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Thread: Referendum for the 1st Addition

  1. #1

    Default Referendum for the 1st Addition

    A referendum, presented by the Prime Minister, is up for a Nationwide vote to pass or dismiss the Addition to the Magna Carta Americanum. The Addition is as followed:

    I - The King of America is entitled to the free public practice of his chosen religion, however, he may not ordain any state religion or persecute members of a differing faith.
    II - The power of the people will remain secured by the establishment of a unicameral congress (to be called parliament, or perhaps senate) with representatives to be voted on by the general population to represent their interests.
    III - The monarch shall have the power to create legislation for review and vote by congress, appoint judges to the supreme court,
    appoint his own advisers, appoint governors, declare war with House of Commons approval, and veto legislation.
    IV - Should a royal line go extinct in the future, the people have the right to vote on a new monarch.
    V - The monarch shall have full control over the armed forces of the United States.
    VI - This proposal can be amended at any time with the standard 2/3 majority procedure.
    VII - The House of Commons may override the House the Lords with a Unanimous Vote.
    Elasticity clause - All other powers not aforementioned belong to the monarch.
    This would passed by a Unanimous vote in the House of Commons, but dismissed by the Lords.
    Last edited by Celsius; October 24, 2010 at 08:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Oct 2008
    Richmond, Virginia

    Default Re: Referendum for the 1st Addition

    This referendum will function mostly like a general election, only it will run for an entire week (so 'till next Monday), is carried out throughout the country, and lastly you can only dole out speeches to win Yes or No votes - no posters. Also, obviously your office isn't at risk Remember people, 3 speeches a day.

    For the record...

    Yes: 20%
    No: 0%
    Last edited by Barry Goldwater; November 02, 2010 at 04:52 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Referendum for the 1st Addition

    Hall speaks in Philadelphia
    "Gentlemen. We have a Alteration to the American Magna Carta. It would force the Monarch to consult the House of Commons before declaring war. This must be a yes. When you give one man the power to throw innocent lives away, it destroys democracy. This process WILL be effected and WILL keep your husbands and sons from fighting pointless wars for only one mans benefit. The other is to override the House of Lords with a Unanimous decision. The Lords voted No because it will take power away from them. When ELECTED officials can not over turn something passed or vetoed by men who are APPOINTED, this is called a Oligarchy where the people dont hold the real power. Only the one's who kiss the King's boot. When you go and vote, you are either voting For Democracy, or Against it. Thank you."

  4. #4
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: Referendum for the 1st Addition


  5. #5

    Default Re: Referendum for the 1st Addition

    "As we speak, the House of Lords continue to vote down acts and bills that have passed the Commons unanimously because they do not like it. Because as you know, the people elected them and not us to get Legislation done. The Lords continue to oppress the government at the will of Pappas. The House of Lords believe that if it isn't in their best interest, it isn't in the American Peoples. The Lords need to have something that can stop them, and this Addition will do just that. It will give power to the elected officials. Officials that you went to the polls and voted for. Tell me, did any one here have a say so of who John Pappas appointed to the House of Lords? No. None of you did. Thats because Pappas is using the House of Lords to keep and iron grip on the Peoples Freedom, Justice, and Liberty. Next week when you go and vote. Will you vote for the something that every single elected official voted yes to, or will you vote in favor of the Lords who have given you nothing, only taken?"

  6. #6

    Default Re: Referendum for the 1st Addition


  7. #7
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Oct 2008
    Richmond, Virginia

    Default Re: Referendum for the 1st Addition

    Not yet, you've still got to break 50 and the guys opposed to this thing will still have time to post so this isn't a lopsided victory for you However, if nobody feels up to it (opposing this) they can just post that here and I'll have you automatically win.

    updated again

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