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Thread: To All Ttw Members/helpers!!

  1. #1

    Default To All Ttw Members/helpers!!

    alright...Never in my darkest dreams would i thought this mod would die! and now due to problems...Well the TTW scripter is missing?

    alright now that really sucks, this mod is the only reason why i still play BI, i would not have it on my computer if i wasn't waiting for TTW :laughing:

    So anybody who can help out the guys who make this , PLEASE DO SO. This is in my opinion the best mod, and i'd be crushed if it failed along with many others!

    and to the TTW team, just saying thanks for making such a wicked mod, you've all seemed to kill yourselves with the effort you've put into this. Don't give up!

    ...and now you can yell for making a pointless thread :laughing:

  2. #2


    I wish I could help, but I barely know how to mod!

  3. #3


    LOL a nice gesture, on behalf of the team thanks but i'm affraid the people we need probably don't read this thread.

  4. #4


    and where exactly do you need help? I mean what field?

  5. #5


    We need somebody to get the map in BI and maybe make one or two tiny additions in the form of rivers to keep it accurate.

    We need somebody to replace all units from rome with our units

    We need somebody to rename some buildings, add some and remove others.

    We need somebody to add all our UI, backgrounds and menus and banners etc.

    We need somebody to add traits and family trees to the game.

    We need the music in the game.

    Everything just needs added! All banners, units, music, icons animations etc are done but sitting there gathering dust.

    So i hope people i can understand my frustration at loosing this very valuable team member at such a stage, he had all of the (coding) work done! Now we doubt we will make the xmas release date untill this can be finsihed. I don't think it wuld take that long, maybe a week if we got enough skilled people on the job.

  6. #6


    Do you think i could post in some of the bigger mod forums asking for help?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Zhuge_Liang
    Do you think i could post in some of the bigger mod forums asking for help?
    Hmm. Try these links, maybe you will find someone.

  8. #8


    I meant even at this web site? Maybe at RTR and Chivalry

  9. #9
    {nF}remix's Avatar Wii will change gaming
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    Oct 2004
    Fre@kmont, California


    Contact an admin from this site, and request a news item for recruitment to be posted at the front page. Im sure they will gladly abide .

  10. #10


    yah man try everywhere, we can help advertise too if you'd like?

  11. #11


    That would sure be nice. I too would hate to see the mod dead, since we have been through so much, and achieved great things.
    As i have said many times on our other forums, i can help adding units, but no one this far has geared my words. Please, Zhuge or Darkie, send me one or two factions worth of units, and short descriptions of what they should be, and i can start working on them ASAP!

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