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Thread: aragonés (Aragonese)

  1. #1

    Default aragonés (Aragonese)

    Bueno, puéstar que bi-ha beluna persona que charre ista luenga n'o fórum, anque muito creigo que ye muito difícil trobar-la astí

    The Aragonese language, of romance origin, is spoken in the mountains of Aragon, the central Pyrenees. It is spoken by a number of speakers of 10.000-30.000. It was the language of the Kingdom of Aragon on its first centuries, and it was spoken in almost all the region until Castillian (better known generically as Spanish) remplaced it. Nowadays, it is a language in danger, that has survived in the lexicon of the Spanish dialect spoken in Aragon.

    To those who doesn't know this language:

    Ta os que no conoxen ista luenga:

    Last edited by brennas; August 26, 2010 at 07:14 AM.

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