Ladies and gentlemen, as the time has come, please be aware that we have spent a whole year keeping certain things secret for the fans to be surprised. Please respect our wishes and only post in threads with the words **SPOILERS** in the title, if you must discuss these surprises in the first few days of our release.

We want the first time you play EB to be fun, and pleasantly rewarding, in many ways. Please allow everyone to decide for him or herself if they want to learn of these surprises before they play. After a number of days we'll say that the surprises are pretty much over, but until then...well, you get the picture.

We'll be posting gameplay guides which you should be aware contain spoilers regarding factions. Right now they are hidden, but we'll be allowing you to see them soon, to assist you in your first few games of EB.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!


The EB team