000002

    However I'm not sure if this could cause any problems. I changed those entires before using milkshape to swap their swords for berdiches and it worked fine (they performed the 2h animations with their one handed swords)
    I use Windows 7 64bit, milkshape 1.8.4, and GOM's converter.
    Can I get some help please? I'd greatly appreciate it.

  8. #888
    Araval's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Hello, try with this tool instead of GOM:

  9. #889

    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Hello everyone, Merry Christmas !

    I need some help for a unit:

    I'm trying to make a unit based on the Islamic_General model for the mongols (a merge with the Mongol Heavy Archer), but I have a CTD when lauching the game (no loading screen appears). I can't find the reason why, maybe the unique lod line ?

    13 golden_wolves
    1 1
    60 unit_models/_units/as_lamellar_heavy/golden_wolves_lod0.mesh 6400
    7 mongols
    91 unit_models/_Generals_and_Captains/Islamic_General/textures/islamic_general_mongols.texture
    90 unit_models/_Generals_and_Captains/Islamic_General/textures/islamic_general_normal.texture 0
    52 unit_sprites/mongols_Mongol_Heavy_Archers_sprite.spr
    5 SLAVE
    90 unit_models/_Generals_and_Captains/Islamic_General/textures/islamic_general_rebels.texture
    90 unit_models/_Generals_and_Captains/Islamic_General/textures/islamic_general_normal.texture 0
    52 unit_sprites/mongols_Mongol_Heavy_Archers_sprite.spr
    7 mongols
    59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Asian_mongols_diff.texture
    59 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Asian_mongols_norm.texture 0
    5 SLAVE
    60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Asian_timurids_diff.texture
    60 unit_models/AttachmentSets/Final Asian_timurids_norm.texture 0
    5 Horse
    11 MTW2_HR_Bow 12 MTW2_HR_Mace
    19 MTW2_HR_Bow_Primary 14 fs_test_shield
    17 MTW2_Mace_Primary 14 fs_test_shield
    16 -0.090000004 0 0 -0.34999999 0.80000001 0.60000002
    Are there restrictions for the use of general and captain model ?

    Thank you guys for your help !

  10. #890
    Araval's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Hi! Merry Christmas!

    Generals can't use archer animations. At first you can copy and paste the animation entries from an existing general model.

  11. #891

    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Thanks for your quick answer!

    To be more clear, I'm not trying to make a general use a bow, I'm trying to make a horse archer with a general mesh merged with the weapon of a mongol heavy horse archer.

    So I don't know why it wouldn't work.

  12. #892
    Araval's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Right! Your question at the end misled me.

    Did you increase the entries count at the top of modeldb when you added this?

  13. #893

    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Yes I did.

    Could the problem come from the fact that the general model is just made up of a "knight" group ?

  14. #894
    Araval's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    The model isn't even loaded at startup, so that can't be it. I think there's something in the code causing the crash.

  15. #895

    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    Indeed, it was the sprite part. Though I don't know why.

  16. #896
    bitterhowl's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Be a Modder: Doctoring of Medieval 2 units.

    5 SLAVE
    Maybe this one? Why caps?

    My sister, do you still recall the blue Hasan and Khalkhin-Gol?
    Russian warship is winning. Proofs needed? Go find yourself!

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