The Hauker
The Hauker is a person who purchases or acquires goods to be sold for currency. They are often found in and around large cities near the trading ports or markets. The Hauker seeks to turn a quick profit by undercutting provincial and foreign tradesmen. This practice however makes the Hauker an unpopular adversary among the much more established goods suppliers. While some Haukers are just out to earn a living there are those who have tarnished the Hauker reputation by turning a blind eye to questionable or stolen items that have made way into their possession indirectly or otherwise. Coupled with the risks taken by a wandering street dealer all these things makes life for the self-employed entrepreneurs a potentially dangerous one. The wiser and most successful haukers make no mistake about employing trustworthy bodyguards and seek to network with other dealers to secure their positions as freelancers.

For most people the hauker presents an image of those down on their luck scraping by or cheating others out of an honest living, yet contrary to this image there are select few who seize the opportunity of free enterprise and make good use of their bartering and accounting skill to rise above common prejudice and enter the ring of the true mercantile geniuses.